Chance Encounter Ch. 23


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At first he thought she was talking to one of her girlfriends, but it soon became apparent she was conversing with Officer Leo. He wanted to speak up, to let him know he was present, but he remained quiet. He watched in amazement as Jean and he talked. Her voice sounded coquettish. He tried to hear what Leo was saying, but was only able to hear her side of the conversation.

After she said she was studying, he heard this, "He already left. We had a nice time. How are you doing and how was work? What made you call? That makes two of us. That sounds nice. You are so bad. I want to come over. I'm glad you don't live too far away. I can't stay very long. I'll make up an excuse to get out of the house. I'll see you in an hour, maybe less. Don't worry. I'll be ready. Bye."

Jean hung up the phone. She got up and came over to him. He remained glued to his chair. His heart was racing. She squatted down, resting a hand on his knee.

She looked him in the eye and said, "You've been studying all day. Are you ready for a break?"

He locked eyes with her and softly answered, "Yes. I need a break."

She stared at him. Her face got darker, flush with excitement and power, "I didn't hear you Miguel. Say it again, but louder this time. Are you ready for a break?" She dropped her voice to a whisper, "So Leo can fuck me?"

He felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise.

He answered, "Yes, I am ready for a break."

"Finish your sentence Miguel." There was a sternness to her voice.

He hesitated.

"Say it Miguel. Tell me why you need a break."

He kept his voice low hoping she wouldn't make him speak worried he might end up shouting the reason, "So Leo can fuck you. I need a break so Leo can fuck you."

She had he thought a rather contemptuous look on her face. It was hard not to take personally. He remembered seeing that same look after Jose. He now recognized it a foreplay. Humiliating him was part of her arousal process. Shaming him was getting her wetter and her nipples harder.

She said in a rather flat voice, "Wait for me in the living room. I need to change."

He went and joined the rest of her family. He was thankful her brothers had left because he felt awkward enough being in the presence of her parents knowing what they were about to embark upon.

Her parents didn't ask figuring he was there to take a break or finished with his studying.

She entered the living room wearing a dark green pleasant dress. She had on makeup and fresh lipstick. He thought, "She looks good, very good, all dressed up, her face painted up for Leo. Her parents have no clue why she is so dolled up."

She looked at Miguel and said, "Your clothes should be dry by now. Why don't you get them and your books and meet me outside?"

She sounded angry with him. He didn't say a word but got up and did as she requested. He felt humiliated gathering up his things. He thanked her parents for their hospitality. They told him goodbye and asked when they would see him again.

He looked at Jean before answering, "In a couple of weeks, maybe sooner, depending on my work schedule."

He walked out the door sensing they wondered what was going on. There was an artificial pleasantness. He put his things in his car and waited by Jean's. He wondered if she was going to drive herself to Leo while he drove back to school. He didn't like the way she was behaving. It was as though she had to tear him down to erase whatever guilt she had. He wondered why she couldn't treat him in a loving manner as she was about to let another man fuck her. It wasn't as though he thought less of her. He was on board. In fact, he had reconciled himself to the idea of Leo being the first to put a bun in Jean's oven.

She exited the house five minutes later. She handed him her keys and said, "You drive."

He opened the door. She got in. He started the car and began the drive. She was looking at herself in the visor mirror. He was studying her thinking how beautiful she looked, wishing he was Leo. Satisfied with her appearance, she closed the visor and scooted next to him.

She looped her left arm with his right.

She didn't seem to be in the mood for talking so he kept quiet. He sensed she was nervous.

She directed him to Leo's apartment reminding him years later of a GPS barking directions in that pleasant but borderline exasperated voice. He knew the way to Leo's apartment, but he wisely decided it was not the time to challenge Jean when she was in one of her moods.

In front of Leo's building she told him to stop.

She looked at him. He leaned forward to kiss her. She pulled away, "You'll mess up my lipstick."

He answered, "I don't care."

She said, "I do."

He was seething inside, but he refused to blow up.

He wanted to sound sarcastic. All he could think of to say was rather lame, "Have fun."

She looked at him, smirked as if his comment was the stupidest thing she had ever heard and said, "I will."

She got out of the car and told him, "Be back at 7:30. If I'm not out wait for me."

He never felt so alone at that moment when he said, "I will."

He watched as she ascended the stairs not once looking back. He heard the door open and drove off.

He looked at his watch. Only 5:20. He headed to a coffee shop where he read the Sunday paper from cover to cover, drank too many cups of coffee to count, forced himself to eat a hamburger and onion rings which he barely kept down. All he could think about was what Leo and Jean were doing and hoping she wouldn't be so mean to him. He loved her. He wanted her to have the pleasure offered by a real man. What did he have to do to prove his devotion? He wondered if the weekend had been a setup, that after she was satiated by Leo's cock she was going to tell Miguel she was done with him.

