Cape and Cowl


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Too late Supergirl realized the danger as a sudden burst of pain ripped through her body. Her vision blurred as the Girl of Steel felt her legs turn to rubber. Unable to stand, she fell forward. It was a pain she'd only felt twice before in her life, and just before she lost consciousness she realized that the crystal in the pendant had to be kryptonite.

"I always thought one of you super types would eventually come after me." Sumiko said as she stepped over Supergirl's prone body. "I bought that little sparkler sometime back. Looks like it was worth the half-million I paid for it."

Picking up one of the machine pistols her bodyguards had dropped, she walked back to stand over her fallen foe. A smile of satisfaction filled her face as she charged the weapon and aimed it at the back of Supergirl's head.

"From what I've been told, it only takes a few minutes exposure to that rock to make you as vulnerable as anyone else." Sumiko said as she visualized a cross-hair in the middle of Kara's golden locks. "It's a pity you can't be awake for this. I'd love seeing the look in your eyes as you see death's wings take flight."

Now it was Sumiko's overconfidence that proved her undoing. It was only at the last possible moment that she caught the motion of purple and gold to her left before the full weight of Batgirl's 110 lbs slammed into her body. Still, that brief recognition of danger was enough for Sumiko to pull back and deflect at least some of the blow. She even managed to hold onto the Uzi.

"This is my lucky day." Sumiko called out confidently as she spun around and began to spray the room with gunfire. "I get to waste two of you bitches!"

Batgirl barely ducked under the arc of fire as she dropped down to the carpeted floor and quickly rolled over to the unconscious Supergirl. Disregarding her own immediate danger, she reached out for the bright gold plated pendant. Gloved fingers closed on the small piece of jewelry, snapping it closed. Then in a single fluid motion, Batgirl completed a body roll and tossed the perilous trinket out to and over the now open balcony.

"Die Bat-bitch!" Sumiko yelled as she slammed a fresh ammo clip into the machine pistol and walked her shots across the floor.

"Get it in gear Barbara!" Batgirl's inner voice cried out as she pivoted in the other direction. "Otherwise you're going to make the morning's obituary page after all."

Long months of inactivity took their toll as Batgirl's reflexes were just a little too slow. The stream of bullets shattered a wall length mirror, showering the gold caped crusader with hundreds of tiny razor sharp fragments. The few seconds she took to shield her face were all Sumiko needed to trap her.

"Bye bye bitch!" she sneered. "First you, then the blonde girl scout over there. Then that Gordon cunt can join you both in hell."

"I think you forgot about something." Batgirl grinned right back.

"I don't think so." came the confident response.

The heartless killer did feel a brief flash of disappointment that was reflected on her face. She was so hoping that Batgirl, like so many of her victims, would plead for her life. Where was the fun in killing if you didn't get to enjoy the fear it produced.

"Surprise." the soft fluid voice whispered into Sumiko's ear.

"What..." she started to reply.

Reaction came much too late as a blue covered arm reached out and crushed the small snub nosed barrel of the machine pistol. If the terrorist pulled the trigger now, the weapon would explode - taking her hand with it.

Sumiko's attention diverted, Batgirl leapt to her feet and produced a set of steel bat-cuffs from one of the back compartments of her utility belt. With practiced ease, she grabbed the startled murderer and slammed the restraints around her wrists.

"Nice move." Supergirl commented in a voice that only partially hid the weakness she still felt.

While the Kryptonian's strength had begun to slowly return as soon as the lethal gem had been removed, it would take time before she was back at full strength. As it was, the simple act of crushing Sumiko's weapon had exhausted her reserves.

The sounds of gunfire had produced dozens of calls from panicky hotel guests. In response, a small legion of Washington's Finest had appeared at the door to the penthouse suite mere minutes later. It was a toss up which they found more surprising: the devastation inflicted on the antique surroundings, or the presence of the two women whom they had only thought of as legends.

"Why don't you take a few minutes in the next room to compose yourself." Batgirl said to Supergirl in a low voice as the police picked up the two bodyguards that the Girl of Steel has disabled earlier.

"Good idea." Supergirl agreed. "I only need a few minutes."

"Take whatever you need." Batgirl replied. "I'll deal with everything out here."

