Cemetery Summons Ch. 10


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"Need some help, big boy?" she offered, toying with his cockhead with her index finger.

"I'm not really horny, you know. You guys just assume I am. I don't understand why it won't go down anymore after just once. I mean, is it getting conditioned to sex or something?"

"No, it's just you boyo," Niaf replied cheekily, tracing his shaft as she turned to leave. She made sure to sway her hips and tease him with her big, round ass as she put one hand on the edge of the doorway and made a short pose for him, licking his precum off her fingers with one long, wet lick of her tongue. And then she was gone.

Jack, standing naked in his bathroom, watched as Niaf licked his cum off her fingertips and then disappeared from the doorway. God, that ass killed him. He was aroused again, and there was no lie in that. With a short sigh, he went back into the shower to finish the job with his hand. In the shower still lay Fain, her eyes nonexistent, replaced by the two yawning black holes of her eye sockets.

He sat down and let his head rest against the wall. Just like old times good buddy, Jack mused to himself as he cracked his knuckles. And then a hand gripped his cock, one that was not his own. He opened his eyes and Fain clapped a hand over his mouth, soon replacing it with her own mouth. She had several pauses in her kiss wherein she spoke to him.

"...so good...must have more...never sharing...you with her...never...never..." was all Jack managed to hear instead of catch in his mouth. Her hand started at a quick rhythm to get him back in the mood, which was not much of a problem because of Niaf's little show back there at the door.

"Back for seconds?" Jack teased. Fain simply smothered him as a response.


The next morning it was strangely warm, so he went to school in shorts and a T-shirt, which wasn't exactly the best of ideas. Half way through the day, it had gone back down to forty or so degrees and Jack was left with a rather cold day to endure.

But, getting past that, he was glad to have gotten permission from all three of his succubi to go on this date. All he had to do was wait until she was done with practice. And she didn't seem to mind the cold hardly at all, in running shorts and gym shirt. Jack watched her go around the track again and again and again, like she could run forever.

Well, sometimes she slowed down to catch her breath or get some water, but damn it could she run! Jack waited on the bleachers until her practice was over, and the first thing Alina did when she was done was run up and pat him on the shoulder.

"Thanks...for waiting for me," she panted, wiping her nose. Jack stood up and they walked back down from the bleachers. Several of the track team members were cupping their mouths and whispering to each other. Jack felt like there was something Alina wasn't telling him.

"Hey Alina?"


"Is there something I should know about, because I see a lot of people looking at me like I'm doing something really brave or really stupid...which can be the same thing sometimes." Alina looked embarrassed when he finished, and she scratched the back of her head nervously as she thought up an answer.

"Well," she began. "It's very difficult to explain. You see, the last boy I went on a date with sort of tried to...well, he um..." she struggled to find the words to explain it. Jack waited, and he waited so long that by the time she had thought of what to actually say, they were getting into Jack's car.

"So...?" Jack said, hoping to get something out of her.

"He tried to force himself on me, and I disabled him for six weeks," she said, turning as red as a rose in full bloom. Jack's eyes went wide.

"You're the person who laid Joseph up with that broken leg and foot? Not some six and a half foot monster at a bar? Oh God," Jack said. How had this girl, who was always so nice to everyone she met, broken some guy's foot and leg in the course of one night?

"I'm so sorry. He just...and I was so scared that he...please don't think less of me for it," she said, almost as if she were about to cry. Jack laughed and started up his car.

"Think less of you? Hell, I should thank you. That guy's such a spoiled brat because his parents are loaded. You did everyone a favor," Jack said, pulling out of the school lot. The rest of the drive was idle chatter about virtually nothing.

They got their ice cream and sat down at one of the tables. Alina had ordered a hot fudge Sunday and gotten extra everything on it. The thing had like eight cherries on it and tons of sprinkles and enough chocolate to put in one of those commercials for the fudge melter whatever the fuck it was called.

Jack on the other hand, had gotten what he always did, a cone with a massive chocolate tower on top of it. In terms of scoops, it would have been something like seven or eight. He greedily ate his to keep it from melting on him, and glanced over at Alina every now and then as he licked the melting chocolate off his hand.

