Charlotte and Jessica Ch. 04

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Love and family.
16.3k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/17/2024
Created 05/05/2024
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Charlotte and Jessica Ch. 4

Love and family

By Aoife

A/N - Welcome to the fourth chapter and the conclusion of this series. I do hope you enjoyed the first three chapters. For those who haven't read them, I recommend you do read. It will allow you to understand our characters and their arc.

I must send a big and loving shout out to Nicole. I can't thank you enough for your honesty and guidance while reviewing and assisting in edits for the series. Hugs and kisses.

Any mistakes you find belong to this old woman. My eyes aren't what they used to be. Your comments or constructive criticism, or any offers of help with the editing process are always welcomed.

I hope you all enjoy it.


Will you marry me?

I opened the box to show her the ring which two days ago was picked up. Her tears flowed, her hands shaking, her Mum and Pap crying.

"Yes me darlin, oh goodness yes me darlin."

I eased her ring from the box and slipped it on her finger. "To you me darlin, I pledge my entire life."

We kissed as cheers from the entire pub filled the air.

~~~End of Chapter Three~~~

That night, the night we were engaged, my entire life changed for the absolute betterment. It was one of the sweetest and happiest nights I had ever experienced. Yes, in part because of the amazing love we made when we got home. Yes in part because my dreams as well as Jess's dreams were closer to coming true; those two things made this evening amazing.

However, I felt deep down in my soul and deep in my heart, what made last night so amazing was that my eyes were opened. My eyes were opened to what family really is.

A family is defined in the dictionary as one thing, where in reality it is that and more. It can be said that a family is a group of two or more persons related by birth by marriage by adoption who live together. A family can also be related to a person and are considered members of that one family.

The family, my eyes were opened too, were more than my father, Frannie, James, Carrie, and Jess. The family my eyes were open to were the thirty people inside of an Irish pub in Las Vegas, Nevada, who not only paused their celebratory day to congratulate us and became part of a broader family. One who knew our names as we had frequented but those who I was blind to. My eyes were opened to a family as I witnessed friendships begin, friendships blossom, one which outside of my military brethren, I never had.

My eyes were truly open to understanding what love can be and what family is. It was my soul's focus to understand. I need to be the one that loves my family and not just those defined by what is in a dictionary.

I was able to work through Friday afternoon and was able to get four other tickets for the football game on Saturday, which was nice to have a little more time with my family, while I was working. My father headed home Sunday morning. We enjoyed some special time with Frannie and with James, just the four of us as we showed around the area to Lake Mead and Hoover Dam.

I not only saw, I could feel the strain as we hugged Frannie and James one more time. We made the promise to make it for Christmas or New Year's, but it was all schedule dependent which they absolutely understood. We both wept but smiled as they turned and walked through TSA headed home to Cincinnati.


Just as Dr. Johns had requested, on Friday, the last day of November, I met with him and Erik along with the human resources team member. I was actually promoted to the Program Lead for Media and Communications. This really excited me because now as a shared asset for both Eric and Debra I was going to see both the media and also the communication side of the sports industry.

Jess was proud of me; she made the best greasy cheeseburger in celebration. As I took one last bite, I smiled but felt something was missing. When I swallowed and took my last sip of water, I stood and kissed her cheek.

"Best cheeseburger ever my love." I kissed her cheek again and went about doing the dishes. Something was missing; there was a seemingly cloud or shroud of the unknown above us.


The new role brought on new challenges and a challenge which I hadn't really had since departing the Army, that challenge was delegating tasks to others. I was warned by both Debra and Erik that I was not to kill myself. As the lead I was there to oversee and assist only when needed. This freed both Erik and Debra and lightened their workload, generously passing it to me.

Unfortunately, Jess's job and work schedule didn't allow for us to fly home for Christmas, we did spend a few hours on the webcam she set up enjoying a virtual family Christmas dinner. She promised we would have time to come home soon. I was heartbroken for her. That night she cried in my arms, missing her family.

