Catbird Seat


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"I will," Doug assured her, then turned back to Cat. "Do you know how to defend yourself, just in case?"

"I've taken a few martial arts classes," the pitcher answered. "I can bat well too, even if I don't do it that often. But, uh, I can't exactly carry a bat in Downtown Austin."

Doug shrugged and handed her a small metal cylinder. "Collapsible baton. Flick your wrist, it pops out. Same heft as a bat, same hitting power. I carry one myself. How about we go to Krieg Field on Riverside after dinner, hit a few balls? We can keep regular bats in the car for that. Uh, who has a vehicle that can hold all of us?"

"I do," said Diana. "Cadillac Escalade."

"You need to call your boyfriend about this?" Doug asked Cat next.

"I actually am between boyfriends," Cat admitted. "Last guy dumped me for someone else two weeks ago." Take a chance and give the would-be Casanova knight a break, she decided. If I find I dislike him later, I can dump him no problem once this is over. "You can be my boyfriend tonight, Deputy. Just don't let your cop bodyguard instincts down, okay?"

"No problem!" Doug beamed at her. "Uh, Lily, guess you're paired with- Diana, right?- if any monogamy crusaders come after us tonight?"

"Or we can not care about that and roll as polyamorous behind the scenes," Stephanie said, giving Cat a knowing look. "Cat and Diana are both like me and Lily, you know."

Doug raised his eyebrows at Cat, who nodded, deciding to take another chance. Diana did the same.

"I didn't hear any of that," Coach Connie said.

"I have some more good cops on speed dial if necessary," Doug added.

"Great," Cat told him. "Hope they're not necessary."

Plans and friendships established, they headed out for the evening's activity.


Before dinner, Keith and Stephanie checked their computers for info on Blazon using the stadium internet connection. Keith aired the relevant information he'd found first once they were traveling to Truluck's. "Google told me a scientist named Gennady Blazon was dismissed from the University of Prague for unethical experiments involving hypnotism. Perhaps Igor is related?"

"An article I found says Igor Blazon is an expert in robotics," Stephanie contributed. "Though how that relates to hypnotism..."

"We'll wait and see," Doug said. "We don't yet have any proof the doctor sent the note. It could be his bookie."

"Bookie?" Cat asked.

"This is just a guess," Doug said, "but usually when a criminal wants a major sports figure to throw a game, it's because of illegal gambling. Sports betting is a crime in Texas, and people can go crazy if they have lots of money to lose. I've known people with gambling addiction- it makes them do insanely stupid things. Or insanely smart ones. The note could have been left by the gambler hedging their bets... or the bookie practicing reverse psychology."

"They knew I wouldn't take kindly to the threat," Cat reasoned. "And therefore they hoped I would play even better in response to it."

"Which you did," said Diana. "Do you know any bookies, Deputy?"

"I have a detective buddy who's arrested a few." Doug typed texts into his cell phone. "I'll have Del meet us at Kreig Field later. Cat, full disclosure, I'm hoping someone is tailing you tonight so we can draw them out and set a trap for them. They probably won't come after you at Truluck's or any Sixth Street clubs- too many witnesses. But if it seems like you're enjoying a night on the town and we go to a deserted baseball field at an opportune moment..."

Cat nodded in understanding. She had seen enough police-related media to know what Doug had in mind.

Doug made a few cell phone calls as they drove. The first was answered by voice mail. "Lakestrider," Doug said, "Doug here. I'm helping another celebrity in trouble. You're on duty tonight, I'm not. Can you come by Krieg Field tonight with Jim? It's his patrol area. Bring a few other officers too if you can. Thanks." The second phone call was to a SWAT team leader he knew. That officer picked up. "Berto, it's Doug Ramsay."

"What you want, Cowboy?" a haughty voice asked. Cat frowned when she heard it. "You still have zero chance of getting on my team if you're asking."

"I actually need your help for your assigned duties," Doug answered him, suppressing a snarl of distaste. "It's a Friendship matter involving Cat Osterman and a threat to her life. Just need surveillance for sure, but if anything happens..."

"You're not going to jump the gun and kill the crooks like you did at that Hollywood star's mansion?"

"No, Lieutenant Power," Doug snapped, "this time I'll have you standing by so I have appropriate help. If you're willing."

"Cat's a total babe and I'm a Longhorn fan, why wouldn't I be there? Hey, maybe toss a celebrity hook-up my way this time?"

