Casey's Rise Ch. 05


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About twenty minutes later, Casey returned with a male officer carrying the now familiar briefcase that would apply the registered nudist crescent tattoo.

"Ms Jolene Reine. I understand you wish to register as a nudist? Do you state that you enter into this registration of your own free will, knowing it is permanently binding? If you agree say I do."

Jolene looked questioningly at Casey.

"Here's the bill of sale for your indenture, Jolene," Casey responded while holding it up to her, after realising that was what she wanted to see.

Jolene looked closely at it then she turned back to the officer.

"I do," she said to him.

"Ok, if you could just sign here," he indicated to Jolene, while handing her the document and a pen through the bars. She signed and handed the items back to him. "Now if I could have your left arm?"

Jolene extended her arm through the bars, and the officer held it while placing the box from the briefcase onto it. He gripped her tightly, and Jolene felt an intense burning sensation on her wrist. She stared at it afterwards, coming to grips with what she knew she now had to do, and the path that was now firmly set before her.

"You may undress when you're ready, Ms Reine."

As she started to undress, the officer unlocked her cell and turned to Casey.

"She's all yours," he said to her. "I'll escort you to the exit, and then you're free to be on your way."

"Thank you," Casey responded.

Jolene knew she was beaten, well at least for now, so she undressed without complaint and was at last standing in the cell naked. Then she realised it was one thing to know when you've been beaten, but completely another to suddenly find yourself naked and knowing you were about to walk out amongst the public that way. Her face turned bright red, and she was overwhelmed with the urge to cover her breasts and privates as faces started appearing in front of her as she walked. Casey was surprised when she felt Jolene's hand taking hers, but she accepted it and guided her sister through the busy foyer, past all the heads swivelling to look at the two naked women.

Casey looked back at Jolene, and saw terror and humiliation written on her face. It was heartbreaking to see, and she remembered having exactly the same feelings when she was in the same position, but she also remembered who put her in that position. As hard as it was to do this to Jolene, it was something that she needed to go through, whether she accepted the pain she had caused or not.

"Well look what the cat dragged in," Cassandra greeted as they emerged from the courthouse. "How's it feel, 'Mistress'?"

"You don't have to call me 'Mistress' anymore, Cass. I'm sorry I did that to you." Jolene responded humbly.

"You don't know what sorry is yet, bitch," Cassandra replied.

Jolene didn't respond. She just put her head down and made her way to the car.

"I don't agree with Casey bringing you home again, Jolene," Greg growled to her once they were all in the car, "but I'm glad to see you're at least getting a taste of your own medicine. So help me, if you hurt her again, woman or not, I don't think I'll be able to hold myself back from kicking your ass. Understand?"

Jolene just nodded and started crying silently with her head down.

They were barely in the door once they got home when Cassandra spoke up.

"First things first, bitch," she announced, taking a seat on the couch. "Get your ass across my lap!"

Jolene looked to Casey in horror.

"Sorry, Jolene," Casey shrugged, "This was something I promised Cassandra, and I think it's important that you go through it to know what it feels like."

"Please, Casey? I've learnt my lesson. There's no need for this," Jolene begged.

Casey just nodded towards Cassandra's lap in response. Clearly getting out of it wasn't an option.

"Fine," she conceded as she reluctantly lay across Cassandra's lap and braced herself for what was about to happen.

Cassandra didn't hold back, and soon the tears were streaming down Jolene's face in response to the pain and humiliation. Greg didn't know whether it was more arousing, horrifying, or surreal to watch one naked girl spanking another. Jolene's butt cheeks were bright red. Holy fuck!

"Ok, that's ten for me." Cassandra stated. "Casey, you want another ten for you?"

"No, that's enough, Cassandra, thank you," Casey responded. "That was payback, and Jolene earned it and took it, but it's the last time anyone is spanked or otherwise physically punished in this house. What will happen now though, Jolene, is you'll be doing all of the cooking, cleaning, and yard work from now on, at least until you've served your penance. Remember though, if I catch you spitting in our food or any petty shit like that, or if you prove to be too much trouble, you will be sold. Do you understand?"

