Capturing My Sister

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He rescues his sister and falls in love.
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(Note: this story is about a character based on the writer called "Jessy 19". She wanted a kidnapping story about herself, and I agreed to write one for her.)

My sister Jessica is 23, about 4 years my junior, and she is a babe, with a lovely combination of blue eyes and brown hair. She has a petite figure, with a delicious ass and long, graceful legs. I should know all of this, because I am now her lover, and she is mine.

Jessica, or "Jessy", as my family tends to call her, is very much a romantic, sentimental type of woman, with a desire to give her love to someone who will protect her, and hopefully never leave her. She had always assumed that meant monogamy, but events turned in a different direction, thanks to the fact that I am a private detective and I have a woman as my partner, named Heather.

Jessy was just entering grad school, when she began to associate with Clyde, a dubious fellow with a sick and twisted agenda. She did not know this, of course, until it was already too late. Clyde was, until his recent violent death, in fact, the self-appointed leader of the Saints of the New Millenium cult, a demented neo-Nazi, Christian Identity group. His headquarters was in Saskatchewan, where he figured to be relatively safe from public attention.

This semester, however, he took some courses to help him recruit potential members for his sect. He was about 29, with golden hair and blue eyes, making him a real attention-getter. He gradually got Jessy's interest in his ideas. Over time, he assumed more control over her life, to the extent that I, who had just finished post-graduate studies at the same college, was really becoming worried at his role in her life. She always shrugged it off, dismissing my concerns. Now, of course, she wishes that she had listened to my instincts.

The turning point came with his decision to terminate his studies and invite all of his followers at the school to join him at the camp controlled by his cult. They were soon brainwashed completely, and they found themselves living in harsh conditions, while Clyde enjoyed much luxury. What"s more, he had decided to take Jessy as his "wife", according to the rules of his religion. These rules stipulated that all single men, like himself, were to "marry" a new recruit and turn her into even more of a Clyde clone.

I began to hear reports about this place, and I decided that the time to act had come."Forget clients for a while." I said to myself. I would take a "vacation", and find my sister. I was very pleased when Heather volunteered to help me, especially since she still did not know Jessy that well.

Finding the location in northern Saskatchewan was rather difficult, but Heather and I eventually got there. It had taken us some 3 months to locate it, nevertheless, and I was really worried about poor Jessy by now.

Then, as I snooped at the camp through my telescope, I saw her. There was Jessy, my dear sister, following Clyde along the main dirt road of the compound. She had the most numbed-out look on her face, as if under a hypnotic spell or trance.

"Heather, I see her!" I excitedly whispered to my partner.

"Really, let me."

She peered through the telescope, then looked back at me and nodded her head.

"Yes, I think you're right, boss."

"Alright, we're gonna to have grab both of them, understand?"

"Why both?"

"Because, Heather, they're in too close a proximity to each other to seize one without the other. Understand me? This might very well be the only chance we have to take her. Get me?"

"Got ya, boss."

We followed their movements for a little bit, and then waited near a bush, before getting out our ropes and plastic bags. I had a gut feeling before the abduction that we might need to take a hostage, and, apparently, I was right. Being a private dick can often blur the lines of ethics, so that such things as what I was doing become quite acceptable after a while. I considered that to be an occupational hazard.

Heather and I waited for a few more minutes, and then we pounced, grabbing the pair, roping them, and putting the bags over their heads before they had a chance to warn anyone.

They muffled some outraged remarks, before we applied pressure to their necks, making them unconscious, and then removed the bags so as not to suffocate them.

We took them to a cabin that we had rented under the pretext of being a married couple, and then we tied them to the bedposts for a while, until we finished our own sleep. I awoke the next morning to an ear-piercing scream. It was Jessy.

"Let me go! Let us go, now!"

"No, Jessy, we can't! You've been brainwashed, and I'm going to deprogram you."

"Dan? You're gonna pay for this! How could you, Dan? Kidnap me, your own kid sister?"

"Hey, Jessy, I love you, but this is for your own good. You need to be deprogrammed. You're in a cult."

"I am Brother Clyde's wife. Let us go!"

"I checked it up, and you're not legally married to him. It's a ruse to make you have his kid, so you'll be trapped with him for life."

"What does he gain from that?"

"You. You're a lovely young lady, and many guys would give their right arms to be with you, I'm sure."

"Brother Clyde cares nothing for sex. He just loves us, and wants to procreate, as God commanded Adam and Eve."

"Yeah, and Bugsy Siegel cared nothing for money, but he just ran casinoes to entertain people. Look, sis, all men care about sex, and so do most women, so I don't buy it, and frankly, I'd be even more disturbed by him if he had no interest in sex. It's not healthy to be non-sexual."

"Brother Clyde is a true prophet of God, to lead us to the holy path."

