Change of Plans Ch. 05


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Billy felt the balloon begin to expand, but it was contained and her mind would let it expand no more. Soon the wild jungle of pleasure that she'd gotten herself lost in became a dry desert full of frustration. She gripped his wrist and pulled his fingers out of her. At his hard, calculating stare she smiled wanly and reached back down to his manhood. By now precum was leaking from the tip, Billy swiped a little and stuck her finger in her mouth. Salty and kind of metallic, uniquely him. His hands grabbed her hips and pulled her to the very edge of the counter before he surged into her waiting opening. Billy gave a guttural cry at the sudden invasion and held on for dear life as he pounded into her. Her hands gripped the edge of the counter and her head was thrown back when his hand came up and wrapped around her throat. Another surge passed through her at the controlled contact. Her eyes rolled into her head as he continued to pump into her. Billy felt the balloon again and reached one of her hands down to stroke her clit to help herself out. He watched her fingers play with her clit while he pounded into her. Billy felt her orgasm come on suddenly and called out her release a moment before he pulled out and sprayed on her mons.

He stepped back from Billy and let her hop down from the counter to pull her shorts back up. The kitchen was filled with an easy silence that neither of them felt the need to encroach on. It was when both of them were dressed that they finally looked at each other. Billy held his gaze and smiled. She loved the moments like this, the calm after the torrential hurricane that was sex with him. She reached up and placed her hand on his cheek, never breaking eye contact and never backing down from that intimidating stare. She took a step towards him when he gave no indication of displeasure at her touch, and another, until she was pressed against him again. Then she rose up onto her tiptoes and placed a gently kiss to his lips. Peace. Everything about this moment was peace. She felt what she had felt the night before with him. Her doubt from their conversation earlier, dissipated. That air of love and want, but just as before, she was scared of it. Love never came on that fast. It never surged into your mind after three days. She just couldn't make her mind about what she truly felt, but whatever it was, it was amazing.

A guttural clearing of the throat caused Billy to jump back from Him like she'd been burned. He raised an eyebrow at her sudden retreat but didn't say anything.

"Dinner will be in an hour, if you two are done using my kitchen that is."

Billy gave Harold a wan smile before she looked back to Him. He was still watching her. Why?

She made to move around him and allow Harold to regain control of his kitchen when she felt fingers lace with hers. She looked down at his hands as they dwarfed hers, before she looked back up to him. He avoided her gaze and instead looked at Harold.

"Dinner sounds great, Harold. I'm Famished."

With that he let go of her hand and walked off leaving a very confused, and slightly hurt, Billy in the kitchen. That was kind of rude, and kind of sweet, and it pissed her off, and it confused her. Stupid brain and stupid heart, figure out what the hell you both want.

Billy gave Harold another smile before she walked off. The rest of the evening passed without incident. Dinner was a quiet affair since He decided to eat in his study, and Harold had things he needed to take care of before he would break for dinner. Billy sat cross legged on her bed and ate by herself. She was used to being alone, and eating alone, but not when there were available people in the house. After she finished eating, Billy went outside to look at the Garden she'd helped Harold with. She watered some of the plants and walked the grounds a little before she went back to the house to ready for bed. Billy fell into a fitful rest, her mind heavy with thoughts of what if's.

It was in the middle of the night that Billy woke up from her light slumber to feel Him sliding into bed behind her. She felt him wrap his arm around her midsection and pull her closer. Her body tensed up immediately, why was he in her room? Did he want to have sex again? Did he think she was still asleep?

"Relax," was whispered from the dark.

Billy forced her imagination to stop running and her body to relax. Together they lied in silence until Billy drifted off to sleep. Her mind was calm and her sleep was easy, right before she fully sank into her dreams, she felt his lips press against her temple.

She woke the next morning alone and with a light knock at her door.

"Billy," Harold called, "Mr. Falenga is here with your dresses. You need to shower quickly and come down stairs."

Billy sat up on her bed to listen to Harold's instructions before she flopped back down onto her back and swung her arm over her eyes.

Yay. Time to play dress up.

