Can I Give You a Hand? Ch. 02

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Tim's exploration of his new-found abilities continues.
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Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/28/2016
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Tim's exploration of his unusual powers continues.

I decided to expand my use of my hands to someone else than just me. I could have spent the rest of my life simply enjoying the two most sought after feelings in the world; endless orgasmic bliss and perfect peace and calm, but the human part of my psyche knew at a base level that life is not all about self. Others need to be factored in at some level. Even if that connection with others is negative, it has to be there somewhere.

My first experiment with my abilities on another person, Ty, gave me some valuable insights about the extent of these powers, but more importantly, it gave me a list of names of girls who had 'put out' for Ty. This was to be my strategy. Try my luck with the sure things.

The first girl was Liz. Her body was perfect; 182cm, slender, slim hips, long blondish hair which came down below her shoulders. She had the biggest boobs of all of the girls in our class cohort and was always a target for eyes, imaginations and the pick up lines of the more adventurous. Her boobs actually looked out of place on the rest of her body, but that only served to make her more obvious. Of course, she dressed to accentuate her features, two especially, as well. She never seemed to be alone in the schoolyard and always bragged about the parties that she had been to on the weekends. She had that 'I am in control of whoever and whatever I choose' look. Even some of the teachers, male and female were wary of her. I never was phased by her, just by her tits! What is it about teenage boys and tits? Ah, another of life's mysteries.

I approached Liz one Friday lunchtime. Just casually, I asked where she was going, as in which party had she decided to go to on Saturday night. First she looked at me as if I didn't exist, then she noticed my eyes and the curiosity that lurked there. She may also have noticed my general aura of good health and physical prowess. Her eyebrows lifted ever so slightly while her eyes narrowed, seemingly piercing mine. "I'm at Jane's place. Will you be going as well?"

That question hung in the air for what seemed an eternity to me, but I replied that maybe I would see her there. I then turned and left her standing. I could feel her eyes and those of her buddies on my back as I walked away.

The play was on. Now all I had to do was figure out what to do next. You may have guessed that I was not all that experienced in the finer arts of building relationships with the opposite sex! So, I turned to that age old font of knowledge in these matters, my mates. Matt was the biggest help. "Just be yourself man. Chicks can pick a fake from a mile away. Let your character do the talking."

John, another one of my schoolyard regulars simply said, "Go straight for the tongue and pussy. They can't resist and will get confused about which one to complain about first. Then you have them!" Another mate, Jones, stated that the only surefire way to get the chicks was to prime them liberally with the finest, purest, strongest alcohol first. Great mates huh!

Anyway, loaded with all of the that precious advice, I made my way to the party at Janes' place. Usual teenage party... music, groups of kids hanging out, laughter, nervousness, and of course alcohol, this time in the form of a huge punch bowl set on a table in the middle of the patio. This is where I made my way to through the sideways stares and questioning glances of the more regular partiers. I spent my first hour passing the time by sipping punch and engaging in hugely serious small talk with a group of friendly natives in the form of some of my previous hockey team and their girlfriends. We were engaged in a serious discussion of the advantages of certain acrylic Indian made hockey sticks when I felt, more than saw, Liz's eyes on me and her presence moving surreptitiously closer to my domain of conversation. She seemed to be intrigued by me. What caused that curiosity, I could only guess at, but hey, who was I to question? After all, she was the main reason I came.

We both realised in a moment of awkwardness that we were standing right next to each other, both holding punch drinks in that arm across the chest guarded stance. It did nothing for my looks, but wow did it do something for Liz, or should I say her tits! Did I mention her tits before? They were being pushed up and out at me in a glorious proud manner. My dick already started to swell as if to match their size. She noticed the direction of my gaze. In fact, part of me realised that this was a stance that Liz probably often used to get her prey, I mean develop the interest of her next lay. "Shit, was I staring that long?" I wondered. No, they say a girl develops that imperceptible intuition about when someone is looking at their tits.

"Let's go somewhere private," she stated, purely business-like. "We have things to, um, discuss."

I followed her meekly and in a state of minor shock. "It can't be this easy?" I mused. We ended up under a large tree in the backyard. There was a bench seat which was mostly screened from the view of the other party goers. Then it went simply like this: we sat down, we put our drinks down, we sidled closer together, we cuddled, we kissed. Simple as that. No words spoken! My heart pounded in my chest as the blood rushed through my ears and then straight on down to where, hopefully, it would be needed soon... my dick. Luckily, I was sitting down, as It forced my aching cock to sort of line up with my trouser leg instead to going 90 degrees to my body if I was standing up.

