Champions Vol. 02


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Finally, with a teasing slowness David slid his trousers and underwear down his legs, exposing his now rock-hard erection. Standing back up, he lifted his arms above his head and stretched, working out the minor kinks in his back from a day seated in either a saddle or chair. Stretching a bit longer than necessary, he enjoyed the strain of his muscles while chuckling internally as he heard the lusty moans of Sapphire as she drank in his Adonis-like frame. He had never been particularly concerned with his personal appearance, but he enjoyed how the changes The Creator had made to his body excited his love.

Finally lowering his arms and setting his hands on his hips, David looked to the beauty enraptured by his motions and teased, "Hello? Anybody home?"

Busted, Sapphire chuckled self-deprecatingly. "Okay, you caught me. Now what are you going to do with me," she teased.

"Oh," David rumbled in lust, "all manner of naughty things, my dear."

* * *

Gazing into the eyes of the young man above her, Laurena hoped that his declaration was more than idle boast. Her lust had grown since the first kiss with Hermes, and now -- with Paramonos hovering above her -- it was peaked. His naked cock was pressed deliciously against her passion-slicked nether lips, and she could not wait to learn what skills he possessed.

Lowering his head, Paramonos began trailing kisses from the corner of Laurena's lips to her neck, exploring her body. He moved slowly, teasingly, determined to map all of her most excitable spots on his journey of discovery. For the next few minutes Laurena could only moan in approval, as he tantalized and delighted her body.

A kiss here, a tickle there, as well as the touch of his tongue and the nibbling of his teeth all served to electrify her skin. Each moment that he explored her form she grew more appreciative of the skills that he had learned. This young man had not only learned well, he seemed determined to apply those lessons to masterful effect. He had barely worked half-way down her body, eliciting moans and gasps of pleasure the entire way, when Laurena orgasmed the first time. Paramonos was teasing her belly button with his tongue when the excitement proved too much.

"Oh Eros," she gasped out her peak. The Champion was surprised that after all of her skill and experience with the sensual arts this man was able to take her to fullness without even touching her womanhood.

Paramonos continued to gently explore her body, keeping the embers of her lust burning hotly as he allowed her to recover. Once she had ridden out the aftershocks of her completion, he continued his journey south, darting around her feminine core and trailing kisses down her thighs.

A soft whine of frustration escaped Laurena's lips, annoyed that he had been so close to her center of burning need and was now drifting away, but he merely chuckled and continued along his path. By the time he had worked his way down her left leg and back up her right she was panting in lust.

"Please," she begged him, wishing he would move faster.

Giving her right inner thigh a teasing nip with his teeth, Paramonos merely continued at his glacial pace, inching closer and closer to her core. Frustrated with the teasing, Laurena cast her head about in an effort to find something else to distract her from how teasingly close he was to the destination she so desperately wanted him to arrive at.

Looking to the side, she saw Helene lying atop Hermes, panting for air and hugging him fiercely. In return, the middle-aged gentleman had her wrapped tightly in his arms, as though afraid of ever letting her go. They appeared to be resting now, having just finished their first ride. Laurena could not see Hermes face, as it was firmly buried between Helene's breasts, but the look of total joy on the woman's face made her smile happily. That was what all faithful should feel during worship.

Suddenly Laurena's mind was returned to her body, as her own partner's lips reached her soaked entrance.

"Finally," she moaned happily, as his lips caressed her folds, and his tongue began to tease in between them.

Moving gently but determinedly, Paramonos' tongue parted her labia and sought out her pleasure nub, sending tingles of delight through her core. Enjoying his arrival, Laurena wrapped her thighs alongside his head, and lowered a hand to the back, to ensure he could not escape until she was satisfied.

Paramonos merely smiled mentally, knowing that this was exactly the response he wanted. If he could so thoroughly enflame a Champion of Eros, then surely Charis would finally notice him.

Dancing along the tender flesh of Laurena's honey-box, he sucked, licked, and nibbled her most sensitive parts. Sensing her approaching climax, he added his fingers to the mix, teasing her inner walls until he found her g-spot. Pressing against it firmly, his fingers stroked a stuttered cadence while his tongue lashed her clit furiously.

