Camping Out

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I join my three straight friends for a camping weekend.
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Camping Out

By Simon Peter

I used to both love and hate summer camps when I was an adolescent. Even then, I enjoyed the company of other kids horsing around, swimming butt-naked, sitting around the fire telling horror stories. But I hated the food, the mosquitoes, and the hard ground under my sleeping bag.

This time it was different. We, the four of us, in college, have decided to spend a weekend camping. The idea started with Jonathan. He suggested this change of scene, now that spring had set in and the weather had turned warm. We were all for it. Dan and Alan were also quite excited. But most of all, it was I that had felt the most excited!

I am Marco. I come from Italian stock. I'm dark-skinned, green-eyed, with a hairy-chest, well hung--thick and uncut--, tall and slim. Alan is Jewish. He is short but cute, except for his typical Jewish nose, hooked and everything, and his kinky hair that he insists on wearing long. Both Jonathan and Dan are average-type guys, very pleasant to be with, not as tall as I am, light-skinned with blue eyes and dirty-blond hair.

Why do I look forward to this? Well, I am gay. That should explain it, shouldn't it? But not if the other guys are straight, though. As far as I can tell, my three pals are straight. Alan is actually dating a Jewish girl! I have seen Jonathan and Dan with girls on campus. What am I going to do, spending a horny weekend with three straight guys whose dicks I am hungering for but cannot get?

We leave for the camping site on Friday afternoon in Jonathan's car. Of course, there is a lot of cheer and joking and horsing around during the one-hour drive to the site. When we get there, we pitch tents. There are two tents, which means that we will be pairing up. For whatever unexplainable reason, Alan and I end up in the same tent (Jewish and Italian--what a combination). I had hoped for either Jonathan or Dan to share the tent with. But what the heck? Alan will do, I guess.

After finishing with the tents and stowing our gear, we decide to take a dip in the nearby stream as the sun is going down. It is warm and we strip down to our underwear. I am wearing tight boxers, Alan is in white briefs, and Jonathan and Dan in regular guy boxer shorts. After a while, we climb out of the water and lie on the grassy shore enjoying the last rays of the sun. I examine the wet bulges. I can't tell much from Jonathan and Dan even though the wet fabric sticks to their butts and thighs seductively. Alan's briefs show a bulge, but nothing to advertise. Mine, I notice, is quite impressive. My dick is outlined clearly through the elastic fabric of my tight boxers. What good will that be since the other three cannot be interested?

We spend the evening preparing dinner, eating it, and just lazing in shorts and t-shirts, telling jokes. When we turn in, I strip down to my underwear and get into the sleeping bag. Alan does the same, but strips naked. From what I can see, he has a nice cut dick. I can't tell if it is big in its limp form, but it gets me horny. I toss and turn for a while, with an erection, thinking horny thoughts, with Alan's dick prime in my imagination watching it getting hard. I turn sideways facing Alan who seems to be asleep. Can I try something with him? We've been friends for more than a year. Up till now, nothing has happened to indicate to me that Alan is sexually interested in guys.

I rub my erection slowly. Sliding my hand inside my tight boxers, I masturbate. I really want to take my cock out and jerk off, but I can't do that with Alan inches away. As I rub my cock, I seem to hear a low moan. I turn sideways to see Alan's sleeping bag going up and down at the crotch. Fuck! He's jerking off also!

I can't hold back. I am extremely horny, and watching Alan work his dick is too much for me. I slip out of my sleeping bag and stand next to Alan, my cock bulging in my underwear. There isn't much light but the moonlight that does seep through into the tent is enough for me to stare into Alan's wide eyes as he sees me standing next to him. He immediately stops masturbating.

"Still awake, Marco?" he asks, hoarsely, guiltily, removing his hands from inside the sleeping bag.

"Yea, man. Can't sleep with this hard-on," I say, rubbing my hardness, hoping hope against hope. Will he respond? How will he respond?

"I know, bro," he says as he slips out from inside his sleeping bag. He lies on his back on top of it, naked, his dick erecting straight up. "Same here, as you can see."

I slip off my underwear and my cock springs out, vertically, throbbing. I fist it pulling down on the foreskin, exposing the pink head, already showing some leakage.

"Fuck," Alan smirks. "You're fucking uncut!"

"And you're fucking cut!" I respond, stroking myself, working the skin up and down the shaft.

He stares at me and licks his upper lip. He reaches for his hard dick and rubs it against his belly.

"I've never seen dicks that are uncircumcised," he comments.

"This means that you have never touched one either, huh?" I smile.

"No, you jerk. But it seems to me to be easier to jerk off an uncut dick, pulling on the skin."

"Try," I find the courage to say.