I foolishly thought that Liz wouldn't notice my obvious enthusiastic male member. Wrong! She was a pro. I wasn't. "Well, well. Someone is pleased to see me. She looked into my eyes and said, "I have recently noticed you at school. You seem to be different in some way, especially lately. When I last saw you about two months ago, I thought you were just the typical teenage wanker, too shy to actually talk to girls, let alone do anything else. There is this air about you which made me curious in some way. It's cool. that we have this opportunity to have fun."

Ah, music to a virgin's ears! She moved her hand down to that long lump next to my leg and gently at first, then more insistently, she rubbed along its length. I thought I felt her hesitate after a few long scouting rubs. "Wow," she cooed. "Where have you been hiding this boy for so long? I am really looking forward to this ride baby. Let me have a closer look to see if what I am feeling is real." Like I was going to argue with that! I was in heaven.

Her touch was so satisfying. Soft, gentle, urgent, warm, all the things that wanking did not have. My mind was in a state of pause while I took in all of these beautiful sensations. Liz, in the meantime was on fast forward. She had unzipped my jeans and tucked my jocks under my balls in a very practised move. Almost under her breath, she whispered, "Now that's a cock. Can I suck it please? I have never seen one so perfect. So smooth, warm and hard. And the length and thickness..." She had to stop talking as her delicious saliva wetted lips and tongue slid down the length of my waiting cock. I had experienced that feeling numerous times because of my new-found flexibility and cock length. I had self-sucked for whole nights some nights. But the absolute bliss of allowing someone else to perform that basic skill is beyond compare. It seemed like my cock would be completely consumed and enveloped by that warm, wet mouth. It felt like my whole body would follow my cock into Liz's eager mouth and disappear forever into that warm embrace. Just at that point, she started to lift her mouth up to release my straining member while moving her tongue in a tantalising fashion along the bottom of my cockhead. "Oh my god!" she gasped. "That is awesome!"

I breathlessly agreed with her. She took that as a sign to keep going, and keep going she did. She continued to move her head, mouth and tongue up, down, around, under and sometimes in, my cock. I unconsciously rubbed her arm with my right hand. If I was thinking coherently for even one minute, I would have known that a touch like this would increase her horniness. I would have known because all of my experimentation proved it to be so. But, ahhh, all I could do was relish the sensory impulses hitting my brain, which currently was situated pretty close to my dick!

At one point, she started taking off her blouse and bra, at long last allowing me to see those gorgeous mounds of soft, smooth tit. "Want to play with them?" she spluttered in between mouthfuls. "Everyone else does."

At this point I should mention that here is where I made fundamental blunder number two. I had only myself to blame. I was completely overwhelmed by my first ever blowjob given by a beautiful, sexy, busty teenage girl. Well, that's my excuse anyway...

I touched her left nipple with my right hand.

She immediately froze. Her eyes glazed over, looking up to the sky. Her neck strained backwards, somehow while still sucking on my straining cock. Her breathing came in long gasps. Her voice rumbled in a choked off scream which, if she hadn't had her mouth full of my cock at the time, I am sure the whole neighbourhood would have heard and dialed 911. Her nipples stood out so proudly that they alone would have filled a training bra. Her breasts had that reddish blush. Her legs were shaking and her hips thrust forward as if to capture an imaginary cock. Her stomach muscles tightened to an impossible hardness, then relaxed in wave after wave of orgasmic bliss.

This of course, did amazing things to my cock. The alternating extreme suction followed by rumbled vibrations coming from Liz's silent screams soon sent my cock into auto pilot. I rhythmically thrust in and out of her mouth in perfect time to her body's thrusts and strains. In no time, my balls contracted, my stomach got that familiar lovely ache as I came long and hard into Liz's throat. Luckily she was a pro and had obviously swallowed loads of cum before, because she didn't allow one drop to spill. All this, while she kept cumming and cumming and cumming.

As I came down from my cum-high, I gently let go of her nipple and brushed her long silky hair off her face, as it was now looking decidedly matted and moist from sweat.

"Oh my fucking god!" she gasped. "What the fuck was that? I have never, ever, EVER cum so hard, or so quickly in all my life. All I did was suck you off while you played with my tits. That's never happened to me before. What the fuck did I do differently? No wait, don't answer that. Just give me a minute and ... I'll see if I can do it again?" she sort of half questioned.

All I could think was that I was a fool. I had completely forgotten about my abilities and had just done what came naturally... played with the tits of the girl who was sucking my cock.

She took no time to be completely naked, casually throwing caution to the wind and her clothes to the ground,then proceeded to do the same for me. I could get used to someone else doing all of the work for me. This was a totally different experience from what I was used to as a wankaholic! We cuddled in a sweaty, slippery sort of way and spent most of the time tongue bashing as we kissed.

