Caught with his Pants Down Ch. 05

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The conclusion. Roger comes home.
4.7k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/24/2015
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Chapter 5: One Loose End

The rest of the week passed pretty much uneventfully. On Tuesday morning Anthony went back to school. The school days were the usual mundane slate of activities and classes. However, many people noticed that there was something different about him, but nobody could figure out exactly what it was.

Each day when he got home he and Katie would fuck like rabbits, he'd do his homework, he and Katie would eat dinner, and then they would fuck like rabbits again until they both fell asleep.

The following Sunday, Gloria made her usual three o'clock visit. Only this time she let herself into the house and when she found Katie and Anthony in bed together, instead of screaming bloody murder, she stripped and joined them.

Around half-past six they all decided to take a break. They all sat in the kitchen, talking and laughing, still naked from their three hour sexual marathon. During all of this Gloria announced that she was going to take them out to dinner.

"Thank you, Gloria," said Katie.

"Thanks, Mom," Anthony chimed in.

Anthony, no longer being constantly angry at or fearful of his mother, had returned to calling her "Mom" except in their more intimate moments. Gloria had decided that during such moments it would be more reasonable for them to be on a first name basis.

"Any sort of formal title," she had said of the decision, "seems a bit absurd while you're fucking me bowlegged."

Even at that, Anthony's preferred nouns of address, in the heat of passion, tended to be words like "slut", "bitch", and "cunt."

"Before we dress and trot off to dinner, however," Gloria said, "there is one very important thing that we need to discuss."

"What's that?" Anthony asked apprehensively.

"While this past week or so has been wonderful, exhilarating, and even life changing for us all, there is one outstanding difficulty that we have yet to acknowledge," they all knew that her next word would be, "Roger."

What would happen when Anthony's father found out is something that he and Katie hadn't dared to think about much less discuss. Obviously, Gloria had no such qualms.

"Dad's going to go ballistic when he finds out," Anthony said grimly.

"Not necessarily," said Gloria, "Oddly enough, this whole situation might turn out to be the solution to a problem that you might not have known you had as well as the problems you know about."

"What are you talking about?" Katie asked.

The three sat at the table with Anthony in between the two women. Katie couldn't resist a bit of teasing. She leaned over to rub her massive tits against her lover's arm.

"There are a few things that you need to know," said Gloria as she watched the younger woman's actions.

She decided that two could play at that game and began rubbing her huge rack against her son's other arm.

"The first thing," Gloria continued, addressing Katie, "is that your husband has not been completely honest with you about his trip to Cincinnati."

"What do you mean?" Katie asked apprehensively.

"I mean that there is no business related reason for him to have been gone this long," Gloria said.

"Are you saying that there's no conference?" the younger woman asked.

"Not at all," Gloria responded as she began to trace delicate circles with her finger up and down Anthony's thigh, "There was a conference, but it ended on Thursday."

"So, what has he been doing with the rest of the time?" Anthony asked, basking in the attention being lavished on him by the beautiful vixens.

"Visiting some old friend of ours," said Gloria, fondling her son's balls, "Before you were born your father and I lived in Cincinnati.

Roger had a very good job with an accounting firm. Everything was perfect except for our sexual differences. Those we temporarily solved, quite by accident."

"How do you solve a sexual problem accidently?" Anthony asked as he felt himself start to harden.

"Roger had just gotten his first raise in pay," Gloria answered.

Katie started stroking Anthony's big dick to accelerate the stiffening.

"We went out to dinner that night to celebrate," Gloria continued, "The waiter confused our order with that of the couple at the next table, Arnie and Cindy Hansen.

Once we figured out what had gone wrong we traded plates and began talking. By the end of the evening we had pulled our tables together and promised to all go out together the following weekend."

By that time the two women had traded tasks. Gloria was stroking her son's steel hard pole while Katie played with his balls.

"We became fast friends with the Hansens. We went everywhere together and talked about everything."

Anthony shuddered as Katie licked his ear.

"We shared everything with them, vacations, clothing, secrets, and, eventually ourselves."

"The four of you started having sex together?" Katie asked, as she tickled Anthony's scrotum.

"Yes," said Gloria, "and it was wonderful."

She released her son's dick then scooted up to shove one of her massive tits into his mouth. Anthony moaned as he sucked and squeezed the soft, fleshy sphere.