I am surprised as Alan reaches up, with some hesitation, and grabs my hard cock, pulling the skin up and down slowly.

Oh, the feeling!

"Taste it," I command in a hoarse voice, starting to pant.

Alan's initial reaction to this is more widening of the eyes. "What do you mean 'taste it'?" he asks in a whisper.

"Man, just taste it. Lick it. See what it tastes like," I goad him.

Alan sits up hesitantly and wraps his hand around the shaft. He strokes down revealing the pink head, staring at it with wonder. Ever so slowly, he bends and takes my cock in his mouth. Oh, my God! So unexpected! So welcome! Warm, wet lips wrap around my cockhead. I start thrusting in. He gags and moves away.

"You're big, Marco," he whispers, looking up at me.

I respond by pushing him back on the ground and lying on top of him. We are both naked and our bodies are rubbing on each other. I can feel his erection pressed against my cock and balls. Shall I try a kiss? So far, Alan has stroked me and even sucked a little on my cock. So, why not? Our lips meet and he moans. I push my tongue into his mouth, still grinding on him, and we deep kiss.

For the next half hour or so, we kiss, suck on each other, and eventually shoot our loads all over our naked bodies. As a consequence, I fall into a deep, satisfied sleep.

The next morning, there is this funny relationship developing between Alan and me. I know I am gay. But is Alan? What about the girl he is dating? I shouldn't put too much meaning into what we have done last night. We were both horny and we have done what two horny guys do when there are no girls around, help each other out! But the way Alan kissed back? The way he sucked on my dick? Every time our eyes met, Alan would lower his stare and look uncomfortable, almost ashamed. But I have to re-think my views on his sexual preferences. Tonight!

Actually, I don't have to wait that long. Jonathan decides to drive to the mini-market a few miles away to get some more beer and chips and Dan goes with him. As soon as they drive away, I pull Alan to me and kiss him.

"Whoa," he exclaims, pulling away, his hands on my chest. "What the fuck, man?"

"Alan, stop this shit," I tell him, somewhat pissed at his prudish attitude. "You fucking sucked on my dick last night. Or have you forgotten?"

"Fuck you, Marco," he says. "I was fucking horny, is all!"

"Aren't you horny anymore?" I smirk back at him, pulling him back to me.

This time he doesn't pull away. I wrap my arms around his waist and push my crotch against his, already erecting. He is also hard, I am happily surprised to detect. As we kiss, we grind on each other.

Taking a breath, Alan whispers, "Marco, are you gay?"

"What the fuck do you think?" I reply, moving my hands from his waist down to his butt, squeezing it. He moans.

"Marco," he says into my mouth as we kiss, "I want you to fuck me tonight."

I pull back, totally taken by surprise. "What?" I exclaim. "What did you say?"

He turns away, shoulders hunched and walks out a few yards, not saying anything.

Fuck! I am such a heel. How much courage has it taken my friend to say what he has said?

I follow him, wrap my arms around him, pressing my crotch against his butt, and say, "Alan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so crass. I was just surprised. You are dating a girl, for Chrissakes." I grind on his butt regaining my erection.

Without turning around, and without moving away from my grinding hardness, he mumbles, "I have always been curious. And now, with you as my friend, Marco, well..." he trails off.

I kiss the back of his neck. "Alan, man, let's do what we have to do tonight, ok?" I whisper into his ear. "You want me to fuck you? Sure, bro, it will be my pleasure. But why have you waited until now?"

He turns around and faces me. I can tell how difficult it is for him to say what he says next.

"Marco, man, as I said, I have always been curious. Last night was the first time I touch another guy, let alone suck on a penis, and the experience has set me off incredibly. I have never felt like this with Sheila. Also, I feel that with you it's different from being with someone I don't really know. Marco, we've been friends for some time and we like each other a lot. I mean I like you a lot, and I think you like me back, too. I felt so comfortable with you last night."

"Hey, buddy," I respond, stroking his cheek. "Don't sweat it. I am very much attracted to you. And I loved what we did last night. So let's see what will happen tonight, huh?"

He nods his head with a look of anticipation on his face.

We turn around as we hear Jonathan's car approaching. We help with the grocery bags and start for the stream. We strip and jump into the water. Feeling extraordinarily happy, thinking with expectation of what Alan and I will do tonight, I strip stark naked in the water and throw my boxers onto the shore. The other three immediately do the same.

What? We are, all four of us, naked in the water! There is a lot of splashing and laughing. I look at Alan. He is definitely enjoying himself, but somewhat trying to avoid looking at me. How much will he enjoy getting fucked tonight? I wonder. My first time was no joke. I remember it was painful and not pleasurable at all. The guy who fucked me was hung and lacked technique. I was sore for more than a week.