As Supergirl disappeared into one of the bedrooms, the Captain in charge of the detail came up to Batgirl. His men were already leading Sumiko out of the room, trailing a litany of curses, blood oaths and promises of retribution.

"Where did Supergirl go?" the excited Captain asked in a voice filled with hero worship.

"Err...she needed some time to... " Batgirl said, hesitating to draw attention to the Maid of Might's period of weakness.

"Oh I understand." the police officer nodded knowingly, thinking that Batgirl had motioned to the bathroom instead of the bedroom next to it. "I guess you never really think of folks like you having to do things like that. Just like the rest of us."

Five minutes later, a much refreshed Supergirl emerged from the bedroom. The color was back in her face and she had a reassuring confidence in her stride.

"Thanks." she smiled at Batgirl.

"Supergirl, I can't tell you what an honor it is to meet you." the excited Captain said as he anxiously shook the Kryptonian's hand. "Billy Ryan." he added.

Batgirl figured that it would be a good ten minutes before the police officer finished with the Girl of Steel. Not that she really blamed him. Batgirl had to admit that she felt a little of that hero worship herself. Sure she was Batgirl, but what was that really worth. An ordinary woman in a Halloween costume. Supergirl, she was like magic. The woman could actually fly. She could move mountains. She was actually from another world.

There was a time when the scarlet tressed adventurer would've asked herself why couldn't she meet a guy like that. Lately however, Barbara had become more away of a growing attraction to other women. Deep down, she knew that those attractions had always been there, but she was always afraid to act on them. Just before she had accepted the appointment as Congresswoman, she had been on the verge of acting on those feelings. Then those desires, like so many other things, had been put aside for the sake of her career.

"I wonder if Supergirl ever has feelings like that." Barbara wondered as she imagined what the Girl of Steel looked like without that costume. "What a first time experience that would be." she mused.

Super or not, Supergirl was still a woman. Filled with the same desires that every other woman had. At least that was what she'd said in an interview she had given Lois Lane when she'd first appeared a few years back. The story had appeared in the Sunday edition of the Metropolis Daily Planet and Barbara had read a copy of it at the Gotham Library. Remembering the article, she also recalled that Supergirl's real name was Kara. Both then and now, she'd thought the name as beautiful as the woman.

"I wonder what the odds are that she's into women." Batgirl mused as she admired the curve of the heroine's ass.

That thought and the imagery that went with it only served to add to the wetness that continued to grow between her legs.

"Listen to me." the cowled crusader thought. "Two days ago the idea of being with another woman was the furthest thing from my mind. Now a few hours as Batgirl again and I want to put the make on the most desirable woman in the world."

One night, back in the early days of their relationship, Robin and she had discussed the sexual habits of the world's various superheroes. They had been lying in bed, bathing in the warm afterglow of a night of energetic lovemaking. Some of it was conjecture, some of it fact. All of it entertaining.

Robin had met many of the major heroes through his partnership with Batman. He had an opinion about all of them, especially the woman. Most of them were straight he concluded, but there were exceptions. Wonder Girl of the Titans was definitely into babes, he'd said. Yet Wonder Woman was into both men and women, depending on her mood. Speedy, also of the Titans, was as queer as a three dollar bill.

Even the straight ones had their own quirks. Black Canary was really into heavy bondage and discipline. Ice, also of the Justice League, was on the opposite end of the spectrum. She was a born submissive with a passion for dominant men.

Where in this mix did Supergirl fit in? Barbara could only wonder.

"Can I drop you of somewhere?" Supergirl asked as she walked up to Batgirl.

"What..?" Batgirl answered as she was startled out of her daydreaming.

"I asked if could drop you off somewhere?" Supergirl repeated.

Batgirl looked around and noticed that the adoring Police Captain was nowhere to be seen. She hadn't even noticed him leave.

Barbara considered the fact that the unmarked car that Bruce kept in the garage of her building was parked behind the hotel. It was untraceable and she could safely leave it there. Even if someone stole it, well Bruce could well afford to buy a new one.

"I'd appreciate that," Barbara answered. "It's Kara, isn't it."

"Yes it is." Supergirl smiled; the use of her real name evidently was very important to her. "And I guess I still call you Batgirl."

