Captain Emrah Jackson Ch. 12


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"Please, let me go," I said, quietly, as I stopped struggling.

There was just one of his hands holding my hands above me. The other was under my chin raising my face to his.

"Tell me you submit."

My knees felt weak, and I felt a strong warm feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"I submit," I whispered.

He grinned. "Good girl," he said, and placed his mouth over mine.

I didn't kiss him back at first, but the feeling of his lips on mine, made my body quiver, and then I knew I was truly his.

As I returned his kiss, he let go of my wrists, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His skin still felt warm and damp from the shower.

I couldn't believe what I was doing. There was something liberating about giving myself to him like this.

My belt was being undone, and the holster with the gun fell heavily on the deck. He was stripping me of my authority, and I was letting him. The more power he took from me the hotter I became.

Next he unzipped my top and I helped him pull the fabric over my shoulders. My naked chest pressed against his, and I felt the heat from his body radiating into mine. While I was soft and smooth, he was hard and firm.

He reached his hands around me and took hold of my rear, and started to walk me towards the bed. His large hands squeezed my firm cheeks, then with a push of his body against mine, he sat me on the edge of the bed.

We weren't kissing anymore. He stared down at me with a big arrogant smile on his face. I was his prize and he had just claimed me. To show my gratitude, I ran my hands across his stomach. Feeling the muscles beneath his skin.

I wanted him to pounce on me, to take me roughly on the bed, but he just watched as I explored. This is what he wanted, to be admired and worshiped. He didn't want a passive girl to fuck, he wanted someone to adore him.

This was his final test. There were no more hands to hold me in place, or words to try and intimidate me. Just sitting in front of him topless with my hands on his body, waiting for my next move. The one that would show him just how much I was willing to submit to him.

The grin on his mouth widened as I started to loosen the towel around his waist. It fell down easily onto the floor. His cock was already hard, and waiting. There were no hands on the back of my head to guide me, or strong words to argue against. Just his naked body in front of me.

Like the rest of his body, he was well-endowed. Far bigger than Orton or any of the men I remembered being with.

I took it carefully in my hands, I noticed his body tensing as I touched it. Then I softly kissed the tip, all the while looking into his eyes. My tongue was next, caressing and licking, tasting the soap. With it moist at the tip, I dragged it back and forth across my lips.

My eyes never left his. His smile was gone and there was just a smug curl at the corner of his mouth. It made me want him more.

The tips of my fingers glided up and down his length. It was so thick and long, and now I couldn't keep my eyes off it. I pressed it to my cheek, feeling it against my soft skin. It was warm and had it's own kind of softness.

The urge to feel him in my mouth was strong and I took the tip between my lips, and gently sucked. Chewing with my lips. I heard a sigh from him as my mouth engulfed it further. I reached around the base of it, and gave it a squeeze back and forth.

It was only now with my mouth full that he spoke.

"This is what you have wanted, isn't it?"

His cock was still in my mouth, as I looked up at him, and gave him a brief nod.

"Good girl."

I tried to take him fully into my mouth, but he was too big. I used my hand to make up for it and jerked him as I sucked.

The hardness of his cock, and the effect I knew it was having on him was getting me very excited, the more I sucked the more I wanted him to fuck me. He was content to just let me pleasure him.

To try and encourage him, I put my hand on his ass and pulled him towards the bed. He got the message, and let me scooch backwards on to the bed.

I was expecting him to remove my trousers, but instead, he climbed on top of me, straddling me. His big legs at either side of my stomach.

His cock was still in my hands, and I slowly stroked him. I tried to get it into my mouth again, but I couldn't get my neck to bend that far. He let me know what he wanted by pushing my shoulder back against the bed. He wanted me to jerk him off.

As I did, he played with my tits, and tugged at my nipples, to watch my reaction. Faster and faster I jerked him. His cock was only inches away from my face. My arm was beginning to ache, but I could tell he was on the edge.

I wanted to taste his cum though. As his breathing became shallow and I saw the muscles in his chest tense. I stopped stroking, and lay may arms above my head passively.