On the morning of the 26th her alarm rang early, the implementation team wanted her on site as the new EHR install started, the system was going live on the first of the New Year.

We had a wonderful New Year's party just Jess and I. It was a little romantic; we sat on the couch, cuddled up watching our streaming service. At eleven fifty, we went outside and cuddled on the lawn with a blanket in the chilly desert evening. In the far distance up in the night sky, we saw a tad bit of the Las Vegas Strip fireworks.

We kissed. "Happy New Year's." We had been here officially one year.


The project implementation for Jess went smoothly. She ended up working a couple extra shifts, but did what was needed. I was absolutely proud of her. She was shining and it was pure success for her as a professional. I could not have been happier. I had decorated the house as nice as I could for her with a big congratulations banner and a cake. Her being an IT geek. I had the cake shaped like a laptop computer. She thought it was a loving touch. It was a sweet moment we shared.

As the days on the calendar flipped closer and closer to Valentine's Day, Jess smiled and planned more and more for our wedding. She would ask me what I wanted. I would always smile or wink and respond, "Whatever me love desires." I truly meant it.

She was still worried about the date. For her a few projects at work were being discussed. Those dates would have implications on her ability to take her vacation. Erik and Dr. Johns were open to my vacation schedule, except during college football season. That meant I needed to be back by August 31st.

I was in a fun and spicy mood on Thursday night one week before Valentine's Day. I was in a fun mood; Jess was being absolutely serious about the wedding. As we finished dinner, she opened her tablet at the table, which I wasn't a fan of, but I digress.

I rose to take care of a few dishes after we had finished our meal. I came back with a glass of wine for each of us, I saw the document open. Jess showed me the document she had been working on. I knew it was expansive but I hadn't realized it was this extensive.

I love her so much, I told her. "Whatever you want, whatever will make you happy on our joyful day." I didn't question anything.

Jess moved her index finger with grace sliding back up from the third page to the first page. She asked "What color do you want, outside of white of course." She smiled.

She spoke before I could. I saw the happiness in her eyes. "I think I want a simple dress with a bit of lace near the top, nothing too revealing but I would like a tiny splash of color, me darlin."

I smiled a nice smile, and I winked at her. "If there isn't a splash of emerald green or a touch of rose, there was no sense in having this wonderful affair." I laughed a bit inside then decided to have fun.

I took a sip of the wine, set down my glass and stood from my chair. I stepped back slightly from the table giving me the room I needed. I was only maybe three paces away from her and the table, at most. I slowly unbuttoned the top button of my shorts. Jess looked at me, I winked.

I slowly lowered the zipper, one metallic click at a time.

click ...

click ...

click ...

Her eyes opened wider with each click.

click ... click ... click...

When I had the zipper half way down, I turned and bent forward slightly pushing my ass slightly towards her.

"What are you doing, me love?" She stammered.

I imagined her eyes were wide open now. I slowly turned looking over my shoulder. I was correct, her eyes were wide watching me every move. I plunged my thumbs into the sides of my shorts and underneath my panties. I swayed my hips back and forth lowering my shorts and panties.

I slowly stepped from them, and then turned facing her then playfully tossed them to her, winking as I did.

She gasped! "Me darlin!"

I smiled then straightened up and grabbed the hem of my shirt. I smiled and slowly lifted it up, exposing my torso but turned to hide my breasts.

I pulled my shirt a bit higher and then pulled it off fully tossing it over my shoulder in her general direction. I next reached back releasing the clasps which held my bra in place. As slowly as I could I slid the shoulder straps down allowing my arms to slide through, my bra sliding to the floor.

I spun around, my arms crossed, my hands flat covering my breasts; I finished another slow full pirouette then winked at Jess. I dropped my hands exposing my breasts then smiled.

"We could go naked. It would make a hell of a splash, me love." I joked

She gasped and jumped from her seat, nearly knocking everything off the table, wrapping me in a hug. She kissed me deeply. "I don't need me wife catching a cold, let's go to bed." She kissed me again.