"Barbara." Batgirl said, almost without thinking. "My name is Barbara."

"I know." Kara replied softly.

"You know?" Barbara asked. "Of course, how could you not know. I mean, what with x-ray vision and all."

"Wait a second." Kara interrupted her new friend. "I'd never scan beneath the mask of an ally."

"How then...?"

"There are some abilities that are involuntary." Kara explained. "They work without conscious thought. Just like they do on a normal person."

Barbara only partially understood, but accepted the fact that her unmasking hadn't been intentional.

"It's partly your fault you know." the blonde went on. "That perfume you wear has a very distinctive scent. Even after the shower you obviously took when you changed identities, there's just enough of a trace amount for me to pick up on."

"You figured it out from my perfume?" the redhead said astonished. "There has to be a thousand women in DC alone who've bought it."

"That was just part of it." the Kryptonian went on. "Your voice was the other half of the puzzle. Actually you should be proud of yourself. The voice you use as Batgirl is pretty different from the Congresswoman's. I know a dozen actresses who aren't that skilled. I doubt anyone with less sensitive hearing than mine could ever pick up on it."

"I guess I can't blame you at all then," Barbara said. "and if I can't trust you with my secret, who can I trust."

Supergirl smiled broadly, then a pensive look appeared on her face. The sudden shift in expression didn't go unnoticed.

"I've seen that look before." Barbara said in response. "That's the look of someone who has something to say but doesn't know if or how to say it."

"You're pretty observant." Kara replied.

"I had some pretty good teachers." came Barbara's reply.

"Okay, if this is the wrong thing to say, please accept my apologies in advance." Kara offered.

"I'm a big girl, a little thing like words aren't going to bother me."

"Well," Supergirl began, seeming to be searching for the right words. "I was going to say that the only reason I was able to recognize you from those little clues, was because I was so taken by you when we met this morning. I haven't been able to get you out of my mind all day. At first it was because you reminded me of someone I lost a long time ago. Then I realized it was because I felt attracted to you in a way I haven't been drawn to anyone in a long time. Back home, on Argo City, this wouldn't be a problem. We didn't have a problem with same sex attractions. Here on Earth, I know that a majority of people, at least in this country, don't go in for that sort of thing."

Kara paused to see Barbara's reaction. She had said a lot more than she'd intended, and hoped that if offended, Barbara would at least let it pass without comment. The last thing she expected was for the pretty redhead to burst out laughing.

'I'm sorry..." she said in-between laughs, unable to regain her control for a few minutes. "I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at myself."

Now it was Kara's turn to be confused.

"Not ten minutes ago," Barbara tried to explain as she finally recovered her self-control. "I was having the most erotic fantasies about you and chiding myself for having thought them. I've never done anything like this before. I mean outside of my fantasies. But I couldn't help thinking how much I'd like you to be my first."

"Well then." the woman from a distant star beamed. "It seems we have a lot more in common that we first thought. Perhaps we should have dinner and discuss it a little further."

"I'd like that." Barbara beamed back.

After they thought about it, having a quiet, private dinner was easier said than done. After all, freshman legislator that she was, Barbara was still a member of congress. Kara on the other hand, was already world famous, with the pictures of her latest exploits adoring the front page of Washington's afternoon papers. As well as the lead story on all the evening news shows.

"I know a place." Kara smiled. "But we really aren't dressed for it. Why don't you head home and change and I'll meet you there in an hour. Something casual, it's really not a fancy place."

"Sounds fine to me." Barbara smiled back, her tone tinged with anticipation.

Casual was an understatement as Barbara opened her door a little over an hour later to find Kara standing there in street clothes. The familiar and flamboyant blue and red costume had been replace by a simple embroided pink tee and a pair of white slacks. Her long blonde hair hung loosely around her shoulders, reaching down to just below her breasts. She looked like hundreds of other pretty girls you'd find walking the streets of Washington on a summer day.

"Oh my." Barbara gasped.

"Too much?" Kara asked.

"Not at all." Barbara grinned. "I don't think anyone's going to recognize you like that."

Barbara had changed into a comfortable summer print, blue and white. Her thick red locks had been pinned up and back. "Are you ready?" Kara asked.