Billy jumped in the shower and scrubbed down as quick and efficiently as possible. When she exited the bathroom there was nothing on the bed but a black robe. Billy let out an exasperated sigh and slid the silky fabric on, it only reached mid-thigh but it was all she had. She rubbed herself down in thick smears of lotion and swiped her armpits and thighs with deodorant and she was out the door and down the stairs. When she arrived the room was fully transitioned to a fashionable closet and makeup studio. The three ladies and Mr. Falanga glanced up to confirm that it was Billy before going back to discussing whatever it was they were planning out. Billy stood off to the side awkwardly for a moment before the magical Harold appeared with a croissant sandwich and a bottle of water.

"Today's going to be a long day for the both of us, so you might want to fuel up."

It was just then that Billy noticed a flurry of activity going on behind Harold. Things were being carted into the house and people were in and out faster than Billy could keep track of. The door didn't close once while Billy stood there eating her sandwich.

"Are you ready, dear?"

Billy had just brushed the last of the crumbs off her robe before she was pulled by one of the female assistants over the makeup table. Billy was plopped down into a salon style chair before she was spun away from the mirror.

"We don't want you to see before we're done," one of the girls said, answering Billy's unasked question.

Billy decided to sit back and enjoy whatever was coming to her. The girls worked Billy over from head to toe for the entire morning and a good chunk of the afternoon. Her nails were done, her hair was styled, and her makeup was perfected. Billy even fell asleep during some of the treatment, which the girls giggled at when she came to. Finally they were done, but they refused to allow Billy to look yet. Instead, they helped her stand up and guided her over to the wardrobe section of the room. It was there that Billy was met with the wide-eyed Mr. Falanga.

"My dear, you look beautiful."

Billy's smile stretched from ear to ear at that compliment, even though she couldn't see herself, she knew better than to think Mr. Falanga's words to be untrue. Mr. Falanga looked over to the cart and pulled off some clothes. A racy, black pantie and bra set, and a form fitting, lace dress was handed to Billy. She looked around the room and saw that a screen had been set up for her modesty.

A moment later when Billy came out, her dress back unzipped, she was slightly flustered. She was so worried about messing up her hair and so worried about people seeing her naked, it had taken her a while to get all set up. When she came out, one of the girls trotted up to her and zipped up her dress. She then handed Billy a pair of dangly, sparkling earring, and pair of strappy red shoes. Billy slipped the shoes on to her freshly pedicured feet and slipped the earring into her ears and looked up to see the girls and Mr. Falanga staring at her. Billy was guided over to a mirror where she gasped at the image she made.

Her makeup was smoky and perfectly done. Her eyes made to look like they were in the body of a smoldering seductress and her lips plumped to kissing perfection with the perfect, true red. Her hair was done up in a tight bun, with the front of the hair done in intricate braids that created a crown of sorts around her head. The dress was form fitting in every way. She could see all the danger in the curves she possessed just like Mr. Falanga had said. The heels made her toned legs look endless and the earring elongated her neck. Billy was a vision. Never had she looked so elegant and so put together, and never had she felt so desirable and beautiful. Her eyes began to sting with unshed tears; she was everything her parents had ever wanted of her, and everything she had hoped she's become by this age. How had she fallen so low as to become a prostitute?

Billy choked back her emotions and turned to see four sets of concerned eyes watching her.

"Thank you, so very much," She whispered.

The girls looked ready to cry themselves, and Mr. Falanga had a look of pride and adoration on his face. She rushed over to them and gave each one of them a hug of pure gratitude. When they were all done and calmed down, they each wished Billy a good night and bid her farewell. Billy hated to see them go; they had such good fun and conversation together.

When they had fully cleared out, Billy went to the kitchen to find Harold. When he saw her he gave her an appreciative look and let out a wolf whistle.

"You clean up very well. If I were ten years younger I might just have a go at you myself." Billy let a guffaw at that. Harold all improper and mildly pervy, was kind of endearing and funny. Billy just shook her head at him and thanked him before asking where the party was. Harold looked back at the staff in the kitchen and bid them to carry on while he led Billy to the party.