I have to be gentle and careful with Alan, especially since I have a rather larger cock than average. He is going to be sore also, no matter what I do.

Jonathan is splashing Dan. As Dan tries to move away by bending his head down to protect his eyes, Alan jumps out of the water and settles on Dan's shoulders, his dick pressed on the back of Dan's neck. Dan fights Alan off, who splashes back down into the water, laughing and screaming.

It is all-guy fun. But I know that both Alan and I have more ulterior motives. I wonder about Jonathan and Dan. Are they fucking, too? They seem quite close. Oh, I must stop reflecting on everybody being gay or sexually over-hyped. But maybe, just maybe, just a thought! Again I can see that Alan is probably thinking along the same lines. Interesting! I wade close to Alan, and grabbing his butt under the water, I whisper, "Do you think Dan and Jonathan are...?"

He reaches my cock and grabs it, also under the water. "Oh, fuck yes!" he whispers back, squeezing on my flaccid dick which is quickly unflacciding itself, without looking at me.

"No!" I exclaim. "No way, man!"

"Yes way, baby," Alan laughs, releases my dick, and swims off. I am left standing immersed in the water with images of Dan and Jonathan fucking. Who is topping who? It is so difficult to tell as I watch them jumping and splashing in the water. But does it really matter? How has Alan found out that they fuck each other? My mind is in whirls of questions, imaginings, and scenarios.

The evening sets in, and again we sit around the fire enjoying ourselves, eating, drinking beer, telling stories and jokes, reminiscing. Finally, Dan and Jonathan say goodnight and move to their tent. I look at Alan, questioningly. He nods his head. Our communication goes back and forth silently. We both seem to agree that Dan and Jonathan are fucking! We also seem to agree that we need to find out.

We wait awhile, whispering and laughing. I surreptitiously fondle Alan's crotch, playing with his balls and enjoying his tenting erection inside his shorts. He does the same to me. As we are touching each other, very low moans reach our ears, emanating from our friends' tent. Yes! They are fucking!

We creep over, very quietly. The guys are definitely doing each other. Alan opens the tent flap, and there is Dan, standing in the middle of the tent, thrusting his dick into Jonathan's mouth, holding Jonathan's head with both hands. They immediately separate, Jonathan coughing and Dan trying to cover his erected dick with his hands.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Dan screams at Alan.

Alan smirks. "You guys are fagging each other, huh?"

"Fuck you, Alan," Jonathan spurts out, his lips glistening with spit. "Get the fuck out of here."

"Jonathan, baby, it's not fuck me," Alan laughs, tauntingly. "It's more like fuck your mouth with Dan's dick!"

I realize that this will definitely end up in a fight as I see the anger building up in Jonathan's eyes. I decide that this shouldn't be the case and that Alan is over-reacting to cover for his own sexual inhibitions. I hold Alan's waist and press myself onto his butt.

"That's ok, guys," I say smilingly around Alan's head. "We're kinda doing the same here."

"Oh?" Dan and Jonathan exclaim simultaneously.

"Tell you what," I suggest. "Come on out of the tent and let's all have some fun. What do you say?"

Everyone is looking at everyone else, not sure what to do. The situation can only be described as the weirdest ever.

I release Alan and start to strip.

"Come on, you homos. Come out and strip. Let's fuck!" I shout at them, now that most of my questions have been answered and the impossible realization of my dreams has come to pass!

Dan and Jonathan are both already naked. They immediately rush Alan: Dan holds him by the neck and Jonathan strips his shorts off. Alan pretends to resist, half-heartedly, but I can tell he is excited. When he is stripped naked, he already has an erection. So does Dan. So do I. The three of us look at Jonathan's limp dick and with one motion grab him and throw him on the ground. Dan squats on top of Jonathan's upper chest and pushes his erection into Jonathan's mouth as Alan wraps his lips around Jonathan's limp cock that is quickly starting to come to life.

I watch the hot cock-sucking scene stroking myself. Dan pumps Jonathan's mouth, then looks at me and beckons with his head. I approach, my cock hard and glistening, and I feed Dan my meat. He sucks hungrily on it, trying to swallow it all but only gaining half before his gag reflex kicks in as he keeps on pumping his own dick into Jonathan's mouth.

I can hear Alan slurping on Jonathan's cock, which is now fully erect. Jonathan bucks up to thrust deeper into Alan's mouth as he tries to swallow Dan's dick. I pump Dan's throat. Fuck, what a scene! This, I reflect, is going beyond my wildest expectation.