"So said Jim Jones, and David Koresh. Their followers ended up dead, remember."

"Hey, stop deceiving my wife!", Clyde suddenly shouted. He was obviously awake now, and quite, though not literally, of course, hopping mad.

"She's not your wife, man. She's your victim, your dupe! You've conned her into joining you at that compound, and brainwashed her into becoming your pawn. You care nothing for her. She's just the womb for your kid, isn't that all you feel for her?"

"And you, who no doubt engage in fornication, will presume to judge me for using a woman?"

"It's a 2-way street for me. We use each other, and I make no pretenses of love if I don't feel it. It's natural to use sex as a release, but you have to be honest, not playing mind games with your partner."

"It's still a sin in the eyes of the Lord!"

"Oh, as opposed to murder, deceit, fraud, and theft? You take all of their possessions, and live in luxury, while they work their asses off for your lazy hide!"

"He speaks lies! I do the Lord's work, His labor, and my task requires my dedication."

"Which 'Lord' is that? The Christians think that the Jews are wrong, and the Jews that the Muslims are wrong. Who is right? We don't really know, do we?"

"I am the prophet of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He commands me to this task, to defeat the heathen for the Aryan Israelites."

"Odd, and I thought that Jesus was a Jew? Anyway, I'm not here to debate theology, Clyde. I'm here to get my sister back from your evil clutches."

"She's my wife! She belongs to me!"

"The laws of the province of Saskatchewan would disagree with you there, Clyde, and they would win."

"Those are men's laws, not God's."

"God's laws are debatable, but what is not debatable is that you will be tried for drugging and defrauding these people, including my sister."

After that, I signalled Heather, and she hit him with a tranquilizer dart. That knocked the lunatic out for once, but I still had to deal with my poor sister, who was very much upset with me. She was crying about what I did to her "husband".

"Jessy, it will take some time, but I need you to listen to me, because Heather and I are here to help you. I'm your brother. Why would I be out to harm you? I want you to pay attention to what I tell you. That man over there is not your husband, he is no prophet, and he is definitely not your friend."

"What is he, then?"

"He is a crook, a crank, and a madman. Have I ever deliberately cheated you out of anything?"


"That's right, but this man has wanted your cash, and in your case, your womb, for some time, and he used deceit to get them. He took you across provincial lines to achieve it, too."

Well, it took several days, the better part of a week, before she would really consider what we said. Meanwhile, the "prophet" remained on the bed, doing nothing but lie there and attack us verbally, until Heather had to keep him sedated for several hours at a time.

Finally, however, Jessy came around, and that really pissed Clyde off. He kept screaming at her, telling her that she would go to Hell for deserting him. She cried, as the words brought back flashbacks of the kinds of terrible things he said while she was at the compound.

"Oh, Dan, I'm so sorry for shouting at you! You waited me out, and let me see the truth for myself, and the man's rantings made it more obvious over time. I really love you, both because you're my brother, and because you did what you did for me. Thank you so much, and you, Heather, because you did it for a near stranger."

"Any sister of Dan's is no stranger to me. I care about him, and I naturally care about you, because you matter to him, apparently alot."

I untied her, and she hugged both of us, causing me to realize just how sweet a girl my Jessy really was; she didn't hold my use of a tranquilizer gun on her a few times against her. She understood why I did it.

Clyde woke up, claiming that he had to urinate. Heather insisted that she could guard him, so I let her untie him, and she led him to the bathroom. She was not counting on his tricky nature, however, as he tripped her, used her keys to uncuff his right hand from her left, and pulled out her .38 Special revolver, aiming it at her, and threatening to use it unless we dropped our weapons.

Just then, Jessy sneaked up behind him, kicked him in the ass, and hit him in the face when he turned around. He grabbed her, put her in a headlock, and tried to strangle her. Heather picked up the gun and shot him in the belly, making him drop Jessy.

Clyde screamed, "You bitch! I'm gonna fucking kill you, whore!"

He ran straight at her, toppled her, and sent the gun flying in the air, while he wrestled with Heather, trying to kill her with his bare hands by breaking her neck. At that point, I grabbed the gun, which had shot off a stray load, and shot him in the back of the head.

Clyde slumped, clearly a corpse. Heather pushed him off of her and reached toward me, gesturing for me to help her stand up.

She had Clyde's blood all over her. Even so, she looked like dynamite, with her auburn hair and grey eyes. I looked at her for a second, and found myself kissing her before either of us knew it. She was kissing me back, when I heard Jessy crying.

"Jessy, what's wrong?"

"You"re kissing Heather, but I'm in love with you, too. It happened as you were deprogramming me, and I can't stand the thought that you'll be with someone else. I want to be your girl. I know it's incest, but I just don't care! I love you, Dan. You're my big brother, and you've rescued me again."