There was a look of sheer frustration on his face as I denied him his moment of pleasure.

"Slut," he grunted, and lent forward pushing his cock into my mouth. He thrust it hard a couple of times, making me gag as it hit the back of my throat. There wasn't time to complain, as I felt a hot thick liquid filling my mouth. I instinctively swallowed.

There were a few more grunts as he pumped the last of his cum into me. Once he was through, he slipped his cock out of my mouth, and gave it a brief wipe on the side of my cheek.

His body hit the mattress next to me, and he let out a pleasurable sigh.

"I knew you'd be a good cock sucker, the moment I laid my eyes on you."

Tyrus wasn't the cuddle sort, it seemed as he made no effort to hold of attend to me. In those few awkward moments, I suddenly remembered my duty. I was still on my shift.

Quickly I sat up, and searched around for my top. As I got off the bed he told me he wasn't through with me.

"I really have to go," I said.

He stayed where he was, while I put my stuff back on. I was in a bit of a panic, as I wasn't sure how much time had passed.

"Come back tonight, girl," he said, from the bed.

"I don't know," I said, as I opened the door.

"Yeah, you do," he said, and chuckled.

I raced back to the bridge, and when I got there I found it to be just as empty as when I left it. There was still an hour on my shift. I let out a thankful sigh.

Sitting back in the command chair, I thought about what had just happened. It wasn't something I had intended to happen, but it was something that I had enjoyed. The question was, would I let it happen again?


After my shift, the rest of the day was mine to do with how I pleased. I should have really slept, but I was feeling restless again. It was in the gym that I found some solace.

It was nice to be able to work out with no chance of interruption. I still hadn't talked to anyone about my chat with Procter. After this was all done I would speak to Delphine and take her advice.

I ate a meal alone in the dinning room, and then decided to go and speak to Faith. She was pleased to see me and we talked a bit about how she had been a pilot before joining Delphine. I asked her if she would teach me one day, and she said she would. She then told me that the yacht had two shuttles, in the cargo hold. They had simulation programs built-in for training purposes. I certainly wasn't ready to take one out into space, but I was keen to try the training program.

I took her advice and headed to the cargo hold. There were two midsize shuttles that lay on tracks side by side. They were big enough for one pilot and about six passengers. They were only intended for short planetary trips.

One I was in the pilots seat, it didn't take me long to find the training mode. Everything was laid out in an easy to understand way. For the rest of the afternoon I learned the basics of how to pilot the craft.

It felt familiar, and was another thing I was sure I had been able to do before. Faith had told me it wasn't so different piloting larger ships. The concept was basically the same with some obvious differences.

After a few hours I got the hang of it. I wouldn't be allowed to take it out for real at the moment, but later I hoped that Faith would come with me on my first flight.

I didn't get any sleep before my shift, which is something I should have done. At least it meant that I wouldn't sleep over.

It was early evening, and as such I didn't have to deliver any of the meals. After learning to pilot the shuttle, I felt a bit more confident looking at the consoles on the bridge. Faith had been right about the basics, as I could start to see what everything did. There was a lot I still don't know, though.

Nothing of note happened on my shift. I had half-expected Tyrus to contact me again, but he didn't. That was probably a good thing. As my mind wandered to my time with him, a familiar tightness developed in my stomach. I tried to shake it the best that I could.

Juno came to the bridge and took over, once my shift ended. There was still no warmth from her. I tried to make a little small talk, but she wasn't interested.

I jumped into the shower when I got back to my quarters. The hot water felt good, and refreshing. I changed into my silk dressing gown before bed, and sorted out my hair. When I got time I thought, I was going to cut it. Having it short like Juno seemed the sensible option, but part of me would miss my long blonde hair.

I thought back to when I first met Orton, or so I thought, and how I struggled to style it. All those skills that I had learned seemed useless now. Instead of beauty regimes, I was learning more practical skills. How much of my feminine side would I lose, I wondered.