This time I thought about my powers and gently caressed her smooth face and neck with my left hand. It produced the expected effect. Liz noticeably relaxed and sighed in contented bliss. "I could get used to this," she murmured lazily. "I hope I didn't hurt you in any way when I climaxed with your dick in my mouth. I completely lost it. It was as if an electric shock went through every nerve ending from my clit to my cunt to my nipples. I couldn't believe I still had the ability to swallow your load, but I did and there're no complaints here. I actually love the taste of cum. It is such a shame that for men it is all over so quickly with a small quantity. I would love to keep swallowing if I could. Wouldn't it be neat to be completely full of cum? I tried once with ten guys from the football team, but it must have been the steroids or something. All muscle, small dicks and even smaller balls! They didn't produce much at all. Oh well, that's just the way it is!"

Ok. You know what I was thinking don't you? As my first real experience of sex with another real person, I wasn't going to let it finish anytime soon. I wanted to savour this and extend it for as long as possible.

I dreamily whispered into Liz's ear, "How would you like to swallow as much cum as you want to?"

"Come on. You just busted your balls. I don't think there is much left in there, do you?"

I mentioned more gamely, "Why don't you suck my dick again and see?"

"All right smarty pants," she replied. "Let's see."

It seemed that Liz was always up for a challenge and didn't shy away from what she wanted. No inhibitions here! At this point she again placed that experienced, beautiful mouth on and over my dick. I let her do what she did before while slowly becoming more hard and ready. I then gently touched my own nipple with my left hand. Instantly the desired effect happened. My body went rigid. My ass clenched. My back arched. My cock became incredibly harder. My balls shrank almost into my backbone as I started to cum. Moans of appreciation came from Liz. She was really into the cum swallowing thing. "So be it," I thought.

I came and came and came. In between the pure pleasure of expelling jet after jet of cum, I playfully thought that one day I should make myself cum into some sort of container, to see if there was a limit to this new found ability. Where did all of that cum come from? It can't be my balls. They are only so big! More experimentation to do sometime. Back to reality...Pulse after blissful pulse pumped through my rock-hard cock. Each pulse pumping a good quantity of my man milk straight into the eager waiting mouth and throat of Liz. She swallowed load after load, never seeming to tire, or get overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of jizz. I knew just how she felt, having done the same thing into my own mouth on many occasions. Liz just moaned and swallowed, moaned and swallowed for what seemed like an endless time. My body never tired of producing that orgasmic high while providing what Liz needed.

This had to come to an end. Not from my end, but from Liz's. I knew I could keep that up continuously, but Liz didn't have the same powers as me and eventually she would suffer fatigue, or she would simply fill her gut with cum to overflowing!

That moment came and she mumbled something like, "Too much... full... Can't take any more." but she continued to mouth then spit the spurts of jizz all over her tits and face. This was a sight to behold and one I hope that I will never forget. "Holy shit!" she gurgled between mouthfuls. "You're still going. My friends are NOT going to believe this."

Now you may not think that it was possible, after all of that sex and cumming, etc, that I would be able to think of anything else, but I did.

I didn't like Liz!

I loved the blowjob and what I could do for her in the orgasm department, but I did not love the self-centred approach she had to everything. It wasn't a, "Hey cool, thanks Tim. That was awesome! How did you do that to me?" No, it was, "Wait til I tell my friends! And I must have done something differently to experience such wild cumming." No credit was given to my 'input', pardon the pun! She always wanted to be in control and rule the play, partner be dammed!

I loved her awesome body and what she helped me experience for the first time, but the rest was sort of empty. In a way, it was similar to a good wank session!

Looking very disheveled, clothes a crumply mess, we both managed to stumble back to party central where we realized that we had spent quite a bit of time 'away'. This was noticed by Liz's gaggle of girlfriends who wasted no time encircling her and questioning her about who she shagged. The comment was also heard that she looked just like after her football team fuck. Liz's mouth scrambled to retell the details of her 'visit to the tree', but I don't think my name was mentioned at all.

I did notice Mary, who was not part of Liz's group, look at me questioningly. She was one of the names on Ty's list of conquests which he unknowingly gave me that fateful night not so long ago.

I looked back and smiled at her. I knew what I could do for a girl now and that knowledge ensured that I did not need to be shy or scared about sex again. I mean real sex this time. Not the lonely frustration relief which I had engaged in up to now!

She smiled back and gave me the unmistaken hand signal to call her, pointing to a small piece of paper which I assumed had her number on it.

Things were looking up!

(more chapters to follow)

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

A young mans wishful thinking. LP

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