Catfished Catharsis


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Hannah had been kissing his neck again when she started to breath harder. Connor added a second finger. Hannah tensed up and leaned into him as he started to finger her with both fingers. Hannah rested her head on his shoulder, her shorter breaths gave Connor chills as it touched his skin. Every now and then she would give him a small gentle kiss on his neck, and she still tried to jerk him off, but it seemed like she was having a hard time focusing. Connor rubbed both fingers up along the top of her pussy and then on her clit, Hannah let out the loudest moan yet. She started jerking him off again, going faster than before and gripping him tighter. Connor was glad for how precum lubed up Hannah's hand otherwise it might have hurt, but with it, the increased speed and pressure were starting to be what he needed to get off.

Hannah's breathing got even more shallow and she started to let out little mewls and moans. Hannah humped against his hand, driving his fingers in deeper. In the confined space Connor could smell the sweet and slightly musky scent of her pussy, turning him on even more. Hannah started to frantically press her pussy up against his hand. "Oh Connor," She cried out, and her orgasm started to hit her. She clung to Connor and continued to hump against his hand, only now in a random rhythm that Connor had no hope of decoding. Connor was on the verge of cumming, but Hannah was just holding his dick as she came. Connor started to fuck her hand to get himself off. "Connor," Hannah said one more time as her movements were slowing down.

Connor thought about all of the sexting they had done and the pictures she had sent him. He visualized her in her poison ivy outfit jerking him off, and how it would be to hike up her dress, pull her panties to the side, and fuck her from behind. Hannah's finger grazed along the sensitive underside of Connor's dick head and he started to cum, "Oh Hannah," he said as his cum shot out.

In the final throes of her orgasim, Hannah said, "I love you." Connor had to hold her up As Hannah's orgasm ended and she fell limply against him.

Connor couldn't believe that she had just said that to him. He didn't know what to say, but then he did, even if it was crazy to say it so soon. "I love you too," he said. They hugged each other and held on as they recovered. Once they separated Connor reached onto the shelf behind him and found some folded up towels. He handed one to Hannah and used the other to clean himself off the best he could in the dark.

"You came all over my dress," Hannah said.

"I'm sorry," Connor said.

"It's ok, I'm just going to have to go to the bathroom to clean up. Wait a couple of minutes and then come out behind me, I will meet you in the kitchen," Hannah said. She kissed Connor and then stepped out of the closet. Once alone Connor slumped back against the shelves behind him. He had been hoping that their first date would go well, but this was beyond how well he had been hoping it to go. Connor thought about what had just happened and what they had both said. It felt like a weight was lifted now that he knew that Hannah felt as strongly about him as he did about her.

Connor stepped out of the closet a couple of minutes later. He walked down the hallway, the closer he got back to the living room the more crowded it became. Connor made his way through the dancing mass and was about halfway through the room when he saw someone and had to do a double take. Across the room, he saw a girl talking with a couple of other girls, and he was confused, it was Hannah. She was wearing a blue dress that wasn't too revealing and had on a small mask that barely covered her face. She had the same black hair and smile that he had fallen in love with. Connor made his way towards Hannah and stood in front of her. She didn't even acknowledge him.

"Hey," Connor finally said when she didn't say anything.

Hannah took a moment to even turn towards him. "Yes?" She said.

Connor was confused, she was acting like she didn't even know who he was. "So, did you bring a spare outfit to the party?" Hannah's friends were looking at Connor like he was crazy.

"If that is the opening to a pickup line then I don't want to hear the rest of it," Hannah said. She was treating him like she didn't even know him.

"Hannah, why are you acting like this?" Connor asked. The alcohol in him that had helped reduce his anxiety earlier was now making him feel it even stronger as he tried to figure out what was going on. Connor felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out and it was Hannah asking where he was at. Connor looked up from his phone and then back at the girl in front of him.

"My name is Anna, not Hannah, and if you don't leave me alone, I will call my boyfriend over here," Anna said.

