Captain Emrah Jackson Ch. 23


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She laughed and told me it wasn't necessary. "Just give me the highlights over dinner."

It would be sometime before I got used to her way of doing things.

After a much-needed shower and time to get my head together I made my way to her quarters that evening. We ate a simple meal, and I gave her a brief rundown of what had happened. I did mention the two deaths, but left the details running up to them vague, and I didn't mention anything about Fisk. It was better to be honest about that I thought, in case she ever had to take the ship there again.

"That's regrettable," she said, but acknowledged that sometimes that sort of thing was necessary.

She asked how Roki had performed, and I was glowing in my appreciation of her.

"So you sorted out the discipline issue with her."

"I think so."

She told me we had already plotted a course to a way station, there we would sell the metal and get our first profit of our trip. She also started to talk more about her plan to attack one of these luxury cruise liners.

"What would you need to disable its defense systems?"

I shrugged. "A portable computer would do it, I would need access to its mainframe, but I wouldn't know how to do that without detailed plans."

She nodded. "What if you were on board, as a guest for instance."

"It's possible," I said, with a chuckle. "Not easy, but possible."

"Those tickets are expensive, but once we sell the copper, I think we'd have enough."

I tried to talk her out of it. There were too many variables, I even suggested a dry run first. Berta wasn't that type of leader though, and I got the impression her mind was already made up.

It wasn't all that she wanted to discuss. She asked me how I was fitting in. I was honest, with her. I told her that I was enjoying the work, and was happy to be repaying her debt. Although I couldn't deny that there was a part of me that still struggled with this alien environment.

"We can do something about this now," she said, and fetched a device out of a cabinet. She asked me to lay my arm on the table and I knew what she was going to do. The device printed a medium-sized tattoo on the underside of my forearm. It was a faded leaf, and Berta told me it signified a light touch. I admired it, and joked that one day I might have as many as she did.

"Now that you are officially part of the crew, I've got something to talk to you about."

"Go ahead," I said, with a little apprehension.

"You asked me about a woman called Talia, the one that was a member of your crew in the UEN."

I nodded silently.

"She commands a ship called the Spartan."

That was the ship that had destroyed the Calypso. Its name had always been a mystery to me. I remembered how big and ominous it had looked. I asked her for anymore details about the ship, but she shrugged, and told me she had never actually seen it.

"Listen Emrah, there are lots of different types of pirates out there. Some are honorable, and some not so much. Talia and the Spartan have gained a reputation for ruthlessness. They kill or capture, who ever they can't ransom off gets sold as a salve. My advice would be, dont pursue her."

Before I turned in for the night, I went on the comms and asked Roki to come to my quarters. I wanted to discuss what had happened at the mining station. Killing that man had shaken her, and I wanted to talk to her about it. I also wanted to take my mind off the information I had just received about Talia.


As she came into my quarters she didn't have her usual defiant attitude, nor a cheerful disposition. She looked somber, and quiet.

"You wanted to see me, Ma'am."

"You don't have to call me that in private," I said, and offered her a seat at my table.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Okay, I guess," she said quietly.

I began to tell her how well she did, but she didn't feel the same. She admitted that she wanted to get back at me, and that why she was flirting with the men. I couldn't blame her really, but neither of us could have known things were going to play out like that. I changed the subject and asked her why she wanted to become a pirate.

She shrugged, "I wanted to see the galaxy, not spend the rest of my life working in a scrap yard." She told me how she had been sold by her parents to the yard as a small child. They used children to squeeze into the tight spaces of broken down ships to scavenge for parts. "It was cheaper than dismantling them properly. I wasn't a slave, but I might as well have been." As she got older though, the owners of the yard got a bit more interested in what a blossoming young woman could do for them, so she jumped on the first ship that she could. "Berta offered me a place on her crew, I thought I would just be working with engines." Then she added she did find the prospect of going on more missions exciting.

"In the end it did work out," I said, and she smiled.

"Did you really work in a pleasure house?" she asked, softly.

I nodded. I told her about getting addicted to drugs on Ferrin, and being sold to one. I didn't go into a lot of details, but enough to impress on her the reason why I didn't like people joking about it.