"Arnie and Cindy were amazing," Gloria said, "Arnie had a big dick and knew how to use it, and Cindy ate pussy like it was her last meal. We had great fun together."

"Gloria," Katie said she ran her fingertips teasingly up and down her man's ponderous erection, "maybe it's just me, but I'm having little trouble figuring out how Roger fit into all that."

Gloria almost didn't hear the younger woman. She was getting lost in the sensations of her son's aggressive fondling of her breasts.

She sat up and gently pushed Anthony away.

"I won't be able to finish my story if you keep doing that," she said.

Anthony nodded disappointedly as he began to caress his mother's thigh.

"Now where was I?" Gloria asked distractedly.

"You were going to tell me how Roger fit into that scene," Katie said just before enveloping the head of Anthony's dick in her warm, wet mouth.

Anthony groaned at the delightful contact.

Gloria removed his hand from her thigh and continued, "That was the part that surprised us all. Roger turned out to have a few kinks that no one knew about.

What usually happened was that Cindy and I would double-team her husband while Roger watched and masturbated. When we were done he would crawl over to eat the cum out of our pussies until we each had a shattering orgasms."

Katie gave Anthony's cock one last lick and said, "That explains a lot."

"I suspect," said Gloria, "that her has never eaten you to completion. Am I right?"

Katie nodded.

"It's just no fun for him to eat an empty pussy," said Gloria.

Katie resumed jacking her big man as she shook her head and asked, "Why didn't he just tell me?"

"He was afraid that he'd lose you the way he lost me," Gloria said, "Everything changed when we moved here."

"Why did you move?" Katie asked, "It sounds like you had it made in Cincinnati."

The teasing was finally getting to Anthony. He could feel the pressure rising in his balls as he humped Katie's hand.

"Don't let him cum just yet, Katie, dear," Gloria said.

"Why not?" Anthony croaked.

"Because," Gloria cooed into his ear, "my big-dicked, fucking machine of a son, if we don't let you cum now it will be so much more fun for your step-mother and I to tease you mercilessly through dinner."

Katie withdrew her hand from Antony's cock and said, with a crafty smile, "I like the way you think."

"Like great minds," Gloria said with mock imperiousness, "beautiful, horny women think alike."

She reached down to grasp her son's straining pole at its base. She gave it one quick, very hard squeeze. Anthony felt a sharp pain just before his testicular pressure began to recede.

"Now," Anthony's mother said, "Try to pay attention. What I'm telling is very important."

Anthony nodded weakly as Katie resumed jacking his long, thick rod.

"The reason that we moved," said Gloria, "is that Roger lost his job in a corporate takeover of the firm he was working for. The next place that he was able to find another position was here. So, we moved.

Unfortunately, it turned out to be a dead-end, middle management job with no chance for advancement.

The job was, and still is, absolutely wretched. We found that I was going to have to start working if we were going to make ends meet. I discovered that I had a knack for the real estate business. Within a year I was making twice as much money as he was, with great possibilities for more."

"Knowing Roger that probably didn't sit well," Katie said.

"No," said Gloria sadly, "It didn't. Add to that the fact that we could never find another couple like the Hansens, so we only had sex, such as it was, with each other. We both grew angry and frustrated and, not unexpectedly, we started taking out frustrations out on each other. We argued constantly."

Katie bent down to give the head of Anthony's cock a few quick licks.

"When I became pregnant with Anthony, Roger and I made the same mistake that a lot of couples make. We thought that having a child would bring us together," said Gloria, "It didn't.

After a while it became obvious to us both that there was no saving our marriage. We divorced."

Katie let go of Anthony's cock and began rubbing her huge breasts against the side of his head.

"Roger got custody of you, Anthony, because, whatever controversies I may have had with him, I knew that he had a genuine gift for parenting. It's a gift which I completely lack. He also got the house because we bought it specifically for you to grow up in."

Anthony wanted to thank his mother, but he couldn't. He had his mouth full of one of Katie's lovely orbs.

"I don't see how that solves our problem," Katie said, pulling her breast away from her man's mouth and sitting back down.

"I think I do, though," Anthony said, "sort of."

Katie looked at him quizzically. Gloria looked at him with an approving smile.