Connor turned towards the kitchen and he saw 'Hannah' coming out with a couple of drinks. Now that Connor had the real Hannah right in front of him he could see how the Hannah that he had been spending the night with wasn't the real one, her tits were bigger than Hannah's and she didn't have the same curves as her. Connor still didn't quite know what was going on, but the longer he stared at the imposter Hannah the more his mind started to finally piece together what had happened. Connor imagined his Hannah with her hair lighter and without her facemask on. "Rebecca?" He said as she walked up.

"Rebecca do you know this guy?" Anna asked her.

Rebecca stood quiet not knowing what to say. A word echoed in Connor's mind. Catfished. Connor turned and started to walk out of the house. He left a trail of annoyed people behind him as he made a poor effort to get through without touching people. Rebecca reached out towards Connor, but she didn't know what to say. Anna asked Rebecca what was going on, but at that point, Rebecca's paralysis finally broke and she started to follow Connor.

Connor made it outside, the cool spring air felt too good after hours of being in a crowded house. As Connor made it to the street, he heard his name called. He ignored it at first but then heard it again.

"Connor wait," Julie called out. He stopped and turned when he realized it was his stepsister's voice. Connor turned around and saw double. There were two Hannah imposters standing there in the road in identical dresses, masks, and both had dark hair. Now that they were side by side, he could see how they had tricked him into thinking that they were Hannah in the low lit house.

"Why?" Connor asked.

Julie and Rebecca took off their masks so that Connor could see their true faces. "We didn't mean for you to find out like this," Julie said.

"And what exactly was this," Connor said, going back over all of the conversations they had over the months, the sexting, and how tonight had felt so magical until the veil had been pulled away.

"It started out as a joke," Rebecca added, she was about to say how it then became something real, but Connor cut her off.

"Is that all I am to you guys, just a big joke," Connor said, squeezing his hands into fists so tightly that he could feel his nails pressing into his skin.

"No, that's not-" Julie said starting to walk towards Connor.

"Enough!" Connor yelled so loudly that he even scared himself with how it felt to finally let out his anger rather than just hold it in. People from the party were watching the drama unfold. "Just leave me alone, I am done with both of you." Connor saw Julie crying and how Rebecca's eyes were watering up too. He turned around and continued back home, ignoring them once again as they called out his name.

Connor was crushed, not only could he not believe that Hannah wasn't real, but that she was really his stepsister and her best friend just messing with him. He thought about all the time he had spent talking to Hannah and all the memories he had from being with her for such a short time, how she had been there for him and he for her, and now how all that support from his life got kicked out from under him, all of those good things tumbling down on top of him to stab and jab him with fresh sharp edges. Connor was in love with someone who didn't exist. When His blood was pumping so hard that he had to keep on moving otherwise he felt like he would burst. He didn't know when he decided to start running, but he did.

Connor could feel his phone buzzing against his leg every other step as his phone pressed against him. Connor ignored it, he couldn't bring himself to see that HannahJulieRebecca was trying to call him. Connor made it home and went straight to his room. He locked the door behind him and fell into his bed. Why did they do this, and why so long. Connor was frequently annoyed by his older stepsister, but he had never thought of her and her best friend as being bad people. Why would they lie and trick him for so long? And why invite him to a party to meet if it was all fake. Connor thought that maybe they had planned to embarrass him in front of all those people. As Connor kept on thinking about it that old voice of that had so often made him feel like crap whispered in his mind, What about the sexting and what had happened in the closet? Why would they do that if they were just messing with him?

Connor pulled out his phone and scrolled through his messages to Hannah, going back through time with the slide of a finger, lingering at the sexting and the moments where they were there for each other, wishing that he could get a message back to himself to not fall for this girl who had gotten him to let his guard down.

He heard knocking at his door but tuned it out. The knocking continued for a while, and then whoever it was finally got the hint and left.

The girls sat in Julie's room in silence. The night had been going so perfect with Connor, they had thought that they were going to pull it off, but then Anna had to show up. She had never gone to parties before, so why would she start now?