"Definitely." Barbara smiled. "Do I need to bundle up or anything?" she asked.

"Not unless you plan on driving with the top down." Kara replied.

"Driving..?" Barbara queried.

"You do have a car, don't you?" Kara asked in return.

"Why yes, but I thought that..."

"That we'd fly to where we were going." Kara finished her question for her.

Barbara nodded yes.

"I really try to live a normal life when the costume comes off." Kara offered. "And believe it or not, I don't have a drivers license."

"You're kidding." Barbara grinned.

"No, I gave up my last secret identity some time ago." she explained. "It's hard to go down to motor vehicles when you don't have so much as a library card in your name."

"I guess I'm driving then." Barbara concluded.

It was only a short drive into the Virginia countryside where they pulled up to a quaint nineteenth century bed and breakfast. Inside they were quickly shown to a private table in the dining room by one of the owners of the establishment. After the older woman took their orders, she left them alone.

"I think she recognized you." Barbara whispered.

"You don't have to whisper, Barbara." Kara said in a normal tone. "Mrs. Hackett very well knows who I am. In fact, I think that look of recognition was for you."

A momentary look of worry flashed across the Congresswoman's face, but Kara was quick to reassure her.

"About three years ago, Mrs. Hackett's grandson was ice skating on the frozen lake out back with some friends." she said. "Luckily, I happened to be flying over a few minutes after the ice broke and he'd fallen through it. I was able to get him to the hospital in Richmond quick enough for the doctors to save him. She hasn't forgotten that. So you don't have to worry about anything. Whatever happens within these walls stays here."

"In that case." Barbara said with relief as she reached out and took Kara's hand in her own. "I think I should tell you that I could really fall in love with you quite easily."

"You don't know how good it feels to hear that." Kara replied with a twinkle in her deep blue eyes.

Over what turned out to be quite a magnificent dinner, the two woman learned a great deal more about each other. Kara told of her attempts to become more like the people of her adopted world. Attempts, which had ended in failure after failure until she finally, learned she was kidding herself. The only way she could really become one of them was to give up the abilities that made her different. That wasn't something she was prepared to do. She'd become quite accustomed to being super-powered over the last few years and wasn't about to give that up.

"You could do that, give up your powers?" Barbara asked.

"Yes, there is a certain isotope of kryptonite that can alter my molecular structure so that my body would no longer convert solar energy the way it does. That's the way my powers work by the way. That and the lighter gravity of this world." Kara explained. "Superman called it gold K after the color. He keeps one of the rare samples of it hidden in his arctic fortress for an emergency. If he ever came up against a stronger, evil survivor of Krypton, it might be the only weapon he could use. The effects are permanent."

"I thought that you and her are the only survivors of Krypton?" Barbara asked.

"Not really, there have been others. Some good, some not so." Kara went on.

"That's a scary thought." Barbara mused. "All that power in the hands of someone with no compulsion against using it."

"Well, that's a worry for another day." Kara smiled. "I want to hear more about you."

Barbara happily complied. She told how she grew up hiding her beauty in favor of her intelligence, believing that you could only be one or the other. It wasn't until she became Batgirl that she realized she could be both. The Congresswoman vented her frustration about how what she thought of as a golden opportunity to make a difference as a legislator had instead become a trap with no real authority. Her chief of staff who answered to the party bosses was running her office. She'd become a figurehead.

"Maybe you just have to decide what's more important to you." Kara suggested. "Do you make a more important contribution as Batgirl or Congresswoman Gordon. Or are the two really as incompatible as you seem to think."

"I've had some of the same thoughts over the last few hours." Barbara said.

"As far as your authority goes." Kara continued. "It's still there, all you have to do is reach out and take it. No matter how you got there, you are the Congresswoman. Your chief of staff only has control because you let him. As long as you are willing to pay the price, which is perhaps not getting elected in November, you can pretty much do what you want. And if you should lose, well would you be any worst off than right now. At least you'd have made a difference in the interim."

Barbara thought about it for a few moments. Everything Kara had said had also occurred to her at one time or another over the last few months, but she hadn't been really listening to her inner voices. Perhaps all she really needed was to hear that advice reflected by someone she trusted - a commodity all too lacking inside the beltway.