Jolene just nodded her head, obviously still too humiliated to speak after being spanked by Cassandra in front of everyone.

"Ok, now other than that, I want things back much the way they were here as soon as possible. You'll be doing cam shows as soon as we've got you set up, but outside of that I want you to have as normal a life as possible, and I don't mean that sarcastically. I do want us all to be friends here again one day."

"I ain't promisin' nuthin yet," Cassandra responded. "at least not until I see she's pullin' her weight and bein' legit."

"Ok, just try your best then please, Cassandra," Casey requested. "I know we all need time to get past this, but it needs to happen so we keep all the good things that happened here up until recently. Just don't be unnecessarily cruel or nasty, is all I ask."

Cassandra rolled her eyes and nodded at the same time to show she reluctantly agreed.

"Ok, now tomorrow," Casey continued. "Cass, can you book the salon and the piercers? We'll need another doorknocker piece the same as ours. We'll also need to go to Tim's to get another matching butt-plug and a set of dildos, and a couple more Lushes, and then to the mall to get another laptop and camera. We'll need another baseball bat too. Jolene, you'll need to shave first thing in the morning."

"Oh please, Casey! I don't like being shaved. It gets itchy and uncomfortable," Jolene begged.

"It won't be that way for long," Casey assured her. "Once all of the follicles are dead, the stubble all falls out and it doesn't get itchy anymore."

"But I don't want to look like that!"

"It's what the clients want, Jolene. It looks cleaner, more pure if you like, but mostly it allows the paying viewers to see you in more detail."

It was so delicious using Jolene's words back against her.

"Fine," Jolene replied, hanging her head.

"We also need to get you in shape," Casey added. "We'll start out by getting you running and using the gym equipment, as well as your martial arts training. Greg can probably help there. Starting tomorrow, you're going to be on a diet as well."

Jolene just nodded silently. The humiliation of being spoken to like this was unbearable, and she definitely did not feel comfortable being naked in front of everyone, even more so now with Casey pointing out she was out of shape.

"What we gonna do about sleepin'?" Cassandra asked. "I ain't sleepin' with her."

I guess we'll have to get another bed for you, Cass," Casey realised. "We can put it in your cam room and rearrange it a bit so it works. For tonight maybe Jolene can take the couch?"

"Nah, I'll take the couch," Cassandra decided. "That other room feels too much like hers. Too many bad memories now. Turnin' my cam room into a bedroom sounds better."

"I don't mind the couch if you want the bed, Cassandra?" Jolene spoke up.

"You'll sleep where we tell you to sleep, bitch, so shut the fuck up," Cassandra responded.

"Ok, that's enough now, Cass," Casey butted in. "We have a solution now. Jolene is back in her old room, and we'll get a new bed for you in your cam room. Problem solved."


Later that night, Greg and Casey were surprised when Cassandra knocked on their bedroom door.

"That fuckin' couch sucks," Cassandra complained. "Mind if I join you guys again?"

It wasn't long before they were all making love again. Greg found Cassandra's aroma and passion intoxicating, and being with Casey at the same time was mind-blowing. In the time he had known Casey he'd learned to expect the unexpected and just run with whatever happened, but he never dreamed he'd have two beautiful and permanently naked women in his life. He also realised that Cassandra with all her bossiness and boldness had ticked all the right boxes for him and she had found her way into his heart. As much as he loved Casey, he wanted Cassandra in his life too. Apparently, the girls were feeling the same way, as was about to unfold.

"You know, Case," Cassandra began when they were all laying together afterwards, "way back when I told you I wanted to be just like you, the truth was I had a mad crush on you the whole time. I just didn't wanna admit to myself that I could have feelings for a woman. Plus, I knew you were with Greg, so you were probably into dudes anyway."