He pictured the two of them fucking. He doubted it was all animalistic coupling. He wondered what they talked about. Did she tell him she loved him? Were they discussing their future?

The waitress did her best to engage him in conversation sensing he was troubled. He felt like talking but the feelings he had he couldn't share with a waitress. He wondered if that was why Jean was so eager to have him talk with Father G. Maybe she sensed he needed a confidante and what better confidante for him to have than her confidante. His gut told him she had confessed everything to Father G.

He imagined Jean and Leo fucking. Afterwards she held his cock in her hand and told him how much she loved it. She began to knead it making it grow hard again. He told her to suck it which she eagerly did. She liked the way it grew becoming too large for her to put her mouth around. He told her he was ready. She got on her back and opened her legs. He got on top of her, guided his cock into her. As he entered her she moaned. They fucked she loudly imploring him to fuck her. Even though she assured him she didn't love Leo he sensed she must have feelings for him. After all, she wanted to carry his baby. She might not want to admit it, but Miguel knew she loved Leo. She had two boyfriends, both of whom she loved.

If there's sufficient privacy, Jean can be quite vocal. In Leo's apartment she let loose. As he fucked her, she told him she wanted him to cum in her again. In Miguel's head, she told him how much she wanted to make a baby with him and he told her he was now madly in love with her and wanted to marry her and make her wish come true. She moaned she loved him also.

His gut snapped him out of his epiphany. He hurriedly walked to the bathroom, found a free stall, and not a moment too soon. He emptied the contents of his bowels in a rush. He would feel momentary relief then another cramp would hit followed by more diarrhea. He knew it was a combination of too much coffee and the anxiety he was feeling waiting for Jean to finish with Leo.

Back at his table, he felt weak, but calm had replaced the nervous anxiety. The waitress had left him his bill. On it she had written him a note telling him everything would be okay. He left her a nice tip. He paid his bill, bought a packet of Pepto Bismol tablets, and gum. He chewed the tablets on the way to the car and to rid his mouth of the aftertaste chewed several sticks of gum.

He arrived at Leo's before 7:30. As fate or luck would have it the spot directly at the bottom of the stairwell was open. He pulled in, cut the engine, and waited. He stared at the top of the unlit stairwell. He looked for movement in the apartment. He took it as a good sign the lights were on.

At 8 o'clock, the stairwell lit up. He heard their voices, but couldn't make out what they said. The stairwell grew dark and suddenly Jean was at the bottom looking directly at him. His heart filled with joy when she smiled at him. He grinned. She opened the front passenger door and got in. She scooted over to him and pressed the lips he knew had been wrapped around Leo's cock against his. He opened his mouth to receive her tongue, the tongue he knew she had run up and down Leo's cock, swirled around its head. He wondered if Leo had ejaculated in her mouth. He kissed her back. He didn't care. They kissed for several minutes. It felt so good to hold her. When they broke she said, "Hurry. Go to the school."

She clung to him as he drove to the school's back parking lot.

He wanted to talk but she shushed him, "There will be plenty of time for questions later."

She got in the back seat and was naked before he had gotten the towel out of the trunk and joined her. He got in the car and knelt on the floorboard. She lifted her bottom up and he slid the towel underneath her.

She opened her legs wide and implored him, "You said you wanted me. Now here I am. All yours."

The urgency in her voice was contagious and he wasted no time in foreplay but pressed his face to her vagina.

"That's it," she groaned, "This is so hot. French kiss my vagina. Lick my lover's cum."

She moaned and groaned and babbled both coherently and incoherently as he ate her. Their lovemaking was frenzied. It didn't take her long to orgasm. His climax hit him only seconds before hers. For the second time that day he was staining his underwear and pants with cum. He didn't care. It felt so good climaxing as he ate her.

She asked him to stop and give her a break. He did thinking she would want to talk, but after a few minutes of him resting his head on her pubis she said she was ready for more.

"This time, take your time. Nice and slow."

He did. As he savored her sex she shared with him the details of her 2 and a half hours with Leo, how they fucked and fucked and fucked. Three times, the last minutes before she left. She praised Leo's lovemaking as she thanked Miguel for being so understanding. He mumbled as he ate her he loved her.

She answered, "I never doubted it. What you are doing right now makes me feel so loved. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

She was so unabashedly happy he couldn't help but feel happy too. He wasn't just a good boyfriend, but a great boyfriend, the best boyfriend ever. As he licked and kissed Jean's pink flesh no longer smelling or tasting Leo's presence he pictured the two of them fucking. He knew it had to be good or Jean wouldn't have come back for more.