Cat immediately decided she didn't like the tone on the other end of the line. It sounded entitled and expectant, in contrast to Doug's humble professionalism.

"Keep your men discreet," Doug said. "I know you know your business. Please remember I know mine." He hung up before Berto Power could say anything else. "He's a jerk, but he's useful," the Deputy said, noticing Cat's frown. "Confession- we might need guns here and I'm not that great a shot."

"It's okay," said Cat. "There's always one jerk among the cops, at least, right?"

Doug nodded. "Unfortunately."

They talked about other matters as they traveled. Doug and Cat found common ground in their experiences at UT-Austin as well as interest in professional sports and police work. Cat was a lifelong fan of NYPD Blue and other police procedural shows. "The reality of the work isn't always like those shows," Doug told her, "but they are similar enough to attract admiration."

"Which is why I might go into a law enforcement career if a civil lawyer job doesn't work out," said Lily. "Civil law pays better, but criminal gets a lot of glory."

"Maybe I can get into it too," Diana said. "I'll need a career after softball, or if softball doesn't work out."

"It's a bit dangerous for me to do full time," Stephanie gave her opinion. "But I don't mind helping friends under threat." Keith confirmed he felt the same way.

Dinner at Truluck's passed without incident other than further friendly bonding. However, as the six of them were leaving the restaurant, a group of four people approached them. They all recognized the Mudd sisters, though they were dressed in conservative gray pantsuits now instead of baseball uniforms. A short man in a white tuxedo with long bushy gray hair walked beside them. Cat immediately felt bothered by the crazed look in his darting beady eyes. "Dr. Blazon, I presume?" she greeted the stranger as he and the Mudd sisters approached.

"So you know me!" the scientist said after blinking in momentary surprise. "You are ready to admit my superiority then?"

Stephanie stepped in front of Cat before she could speak again. "We admit nothing. How about a private game- our team against yours? Krieg Field off Riverside Drive in three hours? You win, we'll pay off your gambling debts. We win, you stop threatening Cat and cut things back to ordinary sportsmanship."

"Deal!" Blazon said at once. "I was actually going to propose a similar contest of skill at another Austin baseball field, but my girls and I can relocate to Krieg, no problem." He glanced at Cat Osterman. "I am an admirer of you as a worthy opponent, so you know. That's why I am going to beat you!"

"And we'll be his instruments!" Blake Mudd added, her sisters nodding along.

"We'll see," Lily spoke for the other side. "One inning, high score takes all. We'll give you the handicap of no outfield. I can do second base, the guys can cover the other two. You have two other minions, Doctor?"

"Yes, Cooney and Barrows, my first Mudd sisters." Blazon laughed a high pitched giggle. "This is so much easier than I thought it would be!"

Cat felt herself cringing as she observed the scientist's mannerisms. Doug put a reassuring hand on her arm, keeping his eyes on the enemy.

"This your overprotective boyfriend?" Blazon laughed again, shaking his finger at Doug and Cat. "Admit defeat, and he'll have nothing to worry about!"

Cat summoned some bravery. "If you defeat us," she said, "maybe. We'll see."

The Mudd sisters glared at her again while Blazon shrugged and smirked. They then all walked away.

"Okay," Doug said, watching them go. "That was weird. Good thing we're ready for this." He waited till the enemy was out of sight, then checked his phone. "Del found a bookie who admitted to taking a bet from Blazon about the game today. But they didn't know anything about that note in your locker. The bet was fifty grand. I guess that was motivation enough."

"We're not paying off the bet, right, Stephanie?" Keith asked. "I mean, Doug and I are recent lottery winners, we could afford it, but..."

"But nothing!" Stephanie cut him off. "Cat is the best pitcher we could ask for, and we'll back her up just in case. And if they try anything, we'll be ready for that too, right, Dougie?"

Doug looked at Cat, who shrugged. "I hope I can beat those girls again," she said. "I do have a few more trick pitches up my sleeve."

"And if they do prove themselves a problem, we'll have Power's people as an audience," Doug added. "They are cops even if their boss is an egotistical asshole." He shook his head. "Travel time to Krieg is about thirty minutes, so we need to kill two and a half hours. You like to dance, Cat?"

"I do, actually," Cat replied, smiling. Dancing will definitely calm me down before the game, she thought.

"Good. No shortage of clubs on Sixth Street with music and open floors. Let's find somewhere fun."


