Captured by the Elves Ch. 03

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The prisoner is brought before the elf leaders.
6.5k words

Part 3 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 01/14/2016
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Author's Note: Hello again. I've been wanting to get this one out for some time now. I apologize for not having it faster. All the characters are over the age of eighteen—the elves even more so. If you know what category you're in and have read the previous installments then you know what's in store for you. If you're offended by such things, why are you reading stories in this category? This is of course fantasy and represents no actual groups of people. Please enjoy.


Braith didn't let me enter her. That moment in the tub had been near heaven for us both. We were different at that point, but she wasn't ready.

"Give me time," she said. "I stopped letting people take me for a good reason. Commit to me, and I'll think about it."

I agreed. We'd come so far, and I didn't want to ruin it. We were only able to enjoy our isolation for so long before visitors started to arrive. Two tall she-elves entered dirty from a long patrol. They didn't react to seeing me naked with Braith in the tub. I was her plaything, and everyone knew it. Braith apologized for us not being ready for guests, and urged me out of the tub.

The elves shrugged without a word. They removed their clothing, and their gear. These were elves like Braith and Landa. Their large male organs at rest for the moment. I noticed that their quivers only had a couple of the blue-fletched arrows left. They'd been busy. Braith offered to prepare a new bath, but they shook their heads. I understood. Being on the road was difficult.

The elves got in the tub, and I began attending to them while Braith went to make them some tea. We didn't bother dressing. Modesty wasn't part their culture, and I knew that I was only going to get wet anyway.

One of the girls had a necklace that I didn't pay attention to at first, but after washing her neck and hair I couldn't help but study it. The flat iron circle inlaid with a copper star. Something that I recognized immediately: pilgrims and paladins of my old religion back home wore it. But those people normally came from near the capital. I had no way of knowing how far the elves ranged from their settlement. Our exact location was impossible for me to know at the time.

"Do you like my necklace?" the elf asked. "You keep staring at it. Or is it my tits?"

"I'm sorry. I just thought that I recognized it."

"You may have. It's from one of your human religions. I keep it as a reminder."

"Did you take it off a man that you killed?"

She considered that for a moment. "There is something of that to it. I wore this when I was a human like you. I'm not entirely certain of the meaning that it had for me back then."

"You were like me?"

"It was a long time ago, and much has changed. My sisters tell me that I was a brutal man that tortured and killed people in the name of his religion. I challenged Teagan to a personal duel after my companions had been killed or fled. She respected that, and wanted to make something better out of me."

She touched the necklace. Holding it between her large breasts.

"I don't remember much, but I'm grateful for the life that I have now. You will be too."

Her companion took an interest in me. "I thought you'd been here for a while," she said. I was completely nude for her consideration. "I don't notice any changes."

"I don't know what it means," I offered. Hoping to end the discussion.

"Give it time," said the former paladin. "They said that I was a hard convert as well."

"Humans," said the other elf. "So odd."

"But you two were once human..."

"You won't think of yourself as such. Not after it happens. And if your mind doesn't adapt, you'd better try very hard to do so."


"Tell him, Delphi. Tell him what happens."

Delphi, the former paladin, let her necklace fall back between her wonderful breasts.

"You'll go mad," she said. "Your mind will be stuck in an unfamiliar body, and reality won't work for you anymore."

"It's sad to see," said the other. "Rare, but it happens."

"Not when I'm involved," said Braith, coming back with the tea. "My little charge is in good hands."

"Has Teagan seen him?"

"Not since he arrived, but we're going to see Landa today. No doubt she'll be there."

The prospect of seeing the two she elves who decided my fate wasn't appealing. I wanted to believe that I understood Landa. If she wanted me as she had before then it wasn't all that different from my life already. Braith stood close to me while the other elves drank their tea. She watched them closely.

"How was your patrol?" she said.

"Long," said Delphi. She finished the tea, and sank deeper into the tub.

The other elf spoke: "There are more humans than ever out there. Soldiers for the most part, but others as well. We even saw a camp where they were cutting down our trees. Mules were taking the logs to the river."

"They'll have a barge nearby or just float them down," said Delphi. She looked at me as I began tending to her friend.