Weeks passed. Connor didn't say a word to Julie and Rebecca. Every time Julie would enter whatever room Connor was in, he would get up and walk out of it. Connor's anger had faded and now he just felt numb. He still found himself every now and then reaching for his phone to message Hannah when something good or bad happened, but then he would remember that she didn't exist. The school year was winding down as Connor ghosted his way through his last weeks as a high schooler. Connor had been considering an out of state school if he didn't go to ASU, so all he had to do was survive the summer at home and then he would be able to get away from his step sister and her best friend.

One night just like all the others since the incident Connor was locked up into his room. He had been avoiding his tinder app but decided it was time to finally delete it. After Hannah, he couldn't bring himself to use the app again. Connor opened it up and saw all the notifications that he had from the girls trying to message him. Connor went to the settings and was about to delete his account, but he hesitated. If he deleted it then he would lose all his conversations he had with Hannah on there. Even if it had really been Julie and Rebecca, those conversations had still meant something to him. Connor decided to look over the messages one last time and then delete them afterward.

Connor opened his conversation with Hannah and scrolled to the top to start off at the beginning. He read through their conversations. He found himself smiling at all of the dumb things they talked about, then how it shifted to them talking about their days and being there for each other, then how it became them talking about what they wanted from the future, and then, of course, he read over the sexting they did and he looked back over the photos. Connor found himself getting hard at the pictures. Connor figured that it was Rebecca who had sent him the pictures, but as he scrolled through them, he started to notice how the pictures of Hannah's ass looked too big to belong to Rebecca. Now that Connor knew that Hannah had been both of the girls messaging him, he knew to look closer at the pictures. Did Julie send me pictures too? But that didn't make sense to Connor, why would she also send him pictures of herself if Rebecca could just send them.

After over an hour Connor made it to the end of their messages, it became an unending screen of them saying how they were sorry, and they just wanted to talk to him. Those messages had stopped a week ago, but one long message had just been sent earlier that day. Connor wasn't going to read it, but his curiosity got the best of him.

"Hey Connor, It's Rebecca. I am still really sorry about what happened, and I get that you don't want to talk to me. I don't even know if you are going to see this. What we did was wrong, and I hate how much we hurt you, that wasn't what we wanted. It did start as a joke and we didn't intend for it to go on for so long, but the more we talked to you the more we wanted to talk to you, and I got to know you as more than just my best friend's stepbrother. When I had a bad day, I found myself being able to handle it better because I knew you would be there for me, and when I had a good day I wanted to share it with you because I wanted to tell you everything. The more we talked to you the more our feelings grew for you. It tore me up having to cancel on you on all those times you wanted to meet up, we wanted to see you too, but you wanted to see Hannah, not us. Why do you think we started inviting you places with us? It was the only way we could spend time with you, but it wasn't the way we truly wanted. I don't blame you for wanting to never talk to me and Julie again, what we did was wrong, and we can never take it back, but I just want you to know that it wasn't all fake. We really do care about you and think you are an amazing guy, I miss texting you every day. If you ever want to talk to me about anything then I will always be here for you."

Connor reread the message several times and felt conflicted. He still hated how they lied to him and tricked him, but she had expressed the exact same feelings that Connor had been feeling ever since the blow up happened at the party. He knew she was fake, but Connor really missed having Hannah in his life. As Connor reread the long message, he picked up on all the 'we's that Rebecca had used. Connor thought about how Julie had cried that night, and the time he had watched her masturbate by the pool. She had called his name out loud, Connor tried to ignore the signs, but they were there, did Julie have feelings for him as well as Rebecca? Connor felt like they were approaching Jerry Springer status if that was true, but he had to admit that he had been enjoying Julie's company once they started hanging out.

Connor went back to the settings and hovered his finger over the delete button on the screen of his phone, but he hesitated. While Hannah was fake, the messages between them weren't, and Connor couldn't bring himself to delete something that had been such a large part of his life over the last few months.