I pulled back then said with all the seriousness I would muster while standing naked in her arms, "Jess, I will do whatever you ask of me. There will never be a prettier bride than you, ever."

Hours later, we lay in bed. Jess was curled up on my left side. I heard her murmur something, well she sort of let out a huge sigh as her head rested on my chest.

"What is wrong my love?" I moved my head over and kissed her cheek.

Jess shook her head as if she didn't want to discuss it. I felt this was the opportunity to find out what was on her mind.

"Aphrodite is the Goddess of fertility. Hera is the Goddess of family, marriage, and childbirth."

She turned her head sharply and looked up at me. "But I cannot conceive."

I nodded and wrapped my arms around her. "I can and will. Should a baby, which I would like with you, find a way into our family it will be a magical blessing of the Goddesses. But let's get married first. Okay my love?"

We kissed and cuddled under the covers the rest of the evening just the two of us, being silly romantic lovers.



I was worn out. I pulled into the driveway on Monday night, just absolutely tired. I turned off the car and looked at the clock on the dashboard. It was only nine fifteen. I had the next day, Tuesday, off work. I sat in the car for a second. The NCAA basketball season and the tourney were finally over, that project behind me.

What a relief!

We hadn't closed the Athletic Department for the day but ran a skeleton crew. Dr. Johns was traveling to Sacramento in the morning. There was a meeting of the Mountain West and PAC Athletic Department heads to discuss next steps in a new cable television deal. The Chancellor mandated that Dr. Johns attend with her.

My focus shifted to women's golf, and a new project I floated a few times that finally landed square in my lap. I wanted an upgraded website. What the hell was I thinking?

I opened my car door and slowly stepped out. I saw the porch light turn on, Jess was up and waiting for me. I couldn't wait to hug my dearest lover. I walked the three steps up to the porch. Our front door opened, and there she stood. My beautiful and loving fiancée.

I stepped across the threshold of the screen and front doors and into the house. As the doors closed, Jess wrapped her arms around me. Her kiss seemed more amazing than ever.

Breaking the kiss she whispered. "You have worked three weeks straight with this basketball thingy and now that I have you, alone, all mine, for thirty or so hours."

As she released her hands from our hug, she carefully lifted my backpack from my shoulder. She hung it where it belonged, on the low, ground level hook in the coat closet; she carried my Glock 42 and placed it where it belonged, in the coffee table drawer.

She turned and took my hand and started walking down the hall to our bedroom. As she pushed the door open, a glow of soft light filled the room, the scent of vanilla and lime filled my senses.

Jess stood with me in front of our bed and kissed my cheek. She started to slowly unbutton my blouse. I held her hands, asking her to wait.

"Baby I am just so tired... I just want to"

"Shhh" she interrupted, pressing her fingers to my lips, her head nodding. "I love you me darlin, but you need pampering. Let me love you."

She finished unbuttoning my blouse as she spoke, gently pulling it from my shoulders, down my arms. She slipped the straps of my functional bra down and unclasped it letting it fall free.

Her delicate fingers, unbuttoning my slacks, lowering the zipper. Jess assisted me in stepping from them. She smiled and took my hands and moved me to my side of the bed where I saw a towel covering the contour sheet. She had turned down bed for us.

She kissed my cheek. "Please lay face down and relax me darlin. If you will allow me."

I lay down with my arms falling to my side. With love, concern and care, Jess lifted my hair from my neck and pulled it up into a messy bun, clipping it high on my head. I felt her kiss my neck, then lower to the center between my shoulders.

I felt her rise from the bed, then the soft music of an instrumental playlist. I heard a cap open then felt the warm drizzle of oil on my back. I felt the bed shift as Jess then knelt on each side of my side.

Her hands slowly caressed my back working the muscles from the small of my back to the middle then upper back. Somewhere in the softness of Jess's touch, in combination with the scents which filled and comforted my soul, and the music which assisted my mind in relaxing, I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up alone in bed Tuesday realizing I was alone. I could smell the coffee from the kitchen. I pulled on the shirt Jess laid out for me and walked to the bathroom. Once completed with the morning routine and bodily necessities, I made my way to the kitchen where Jess stood, holding a cup of coffee already made for me.

"What did I do to win your heart and deserve all you do for me? I kissed Jess and ensured she knew how much I appreciated her.