"Dad gets to beat off watching us make love, then he eats you," he said to his buxom step-mother.

"Exactly," Gloria said proudly, "I knew that I couldn't have given birth to an idiot. It's a win/win situation all the way around."

"That's assuming that dad doesn't flip out at the idea that his son is fucking his wife in the first place," Anthony added.

"I have a plan that should head that off," Gloria said, "here's what we should do when Roger comes home on Tuesday."

Then she outlined her plan.

The following Tuesday evening everything was in place for Roger's arrival home. Gloria had called a few people that she knew in management at the airport and had found out when her ex-husband's flight was due. At seven o'clock everyone was in their appointed positions and knew exactly what to do.

At just before eight o'clock Roger came in the door. The house was oddly silent. On a weekday night his son was usually up in his room doing his homework and playing his music way to loudly. Katie was usually in the livingroom watching television.

He called out, "Katie? Tony? I'm home!"

"They're upstairs, Roger," said a voice from the livingroom, "and, I suspect, a bit preoccupied at the moment."

His eyes widened with surprise. He knew that voice as well as he knew his own.

Apprehensively he walked into the livingroom to find his ex-wife, sitting on the couch dressed in a lavender, see-through robe, and said, "Gloria, what are you doing here? Where are Tony and Katie?"

"Your son, Anthony," his ex-wife said, emphasizing each syllable of their son's name, "and your wife are a bit busy at the moment. We need to talk."

Those last for words set off every alarm bell in his head. Every time she had ever said that, in all the time he had known her, it had meant big trouble.

"About what?" he asked.

"Your wife, your son, and you trip to Cincinnati," said Gloria, "How are Arnie and Cindy these days?"

All the color drained from Roger's face. He trembled as he said, "They're fine."

"Did you have a good time with them?" she asked.

He nodded weakly. Gloria patted the sofa cushion.

"Sit down, Roger," she said.

Stiff with fear he walked to the couch and sat.

"A good deal has changed while you were away," Gloria said, "Actually, from what I've been told, the change started just before you left."

"What changed?" Roger asked.

As she looked into her ex-husband's eyes she was reminded that, for all their troubles, she still loved him.

She put her hand tenderly on his cheek and said, "In so many ways our son is the very image of you. You're nearly identical in every way but one."

"You know about that?" he asked with surprise.

"Roger, I'm his mother. There are few secrets that either of you can keep from me," she answered.

Roger took a deep breath in an attempt to regain his equilibrium, grabbed his ex-wife's wrist, and removed her hand from his cheek. He had never stopped being deeply in love with her, but he was long past the point of being fooled by, what he was seeing as, her false attempts at affection.

"Gloria," he said, "what's going on?"

"Last week, when I came for my usual visit with Anthony..." Gloria began.

"Why are you suddenly calling him Anthony?" Roger interrupted.

"Because it's a man's name, and our son has proven, beyond any doubt, that he is very much a man," Gloria said stridently.

"What have you done, Gloria?" Roger asked with growing anxiety.

"What do you think I've done?" Gloria asked.

"You fucked him, didn't you?" he shouted, "Is that it? Did you fuck our son? Did you take his virginity? Did you commit incest?"

"Yes, no, and yes," Gloria said flatly.

"How could you?" he asked in a near panic, "What could possibly have possessed you to do that?"

"Someone had to teach him how to please a woman," Gloria answered, "Who else was he going to learn it from? You?"

"That's not the point and you know it!" Roger argued.

"That is precisely the point, Roger," Gloria shot back, "Someone had to teach him what's what with women so that he won't hurt some woman the way you've hurt me."

"That's not fair," Roger whined, looking down at his lap, "Brining that up just isn't fair."

Gloria gently lifted her ex-husband's head until their eyes met and said, "He had to learn enough so that some woman can't hurt him the way I've hurt you."

That stopped Roger's rage in its tracks. In all of the time they had been a part of each other's lives she had never said anything remotely like that. She had never admitted her end of things.

"Still..." he said, not finishing the sentence.

Suddenly, the sequence of her first answers clicked in, "yes, no, and yes".

"Wait a minute," he said, "You didn't take his virginity?"

"No," she said, taking a deep breath in order to continue, "Katie beat me to it."

"Oh my god!" he said, holding his head in his hands, "My wife and my son. What next?"