"What's happening in your world, human?"

I looked to Braith, and received a silent nod before speaking. "We were marching towards a great war. Many cities and towns were sending men there."

"The usual human foolishness," said Braith. "Unimportant. Please relax, ladies."

Braith told me to fetch them mead. I brought the ladies several horns, and in time they stopped thinking about the road. Braith and I were ready to massage our guests, and naturally I'd be there for their pleasure if they so desired. The elves declined. They were just happy to be home.

More guests entered, and there was more moss for me to put in the ovens, and more washing to be done. As I worked, I thought about what I'd learned: more humans were out there. The women claimed the humans were soldiers which made sense if more conscripts were going east. The men cutting down trees was news. Foresters were known to venture far out, but this far? If it was something large in scale there would be a lumber mill down the river, and those usually meant a town or village was nearby. I didn't think that the wood was far siege engines. Our destination had been too far away, unless we traveled farther than I thought.

Humans were close. I wondered if I could make the run to safety. Teagan and the others were expert hunters. It was a foolish idea.

I watched Braith chat with several other elves while offering them tea. Life with her wouldn't be so bad. She cared about me, and if Delphi was right then I would think myself to be better off eventually.

There was a vision in my head: running desperately through the woods—dodging blue-fletched arrows. I could see the barge in the distance. It was loaded down with logs and there were men to supervise the transport. Humans like me, who could perhaps save me from a frightening gaggle of she-elves.

I reached the water before arrows let loose by Landa and Teagan punctured my lungs. The barge left me dying on the shore as the elves closed in. I lied there in the mud bleeding out. Teagan smiled while Landa looked annoyed. Worst of all was Braith, who came to look at me for the last time. There were tears in her eyes. I'd broken her heart. When the others told her to finish me off herself as penance she did so without question because it was expected of her.

Making the attempt would only result in death.

Braith pinched me so hard that I yelped.

"Wake up," she said. "We have work to do."

"Yes, Mistress Braith."

Later in the afternoon Braith took me to a large wooden building on the edge of the settlement. There were sentries posted outside. I recognized some of them as visitors to the bathhouse. One was a cute, pixie-like blonde with short hair named Yanitza. We'd been intimate before, but she and her partner were stone-faced as we approached that day.

I also recognized several pieces of human armor and weapons mounted all over the structure. Teagan and the others must have spent years bringing all of these trophies back. I looked around for my own armor. My family had been so proud of me when I received it and my sword. Our family was finally going to have a hero from out of the songs. It was to be a great thing for our family. Even if I died on the battlefield it would've helped the family's prestige. Now I was just a mystery. They'd wonder about me for months or maybe even years, but eventually I'd be lumped into the mass of the lost. I'm sure that Teagan meant for it to be end of my humanity on that walk. Did any other humans look upon those trophies with despair?

Braith was breathing deeply as we approached.

"Don't be afraid," she said. "This is simply going to be me presenting your progress."

"I thought I wasn't changing."

"Of course, you are. The process is known to be slow sometimes. I'm going to present that you might have a partial elven lineage. That should satisfy Landa."

"And Teagan?"

Braith kept moving.

"As Landa goes then so normally does Teagan."

I wanted to believe her. What else did I have? Once we were inside I saw Landa and Teagan standing over a table. Several candles were lit, and the pair was studying a map. The candlelight danced in their hair: Landa's like fire and Teagan's like spun gold. My mind took my eyes to the map though. The script on which was in their language, but the shape of the map was familiar to me. I remembered my late commanders studying such a map at night.

"And here he is," said Landa. She walked over to me, and gave me a quick kiss and a grope. "I did miss you so much, darling. You look much healthier now. Excellent work, Braith."

"He is still a 'he'," said Teagan, with a frown. "The beard is gone, but I see no other changes. Have you not been seeding him, Braith?"

"Of course, I have. Several times, and many of the others have as well. I believe that he may have elf blood in him. With some more time, it will happen. It always does."

"Perhaps he's a spy."

"Nonsense," said Braith. "He's confessed every wrong he's ever done to me. How could such a conspiracy even work?"