"So," she asked with a slight pause. "How did you come by that scar on your arm?" She directed her empty spoon to the gash of pink scar tissue that ran up the outside of his forearm. He ate another chunk of ice cream off his cone and then turned his arm over to see what she was talking about.

That was the scar from the night he had first met Elassa. And he thought sourly about the ones on her back that had been unnecessarily given to him courtesy of her nails. He frowned for a moment, and then decided that it was alright to tell her about it.

"Well, I was at this party, and when the police arrived due to a noise complaint and a tip that there were several minors in possession of drugs and alcohol...everyone scattered. I was unfortunate enough to land on a pole and then have to hide in a cemetery for a while. I thought my arm wasn't going to make it until I got home," Jack answered.

"Oh, so you were the one swearing and cursing the entire time you ran?" It had never occurred to him that she might have been at the party, let alone seen him there. Quite frankly, he was surprised. And he would have asked her about it had his ice cream not been looking like the Leaning Tower of Pisa at the moments. He pushed it back into place with his tongue.

"That was probably me," Jack stated finally after he'd gotten his diminished ice cream cone back in order.

"So it was you that helped me over the fence. My God, I never would have been able to get over if you hadn't have thrown me like that," she said, let out a deep breath. Jack blinked in surprise.

"That was you?" Alright, this was weird. He'd grabbed her ass and pushed her up and out of the way to save his own skin at the Halloween party...and she was thanking him for grabbing her?

"Well, even though you left me high and dry after you hit the ground too, I still wanted to thank you for that. If my parents had found me in jail, I might not be here talking with you right now." Oddly enough, she sounded rather serious behind her façade.

Jack ate his ice cream for a while longer before he found it manageable without his constant attention and they started talking about school and it eventually got all the way to how plane rides sucked and then somehow to afterschool activities. This was an area that Jack wasn't particularly able to share openly with others.

"So, I suppose you know what I do after school every day. I've been wondering; what is it that you do at home? You don't sit around and do nothing, I can tell that much," she explained. Oh you have no idea what goes on under my roof, Jack thought to himself.

"Well, I have a part-time job at this French restaurant, but my boss is an asshole and everything there is generally a little to fancy for my taste. But, on a good night I get a lot of cash, so I can live with it well enough." Which reminded him. "I have work later today, so I can't really make plans after this," he said. Even though she looked somewhat disappointed, Alina shrugged.

"Well then how about tomorrow I meet you there for dinner? You get a break, don't you?" she questioned. Jack shrugged.

"Well, I'll see if it's okay. What time do you want me to beg my boss for some time off?"

"Whenever I get there," she replied, finished her Sunday quickly. Jack drove her home, then got gas and went back to his place to get dressed for work. He opened the front door and inside was Elassa running her hand through her silky white hair, murmuring worriedly to herself. Jack set his backpack down at the door and hurried over to her.

"What's wrong? What happened?" She turned to him and bit her bottom lip.

"Your friend came over and his demon followed him here, and now she...well, go look for yourself." Jack left her and ran to his bedroom where he found Anthony with hands tied up by an arrow-tipped tail connected to a blue-skinned demon. She sat on his face and stroked her enormous, dripping cock leisurely as Anthony unwillingly ate her out. Her other hand idly pleased Anthony's arousal, and it seemed that he'd already had at least one orgasm already due to the thick stream of white goo running down Kan's fingers.

She inclined her head toward Jack and smiled, revealing her fanged teeth. Her dark blue horns looked even more menacing as the light glinted off them.

"Hello again, sexy man. I never did get to thank you for setting all this in motion. I just love my master so much. He knows how to really treat a woman in bed."

"If he's your master, then why are you raping him every time I see you two together?" Jack countered as he stripped down and Fain staggered over to him with his cleaned and pressed clothes in hand. Jack caught her as she collapsed into his arms.

"Master. I managed to get up today and clean these for you. I don't think that I will be able to move much longer today," she said. Jack felt a little sorry for her. She'd ridden him to the point of exhausting herself entirely, and then wanted him to keep going even though she couldn't move with him. At that point, it wouldn't have really been sex. She would have just been a doll and things would have gotten awkward.