"Is that why you wanted to join this crew, to get away from that life."

"Pretty much, yeah. I owe Berta a great debt.

It felt good to have this heart-to-heart, and she was perking up somewhat. One thing we didn't talk about was the kiss we had shared. I wondered if it was just a spur of the moment thing, or if there was more to it. Tonight wasn't the night to discuss it though, and I told her she probably should be getting back to her duties.


We stopped at a way station to sell the copper we had stolen. It would bring us our first profit since we had set off from Ferrin. It created a happy atmosphere amongst the crew. I got a few nods as I passed through the corridors. They might not fully respect me, but I was bringing them profit now, and that they could respect.

It was a large space port that orbited a gas giant. Ships would refuel there, but it also had a small market. After we docked Berta handed me a credit pass. At first, I thought it was my cut from the job, but she told me that I needed to go and buy myself a modest wardrobe from one of the shops. Then she told me that she had also purchased a ticket aboard one of those luxury cruise liners. If I was going to play the part of a wealthy tourist I was going to have to look the part.

"Just the one ticket?"

She nodded, and told me it was all she could afford. "You still think you can do it?"

I didn't seem to have much choice, and told her I was confident. That was enough to satisfy her.

There was a small promenade with shops on either side. It was a lot bigger than I had expected. I realised that as this place was open to pirate vessels a lot of the goods on sale were most likely stolen. There were bars too, and I spotted some of the girls form the Siren's Kiss enjoying themselves inside. We weren't the only pirate vessel docked and I saw people from other crews in there. Like Ferrin this seemed to be a neutral ground.

I had expected to be spoiled for choice, but none of the shops sold the stuff I needed. They were mostly arms dealers and more practical goods. The closest I found was a place that had tables of clothes pilled high. The owner told me I would be buying in weight. None of it was right, everything looked cheep and tacky. This station didn't cater for the well heeled. I wondered if I could ask around our crew, and piece together some outfits from their closets.

Then I saw a dress that caught my eye. I spotted it through the window of the shop. A woman with chestnut hair was walking by flanked by two men. I went out wondering if maybe I could barter with her. As soon as I got close the grim realization of the spectacle became clear. She had a thick leather collar around her neck and was being led by one of the men. She was a slave, but a well-dressed one. My curiosity got the better of me and I followed the group at a distance. They stopped at a small vendor who I guessed must have dealt in flesh.

"What will you give me for this one?"

The vendor named a price but it was too low and the two of them began to haggle. A deal wasn't made and the man said he would try elsewhere. They turned into my path and the man couldn't help but notice my interest.

"You looking to buy?" he asked.

"No," I said quickly. "I was just admiring her dress."

"You want to buy her dress? That's a new one on me," he said, with a laugh.

He would have seemed affable if it wasn't for the fact that he was trying to sell a human being. I politely nodded my disappointment and turned to walk away.

"Tell you what," he said, "If you want to buy her, I'll throw in all her clothes, plenty more dresses like that."

It was too much of a temptation to throw away. "How much for just the clothes?" Even if I wanted to buy her I didn't have the funds.

"You're being serious?"

I nodded, and both men chuckled. I named my price, and showed him my credit pass.

"Okay," he said, with some suspicion. "Come aboard my ship, you can have a look."

I shook my head, "There's a bar over there, bring them there?"

He thought about it, and nodded. "Give me an hour," he said.

With that I let them go on their way. It felt odd buying from such men, but any clothes I bought here would have had a similar history. I didn't have anywhere else to go, so went straight to the bar. It had a few patrons in there but was relatively quiet. I grabbed a booth and ordered a drink.

It was almost two hours later when this man returned. He was alone this time.

"I'm Hektor," he said and took a seat in the booth next to me.

"Emrah," I said, and inquired about the clothes.

"I thought we could talk first."

"About what exactly?" I asked, raising an eye.

"You're from the Siren's kiss aren't you, Berta's ship?"

"That's right."

"My ship is the Golden Fox."

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?"

He smiled with a rakish charm. "It could do, we are always on the look out for new blood."