Screaming out her joy, Laurena's wordless vocalizations proclaimed her second climax, and caught the attention of a number of other attendees. Some of them were even distracted from their own efforts by the powerful sound. The women smiled knowingly when they realized whose head was pressed between her thighs. A few even shot covetous glances her way. The Champion was oblivious to all of it however, enjoying a climax that nearly rivaled the ones she had with David. Nearly.

Once she had finished basking in the pleasurable experience, Laurena became aware of Paramonos once more. He was slowly kissing back up her body. Unlike before, this time it was more gentle than erotic, as though his goal was not to enflame her, but to reassure her that the temporary departure of her awareness was expected.

When his lips reached hers, she kissed him with equal emotion, thanking him for such a wonderful gift. When the slow, gentle battle of their mouths finished Paramonos pulled back far enough to look into her eyes and asked, "Are you ready to continue?"

Nodding, Laurena replied, "Certainly."

Smiling in thanks, he began to rock his hips, pressing his erection against her well lubricated entrance. With each pass, his cock fanned the embers of her own arousal, still smoldering from moments before. Finally, he lowered his hips a few inches on one down-stroke, and tipped forward on the return to press his mushroom tip into her greedy folds. As his hardness entered her, Laurena's inner walls grasped hungrily at the intruder.

Both of them sighed in pleasure once every teasing inch of him was finally buried in her, each fully ready to begin. Laurena felt a twinge of sadness that his hardness did not fill her as pleasantly full as David's did, but she was able to push this emotion aside as Paramonos began moving. He had somehow learned to control the individual muscles in his cock, and it was twitching and bouncing in synch with his thrusts to stimulate most of the same places that David's did so effortlessly.

Wrapping her arms around his waist, Laurena grabbed his ass hungrily and began to pull him towards her forcefully on his down-strokes, helping to add more force and friction when his pelvis slapped into her clit.

Eros Champion was rapidly approaching her third climax, and decided that her own reputation was at stake if this young man took her to another climax without her forcing him to one as well. She began massaging his pistoning manhood with her internal muscles, quickly driving him toward release. Unfortunately, he responded to her efforts by lowering his head and trapping an aroused nipple in his mouth, sucking and tonguing the tender bud in a maddening skilled manner.

Laurena had to fight hard against her own release, knowing that even with this great act of will she only had a few moments left before he would take her to completion. Struggling against the fog of ecstasy befuddling her mind, Laurena pulled a hand away from his flexing ass and stuck two fingers in her mouth, lubricating them as thoroughly and as quickly as she could. With only seconds left until her willpower would give out, she pulled her fingers from her mouth and snaked them back to his rear, plunging one between his cheeks and past his rosebud. As the finger penetrated his dark star, Paramonos jerked to a halt and shuddered. Wasting no time, Laurena snuck the second lubricated finger in, and thrust in far enough to tickle his prostate. Finding it, she pressed down enthusiastically, and Paramonos gave a single hard thrust into her and exploded. As the first jets of cum splashed inside her, Laurena released the reins on her own climax, and joined him in bliss.

* * *

David lay back on the bed panting, Sapphire clutched lovingly in his arms. Their bodies were sweat-slickened and humming with the after-effects of great sex. He lazily stroked her hair as her fingers traced imaginary designs gently on his chest. Thinking back on their wonderful encounter, he began to compare it, and their last few, against their initial sexual joinings.

"Sapphire?" he whispered softly.

"Hmm?" she replied lazily.

"Have you noticed how in synch we've been the last few times we've had sex?"

"Yes," she replied, moving her head to gaze up at him. "I assumed it was another element of your magic."

"Oh," he replied, considering the explanation. "Is that a usual thing for magic to do?"

"David," Sapphire began, "very little about your magic is usual. However, there are tales among the Dracians of extremely powerful dragons whom mate for life; and the longer that they are together the more in tune with their partner they become. It usually takes centuries to even approach what I think is happening to us, but it seems as though everything your magic does happens rather quickly. It is as if your magic is in a hurry to prepare you for something that is coming too quickly to do it any other way."