"Thanks Fain. You can go back to bed on the couch if you want to. And Kan, go back to Anthony's place! It's not like my house is any bigger than his basement," the teen barked. Kan threw her head back and laughed, leaning forward to run her tongue along Anthony's cockhead.

"And if I were to say no?"

"Then us four...three, would have to throw you and your master out. And you still haven't answered my question, demon."

"Oh, my master loves being a submissive little boy. Look how happily he's eating me out. Nice master, good master. Don't stop just yet," she teased in a demeaning manner. Jack shook his head and turned around, but stopped suddenly for a final warning.

"Kan, if you jizz on my bed, or anywhere in my house besides the shower for that matter, I'll make damn sure that you won't live to see another red sun in hell, got it? I might not be able to control her, but damn it I can get Anathane to do anything I want her to," he snapped. Kan looked disappointed, but told Jack that she'd be careful enough. Still not convinced, Jack had no other choice other than to get going.

He bid his three succubi farewell for the night with a kiss for each of them, and then left.


Jack was awoken before his alarm clock went off that morning. Groggily, he opened his eyes and saw two faces above him. Elassa smiled brightly at him, twirling a bit of her white hair around her index finger. Fain looked better than she had earlier, but a little worried. Jack sat up and wiped his eyes of sleep. He looked at his clock and groaned as he read the twelve thirty six blaring at him in digital red numbers.

"Master, there is something that requires your immediate attention in the next room," said Elassa, lowering herself down just enough to let her large bust push against his chest. He was immediately awake and alert after that. His first succubus slipped an arm behind his back and lifted him into an upright position.

What could be wrong in the living room? Was Kan back this early to have her way with Anthony in his house? Why in the hell would she even need to be here for that? Jack's head was swimming as he got to his feet and shuffled over to the door, awake but lightheaded. He leaned on the doorframe and swung himself into the living room.

On the couch lay Niaf, in the throes of some dream. She moaned softly in her sleep, bright blue wings wrapped around her midsection like protective sheets. She moaned a name, and Jack leaned over her to hear better. She moaned a little louder, and Jack heard the name very clearly.

It was Fain.

"She's not moaning my name you guys. She's moaning Fain's."

"Mnnn...Fain, that's...share him now...it's not everyday that a cock like that...shows up and smacks you right in the face," she snickered haughtily. Jack put his elbows on the arm of the couch and listened in as she went rambling on about him and Fain and a certain few parts of their anatomies.

"She's going into a severe relapse," said Fain, brushing her long black hair with one hand.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"She is dying, in a sense. Ever since you summoned her, she's gotten the least amount of attention from you because of her stubbornness. And now, she's going to dematerialize back to the Sanctuary of Deliverance if you don't feed her. She had only about a day left until she is too weak to remain her."

"Then why didn't she tell me?!" Jack growled, reaching for Niaf's neck. Goddamnit, if she had told him something, he would have fed her earlier. Jesus, these three could be so fucking stupid sometimes.

"She wanted you to come to her. She didn't want to beg you like I did. She's stubborn like that, even more so than Elassa," Fain commented as she returned to Jack's bedroom. The teen looked at the only other conscious occupant in the living room, and she winked at him.

"Be gentle, baby." She closed the door behind her. "Oh Fain, moma has more milk for you if you can make me cum before the sun rises..." Jack wished he hadn't heard that part. He was as hard as a rock in no time after thinking about that.

Well, now is as good a time as any, he thought. Walking around to the front of the couch, he saw that the moon was only half full, but the light from it was brighter than usual. With a sigh, he found that looking at Niaf had this cheesy, Hollywood sense to it.

She lay on the couch, naked body splayed across its bulk. Moonlight lit her pale skin with an eerie glow. She looked like an angel at rest, her black hair covering her beautiful, lustful, and strong blue eyes. It was like the perfect scene in the aftermath of some fantastic orgy, such a carnal woman so quiet and tame.

Jack knelt down and shook gently and she awoke with a start. Her wings unfurled from around her naked body to reveal her slim and curvy torso to Jack's greedy eyes. She opened her blue eyes and the moon's half face reflected from her full cobalt orbs. She stared at him for a while before he saw a grin split her face in two.