I laughed, he was trying to recruit me. I asked him why he would make such an offer after only just meeting me.

"I can spot talent. Also people talk, a little bird told me you used to be in the UEN."

"What if I was?"

"An officer, right, a Captain?"

This was getting too familiar and I decided to make my exit. "Hektor, it's been lovely meeting you, but maybe I should get going."

"You commanded a ship called the Calypso."

All the hairs on the back of my neck stood up as he said that name, I had never divulged the name to Berta or anyone on the Siren's Kiss. There were scant few people in the free systems that knew that story, and my mind immediately went to Talia.

"Who told you that?"

He sat back with a smile and a look of satisfaction on his face. "It is you then," he said, quietly. He began to tell me years ago, he had heard of a UEN vessel being destroyed by pirates, rumors that he didn't fully believe. Then only recently he'd heard tell of a rogue UEN captain joining up with a pirate crew. "It had to be the same ship and the same captain."

"You're very clever," I said, It seemed he had put two and two together himself. "That still doesn't explain what you want."

"I want to recruit you, simple as that."

I shook my head, "As much as I appreciate your offer, I have a bonded contract with Berta."

"I know, that contract can be bought out for the right price. Come and visit my ship, if you want to join you can, if you don't I will make you a gift of the clothes."

I thought about it, and as I did he made assurances that I would be perfectly safe aboard. He even suggested letting Berta know that I would be visiting. I had no real intentions in joining up with him, but if I could get the clothes for free then that would be a small price to pay for being inconvenienced.

"Okay," I said, and drained my drink. What could it hurt I thought. I sent a brief message to my ship, but it was just to let them know where I would be.

As we walked he asked more about the Calypso. While he had guessed it had been my ship, he didn't know all the details, but what he was most curious about was my reason about throwing in with some pirates. I tried to answer as little as possible.


The Golden Fox was a very clean ship, but smaller than the Siren's Kiss. He told me it had been a large interceptor and was very fast.

"We like to get in and out as quickly as possible."

I asked how big his crew was, and as I imagined it was smaller than ours.

"How long have you been the Captain?"

"I'm not he captain, my wife is the captain," he said, as he led me into his quarters. There sat at an elegantly set table was the slave I saw him with earlier.

"Hello Emrah, my name is Luna, I'm the Captain of the Golden Fox." I was a bit taken aback by the revelation, but Hektor told me to take a seat, and they would explain it in due time.

Their quarters were much larger than mine, and looked more like a home than anything else. There were artworks on the walls, and even a small bookcase. The meal too was well-prepared, and there were many fresh dishes. After a large glass of wine was poured for me it was Luna who began to clear things up for me.

"We'd appreciate it if you didn't mention it to anyone on the station that I am not really a salve."

"You have my word," I said and took a long drink of the exquisite wine.

"It's a routine we sometimes use," Hektor began, "I sell her to the highest bidder, then she works from the inside to steal whatever we can."

"Sounds dangerous."

Luna laughed, she had a clear and infectious laugh. "It can be, but the rewards can be amazing."

"Do you remember that royal family who bought you for their harem."

"Oh yes, dont remind me. I dont know who was worse that horny old king or the young princes."

She said it with no shame, and they both seemed to enjoy talking about their adventures.

"You know Emrah, it's not just me that plays that role. Hektor sometimes likes to give me a break."

"No, stop," he said with a chuckle.

She lent forward towards me and told me that once she had sold him to a ancient dowager queen. "Sometimes to men too."

They were enjoyable company, and after a few more drinks I was beginning to loosen up.

"You must have some stories, Emrah, care to share?" Luna asked.

"I'm not sure I have done anything that exciting," I said, into my drink.

"Come on," Hektor insisted.

I started to tell them how I had beaten a particularly difficult opponent during my time in the gladiator arena. I wasn't sure why I picked that particular story, but I hadn't really any experience stealing things as they had.

"Where was this fight?" Luna asked

"The gladiator arena on Ferrin."

"You're joking with me, I assume?"

"No," I said, emphatically, "I was there for a number of months."