As I sat at my desk, I started to style my hair the way Orton liked it. First I used a curling tool to put in some tight curls, then sprayed it with a product that would make it feel silkier and softer. I ran my fingers through the ends of it, feeling how light and soft it felt. There was something comforting about pampering myself like this.

I hadn't worn make-up for many days now, and my face in the mirror looked plain and dowdy, at least to me. There were lots of expensive products in the draw. I carefully took them out and laid them on the desk. A thin layer of foundation went on first, then some eye shadow, and finally some peach lipstick. It was a nice little routine that I had developed.

My reflection showed a girl that was ready to attend a fancy dinner, not someone who was preparing for bed.

Of course, I knew that I wasn't really going to go to bed. I was lying to myself thinking that I was making myself pretty just for my own enjoyment. I was doing it for another.

I dabbed my neck with some perfume, and adjusted my robe, opening it slightly to show off my cleavage. The tightness in my stomach was back, as I imagined Tyrus slipping it off my shoulders.

The stillness of the yacht was strong as I walked through the corridors, with a made up face, and revealing gown. There was no one to bump into or to question my decision. Just me and my choice, and it was my choice. There was no collar around my neck this time.

I remembered going to Delphine's quarters in a similar manner, but then it had been on the off chance that she would reciprocate my feelings. With Tyrus I knew what to expect. He was going to fuck me as much as he could. At the end of it there would be no rejection, and no feelings either.

At his door I pondered if I should make up an excuse for my visit. There was still that part in my brain that didn't want to stroke his ego. That was the part that gave me the butterflies when I wanted to give into him.

My heart was racing as I unlocked it, and went in. It was dark inside and he was in bed.

"Back for more, huh," he said, as he sat up in bed.

The smug grin on his face widened as I approached the bed, and then his eyes widened as I slipped off my gown. He made a pleasing grunt as he looked me up and down.

"Come here then," he said, patting the bed next to him. As I did, he reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me quickly onto the bed. He moved his body over mine with his arms at either side of my head.

My mouth was dry with anticipation, and my heart fluttered. This is what I had wanted. To be dominated by him, to give myself to him sexually like this. He knew it, as his face showed his confidence in his conquest. This wasn't a one time thing anymore.

"Did you do your make-up just for me?" He asked, as he hovered over me.

I considered lying, and telling him it was a coincidence, but I didn't, and nodded. This made him smile.

"Do you want me to be gentle?"

Again, I considered lying, and again I decided against it. I shook my head. His smile turned into a laugh, and he kissed me firmly.

He took me as promised, there was no gentleness in his attentions. Strong hands groped and squeezed. His lips pressing hard and fast. In turn my nails dragged across his skin. His grunts filled the room as he explored and tasted every part of me.

At times, I was restrained, either by his body or by his hands. I felt helpless when he did, and hornier with each time.

My lipstick was gone, wiped off on his body, some on his lips and some on his cock. The first of my cries came when he delved his thick strong fingers into my pussy. More came when he sucked my clit into his mouth.

He wasted no time in letting his cock have it's fun. His hands took hold of my ankles, and my legs were spread open. I got to see his chest and the expression on his face as he drove it relentlessly into my body. There was no savoring the moment for him. He just wanted to fuck me as hard as he could.

My body felt like a rag doll, and he moved me around into various positions. On my belly, on my knees, and in his lap. We fucked and fucked.

I lost the curls in my hair, as he took handfuls of it as he screwed me. The smell of my perfume was replaced with the smell of sex and our bodies. All the doubt I had was washed away as her mercilessly pounded me.

There wasn't one part of me that didn't ache or feel pleasure. I couldn't tame or slow his wildness, only act as a sponge for it.

When I came, it was without warning and swept me into even greater enjoyment. He didn't even notice, and I didn't even think he cared. It made it that bit more delicious, knowing that my pleasure was second to his.

He came inside of me, filling my pussy with his hot thick cum. He grunted as he did. There was no kiss or cuddle, just that grunt and a smug grin. He rolled off and lay panting next to me.

Once I caught my breath, I made a move to leave. I had to get back to my quarters, he stopped me though.