Landa mulled it over. She played with a strand of her red hair.

"His resistance is odd," she said. "Remarkable to be honest, but I'm willing to believe it's a fluke more so than our young friend being spy. The humans don't have such skill."

"Our cousins do," said Teagan. "We don't know what other craft they've perfected over the centuries. This could be a ploy. He resists our change, learns about us, and then escapes to report back to his masters."

Braith was having none of it. "Do you really think he could escape?"

Landa spoke, "I understand your doubt, Braith. However, if you only saw how many humans are out there now."

"Elves too," said Teagan. "The other elves are in our territory."

"I'm not a spy," I said. "I didn't know anything about you ladies until I got here."

"So you say," said Teagan. She looked to Braith. "Your long service to us deserves respect. You've studied the mysteries of the change more than I, so I will grant you more time. But if he acts suspicious in anyway..."

Landa held up her hands to be the peacemaker. "I'm sure that all will be well. I'll send a runner to the next settlement to warn them and perhaps bring some of their warriors here."

"There are more of you?"

I covered my mouth after I realized my mistake.

Braith looked away—disappointed.

"Yes," said Landa. "More than you'd imagine actually."

"I'll take him home," said Braith. "I'm sure that you're both very busy. I promise to upgrade his manners."

"You can go home," said Teagan, "But he will stay."


"Oh please, Braith," said Landa. "You've had him for how long now? I know that you like him, but as his owner, I have say over him before he changes. We'll talk about your relationship with him tomorrow."

Braith tried to object, but Landa held her hand up. "You knew this when I left him with you. I know you get very close to your prisoners."

"Too close," said Teagan.

"But don't fret," said Landa. "I couldn't hurt his darling creature. He'll be wonderful when he changes. Let Teagan and I enjoy him for a night. We have other interests to attend to as it is, so you'll get him back in the morning."

"If he still is a 'he'," said Teagan. "I know that my own seed is potent. I want to see him try to resist it."

"Go home, Braith," said Landa. "Take a bath and enjoy some mead. Our young friend will be in your bed tomorrow."

Braith and I shared a look. There wasn't time for words. She wore a brave face—slipping back into that persona of the no nonsense and cruel Braith.

"Don't be a rat to the friends of your mistress," she said. "I'll punish you severely if I hear that you've disgraced me."

She left without further word. I was alone with Landa and Teagan. All the progress that I made with Braith would count for nothing here.

Landa approached and took my hand, and guided me to an adjoining bedroom. It was a spartan room compared to the entrance of the building. It had a large bed, and some storage space for personal items on the walls.

"Squeeze my hand," she said. "Hard."

I did as she said.

"Very good," she said. "I told you that my taking you would make you stronger. Are you more honest now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you admit that you like it now?"


Landa gripped my shoulders. "It's such a great change to ponder, isn't it? I scarcely remember my old life, but I do recall the fear. Braith cares for you deeply. She takes to her charges sometimes. Usually she is known for being somewhat sadistic, but occasionally she finds someone special, and then she uses terms like 'love'."

"Foolish," said Teagan. "We should take you away her."

"No," said Landa. "Love is a precious thing. If you love her as well, then I'll support you being with her. Learn her arts and be happy. But, if you want something else...I...we need warriors. Maybe you were not the bravest human soldier, but as one of us you could be very effective. You'll tell us all that you can remember about your human army."

"After our fun," said Teagan.

She pulled off her skimpy clothes. Teagan was by far the tallest of the elves. She brushed at her mane of blonde hair and removed most of her headdress. Many of the colorful feathers remained woven in. Her skin was sun-kissed gold. When her silk panties hit the floor, I beheld her monstrous cock.

"I've been waiting," she said. "I should've taken you on that first day, but I thought you were weak."

"He's not," said Landa, removing her own clothing. I knew what she had to offer, but it was no less impressive.

"Perhaps we'll change him, together, Teagan. Think about how strong and beautiful she'll be."

"Enough talk," said the tall blonde.

I removed my tunic. Making Teagan angry wasn't going to do me any favors. Both women looked on with eager eyes as I got naked. They were already stroking their cocks to hardness. My own organ was also excited despite how nervous I was.