"That's sweet, Cass," Casey replied. "Truth is you were probably on the money back then, but that was before I knew how crazy your kisses would make me."

"Yeah, being naked together with you so close to me when we did that first cam show together got too much for me and I couldn't hold back. I was so fuckin' scared afterwards that I'd grossed you out and you wouldn't want to go near me again, though," Cassandra confessed.

"I wouldn't want it any other way now," Casey responded while kissing Cassandra affectionately on the mouth and running her fingers through her hair.

"I have to confess I'm feeling that I'm into both of you," Greg clumsily added, not wanting to be left out.

"I'm totally into you too, Gregster. If you hadn't hooked up with Casey already, I would've been onto you like a shot. I'm glad it was you who got my cherry," Cassandra smiled while kissing him.

"I was so happy to be a part of that moment. It was beautiful," Casey added.

"So, we're all cool with this then?" Cassandra asked. "So how do we keep it going?"

"I guess we're a throuple now," Casey giggled.

"I thought you had a subby hubby here, though, Case?" Cassandra asked. "How come he's not wearing a cock-lock then?"

"You told her?" Greg asked, slightly shocked.

"Oh, we tell each other everything," Casey admitted. "Um... he was for a while, Cass, but it didn't work out."

"Why's that?"

"It was just a plastic one for training," Casey explained. "It had a few hygiene and comfort issues. We were thinking about trying a stainless steel one, but now that the three of us are doing this together, maybe it doesn't work? How do we have a female led throuple?"

"I don't see it should be a prob', and I don't wanna get in the way of what you guys were into," Cassandra responded. "You can still be in charge, or he just has two girls in charge instead of just one. He's still got a tongue and fingers, hasn't he? It's not like we've got cocks, and we still manage to please each other, right?"

"What do you think, Greg?" Casey asked. "Wanna give it a try?"

"Oh God!" Greg exclaimed. "You two are wild! Yeah ok, if it's what you want, Casey. I'll give it a try. I'm not sure my nuts won't explode though. It's hard enough lasting longer than two seconds when the three of us are together as it is."

"This will help you then," Casey replied with a smile.

"Ok, it's settled then," Cassandra decided. "When he's with us and locked up, he fucks like a chick does. He'll be our boy-lesbian. So, what, we each have a key then, Case? How do we decide when he gets unlocked?"

"Maybe we won't have to unlock him at all anymore one day, Cass," Casey teased, "but in the meantime we just agree on the dates he gets unlocked."

Greg was rock hard again listening to them talk about him this way.

"Oh, I think he likes that idea, Cass," Casey commented after noticing Greg's erection. Soon the girls both put it to good use.


Meanwhile in the other bedroom, Jolene lay on her back blankly staring at the ceiling, brooding over her situation.

This wasn't how it was supposed to go!

"Stupid! Stupid! STUPID!" she suddenly spat out into the darkness, repeatedly slapping her face, and tearing at her hair. "Why didn't I cover my tracks better? How did I allow this to happen? I gave them a better life! Why did they turn on me? They should have been thanking me!"

Then, just as suddenly, she went silent again and returned to looking at the ceiling, feeling her chest rise and fall as she breathed heavily through her nose. Now her face hurt. She hoped she had slapped some sense into herself.

Or maybe it was supposed to go this way... Ok, so where do I stand and what are my options now? How do I get back at least some control?

Cassandra is a natural exhibitionist but she's stubborn and pig-headed. Although, she can be easily persuaded to do anything if you take your time and work with her, but if you work against her then you hit a brick wall. Her submissive side turned out to be just rebellion against her life of privilege, and it had a limit. I must have got it all wrong, and now Cassandra's defences are right up. There's no fast solution there. I'll just have to go back to the old version of me that Cassandra knew and loved until she slowly comes around again. In the meantime, she's right where she needs to be. She's accepted becoming a full-time nudist and she's ditched the pubes, and now she's making money with that beautiful face and body. There's still a payoff from that even if it's not my name on the bank account anymore. Getting her onside again is just a matter of time.