"You escaped?" Hektor asked. He seemed surprised as most who entered that place never made it out.

"I won my freedom. The man who ran it, he was called Yarrin or something even offered me a place by his side."

"Very impressive," Luna said, locking me with her eyes.

"I guess, so," I said, "That where I first met Berta."

"That makes sense," Hektor added.

"Strength and beauty," Luna said, reaching over and pouring me another drink.

We chatted a bit more and I tried some of the delicious food. Then Luna brought up the real reason I was here.

"How long is your contract with Berta?"

"A year."

"If we could buy it out, would you consider joining us?"

I shrugged and asked what I would be doing. Berta had saved me from a terrible fate, and I wouldn't be throwing anything back in her face so quickly.

"What would you like to do here?" Hektor asked.

It was a strange question, that I didn't really have an answer to. Berta had saved me and I made my decision to join in desperation rather than any desire to become a pirate. Luna must have sensed my trepidation in answering and told me I didn't have to answer just yet.

"As a gesture of goodwill though, she started. "I'd like to offer myself to you for the night."

For a second I was speechless, and couldn't be sure what I just heard.

"She is an amazing lover Emrah, you won't regret it."

I could feel my cheeks blush at the mere though of it.

"Unless you prefer men," she said, but told me she didn't think that was the case. "I can always tell when eyes linger on my body."

"It's a generous offer," I said, "but not all that appropriate."

"Very well," she said with a smile. "At least let me gift you some of my wardrobe, thats why you are here isn't it."

"Thank you," I said, but told her I was flattered by her proposal.

"I think I am going to go and check something on the bridge," Hektor said, he dropped his napkin on the table. "I'll let you ladies discuss dress in private."

"Please don't think tonight was just about propositioning you for lovemaking, we do think you would make a good addition to our crew."

"I know," I said. "I owe Berta a lot though, it's about repaying a debt, and not just the money."

She nodded. "Your loyalty to her is a very attractive quality." I was about to impress upon her my feelings again, when she jumped up from the table and pulled open a closet.

"We are about the same size, you have a larger bosom though, and wider hips. Try this on," she said, offering me a slinky dress. "It will give me an idea of what to give you."

I was about to refuse and tell her any clothes would be appreciated, but I didn't want to throw her kindness back into her face. Although I did sense she still wanted more than to clothe me. I changed in the bathroom. The dress she had given me was backless and was a deep burgundy color. The fabric was almost sheer but felt strong and exotic. It had two spaghetti straps and draped around my knees. As she had said we were about the same size, apart from my bust and hips. My ample breasts only just squeezed in but the fabric was of such a design that it didn't matter and the burgundy material hugged and curved around them. It felt tight around my hips, but didn't look too disproportionate. I looked at myself in the mirror. It looked very elegant, and with the right amount of makeup I think it would work for the job I was to be doing. I pulled at the bun in my hair and let my hair fall loosely to my shoulders. I puffed it up with my hands and was satisfied with the result.

It wasn't that I didn't find Luna attractive, but something about the situation didn't all together feel normal. She was a pirate but then so was I. I wondered if was my feelings for Roki getting in the way. Or it could have been the fact that it had been a very long time since an attractive woman had tried to seduce me. The last person I had felt anything toward had been a girl called Saffa in the pleasure house, but that had been work.

"Simply stunning," Luna said, as I returned. "Try the shoes," she said gesturing to a pair of ridiculously tall high heels. I slipped my bare feet into them, and immediately felt them pinch at the sides.

"There a little tight."

"Beauty always comes at a price.

"Yeah, I think they will work."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "Work? I take it you're not just dressing up for all the pirates on the Siren's Kiss then."

I chided myself on my loose lips. I hadn't wanted to tell them about our plan.

"Don't worry," she said, "I didn't really think an ex officer of the UEN was craving her glamorous wardrobe back. It's okay, I won't delve any deeper."


"So how does it feel, is that the sort of dress you are looking for?"

I told her it was, but admitted I was also looking for some casual day to day outfits too.

"What about lingerie?" she asked with a grin.

I shook my head absently, I hadn't really thought about that, but I didn't think I would need any.