I withdraw from Dan's mouth and watch Alan bob up and down Jonathan's erection. He is bent over and his ass looks delicious. My cock is dripping spit and pre-cum and throbbing with desire. I kneel behind Alan, and as he blows Jonathan, I finger his hole. He moans without moving away. In no time, I am pressing my cock head at his fuck hole. When I penetrate, he screams and gets off Jonathan's cock, trying to push me away.

"Take it out, you fuck," he shouts at me, turning his head and trying to push my body away with one hand. "It fucking hurts. Awwww. Pull it out! Shit... ouch, pull your fucking dick out of my butt, Marco. Please pull out, man!"

I ignore his protestations and keep the pressure on, holding onto his hips, slowly sliding more cock shaft inside his tight ass. Both Dan and Jonathan are staring at us. We are actually fucking!

As I move deeper into Alan, whose screams have turned into whimpering and moaning, Dan and Jonathan hold each other and kiss, grinding onto each other, watching us. Alan is tight, and it's no easy feat to get his fuck tunnel to relax for my engorged cock. He whimpers as I exert more pressure, feeling as if my dick would be chopped off by Alan's squeezing rim muscle.

"Relax," I tell Alan, knowing it is not going to help.

By now I am fully buried, but I feel that Alan is not ready for the pumping. I caress his body, play with his nipples, kiss the back of his neck, but only pressing into his ass without moving. Slowly, Alan's ass relaxes. I start a slow fuck, long and slow.

"Oh, God, Marco," Alan whimpers under me. "It's so fucking big. Fuck, Marco, you're ahhhh fucking HUGE!"

I look up from Alan's sweet body to watch Dan turning Jonathan around and bending him over. He enters him easily, which makes me conclude that they have done this many times before and that Jonathan's hole is used to Dan's cock plowing it. We fuck side by side. When I start to feel my load build up in my nuts and am about to lose it, I withdraw. Alan slumps on the ground, heaving and panting. I pull Dan off Jonathan.

"What the fuck?" Dan complains, as Jonathan also slumps beside Alan on the ground.

"Hold your horses, man," I explain. Dan gazes at me angrily, frustrated, stroking his wet dick. "We are supposed to be friends, here. I think that we should give Alan and Jonathan the benefit of reciprocating."

As soon as they hear me say this, Alan and Dan jump up. "Bend over, bitches," Dan exclaims. "Marco is right. We want your asses."

"The fuck you do," Jonathan responds.

"The fuck they do. Bend over Jonathan," I command him.

Jonathan and I bend over and we get fucked. Before they ejaculate, Dan and Alan withdraw and the four of us circle jerk off spraying each other with our squirts. There is so much cum exploding from our young cocks that it looks more like a cum-shower festival! We end up in the cooling stream, cleaning ourselves from all the jizz.

Later that night, I fuck Alan again. His ass is sore, but he bravely takes me and cums in my hand as I stroke him, with my cock buried deep inside his hole. We can hear the other two guys fucking also. I fill Alan's ass with my juice. As we lie next to each other breathing heavily, Alan places his hand across my belly and kisses the side of my neck.

"You have brought me out, Marco," he whispers. "Thanks, man."

I stroke his butt and say, "My pleasure, baby. Anytime."

Of course, it becomes a constant pleasure for many times to come. Dan and Jonathan eventually become a couple, living together in Dan's apartment, but they come over for a foursome once in a while.

As for Alan and me, our friendship is cemented with an intense relationship. We stay together throughout the rest of the year.

I just love camping!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

It is not unusual for guys to enjoy each other on camping trips. Hunting and fishing too.

simonpetersimonsimonpetersimonabout 2 months agoAuthor

Thanks for the comments. I need to clarify a couple of things:

I apologize for the error of not respecting tense sequence in the first paragraph.

The descriptions of characters includes their ethnicity. There is not intention of racism. It's simply descriptive.

No matter, again thanks for your comments.


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Didn’t care for the stuff talking badly about Jewish people.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I'll be honest, I didn't get as far as any of the good stuff. I know this isn't a professional writing site but there are a few things in here that made it hard to read. The two biggest ones for me were:

You change tenses back and forth several times in the first few paragraphs

You seem to have a genuinely weird hang up about peoples' race ethnicity

A lot of people probably won't notice the first, but it drove me nuts. You didn't just use different verb tenses, you changed literary tenses. It's like a movie changing back and forth between different kinds of cameras.

The other is... well, off putting for other reasons.

I would have liked to have read the story after an edit.

FreakSlaveFreakSlave2 months ago


That was amazing!

As a Boy Scout decades ago, me and a friend of mine (with whom I'd been in a relationship already for a long time) and fellow Scout would have a lot of fun when our Troop went on camping trips... we always tented two-gether...

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