"You can stay for longer," he said, his breathing still labored.

My reluctance vanished as he wrapped my in his arms, bringing me close to his chest. It was warm and safe, and I promised to stay just for a little while. Sleep came for me quickly.


"Cara, wake the fuck up."

I struggled out of my slumber. It was Juno, she was stood in the doorway. For a second I forgot where I was. Then it came back to me, I was still with Tyrus.

I had overslept again. I should have been in my quarters.

"You joining us, Juno?" Tyrus said, as he realised what was going on.

"Fuck off," she snapped.

I mumbled an apology and got out of the bed, grabbing my gown. After putting it on, I joined her in the corridor.

"What the fuck are you doing?" she asked, as she locked the door.

I started to speak, but she cut me off.

"I know what you were doing." She looked angry, more so than before. "Is this what you are going to be like? Fucking half the crew while you should be on duty."

I shook my head, and tried to explain, but she wasn't interested. She told me to follow her.

We didn't speak as we went to the bridge. I felt terrible. It was the worst thing I could have done.

Delphine was waiting for us.

"Sorry for waking you," she said. Which confused me a little.

"Is it my shift?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Something has happened."

Juno stayed quiet, but her face still looked annoyed. It was now that I realised that she went to fetch me, and couldn't find me in my room. It made me feel slightly better about things.

Delphine went on to tell me that one of the shuttles had launched while Juno was on duty. The alert that should have gone off had been disabled from the cargo bay. There was no way to tell when it was even launched. She only knew about it because she gave the ship a quick patrol before her shift started.

"That's when I went to find you," Juno said, giving me a dirty look.

"Do you know who took it?" I asked.

"We don't I'm afraid, it's not showing up on any scans either. It's long gone."

"Who ever took it is probably the one we were looking for." Juno said.

"Be on your guard, just in case." Delphine warned, as we left the bridge.

Juno told me that I should get changed and get my gun. She accompanied me to my room.

"What if there had been an emergency, and we need to find you," she said. All I could do was agree.

As I changed she stood by the doorway. "You know what, I can do this on my own," she said, and shut the door. I sighed as I heard the locking mechanism. She had locked me in.

I fell onto my bed in a heap. Nothing I seemed to do was going right lately. My relationship with Juno was at rock bottom, and the relationship I was entering with Tyrus, wasn't something I had even wanted.

I wanted to sleep, but I needed to stay awake just in case I was needed. I doubted Juno was going to tell her mother what she had done. So I just lay there contemplating my situation.

Hours passed, while I waited to find out about my fate, I showered and changed into some shorts and a vest. It woke me up a bit, but I still felt like sleeping. At least now, I could fully appreciate everyone else's forced imprisonment.

The door was finally unlocked, and then opened revealing Tyurs standing there with smile on his face.

"I've come to release you," he said, with a chuckle. Part of me was glad to see him. I don't think I could have faces Juno again, so soon.

"What happened?" I asked, rising up from the bed.

"It was Faith, she was the traitor. She escaped in a shuttle."

I couldn't believe it. She had been so nice and helpful. Tyrus didn't look very shocked.

"How did she get out of her room?"

"She must have bypassed the lock somehow. Dex is looking into it."

He came over to me, and put his hands on my hips.

"She was never a slave like me and you," he said. "She was a freeborn member, she must have been a bounty hunter or at least a paid informant."

There was a lustful look in his eyes as his hands started to caress my hips. He told me he was on a break as they were nearing Alpha Giraad.

"She seemed so nice," I said.

He chuckled and gently pushed me onto the bed. "She was, not as good as you in bed though."

"I need to get some sleep." I told him. I wasn't really in the mood for him at the moment.

"It'll be quick," he said, as he eased me onto my back.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

It's changed from kinky to mainstream. Wtf?

Vector900Vector900almost 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you for sticking around maddict.

maddictmaddictalmost 3 years ago

I'm glad to find your story still in progress, it's been a while.

There is still hope for our Captain Emrah to be returned. She will be much stronger after more training and a reversal of the mind wipe.

Good Gyrl

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