"Oh, come off it, Roger," Gloria said sternly, "After this trip to Cincinnati you're hardly in a position to be claiming the moral high ground, or any sort of victimhood."

"You want me to be happy about this?" he asked incredulously.

"As a matter of fact," said Gloria with a smile, "Yes."

"You're out of your mind!" he yelled.

"Even if I was," she said, "it wouldn't necessarily make me wrong."

"This is insane," he whimpered.

Gloria put her arm around him and said in a soothing voice, "Think about it for a moment, Roger. You have an ideal situation again. You have everything you wanted. You don't have to be frustrated anymore. You don't have to run off to Cincinnati. You have it all right here."

The thin, middle-aged cuckold shook his head in disbelief.

Gloria stood up, grabbed his wrist, and began pulling him toward the front hallway and the stairs.

"Maybe this would be easier if I showed you," she said with an enticing smile.

As they ascended the stairs she was just far enough ahead of him that her rounded backside was just at his eye level. It had been a long time since he had thought of his ex-wife in a sexual way, but he had to admit that, even after all these years, she still had a gorgeous ass.

The door to Anthony's room was cracked open just a tiny bit. Roger made a mental note that he was going to have to fix that one of these days.

Right near the door someone had put one of the comfortable chairs from the livingroom. In the center of the room stood his son, naked, hands on his hips, and his head thrown back in sheer, hedonistic rapture. In front of his son was his wife, also naked, on her knees, happily slurping away at Anthony's massive member.

Roger's jaw dropped as lead filled his little pencil.

Katie didn't seem to be in a hurry. She was sucking Anthony's long, thick cock slowly and carefully, the bobbing of her head like the movement of a tree branch in a summer breeze. Her soft, full lips glided down his shaft until she had taken nearly two thirds of it into her mouth. She would suck greedily on what she had for a moment then glide back up to the head and give it a long, thorough lick. Her ponderous breasts swayed gently in time with her movements. It was obvious to Roger that she was fellating his son with great affection. She didn't just want make him cum. She wanted to maximize the pleasure in a leisurely journey to ultimate joy.

He couldn't believe his eyes. He wanted to cry out his wife's name to try to stop it, but he didn't trust himself to speak. It was wrong. It was outrageous. It was insane. It was the hottest thing he had ever seen.

Suddenly he felt his ex-wife's soft, full breasts against his back as she caressed his chest through his shirt.

She whispered heatedly in his ear, "Do you like what you see, Roger? Is it turning you on?"

Roger didn't know how to respond. On the one hand he hated what he saw. His wife was cheating on him with his son. On the other hand he couldn't deny the impact that the raw eroticism of it was having on him.

Gloria reached down to feel the crotch of her ex-husband's trousers.

"Yes," she cooed, "it is turning you on. You've got a stiffy. You like watching your big-titted wife on her knees sucking your son's big dick."

Roger nodded weakly. He couldn't deny it any longer. His little tin soldier was stiffer than he could remember it ever having been.

"Why don't you take of your clothes and sit down, honey. We moved this chair in just for you," she breathed into his ear, "You can sit there and stroke your little boy while you watch your big boy fuck two horny women."

Roger started shedding his clothing immediately. As he sat down Gloria walked around in front of him slowly removing her robe. When it dropped to the floor she extended her arms and twirled around, displaying her buxom body to former spouse.

"Did you miss me, honey?" she asked, "Did you miss this body?"

Roger nodded.

She held up her heavy spheres and said, "Did you miss these? Did you miss Mama's huge boobies? Did you miss putting you head between them and squeezing them against your ears? You always used to like that."

Roger nodded hopefully.

She lean over him and placed a massive orb on either side of his head. Roger moaned and squeezed.

"Mama's boobies missed you, too, honey," she said, "It's been a long time since you've had a chance to do that."

Roger looked disappointed as she withdrew he tits from his head until she bent down to give him a deep, tongue dancing kiss.

She stood up and said, "Now you be a good boy and watch while you stud son fucks your wife and me. He's going fill us both up so that you can have a little snack later. Would you like that?"

Roger nodded eagerly as he began to vigorously beat his mini-meat.

Gloria sauntered across the room to kneel down behind Katie. She pressed her massive breasts against the younger woman's back as she reached around to fondle Katie's soft, firm spheres.