The party was held in a different part of the house that Billy had never been to before. How big was this place? She felt like she was going through the Playboy Bunny mansion or something. When they finally arrived Billy nearly lost her breath at the sight. The room was a large ballroom with tiled floors and the staple bay windows. Some tables were set up off to the side for people to dine and eat at, and a horderves table and open bar were set up along the windows. A small orchestra was playing quietly off to the side and people were milling around, dancing, or talking in small groups. That's where she saw Him. He was off to the side talking with a group of businessmen and a few businesswomen. Billy felt his gaze long before she found it and was nervous as to what it would hold when she met it.

When her stare met his, she instantly felt a fire race down to her pussy. His gaze was heated passion that was nearly broiling over; whatever the people surrounding him were talking about had lost his interest. She felt Harold chuckle and looked up to him.

"I suggest you get over there and quick, Ms. Billy."

She blushed at his notice of the passion between her and Him and disentangled her arm from Harold's before she walked over to where He stood. As she reached the group conversation slowly ceased. She's parked herself in a space between him and one of the other gentlemen in the group before anyone said something.

"So Mr. Rosenthal," one of the men began, "who is this lovely morsel?"

Billy glanced up at him at that, Rosenthal? That's a hell of a last name. What was it? German? It sounded powerful and angry, she liked it.

"Mr. Rosenthal" glanced down at Billy before addressing the curious stares.

"Well Dave, this is my date, Billy." Billy smiled wanly at the people around her and gave a small wave as hello. The women look at her disdainfully. One of them was a small petite blonde woman with an upturned nose and muddy, brown eyes. The other was a tall, shapely red head with wild, green eyes. The redhead raked Billy over with her gaze before settling on glaring at the hand that He'd slyly wrapped around Billy's waist.

The men in the group offered their names up freely and amicably while the two women spat their names out like curse words. The petite blond was named Emily, and the busty redhead was named Brenna. While the men continued their easy conversation and their joking jabs at one another, Brenna spent a lot of time looking between joining in with not-so-joking jabs and eyeing the arm around Billy's waist. Billy herself wasn't too worried about it, whatever she wanted of Him, she could have it. He wasn't hers to keep, even if the thought did stifle her breathing for a moment. She stood there wrapped in his arm and enjoying the easy banter amongst colleagues for a while before she noticed she was hungry. Her stomach let out an angry grumble at the lack of food that caused Him to glance down at her. He had a small smile that hardened a bit at the feel of her angry stomach.

"Gentlemen, and women," He interrupted his friends, "might we take this conversation to a table with some food?" Billy glanced over at the set up by the window and felt her stomach growl even more when she eyed the bite-sized quiches.

"I'll have Harold bring out dinner."

He must've made some sort of tiny gesture that Billy didn't notice, because soon there were people taking their seats and waiters and waitresses were milling out of the kitchen with platters of food. When the group arrived to their table He pulled out Billy's chair for her. A basket of bread was placed in the center of their table before a bowl of lobster bisque was placed in front of everyone. Billy closed her eyes and let the smell of her soup play around with her senses. She brought a spoonful up to her mouth and tasted it slowly, letting the creamy soup slide down the back of her throat, thoroughly coating her pallet. When she opened her eyes all the men at the table were looking at her lustfully. Hooker or not, that kind of attention can be a bit flustering and Billy felt it. She looked over to Him and saw the flicker of fire in his eyes as he stared down at her mouth. Billy made it a point not to be so seductive for the rest of the night. She didn't want to draw the attention of others too much and didn't want to get herself too riled up. After three courses, dinner was over and couples had drifted over to the dance floor.

Billy felt uncomfortable with the unwelcome of Brenna and Emily and looked over at the dance floor longingly. They'd been making small jabs all night, and though she didn't expect him to get involved, she didn't want to be there for it either. Those two ladies were overshadowing the easy conversation with spite.