"I kidnapped you, sis. It's illegal."

"I don't care. You did it to help me. You love me, I can tell, but why can't you love me the way I love you?"

I was about to come up with some sincere, apologetic response, when I saw a flashback of my sister's close call with death just minutes before. At the time, my stomach felt hollow, at the very thought of my beautiful, sweet sister gone from my life. I couldn't bear to have her die, and I realized that I had not just gone out here to Saskatchewan to deprogram my sister, but to save the life of the woman I loved- correct-

ion, one of the women I loved.

I saw visions of Heather's face, and my memory displayed my own reaction to her terror. I remember only thinking that I had to save Heather. She wasn't just a partner to me, or I would have done some thinking. I had acted on pure instinct, to save the lives that meant most to me. Jessy and Heather both mattered to me, and I was in love with both of them.

"Oh, but Jessy, I actually do love you that way, as I love Heather. That's the problem. I realized that much just now, because of how I felt when both of you nearly died. I want to be with both of you, for the rest of my life."

"You want to settle down with me, and Heather?"


"Well, I really owe Heather one, and you, plus she owes you one. Maybe we could be together, just 3 of us? We've all been through this experience, and I don't want either of you hurt. If we share you, would that be enough? You wouldn't need other women, would you?"

"No, sis. You and Heather would be enough."

"Dan, are you serious? You want to commit to me and your sister?"

"Yes, I think that in this case, I feel that we have to stay together, because of what happened to us. 2 will do for me."

I began kissing Heather again, and soon, my kisses were joined by Jessy's, as she kissed both of us. My tongue joined with Heather's, Heather's with Jessy's, and Jessy's with mine. Heather's hands unzipped her pants, while Jessy slipped out of her panties, and they both unbuckled my belt and took off my trousers.

I entered Heather's cunt easily, with her evident arousal at this emerging menage a trois clearly helping things along. I began to finger Jessy's cunt, as I steadily pumped my dick in and out of Heather's pussy, and they both reacted with apparent joy.

Heather tightened around me, her hips bucking as I fucked her, and Jessy straddled her, getting into position so that I could masturbate her while I screwed Heather. I groaned with my delight, feeling the sexes of my two favorite women surrounding different parts of my body, and I soon came from the combined sensuality of it. I massaged Heather's left thigh with my cock for a few moments, relaxing her as I got hard again.

I then penetrated my sister, sliding my manhood into Jessy's womanhood, and making damned certain that she was enjoying it. After all, this was my sister, so her happiness especially concerned me. I began fucking her doggie-style, as her cunt lowered onto Heather's, and they began rubbing them against each other's, being aided by my decent-sized, though not massive, penis. Jessy and Heather were locking lips, and fondling each other's breasts, as I moved enthusiastically into and out of Jessy's vagina.

Their growing excitement pushed me further, and I was cumming in Jessy almost before I knew it. She came immediately afterward from the fact of having her brother's sperm inside her, and Heather climaxed from the mixture of incest and three-way sex. Jessy's very sensual body made it easy on her as well. We lay there in a pile of three people, for an hour, before we completely dozed off.

Waking up, we looked at each other, and I finally broke the silence.

"I want Heather to marry me, and Jessy to stay with us, as my companion. I really need just you girls, not any other women."

"Well, the answer is yes, and I definitely want Jessy to be part of our marriage."

"Good, because, from now on, she is part of our life in general, especially our love life."

"Thank you, guys! I love both of you, although I have to admit to favoring Dan. He is my brother."

"That's okay, Jessy, as I also favor him, as much as I love you."

"Well, I have 2 favorites- both of you!"

They laughed, and then they both kissed me. Jessy did it first, and then Heather, and I knew that they were keepers. I love both of them still, and they have given 3 kids between them. Heather is pregnant with the 4th, in fact. I married Heather, so she is my wife, but Jessy is always my sister. Each of them is unique, and I couldn't replace either one.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Lots of part of the story is not reasonable. Please think in detail when you write a story. That way you can avoid the errors.

unclemerv77unclemerv77over 1 year ago

good but, what happened to Clyde's body?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good potential, but I'm struck by the fact that Heather was covered in Clyde's blood, and they took the time to get naked and he fucked the both of them with a dead body in the room, in a motel where shots were fired. Yes, it's fictional, but I say, "Hmm." Obviously, they got away, and Clyde "disappeared", but still, "Hmm."

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Commenters just don't understand that this is a fictional story and the imagination of the author. I for one loved the storyline and the happily ever after that the author gave Dan, Heather and Jessy. Gets my 5 star vote.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Different, but good. Well done

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

At least put some thought into it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Not good at all

It was a waste of time

SEVERUSMAXSEVERUSMAXalmost 8 years agoAuthor
Wow, you seriously dug up a story of mine from 2004 to bash!