Casey? Her intelligence and pragmatism mean that she's a survivor and quickly adapts to anything life throws at her. That, along with her astonishing naivety and trusting, made her perfect for pushing into this life originally. Anyone else would have collapsed into self-pity or tried to run if they got caught up in it. Not Casey, though. She'll always make the most of any situation, no matter how bad it is. She's definitely no idiot so there's no pulling the wool over eyes, at least not for very long. And while she doesn't like making waves, she's certainly not submissive. No, she's an exhibitionist just like Cassandra, but she also gets off on humiliation. Although, those tendencies came out mostly through what I put her through in the early days. Now she's more driven by her political viewpoints, but even she can't deny anymore that showing herself off, especially when it's least appropriate, turns her on, and she's committed to her porn career. It also takes very little to convince her to do anything for reasons of either business or pleasure, or even just for the sake of choosing the path of least resistance. Family is important to her too. She has her limits, though. It was a stupid move to try dominating her, and the spanking was a dumb idea. It should have been obvious that would fail. Casey likes to please, and while she might tolerate some bullying herself, she'll never stand by and allow someone she cares about to be bullied. At the very least, I should never have spanked Cassandra in front of her. Ok, so, Casey is to be the leader now? That was unexpected but it kind of makes sense now that it's happened. Now she needs guidance. How to gain her trust again? The way to get through to her is to take her side with all that fempower stuff and work the family angle, but mostly play the game and try to be the best porn star I can be for her. That's going to hurt a bit, but it's the only way to rebuild our relationship and ensure our success in this endeavour.

Greg, the big country boy. He obviously worships pussy so he could possibly be manipulated with some flirting, but that could backfire badly since he's totally smitten with Casey. He threatened me in the car, and showed he was capable of violence when got the knee in when I was arrested. The bastard. He'll have to pay for that somehow one day. Maybe an "accidental" cheap shot in training... Anyway, the way to get him onside now is to show him that I'm following the rules and doing whatever Casey asks.

Amelia is completely loyal to Casey so that's the way through to her as well. She seems to be totally buying Casey's fempower message, and their friendship is strong. This new nude phase of hers is an unexpected and interesting development. If nothing else that girl needs to get in front of a camera ASAP. She's ready for it now. She has a shaved pussy already too. That's always a strong indicator of a girl interested in sex and prepared to be seen. Just a little push should be all it takes to turn her into a full-time nudist and porn star as well...

Ok, so for now I have to show all of these people that I'm on Casey's side and prepared to do whatever is asked of me. Ending up a nudist as well was unexpected, but it's not like it's the end of the world. I probably should have seen that one coming. First thing tomorrow I'll shave my pussy and make everyone breakfast. Then go along with getting permanently depilated and pierced, and whatever else Casey wants me to do. Some of that is going to suck but there's no avoiding it now, so I'll take it as an opportunity to show I've changed and excel at it. It's time for porn star Jolene! I'll shine at it and work my way into being one of the girls of the house. Play it right, and one day I'll have a voice again. Maybe this didn't work out exactly as I expected, but let's just see where it goes and what I can do with it...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice story.

I was just wondering, since the prequel story has been updated... what about an alternative version in which the girls manage to get their previous life back (with emotional turnoils, complications, maybe aftermaths of nudist period) while Jolene still gets a fair share of what Casey and Cassandra were forced to do)?

majapromajaproalmost 4 years ago

nice line of events :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Beautiful Catharsis

Cant wait to see jolene's coming humiliation, and maybe Greg's too. Maybe he should become a nudist and show off his new cage.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Casey was being a little too nice taking spanking off the table with the next step the threat of being sold... She needs to find a way to dominate her sister hard. If she wants to keep her that is after Jolene shows her true colors again...

I do like seeing justice done... 5 stars..


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Love it looking forward to the next chapter. Thank you.

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