Charity in Action Pt. 02

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Fin deals with the aftermath of that night.
6.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/29/2024
Created 03/10/2024
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Author's Note: All characters are over the age of 18. This story is a work of fiction. Please do not republish on other platforms without my express permission. Constructive criticism welcomed. I hope you enjoy!


"Another burger coming up!"

I placed the steaming patty on the bun and set both on a plastic plate. I hand it to Ava who has a smile on her face as she takes it.

"Thank you, dear. Now, who wants one?"

She turns and walks towards the guests. Ava had her red hair up in a ponytail and she was as beautiful as ever in her tight blue jeans. It had been a year since that incident. I was mad at her for betraying me and for giving in to Alvin's demands. I almost lost my temper that night, but seeing her serene face as she slept broke me. So I never told her. Instead, I had a lab analyze the liquid Alvin used to spike her drink. The results came back showing it was a concoction of drugs. I didn't recognize any of the ingredients, but the report notes that it was made illegally and the effects were unpredictable.

Sure, that technically exonerates her, but the image of her face masked in pleasure while Alvin plowed her still haunts my mind. I spent every waking moment trying to find out about my former neighbor to no avail. Alvin was a professional and he knew how to cover his tracks. So, I turned my attention to Jay. He was a lot easier to find, but he was wealthy and had a lot of protection. As daunting as it was, I wasn't going to be deterred. There were other ways to break a man. It was a lesson I had to learn the hard way and now I was planning on paying him back.

"Honey," calls Ava catching my attention. "Did you hear me? Two more burgers."

I didn't even realize i was squeezing the spatula and I relaxed my grip as I reply, "Sure thing. Two burgers coming up."

We were hosting a little gathering for some of the Guatemalan families who were refugees. Of course, it was done through Ava's community service org and we even hired one of the young men to babysit our kids. My eyes search the backyard for my kids who were playing with a tanned-skinned young Hispanic man with black hair which reached his shoulders. He was skinny from starving during the harsh journey and his face was more Native-looking than Spanish.

Julio was nice enough, but for some reason he could never really look me in the eyes which was odd. I just chalked it up to him being nervous. However, he had no problem talking to Ava. Who could blame him? She was an easy woman to talk to.

"Thank you for the burger, Mr. Delfino."

I look up to see a young woman with long black hair in a sundress. She was Julio's older sister who came with their parents. The dress looked familiar then I realize Ava must have given it to her as a gift.

"Hm? Oh, Esmeralda! Good to see you here too! I'm glad you're enjoying the food."

"Oh, yes. Thank you. It is very good! We do not have this back at home," said Esmeralda politely. She almost had no hint of an accent and Ava explained it was because she was getting ready to work in the U.S. "Can you take me to work later?"

"Working on the weekend again, huh? Alright, if that's what you want."

Esmeralda worked at a convenience store in the shoddy part of town so I was "voluntold" to give her a ride. Oddly enough, the place rejected Julio before accepting her. Something was up, but I didn't want to meddle.

The party went by without a hitch. The rest of the families were nice enough, Esmeralda socialized with the other women, and Julio basically hung around Ava the whole time. I cleaned up when it ended and took Esmeralda to her job.

"I'm sorry you have to take me."

I glance over to the young woman to see her looking down at her lap. "Hm? Aw, come on. It's no problem, really. Where is this negativity coming from all of a sudden?"

"...I just feel bad since I know you are so busy."

I felt a twinge of annoyance as I replied, "Ah, did Ava tell you that? No need to worry. It's just normal stuff that happens from time to time in the business world. You'll see that soon enough once you get started on your own."

"Mmm, is it hard? You have no time for family, right?"

I nod. "Sometimes. But there are things I life that have to be taken care of first before you can enjoy that time with family."

"Mmm, I see. I think that does not have to be, right? I do this because I love my family and I would do anything for them."

I chuckle at her resolve as we pull up to her workplace. "Well, I can't say you don't put your money where your mouth is working here. Let me know if you need a ride home."

"Thank you, Mr. Delfino."

The next few weeks flew by, but not in a good way. I was hitting some dead ends with my investigations and the detectives I had hired weren't giving me any promising leads. On top of that, they were expensive and I think I might have been fleeced in my zeal for answers. I was angry and frustrated so I took it out on my wife.