"Hey, Schmidt, mind if I take your date for a dance?" Billy looked over to see one of the men eyeballing her hungrily. His gaze was hard at work trying to undress her, she had a feeling that she knew that gaze from somewhere before. Unease settled in her stomach and tension gathered around her shoulders, his gaze was too familiar. However, the prospect of getting away from those women and dancing for a little bit seemed like heaven at the moment, even if it was with some creep.

She looked up at Him longingly, pouring her desire to dance into her eyes before he finally gave a nod. Before she was shuffled off to dance, he grabbed her chin and kissed her possessively, his tongue stroking hers causing a small groan to bubble up from her throat. When they finally parted Billy was as wet as ever and no one was on her mind but him. The circle of colleagues was watching them and the man that had asked to dance cleared his throat. Billy looked down in embarrassment and took his hand to be escorted to the dance floor. When they reached the center of the floor he swept her up so that she was pressed against his body. Billy looked over at Him and found that he was eyeing her and her dance partner hard. She felt reassured that He would be watching them. She was carried adrift to the light sound of the orchestra and she found herself relaxing and enjoying the freedom of dancing.

They were well into their third song when she felt breath on her ear, "I know you."

Billy stiffened and tried to remain calm and pull back a little to look at him, but he continued on as if he had said nothing at all.

"You're one of those whores from the warehouse down town, aren't you? I'd recognize that body anywhere."

Billy felt the unease in her stomach return and wanted more than anything to break away from his grip.

"How'd a whore like you end up all the way out here, huh? How much is he paying you?"

Billy pulled back and looked at him, she could barely remember his name, David or Donald or was the other guy named Dave and this one was named Ronald or some shit like that, at this point it didn't really matter, and she just wanted to go back to Him.

"Are you going to answer me slut?" he bit out. His grip on her waist had tightened and his eyes took on a hard glint.

"How much is Rosenthal paying to keep a 24 hour whore around?" God, Billy hated that word. Hated the implications, whether or not they were true it was the way they were said. While it was an occupation and it was the truth, the hate and lust and force behind the way he was saying it made her feel dirty and worthless.

His smile had hardened in a way that she'd never seen before and her stomach dropped. This was the closest Billy had ever gotten to throwing up that didn't include a dick or alcohol. She had desperately hoped and prayed no one would recognize her at His party; however, her prayers went unanswered, as usual. He held her close and glided her across the dance floor while whispering insults and rude comments in her ear. It seemed as though he was getting off on her distress and discomfort. If she tried really hard, Billy thought she could possible remember the session with this brute. He'd most likely been a bit abusive, angry. He'd possible thrust harder than necessary and left Billy a bit bruised and worse for wear.

When the song was over, Billy yanked out of his grip and laid a hateful glare on him. How dare he humiliate her and their host? How dare he say such disgusting and hateful things to her on what had been a beautiful night? Billy plastered a smile on her face that was more the showcasing of her teeth than anything else and stalked away. What could she do? What could she say? "Please save me from being called what I am by your drunken colleague?" No, he outranked her in importance and status. She ran to the bathroom and felt her stomach turn over as it forced her dinner up her gullet. She made it to the toilet just in time to say good bye to what was the beautiful dinner that Harold had prepared. Billy stood up and looked in the mirror.

She looked herself in the eye until she didn't recognize who she was anymore. Her heart ached and her pride hurt in a way it never had before. She'd never had a dream, a beautiful moment like she's had tonight be taken away from her in such a brutal fashion. She lost the girl her parents had wanted to be in the mirror in that bathroom, and reacquainted herself with the woman she had become. She'd gone soft in the time she'd spent with Him, and it had left her wounded. Not again.

"Open the door."

Billy jumped at the sudden command from outside. She rinsed her mouth and flushed the toilet before swinging the door open. She was hard; she was ice, a wall that would never tumble. However, when she opened that door, she was greeted with a concerned gaze and the wall collapsed. She stifled her tears, but the hurt shined through anyways. He looked down at her and raised a hand to her face. She pressed her cheek into his palm.

"Your friend recognized me," she whispered.

He nodded down at her, "I noticed."

"Come on," he said, "the night is pretty much over, I'll take you to Harold."