About three hours later, the six of them arrived at Krieg Field, wound up and ready. They had enjoyed dancing and drinks along with more good conversation. The time was nearly midnight. They were first to reach the chosen arena.

"Berto's team is ready," Doug said, checking his phone. "Ten tough SWAT officers in camo suits or disguised as park staff on night cleanup duty. Del, Lakestrider, Jim, and several other cops are also nearby in case they're needed."

Diana was also checking her phone. "Coach Connie says that the Panthers' coach and the umpire allowed Blazon's stunt at today's game because they figured there was no other way to make the game fair against you, Cat. And they could have beat you, I suppose."

"But they didn't," said Stephanie. "You're still in the catbird seat- in baseball lingo, that means 'at the top of your game.' If we can just stay there..."

"No pressure," Cat said, trying to maintain her grin. "You got the bats, Lily?"

"I do," Lily confirmed. "You mind batting this game if necessary? Pitcher is traditionally last in line."

"No problem," Cat replied. She squeezed the ball in her hand, her primary weapon. "I love pressure."

"You're not just saying that?" Doug asked her, smiling. "Of course you're not." He looked at Keith. "You have something on your mind?"

The computer engineer nodded. "We still don't have confirmation Blazon and those girls put the note in Cat's locker. And if the bookie didn't either... is there a crime here, Doug?"

"We'll ask them directly at the game," Doug said. "Until we see other bad guys, let's go with these. All my conjectures so far have been just that, I will admit."

"You're doing your job well, Doug," Cat told him, smiling. By now she fully recognized the young cop's constant insecurity. Police work probably would not be good for him long term, she thought, but as his friend she would support him as long as she could. And she did want to keep seeing him after tonight. He was a good dancer, a handsome young man, and made her feel safe. Stephanie and Lily had also hyped his sexual prowess, and she was curious about the reality of their words. I doubt we'll be together permanently, she knew in her heart, but a few months or maybe an off and on casual thing? Yeah, I'd like that with Doug Ramsay. He's a worthy friend- perhaps more, if we're all still interested after the conflict facing us is resolved.

"Here we are," Diana announced as they entered Krieg Field. She parked the car and the six of them exited. Everyone looked around for their hidden allies, trying not to be too obvious about it. The park appeared deserted but well-lit. They stacked their bats in the dugout and waited for their adversaries to arrive.

"There's our opponents," Stephanie said, pointing at a pair of gray vans pulling into the nearby parking lot. Blake and Flynn Mudd were driving them. The sisters parked and exited their vehicles, trailed by Casey, Dr. Blazon, and two other women who looked like older copies of the Mudd sisters. They moved with a strange jerky gait, had oddly shining skin, and obvious hair extensions. All five Mudd sisters were holding baseball bats. Their mouths curved in wide grins.

"Okay," Keith whispered. "I wasn't going to say this before, but something is up with these chicks."

"Is that rubber skin on the two new faces?" Lily hissed back. "Did we walk into some bad comic book about female robots?"

"Keep to the rules of the contest," Doug told them. "Until somebody gives us reason to do otherwise." He looked around the field again, then nodded and walked to third base. "Positions, everyone."

Cat walked to the mound while Diana took up the catcher's spot behind home plate. Keith, Lily, and Stephanie took the other two bases and a shortstop position. "Who's first at bat?" Cat asked, her eyes on Blazon.

"Casey," the scientist proclaimed. "I'm not saving my best for last this time. Are you ready, ace?"

"Almost." Taking a chance, Cat looked at another of the Mudd sisters. "One loose end. Stephanie saw you near my locker at the game earlier. Did you put a threatening note in there?"

"I did," Blake said, sneering. "Were you scared?"

"What do you think?" Cat laughed. She had been dealing with pumped-up egos all her life. She could handle this one. "So you're planning to injure me and out me if I don't lose to you?"

"Yes!" Blake shouted, hefting her bat and stepping forward. "I know nothing about you other than that you're skilled in the game of softball, but I can and will beat you just like I did earlier today! In fact, step back, Casey! I'm pounding the cover off this poser's ball right now!"

"Wait!" Blazon held up his hand. "You threatened our adversary? That isn't our style."

"Yes it is," Blake Mudd said with a shrug. "You programmed us all to be the best using your brother's experiments, these four robots and me, your assistant! If you can't be the best, fake it with advanced artificial intelligence! Isn't that what you've always told me, Doctor? And those who are the best are licensed to intimidate their opponents however they want!"