Connor tried to mess around on his computer, but he couldn't focus so he went and laid down. Connor couldn't fall asleep, his mind kept on processing all that he had been avoiding thinking about. After 30 minutes Connor gave up on going to sleep and decided to head downstairs to get something to drink and snack on, he hadn't been eating much lately so realizing that he was hungry came as a pleasant surprise. As Connor walked down the stairs, he could hear the sound of the TV in the living room. Connor made himself a sandwich and grabbed a coke. Connor was going to take it up to his room, but as he turned towards the stairs, he changed his mind and headed towards the living room. Julie and Rebecca were sitting in the living room watching some random movie. They were sitting on opposite sides of the couch. Connor sat down on the plump two-seater couch. The girls looked up at Connor as he sat down, looked back at the TV, and then looked back at him again, and then away as if it hadn't happened. Connor had never seen a double take in real life, let alone a double double take.

He sat there watching the movie with them, they didn't say anything to him and he didn't say anything to them. After all that had happened, it wasn't as awkward as Connor thought it could have been. Between the air conditioning and the ceiling fan, it was pretty chilly and Connor found himself wishing for one of the blankets the girls were both curled up under. Connor watched the movie with them for about thirty minutes when Rebecca got up to go use the restroom.

As soon as Rebecca was gone Julie paused the movie. "Connor," Julie said his name meekly. Connor looked over.

"Yeah," Connor said.

"I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am," Julie said.

"You already have," Connor said.

"No, not about what happened at the party, while, not just that. I just wanted to say sorry for how badly I treated you for all of these years, we practically grew up together but I always treated you like you didn't belong here. After my dad died when I was little, I just shut down. When your dad started dating my mom I hated him because I thought he was trying to take my dad's place, but I saw how happy he was making my mom so that eventually won me over, but then with him came you and I had to share my mom with you. I made your life hell for you and made you not feel welcomed. I'm sorry that I did all that to you, especially after I finally got to know you and found out how great of a guy you really are. I miss you." Julie said and started to tear up.

Connor wasn't expecting this whole apology from her and it left him not knowing what to say. He couldn't stand to see Julie cry, so he went and sat down next to her. Connor opened his arms and Julie fell into them. She cried for a few minutes and then her breathing started to calm down. Julie felt comfortable in Connor's arms and didn't want to leave them. Connor had to admit that he liked holding Julie, and another part of his body liked it too as Connor felt his cock start to stir from the close contact.

Julie looked up at him, her eyes still moist from her crying, "Connor, I..." Julie started to say. Connor couldn't help but look down at her lips and how inviting they looked. Even though Connor was looking at her lips he was still thrown off guard when she leaned up and kissed him. Julie lightly kissed him and then pulled her lips just a hair away from his lips. He was even more thrown off guard when he realized that her lips felt and even tasted familiar. Connor kissed her back. They held each other, taking comfort and pleasure in each other's arms as they kissed. Connor had thought that it had been Rebecca who he had fooled around within the closet, but after their kiss just now Connor realized the truth, he had made out and fooled around with his own stepsister. The realization didn't shock Connor too much, now that he looked back on it was all starting to make sense.

They let their lips and bodies communicate for the words that they couldn't bring themselves to say out loud. They were in the middle of kissing when Connor felt Rebecca sit back down. He quickly pulled away from Julie, embarrassed that her best friend had caught them kissing. "You don't have to stop just because I am here," Rebecca said. She scooted up next to Connor. Connor noticed how much cleavage he could see thanks to her old nighty. Connor felt even warmer now that both girls were sitting against him. Julie leaned up and kissed Connor again. Connor felt weird at first having Rebecca there with them, but he started to get turned on by the thought of her watching them.

Julie pulled away. Connor had a moment to enjoy the feeling of the butterflies in his stomach, and then he felt a pressure on his chin. Connor opened his eyes as Rebecca turned his face towards her and they kissed for the first time. Rebecca's kiss was full of passion and she seemed to take charge of the kiss, forcing Connor to have to keep up as she intensified it. She bit his lip hard and then sucked on it. As Connor was trying to keep up, he felt Julie start to kiss and suck on his neck. After a couple of minutes of making out with Rebecca, Connor felt fingers caress his chin again, this time pulling him back towards Julie. Julie kissed Connor more passionately now, it seemed to Connor like he wasn't the only one trying to keep up with Rebecca. While he made out with Julie, Rebecca started to suck and nibble on his neck. Connor had had threesome fantasizes before, what guy hasn't, but just kissing two girls at the same time was already overwhelming him.