"I knew you'd come after all, Jack," she said hoarsely. After clearing her throat, she sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck delicately. Jack smiled at her.

"C'mon. I bet a couch isn't the place you want to do it. Go start up my car for me," he ordered. Fain's brow knitted tightly.

"Your car? What, do you plan on taking me to a motel? I'm a classy girl ya know," she scolded. Jack kissed her on the forehead and retrieved a pair of fresh jeans and boxers from his room. He only just managed to get out before he was too tempted to join his succubi on the bed. He zipped up his jeans and hurried out to his car, which was, as instructed, up and running. He hopped into the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking lot. Niaf was more than a little confused, and a little horny too.

"Hey, don't worry," Jack assured. "You'll like it," he promised quickly, gunning it down the straight line of black asphalt that ran all the way out of town. Niaf waited quietly while Jack drove through every red light in their way, one hand behind his seat like he was cruising leisurely around the park. Niaf realized that not many people were out here at night.

And Jack took them farther than she thought he would...much farther. They were in the middle of some forest by the time he stopped and got out. She followed him as he looked at a sign indicating where camp grounds, the local docks, and everything of that nature was. He read something to himself and then grabbed her hand, pulling her with him as he ran down one of the dirt hiking paths.

It was a good ten minutes before he stopped and Niaf was by now almost angry and ready to go home. She grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around, and Jack snatched her up in his arms. He hoisted her up so that her head was just higher than his. She looked down at him, annoyed.

"Where the hell are we? You brought me out to the middle of nowhere at one in the morning to have sex. You'd better have chosen the middle of the fucking French countryside for keeping me waiting this long."

"Well, if you don't like the scenery, then just focus on me," Jack quipped, embracing his succubus with a deep, longing kiss. Niaf's words melted into his mouth and she scratched at his arms to hold him tighter. Jack dropped to his knees and put one arm on the grass. He then slowly lowered her to the cool grass beneath them.

Her extremely long tongue wrapped around everything it could and held Jack's mouth in a vice-like grip. He couldn't have ended the kiss even if he had wanted to. And he didn't. Too stubborn to ask him for a fuck? He was her master. She should have come to him for any and every need she had.

Jack unzipped his jeans and pushed his throbbing erecting past his boxers. He slid his shaft along her pussy. She gazed at him like he was holding a flame under her head and threatening to burn all her hair off. With a conceited smirk, he aligned their hips and slid his hands down her hourglass form. He grabbed her ass and then plunged into her.

She yelped, and then that was followed up with a deep, satisfied purr. Jack scooted her body forward and sheathed himself into her body again and again. This wasn't like it was with Fain, where she had controlled everything and he had let her fuck him until she was content. No, this time he had dominance, and he wasn't giving it up for anything.

Niaf however, looked entirely willing to give him what he wanted as she jerked her pelvis back and forth to grind against his arousal.

"Best fuck I ever had," she mumbled as their kiss slowly broke apart. Jack took the new control of his own mouth to kiss her neck. He placed one sloppy, wet kiss beneath her jaw and she leaned her head away from him to give him more room. He grabbed her hips more tightly.

"You know," he said as he kissed her neck again, right on her almost nonexistent adam's apple. "Your skin is so smooth and soft." He trailed his tongue up her neck and along the bottom of her jaw before capturing her in another kiss like before. She yanked him forward with her legs, tightly wound around his hips. Her hands fell to rest at his neck.

She leaned into it, eagerly grinding her lips against his as if her very existence depended on it. Her black, leathery wings squirmed out from beneath her and she wrapped them around her lover. Jack felt the carpet of flesh upon his shoulders, and welcomed it. He briefly wondered whether or not he could get Niaf to beg him for more, to make up for her silence thus far about needing to be fed. A sly grin formed in his mind's eye.

"What're you doing?!" Niaf exclaimed as Jack pulled out and flipped her over onto her stomach. She groped around for something to grab hold of, but the only constant solid near her was Jack's body, that and the ground. Jack pulled her so that her backside was up in the air and her knees were planted firmly on the grass. Jack forced her head against the ground with one hand as he ran the other up her spinal column. He rubbed his cock against her ass, eliciting a long, husky moan from her bruised lips.