"I've had enough of your attitude, Fin! I don't know what's going on, but you need to cool down," said Ava as she crossed her arms. "Maybe you should spend the night on the couch."

I threw my hands up. "Seriously?!? I just asked you to stop pestering me while I'm at work and this is how you react?!?"

"Don't you raise your voice at me!"

"Fuck you! This is my house and I can raise my fucking voice if I fucking want!"

Ava huffs and collects her robe as she moves towards the door. "I can't deal with this. I'm sleeping in the guest room."

"Fine! Fuck off!"

As I laid in bed, I felt bad for my outburst and I was thinking of going over to apologize. However, the scene of her with Alvin flashes into my mind and I clench my fist. When I find that fat fuck, the things I'll do to him...

The next couple weeks weren't that much better except that Ava finally wasn't bothering as much, if at all now. I worked long nights now because I wasted all my savings on those stupid PI's so I had to do the investigations on my own. Since I was a computer nerd, I used my skills to get me the results I needed. Sure, I may have done stuff that wasn't one hundred percent legal, but I finally found a good lead: Jay had some shell companies that weren't exactly IRS compliant by the looks of it.

I slept in that Saturday and woke up to an empty house. Ava was probably off doing her volunteer stuff and the kids were at their grandparents' which meant I had the house to myself!

Happy that I had some alone time, I whistled as I washed my face. As I looked in the mirror, I was shocked at how haggard I looked. My eyes had bags under them and my face looked like it was melting.

"Dammit! Just hold on, body. We'll get our revenge soon enough."

I groaned as I realized I was talking to myself. I better act soon or I'll go insane at this point.

The morning was rather uneventful and I used the afternoon to clean the house. As I rearranged the closet, I saw the laptop. I could feel my breath catch in my throat as I gazed upon the object which had helped me so much over the years. Yet, it was now the instrument that housed the memory which haunts me.

I considered throwing it away, but there was something in me that urged me to open it. But how could I? I wasn't ready to confront that memory again. There was no way I could, right? Yet, there was a dark voice inside which reminded me of my role that night. I wasn't just an innocent bystander. I took part in it, in a sense. I got off from it.

There was a sense of dread as my hand moved towards the laptop. Was I really a cuck? Did I enjoy seeing Ava get taken by our former neighbor? No, that can't be! I was just horny and the taboo situation must have lowered my inhibitions.

I looked around as if expecting someone to jump from the shadows. I let out a deep exhale as I grab the laptop. As I sat on the bed, I swallowed. My curiosity was getting the better of me. One peek couldn't hurt, right?"

I felt like I was opening Pandora's box as I lifted up the top half of the laptop. As the machine turned on, I mindlessly typed the password. The screen flashes and a picture of my family appears. We were all color coordinated wearing red and we were so happy. That version of me was obliviously grinning as I had my hands on the shoulder of my wife.

Images of the photoshoot appear in my mind as I recalled how fussy the kids were and how patient Ava was as she coaxed them to stay still. I was getting stressed out because of all the noise from my kids and the barking from our photographer. Ava must have seen my distress through all of this. As we posed for the camera, she leans over and whispers a joke which made me laugh. This pissed off the photographer, but she had eased my nerves.

As frustrated as I was with what happened, I knew that deep down I loved Ava. So why...why had I frozen up? Why did I get hard? And worse, why did I masturbate to it?

I was about to close the laptop shut, when a flashing icon in the lower corner catches my eye.

"Huh? What's this?"

I clicked on the icon and a message pops up saying my storage was full.

"Aw, shit! Has it been recording this whole time? How the fuck?"

I spent the next thirty minutes looking around and I realized that I had connected the memory to the cloud and several of my other offline storage programs. I was planning on using it for a work project until the company issued me a separate work laptop. I had set it to erase any data that lasted longer than three months to prevent an overload so that was what it did.

As I glanced at my dashboard, I saw that I had saved the video of Ava and Alvin. I took a deep breath in then exhaled as I ripped my eyes away from it. I was about to delete the rest of the footage when I saw Julio in one of the frames. I was curious to see what he was doing as a babysitter and since he was so odd and secretive, there was no way I wouldn't look.