"Service me, human," said Teagan. "Prove to me that you were worth keeping alive."

I went to my knees like a worshipper to this tall elven goddess. My knees hurt, and I thought of Braith.

Teagan forced her cock into my mouth. I could taste sweat on her. I tried to stop her beast from going too far in with my tongue. She didn't like that. After a while, she grabbed my head and stabbed her elf cock into my throat.

"That's more like it," she said. "I want you to feast on all of me."

I saw little choice but to oblige her. It wasn't like I hadn't been doing this sort of thing for days now. I was perfecting my technique by that point. Teagan's cock was what anyone would imagine from a chieftain: large and powerful. If she'd been a man she would likely have a harem full of women that monster had impregnated. I was to be the receiver though. There was no womb to quicken a new life within me, but in a way if they did change me that would be something of a rebirth. The concept still seemed unreal to me. I'd seen no proof but the word of the she-elves who claimed to have once been men. Was the whole thing an elaborate ruse just to make fun of the only human there?

I felt slick fingers worming their way into my ass. While I couldn't turn my head, I knew that Landa was looking to have another go at me. Braith had become my mistress, but Landa spoke as my owner. I'd only ever known slaves from stories. Our human religion had banned slavery as an unnatural act that existed only in other countries. That was one of the reasons that it was easy for them to convince us to attack foreigners.

"Relax," said Landa behind me. I felt her getting into position, and she had me alter mine as well for better access.

"You've changed in other ways, haven't you? You were not so pliable with me last time."

Landa had a point. That first day felt so long ago. Like a different man had been there to resist them. I felt her cock push into me. Reminiscing about old days didn't happen so easily with several inches of elf cock invading my ass.

"You're still as wonderful as I remember," she said.

It wasn't as difficult as the first time. The feeling of being filled and emptied only to be filled again was so satisfying, and I couldn't for the life of me explain why. I shook as Landa fucked me. My body absolutely loved it, even though some shrinking part of me screamed that it was wrong.

"You must try his ass, Teagan," she said. "If I had this every day, I'd start to think that I loved him too."

Teagan didn't respond. She and I had developed something while Landa enjoyed my lower half. She no longer held me with force to her cock. Rather, her fingers stroked my hair gently. When I raised my hands up to grab her hips she didn't object.

"Very good, human," said Teagan. "I'm almost there. We'll see how you resist the change with my seed in you."

"She's going to be gorgeous," said Landa. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of fucking her."

Teagan rolled her eyes. "You always say that. How many former lovers do you have here now?"

"Do you count?" She laughed, and shortly thereafter: "Oh yes, I'm there."

Landa moaned as her release came. Her seed blew up inside of me—coating my insides. The tingling wave from her cum was immediate and intense.

Teagan didn't last much longer. I was convinced that she only held out just to upstage Landa.

"Here it comes, human," she told me. "Let this be the start of your new life."

A deluge of cum blasted from her cock into my throat. I'd taken in a lot of their seed by that point, but in that moment, I thought I might finally choke on it. Teagan held me through it. Landa also supported me.

"Swallow all of it," said Landa. "Just get it over with. We'll surprise Braith in the morning."

I held it in my mouth along with Teagan's cock. I breathed through my nose. Foolishly believing that I could delay what was going to happen. I didn't want it to happen. All of them went on endlessly about how great it would be for me. They expected me to be grateful. I could get used to being a servant, but to be changed so completely...I was too scared to let it happen. Of course, I was in no position to disrupt their plans. Those were some very silent and awkward moments in which I wasn't swallowing a mouthful of cum.

Teagan gave me a look that said she was going throttle me if I didn't do so immediately. I apologized to myself, and then I swallowed her thick load. Finally, being able to get her cock out of my mouth. I opened my mouth to prove my acceptance to her. Only then did her expression soften.

The three of us waited there for some time. No one had told me what it would be like.

Nothing happened.

Teagan turned away in a huff, and went to find her clothes.

Landa held me still. Her cock had softened, and slid out, but she stayed close.

"Do you feel anything?" she asked.

"What am I supposed to feel?"