Jean encouraged him to join her, "Miguel, take it out and jack off for me."

He unzipped his pants, fished his penis out, and while he made love to Jean pumped his manhood.

What pushed them both over the edge was what Jean said as they neared their respective climaxes, "I just know I'm pregnant. Leo and I made a baby. You're going to be a daddy. We're going to get married."

He came against the towel and she flooded his face with her juices.

He thought it but she was the one who said it first, "Wow. That was so intense."

He answered, "Yes, it was."

She ran her fingers through his hair, "Even with Leo I never orgasm like I do with you."

Her words were music to his ears.

"Rest your head against me Miguel."

He asked, "Jean, shouldn't we get dressed? This is where."

She cut him off, "Leo found us. Are you worried or hoping another cop might find us in a compromising position?" She laughed before continuing, "Next time I won't wait to go on a date. I will let him fuck me in the back seat while you sit handcuffed in the backseat of his car. Seriously, I know you're right, but I want to enjoy the moment. I can't wait until we have our own house, Miguel."

His cheek pressed against her pubis, he answered, "Me too." He was tired of being apart and their lovemaking sessions being on school parking lots or cheap hotels.

She stroked his hair as he rested his face on her thatch. "Three weeks. I'm so proud of you. Was it worth it?"

"It was hard. I took a lot of cold showers. I didn't want to disappoint you. Yes. My climax in the parking lot was so intense."

"Good. I told Father G you worshiped me."

A few minutes later it was Jean who suggested they dress and leave. She watched as he tucked his now shrunken penis back into his pants and zipped up. She then asked him to help her with her bra leaning forward so he could fasten it. She then had him help put her panties on followed by her dress. Lastly she had him put her shoes on but not before encouraging him to enjoy a quick suck of her big toe. His mouth around her toe caused her to squirm, "Keep that up mister and you'll be eating me again," she threatened before pulling her foot away.

They got in the front seat. She had him drive. We exited the parking lot and she told him to find the nearest restaurant as she was starving. In the restaurant she chose a table far from the others where they could have privacy.

He hadn't been hungry but now he too felt ravenous. She insisted they share the same booth and they shared a single menu. She caressed his leg. Her euphoria was contagious. She was giggling as she ordered her meal. He didn't know what was so funny but he had a hard time ordering. Their waitress rolled her eyes at the two lovebirds, but deep down she wished she and her boyfriend had a relationship so obviously committed to one another.

The waitress left. Miguel asked Jean why she was giggling so much. She said it wasn't over any one thing but the entire weekend. She said it had been their best day as a couple ever.

"Ever?" he asked.

"Ever," she answered before explaining, "You went to Mass with me. You kept your promise. I got to see Leo. And best of all you got to enjoy me after I had been with Leo."

"You're right. It really has been a great day."

She kissed him and asked, "How was it for you?"

He played dumb, "While you were with Leo?"

"Yes, what else do you think I was asking about?"

"Hard. I had a wicked stomach ache and diarrhea. Waiting for you to come downstairs seemed to take forever. I was so worried someone would see me and wonder what I was doing and call the police. I was so relieved to see you."

"Me too. I wondered If you would be there or if it would be too much for you to handle. And the parking lot? How was that?"


"You had quite the appetite. I could tell you were super aroused. Is it his smell or taste on me that turns you on or knowing what we did?"


"I came so hard."

"So did I," even though his first climax was in his pants and his second was when he masturbated.

She changed the subject, "What did you think of Father G?"

"He seems nice."

"Good. Don't forget next Saturday you have a meeting with him. It's very important to me for you to be there."

"I'll be there. What will he want to discuss?"



"Don't worry. He's on our side. Besides, he's my new boss. I didn't get a chance to tell you, but I am going to start working in the rectory."

"Congratulations. What will you be doing?"

"Answering the phones and the door. Warming up their dinner. Washing their clothes. Keeping their schedule."

"How did you find out about it?"

"My mom. She heard the girl who is there now is leaving soon to have a baby. I'm going to stay there until I have my baby."

"Are you pregnant?"

"I don't know but I hope I am. We're going to need Father G's help when we break the news to my parents. He'll calm my dad down."

"I'm not looking forward to telling your parents, especially your dad. Your mom's not going to take it well either. She thinks you're still a virgin."

Their food arrived and they ate, barely talking. When she was done she seemed ready to leave. He was going to get a cup of coffee. He liked chatting with her, but decided against it. He asked for the check. The waitress left to prepare the check and Jean whispered to him, "I know you have a long drive ahead of you, but I really want your tongue licking my used pussy one last time before you go."

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