"You saw me." Jess whispered. "You saw a girl, lost, looking for love, but looking for a woman who would care and protect her."

We kissed once more and cuddled on the couch, just being together.


Friday morning I arrived at work, Dr. Johns asked to meet with Erik, Debra and me at nine thirty. He had an idea and he wanted to run it past us, the leadership team of the Athletics Department.

Right at nine twenty-five I walked from my cubicle to Dr. Johns office. Erik and Debra were standing there waiting already? They half smiled and nodded, each of them.

"What do you think?" I mumbled. They both shrugged which troubled me slightly.

Martha came walking out and smiled. "He is in a great mood, don't worry, this is good." She smiled. "You can go in now."

I followed behind Erik and Debra entering Dr. Johns office and waited to take a seat last at the conference table.

Dr. Johns was wonderful as he complimented us on a wonderful December, January, February, and March. He was extremely excited as now we were moving into the other sports, men's baseball, women's softball, diving, where we had a really good women's team. The startup of women's golf was around the corner and we had high hopes as well.

He shared with us a few details that he had learned from the conference regarding television deals and the potential for a new cable channel, a combination for the Pac-10 and the Mountain West conference.

All this information was great. This meant more exposure for the athletic department on a greater scale which would drive more athletes which would drive more dollars, which would ultimately drive a better program for us.

That's when he turned to look at me and laid both of his hands flat on the table. "Charlotte, how would you feel being solely responsible as the lead for women's or for the men's teams?"

"Erik, Debra, what I am proposing is another Program Lead position as things will grow exponentially." He smiled. "I have watched the three of you do your best but I feel you are all overworked. While I was with the Chancellor, I got an additional budgeted position approved. I want you to decide how that person will fit into the structure and organization. You already have a finely tuned system; I don't want to break it."

Dr. Johns sat back and continued with a few thoughts. He explained how the Chancellor was thrilled and was bragging on our Media and Communications teams, and about the amazing things the three of us accomplished over the last twelve months. He went on to brag how amazing it was to have the PGA host the events and then the other veterans event as well as. Other Chancellor's and AD's commented to both of them how they had started to re-organize their department to mirror ours.

In total, it was probably another fifteen minutes of the four of us speaking when Martha knocked on the door, opened it and shared that she didn't mean to interrupt, but there was another meeting getting ready to be started.

As we walked back to our workspaces, the three of us decided and agreed upon a noodle session on Wednesday to figure things out. I was just curious how I wanted to handle this and what I want to focus solely on men's or women's sports at the school.

In the back of my mind, I wanted to focus on the men's sports. I loved football, I loved baseball and the adrenaline rush though it was hellish, the rush of the March tournament. I think my mind was made up.


I woke that Sunday morning to the squeals of giddiness. My loving Jess was jumping, actually jumping up and down on our bed. I threw a pillow at her playfully screaming, asking what was going on. She was going to make me sick. It was then she dropped to her knees, still holding her phone, she was chatting with Carrie.

"Okay bye me baby sister." She tossed her phone on the bed then fell down beside me. She wrapped her arms around me then kissed me smack on the lips. "He is asking her me love. She overheard Joshua and me Pap talking, he was asking her. We don't know when but she was walking back to the kitchen last night and she heard them in the office ..."

Jess was rambling, she was excited, and I was trying to comprehend what was going on and to get her to slow down.

"Jess ... baby ..." she was still babbling. I finally screamed, "What are you talking about?"

She crawled over and knelt over top of me. She planted her hands to my sides and bent down kissing me. "Carrie, me darlin, Joshua's asked Pap to marry Carrie!" She squealed and bounced on top of me with joy and excitement in her heart. Her smile was radiant and as wide as I had ever seen.

"We must hurry and set our date so she can get engaged and set hers." Goodness she was rambling again. I just let her. It was beautiful, magical and I never wanted this to end. My love was the happiest ever as she planned our wedding and now, thrilled for her baby sister.