Most of the footage the first month was rather mundane. Julio wasn't the best, but he got the job done. I knew it was supposed to be a charity case, but I couldn't help thinking Esmeralda was better suited for this. I fast forward the video until the day of the barbecue. I did most of the cleaning, but I left the rest for Ava to finish. Everyone had left by this time so she was putting stuff away...with Julio's help.

I frowned as I saw the young Guatemalan man check out her as she bent over to put away some of the trays. She is an attractive woman so I couldn't really blame him, but that didn't mean I had to like it. I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt which quickly evaporated when he tried the old reach around technique.

Ava gasps and immediately pushes away. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Julio had his hands up as he frantically apologized. Ava chastised him for a few minutes, but then she seemed to let him go. That didn't stop him from gawking at her when she wasn't looking.

Part of me was mad at Julio, but I was more proud of seeing Ava put her foot down. It was harmless enough, yet I was sure there was more. Wait, why was I sure? Or maybe I wanted it to be true? No, that can't be!

I fast forward the footage to see if there was more. It went on for a couple weeks until I spotted something and rewound. The kids had been put to bed for the afternoon and Ava was passed out on the couch. Julio was about to leave and he poked her, but she didn't wake. I could feel my stomach sink because I knew what was going to happen next.

Sure enough, the young man lifted the hem of her t-shirt up to her neck revealing her flat tummy and lacey blue bra. I could hear him groan to himself as he backs up and unzips the front of his pants. Julio fishes out his cock and he begins to tug on it.

"Fuck! Are you serious?!?"

I was glad no one was in the house so I could freely express my frustration. It was infuriating watching Julio grunt as he listed over my sleeping wife. Luckily, it didn't take too long for him to get off and I could hear his moan as ropes of cum fire into the air. Most of it lands on Ava's exposed chest and some of it splatters on her face. Julio was too busy enjoying his orgasm to realize that the woman on the couch was now stirring.

"Wha-? What's going-? Julio! What are you doing," shrieks Ava as she jumps off the couch. "What's-? Ah, my eye!"

As she tries to wipe his semen away from her eyes, Julio is stammering incoherently while he tries to stuff his cock back into his pants.

"I sorry! I sorry! I sorry!"

"Ugh, Julio! What did I tell you?!? What is wrong with you?"

"I sorry, Mrs. Delfino. I really sorry," repeats Julio as he looks down in shame.

"Julio, look at me. Look at me!"

The young man shyly glances up her as she glares at him. However, her shirt was still bunched up so his eyes were focused on her chest. Even through the video, I could see the thick liquid of his discharge slide down from the tops of her breasts to the valley of her cleavage. Once she realized where he was looking, she huffs as she pulls down her shirt.

"I think you need to leave, Julio. Now."

Her tone makes him panic as he takes a step towards her.

"Please, I need this job. F-for my family."

Ava shakes her head as she crosses her arms. "I know! And that's the only thing keeping me from calling the police on you!"

He steps forward and places his hands on her arms as he pleads, "Please no! Not the police! They will..."

"Get your hands off me! Just...just go! Get out of here before I change my mind!"

The youth is crestfallen as he slowly makes his way out the door. He passes as if wanting to say something.


The moment he leaves, she collapses on the couch and runs her hands through her hair as she looks at the ground.

My fists were clenched as I pause the video. When she gets home, I am going to get some more information and teach him a lesson. I wanted to call Ava immediately, but she was busy. I frowned as I lowered my phone. Whatever, I guess I'll look at the rest of the footage to see if there was anything else.

I was surprised to see that Julio was back a few days later. Ava didn't say much to him and just left him to his duties. They must have hashed it out over the phone somehow. I was too lazy to rewind the video so I fast forwarded. I had a feeling there would be something else.

It took some time, but there was something recently. Very recently, actually. As recent as yesterday, in fact. I pressed play when I thought I backtracked enough.

She was sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. Ava looked like she was stressed. Her long red hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing her running shorts with her white tank top. I felt guilty. All this time I was so focused on myself that I forgot about her. She was the whole reason why I wanted to pursue Alvin. I wanted justice for her and I would get it...for us.

Julio walked into the room and seemed apprehensive when he saw Ava just sitting there. When she didn't acknowledge his presence, he came over and sat next to her. He cautiously reached around and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Get your hands off her, you dirty bastard," I growled nearly knocking over my laptop.