David considered her words, worried that her last comment was entirely too accurate. His magic did seem to completely ignore all the normal rules they had taught him regarding power, time, and capability.

"If that's the case, then how dangerous is my task if I'm this strong already?" he mused quietly, not realizing that his words might disturb Sapphire.

Not knowing the answer, and fearing for her love, Sapphire lowered her head and pressed it to his chest, hugging him tightly.

Realizing that this line of thought had obviously upset her, David squeezed his lover more tightly in his arms, and kissed her on the head, trying to breathe reassurance directly into her.

*** Chapter 12: Enlightening Discussions ***

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Calavius, Erosius

Despite the urgency of their journey, the Sophia needed a full day to resupply and make ready for the departure. It might have taken even longer, but there were many who jumped in to ensure that the new Champion left as soon as possible. Philotheos opened the temple coffers, covering the cost of all the supplies needed for the trip. The now happy couple of Hermes and Helene worked tirelessly as well, leveraging every supplier and contact that both of their businesses possessed in order to provide the necessary foodstuffs for the long journey. David was initially confused by this, thinking that food could simply be conjured as needed. Sapphire quickly explained the problem.

"As you know, conjuration does not allow us to create something from nothing, just as banishing items does not allow us to permanently destroy something," she informed him. "Conjuration is the process of converting inert matter around us into a useful state. When you command your magic to create one of your 'bullets', your magic is not pulling the materials from some alternate dimension. It is gathering the necessary components from the world around you, and adjusting them to match the state you envision."

"So basically, I am converting dirt into metal?" David asked disbelievingly.

"Maybe," Sapphire replied. "Or perhaps your magic is pulling metallic dust out of the dirt, and using it. Ultimately, the individual differences are minimal, as long as the end result is the same."

Thinking for a moment, David considered what he knew of science from his own world. "So you are suggesting that matter cannot be created or destroyed; only changed?"

"Exactly. That actually sounds very similar to one of the first things my mother taught me about conjuration. Has she explained this to you already?"

"No," David replied apologetically. "We did not discuss the theory of conjuration to that degree of detail. That is a scientific principle from my world, called 'Conservation of Energy'."

David then spent the next two hours explaining science to Sapphire, which was actually a more enjoyable conversation than he thought it would be. Apparently the sorcerers in this world and scientists of Earth had a lot more in common than he initially realized.

Finally remembering that his initial question had never been answered to his satisfaction, David asked again why they could not conjure food.

"Because all food is, or was, a living thing. The rules that govern conjuration make the creation of living things nearly impossible. If you could simply conjure a steak, then why not conjure an entire cow? What would be the difference between conjuring a pear, and a pear tree? Conjuration does not permit the creation of life, and it struggles with recreating items similar to anything that was once alive," Sapphire explained.

"Then why was it so easy for me to create you leather clothes?" David asked.

"Hmm..." Sapphire mused. "Perhaps it is not actually leather, just a non-living simulacrum that is so similar as to be indistinguishable. Or, perhaps your magic is so powerful that the normal rules do not apply. Let's test it. See if you can conjure a piece of fruit."

David focused his magic, and after a few moments conjured an apple. Pulling out a knife Sapphire cut it up and tried a piece. However, she barely chewed for a few moments before spitting it back out.

"I can't be completely sure, but I would guess that your magic conjures rather impressive simulacrums. This creation may look, feel, and even have the same texture as an apple, but the flavor is wrong."

David tried a piece as well, and after spitting the partially chewed bits out he was forced to agree with her. It tasted like cardboard.

Then he had a thought. "What about the food that Eros conjured?" he asked.

Sapphire scoffed. "Eros is a god. I imagine his magic probably obeys very different rules from ours."

"I doubt it," David added confidently. He felt like he was on to something big, and he needed a few moments to puzzle through it.