Talk about gravedigging! Sure, it's not polished or whatever.....I wrote it when I had to use the word processor at an internet café with a time limit, before I had a PC of my own. Naturally, your critique lacks specifics, just like the majority (though not all) of the mostly anonymous trolling done here. Trolls must be getting pathetically desperate out of cuckold stories to bash?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Not even close to do anything for me just grimmace at this tripe !!

Sorry but you need to start from fresh with a better idea and more believable !!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
How boring it must be

Up there all alone on the pedestal of your own imaginings. I suppose being a legend in your own mind must compensate for this story that reads like someone else wrote it and you just chopped away all the interest, life, sparkle, and tension to make it fit your ideas of what a good story should be like; the problem is that you don't actually know what that is. Instead you give us this, which is dull, turgid, predictable, and thankfully too short to stay in the mind. I can see where you set out to write an adventure story, unfortunately your reach exceeded your grasp, as you really don't know how to write in a compelling or riveting way; obviously your storytelling skills need to be found, I suggest you dig down deep, as this is not a good or interesting story, nor is it particularly well written, and gives the reader no urge to go and look up your other stuff for more of the same. Big Fail, too dull for words, no stars.

mcbtwsmcbtwsover 9 years ago
Pure Unadulterated Pish.

'Nuff said!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Terrible dialog, unconvincing action, dull and pointless sex, in all, a very dull and strangely uninvolving story, but then, when you try and tell what should be a considerably longer story in just one page, what you get is a rushed, cod-Mickey Spillane story synopsis like this. This story should have been longer and more detailed, with more build-up to the relationships that suddenly blossomed out of nowhere in the last couple of paragraphs. The author needs to read anything by beachbum1985, PacoFear, Xarth, Charger Girl, to name a few, writers who know how to ease a story along and maintain the tension without rushing to the final hurdle, and maybe take a few leaves from their collective book. This comment will no doubt get deleted, because the 'writer' can't bear to be criticised after his mommy's told him what a talented mommy's little soldier he is...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
writer has a big EGO

this was crappy at best the writer needs to delete it and do a proper rewrite using a good editor and needs to listen to the bad comments IF he wants to improve. this story has as much feeling as a loaf of bread and the writer seems to be posting his own rave reviews or paying for them thats the only way this crap would get any.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
It was good until...

Jessie confessed her love. That dialog was just *bad*.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I don't see how you can have sex with someone while they have brain matter splattered all over them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Rather tasteless..........particularly the part about "neo-nazis"......jeesh.

joualjoualabout 14 years ago
Needs some work

Here are a few points, all of which are just my opinions, of course.

First, it seemed to me that the progression from relief at Clyde’s demise to a full-on threesome was rather fast. If I’m not mistaken, Heather was still covered with blood at the time. Furthermore, if he’d been shot in the belly and the head there would be lots of blood and possibly other messy stuff all over the place. I would think puking would be a more plausible first reaction.

Second, the behaviour of the detectives was so far over the top that it ruined the plausibility of the story for me. Not only was the kidnapping totally illegal, but it was combined with assault and battery and threat of use of a deadly weapon. Next, shooting Clyde *from behind* is murder, plain and simple. It’s way past the bounds of plausible self-defence (or defence of another - in this case Heather) under Canadian law. If Mike had shot him in the arm to get him to release Heather it would probably have been allowable. It’s possible that Mike would be able to plead guilty to second-degree murder in order to avoid being prosecuted for first-degree, but either way he’d do some very serious time. There’s no way that the three protagonists would be able to settle down together until Mike got out of prison, which would be (at a guess) at least five years in the future, and probably a lot more.

That brings me to my third point. There’s no equivalent to the American Mann Act in Canada. So the business about "crossing provincial lines" with a woman for the purpose of sex is nonsensical. A minor detail, I suppose, but another bit of damage to the plausibility. Further, the line about "the laws of the Province of Saskatchewan would disagree with you" in reference to Clyde’s marital status is just inaccurate. Marriage and divorce come under federal law, not provincial.

They say that you should write what you know, and I’m aware that there are tons of exceptions to that rule. (How would anyone write science fiction or fantasy?) Nevertheless, it seems to offer some guidance in this case. As I’m a dual citizen of Canada and the U.S., and have lived most of my life in Canada, I think I’m entitled to say that if you’re not familiar with Canadian law, writing detective stories (even erotic ones) set in Canada may not be for you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

That was awful. The whole premise was ridiculous, and read like some 15 year old virgin's fantasy. The dialogue was appalling, the sex incredibly mundane. LURK MOAR.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Absolute crap.

the dialouge was awful, the sex was very un-arousing and the plot was astonishingly bad. PLease spare us the torture of your terrible writing in future!

clnshvnclnshvnover 14 years ago

Such a wonderful and hot story. I loved it!!!

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