However, Ava didn't shrug him off. Maybe it was because of the emotions that welled up in her, but she said nothing as she sniffed.

" everything...ok?"

"," whispers Ava softly. "No, it's not. It's just that...everything...everything is so stressful! Work! Family! Volunteer! Every day I bust my ass and no one cares! Every day it seems like things just pile on and on and on!"

Julio was taken aback by the force of her words, but he tried to keep his body language open.

"And! On top of all of that, I can't even rely on my husband to support me! He's always off working, working, working!"

I gulped as I was now feeling the shame wash over me. I had no idea she was so overwhelmed. I should have listened to her...

"I can't even catch a break at home with two sick kids and a pervert babysitter jacking off over my sleeping body!"

Ava turns and glares at Julio though he is surprisingly calm.

" need...relax. Here," said the young man as he takes out a bag from his pocket.

"What? What are you-? Is that weed?!?"

Julio nods. "Very good...relax."

"I... Geez, it's been some time since I've had weed....but I can't! It's irresponsible and I'm a mom now," said Ava as she seemed unsure.

However, he had already had a rolled up blunt ready and he lit it up.

"H-hey! Not here, it'll...smell..."

Julio takes a drag and exhales the smoke and holds it out to her. Ava shakes her head vigorously.

"Relax, Mrs. Delfino. It help."

"Oh...fine! I guess one hit won't hurt," replies Ava as she takes it and inhales. She coughs as she hands him back the blunt. "Ugh, damn! I forgot how quickly it goes into the lungs."

We weren't really prudes, especially in college, but Ava wasn't really a fan of drug usage so I was surprised when she took more than one hit. It was doing its job because her shoulders had relaxed and she leaned back in the couch. Her inhibitions had lowered too because she began to rattle on about her troubles at work and with the kids. She even talked about my absence.

"....heck, I've seen more of you than I have Fin recently!"

"Why? You are so beautiful."

Ava seemed to think about it for a moment when she suddenly sits up and faces him. She says in a slurred voice, "Yeah? What about me makes me beautiful?"


Her question catches him off guard and he takes a drag to stall for time.

Ava scoffs. "Oh, so now you're all quiet, huh? Not so brave now that I'm confronting you?"

"N-no! Your, um...chest is beautiful."

"Heh, that right now? You mean...this chest?"

My wife had a goofy grin as she pulled off her tank top. Julio's eyes widen as he saw her pink bra and nothing else. It was a push-up bra so it emphasized the deep cleavage. I was shocked. What was she doing?! A sense of deja vu hits me as I saw my wife showing off her upper body to our babysitter.

Julio was nodding vigorously as he took in her smoking hot body. "Y-yes! Very beautiful! And big!"

Ava giggles. "There you go. Now, I appreciate that kind of honesty. You know I was disgusted that you were rubbing and tugging over my sleeping body, but a small part of me liked that I was at least getting some attention."

I sat there in shock as my jaw drops. Was she really this frustrated or was it the weed that made her talk like this? Whichever was the case, she was heading down a dangerous path.

She began to play with bra-clad breasts as my wife began to tease the young man. Her sultry was evident of that. Julio was staring as if in a trance.

"Do you think about me at night when you're all alone in bed? When you fish out that young cock of yours and tug it furiously thinking about little old me in the couch. Little old me laying there helpless with my top up," breathed Ava hotly as she squeezes her soft globes. "Sssshhh, don't speak. I know you do. I know you get off on it, you sick, sick pervert."

"Mrs. Delfino...please," moaned Julio as he rubs the front of his pants desperately.

"Oh, you're such a freak, Julio. You think I don't see you gawking at me when my back is turned? Or when you stare at my tits when I bend over? I told myself you get a pass since you've had such a hard life, but that's no excuse for leering at a married woman, is it?"

Julio groans as his erection creates a tent in his shorts. Ava looks down and gasps as she spots it. This must have shocked her out of her trance because she stands up suddenly and looks around for her top.

"Shit! What's gotten into me? That was so wrong! Now, where is it-?"

Sensing that she was going to leave, Julio stands up and walks forward to envelope her in a hug from behind. "No, please! I...close..."