Blazon massaged his head, then shrugged and looked at his opponents. "I believe my assistant needs her programming adjusted. After the contest, of course."

"Let me get this straight," Doug jumped in. He looked at Blake. "Do you actually know Cat's sexual orientation? Are you anything but an obsessed fan of hers?"

"I'm her superior in the game of softball!" Blake shouted back, hefting her bat. "I hit her curve ball earlier today and I can do it again!"

"Prove it," Cat dared her, pointing her ball at the plate.

"You got it!" Blake raised her bat and got into a stance.

Blazon waved Casey and the other Mudd sisters back. "Very well, Blake, let's see if your confidence plays out here. I did train you to be the most adaptable of my creations, after all." An odd look was on his face. "Let's find out if you're as good as you think you are."

Cat looked at Doug, Stephanie, and her other fans on the field, returning each nod of confidence. Then she faced off with Blake. The middle Mudd sister had seemed quiet and not of consequence earlier, but now... Cat decided to use a knuckleball just as she had against Casey earlier. That would be enough, she hoped. And if it were to deliberately upset her opponent, well, that was what Doug's SWAT friends needed, she reasoned. So it was the best technique for the situation.

And, she decided at the last minute, if I throw at an erratic angle opposite what I previously did...

Her pitch sailed under the Mudd sister's bat and into Diana's glove.

"NO!!" Blake screamed in frustration. "You cheated, you bitch! Again!"

Cat caught the ball Diana threw back at her and shrugged. "No problem. I can do this all night."

Blake snarled, seeming ready to test that.

"Actually," Blazon countered, "I think I will alter this contest. Destroy them, my robots!"

The tone of the situation changed in an instant. The four Mudd sisters other than Blake raised their bats and ran at Cat, who was forced to react quickly. She tossed her fastball at Casey, the largest threat. Yes, Cat was not a violent person by nature, but she was still capable of violent action when necessary. Cat didn't know if the Mudd sisters were really robots, she hoped if they weren't she would only knock out her enemy... Then the ball hit Casey in the forehead, releasing a shower of sparks and only briefly knocking the largest Mudd sister down. So they are robots! Cat realized. Whoa!

Flynn and the two older robots were advancing on Cat in the meantime, and Doug, Lily, and Keith were rushing to intercept them with karate kicks. Their roundhouses knocked back each robot, and in the next instant they each drew and extended collapsible batons. The Mudd sisters swung the baseball bats they gripped, clashing clubs against clubs.

Blake hefted her bat and ran at Cat, but was tackled by Diana from behind. The two women rolled on the ground, scratching and pulling hair. Cat noted this and the other three one on one battles around her as she scrambled to grab her ball again. Stephanie was meanwhile running towards the rising Casey, hammering the large robot back with martial arts combos. The shortstop disarmed Casey with a strike to the wrist, snatched the bat from her hand, reversed grip on it, and smacked Casey in the face. Casey did not go down and swung return blows.

That leaves Doctor Blazon unoccupied, Cat thought as she retrieved her ball. I better knock him out. She readied a slower throw aimed at the doctor's head, hoping the SWAT team would show up soon.

Blazon was faster. He had drawn a black Personal Data Assistant device and was typing on it furiously. "Destroy them, my robots!" he shouted again.

The doors on the two gray vans opened and several humanoid figures in white uniforms and face paint ran out. Cat was reminded of a baseball-themed group of villains from a 1970s gang drama called The Warriors. There were nine of them, she counted quickly, too many for she and her friends to fight alone unless they made things fast. She lobbed a riseball at Blazon, aiming at his PDA. She hit the device head on, the impact destroying it. But his androids kept coming at Cat and her friends.

Several high powered rifle shots echoed in the next instant. Berto Power's SWAT unit was making its presence clear. The robots were soon all pinned down and then crippled with precise shots to their leg joints. A thin darkhaired man with a smarmy grin wearing a black jumpsuit lunged out of the shadows behind the field's bleachers and tackled Dr. Blazon as he tried to flee.

Cat did not trouble herself to watch their struggle and only briefly noted that several police cars with flashing lights were surrounding the park. Her focus was on her friends instead. Stephanie, Keith, Lily, and Diana all had the upper hand on their opponents. Doug was having trouble, however- Flynn Mudd was moving incredibly fast and countering his every baton swing with a bat blow. Cat decided that was her best place to intervene. She roared anger and tackled Flynn from behind.