"Really." Sapphire replied, beginning to become annoyed at his superior tone. "Which one of us has been working with powerful magic for over half a century and which one of us only learned how to do magic last month?" She inquired with a hint of warning in her voice.

"Gimme a sec," David told her absently, "I'm thinking."

Sapphire huffed in mild annoyance, but she was also somewhat intrigued. Her love still had so much to learn about her world, but he also brought such different knowledge from his own world that he sometimes saw things that never occurred to people here. He was also very bright.

After a few minutes of deep thought, the idea that was tickling the edge of his brain fully formed and the words began to spill out of his mouth at a rapid rate.

"Okay. So Eros shares a part of his power with his faithful through the Blessings, he also shares a large portion of his power with his Champion, right?" David asked, knowing the answer.

"Yes," Sapphire replied, not sure where he was going.

"So if Eros' magic was completely different from the magic that humans can use, then wouldn't that prevent him from sharing?" David inquired. "Like how you can't mix oil and water. They are both liquids, but if you try to mix them it doesn't work."

Sapphire began to see where his mind was going, and with her background in magic she suddenly saw what he did. She gasped, and David smiled seeing that she got it.

"You're right," she exclaimed excitedly. "If Eros' magic was different from our magic he would not be able to amplify the power of his faithful. They would have to learn how to use a completely different type of magic to access the power he granted them. The same would be true of Laurena as his Champion. But they don't, they just gain access to more magical power, not a different type."

"And the same thing is true with me," David continued in his reasoning. "My magic was given to me by The Creator, not Eros, but it still follows the same rules as the magic here. Plus, Dracian magic works the same as human magic. That would indicate that all magic is probably the same, both here and on other worlds."

"Which would mean that if Eros can conjure food with magic, then we can too," Sapphire interjected excitedly.

"We just have to learn how," David replied with equal enthusiasm.

"We could always ask Eros next time we see him," Sapphire joked.

David laughed in reply. "I imagine if Eros wanted to share that knowledge he would have already done so. Like you said, if you can use magic to create food then you could probably use it to create living things. My guess is the gods, no matter how generous some may be, still have a few secrets they refuse to share with mortals."

Sapphire nodded, agreeing that his reasoning was probably accurate.

"Well, that just gives us another magical experiment to work on," Sapphire said with a smile.

David groaned. "Yeah, like we don't already have enough of those," he added with a half-smile.

Despite their revelation they were still a long way from discovering how to create food with magic. So they had to wait a day to depart while supplies for the journey were gathered; but the day was not wasted.

* * *

Philotheos pulled Laurena aside to discuss the events of the previous evening.

"It seems you were able to work your magic on Hermes and Helene," the old priest congratulated her.

"It was not terribly difficult," she replied happily. "They were so in love with one another, they really only needed a nudge."

"And what do you think of your efforts with Paramonos?" Philotheos inquired.

Laurena hesitated, unsure how to explain. The young man had been energetic and skilled, and their joining had been nearly as wonderful as sex with David. However, when they had finished Paramonos had shaken off his euphoria and looked for Charis. As though he was hoping his performance had somehow impressed her. This action had not set well with Laurena, who viewed her actions as a possible failure. Worse, Charis had not even noticed them, focused entirely on her own partner in the Blessing.

"I do not believe that my efforts changed his feelings in any way. It is possible that Paramonos will not, or perhaps even cannot, change how he feels towards Charis. I am not even certain what could," she explained.

Philotheos simply nodded in reply. It was exactly as he suspected. He would have to speak with Charis about this, but he could tell that Laurena was uncomfortable with the subject.

"Do not worry about it, Laurena, it seems that all is exactly as I suspected," he replied consolingly. "Now if you do not mind, I would like to speak with David for a bit. I so rarely meet people from faraway lands, and the historian in me is clamoring to know more. I have freed Charis from her temple duties today, so that the two of you can spend the day together before you leave in the morning. I know it is not the six months she had hoped for, but at least it will be something."

Pleased by the offer, Laurena thanked the old priest and left to seek out her friend. She would put the issue of Paramonos out of her mind, and leave it in the capable hands of the experienced priest.
