Cheat Day


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"Yeah, but I didn't ask to skip the sex scene," Jake replied, putting his hands behind his head and relaxing.

"You are so strange," Katie murmured. "You'll get so embarrassed if we even bring up how you had sex before, but you're totally cool announcing out loud that you're bricked up."

"You said -- you said -- that I couldn't bring up sex without making it weird. I was the one who said it nonchalantly, and you're the one who brought it up twice," Jake argued.

"You also threatened to whip it out," Katie laughed.

"Yeah, but I didn't go through with it! I wouldn't want to make John uncomfortable, y'know."

I heard John shakily inhale. "Hey, go ahead."

It was as if the movie's volume slowly went down to zero. Jake slowly turned to John. "What?"

"I haven't heard about sex a lot, and I, uh, don't watch porn, but... I dunno, if... Maybe it could be good for me to get more used to that kind of stuff, or something. If you wanted. I dunno. It's stupid. Sorry." John got up and started to walk in a random direction.

"Wait, John, stop!" Jake said with urgency.

"Let him go," Katie urged. "If he needs t-"

"No, that's just a locked door is all," Jake said at the same time as John turned the knob and walked right into the door. At once, all four of us started laughing, albeit a bit nervously.

"Sorry," John said again.

"Nothing to be sorry for," Jake said, cool as a cucumber. "I've never gotten an offer like this-"

"It wasn't an offer you smoothbrain, you threatened to whip it out," Katie interrupted.

"Yeah well... I dunno. Maybe it could be fun," Jake continued, watching John slowly walk back towards the couch.

How the hell did we get here?! I didn't even like dick. Why was this offer even on the table? I wanted to protest, but I knew that if I protested and gave that as my reason, Jake would just throw the "oh, why are you making it sexual" thing back in my face. If I said I didn't want to see his dick, I knew he'd spin it into me not wanting to see his dick, and he'd make it about want. Hell, I was very sure I was straight...

...I looked back at John. Keyword, was. I knew for a long time that I was straight because I was not into dick, but there was something about John that was... cute. The way he was kind of timid, but still got out there and got a word in. He wasn't just a stereotypical shy person, he still tried. He had these cute little mannerisms, like narrowing his eyes mid-thought or cocking his head randomly. Plus, he didn't have a dick, and that was my main gripe.

So... so maybe, I was into... Man, I didn't know. Did I have to know?

"Ethan? Last chance to complain," Jake teased. "Maybe I can angle it away from you."

I shook my head. "Wait, are you actually doing this?"

"Well, she did just dare me," Jake admitted.

"Dare? When did she dare? She didn't dare," I protested.

Silence. Silence filled the room. I looked at the movie. It was paused. "You really were off in La-La Land for a bit, weren't you?" Katie laughed. "Yeah, I just dared him. You just didn't notice."

"But... won't this impact our friendship or something?" I asked worriedly.

Katie shrugged. "Jake insists it won't. And even if it does, we'll just talk it out like adults. Besides, John seems kinda..." She trailed off, looking at John.

"Yeah. Could be fun," John breathed excitedly. I turned to him and he gave me one of his cute little smiles.

Why did I open the Pandora's Box of thinking John was cute? Now his little smile made me more excited. My heart was getting faster. I was still hard, and the sex scene was long over. I had to get rid of it, fast, before Jake thought this was because of him or something.

"But if I do it," Jake said, a sultry purr to his tone, "then you have to take your shirt off, Katie. Fair's fair."

"Woah," I heard John murmur. This was becoming a lot, fast, but at least if Katie was going to join in, then I could play off someone seeing me hard. "Oh, it's just from seeing Katie's boobs," I could say.

"Just the shirt?" Katie smugly asked, standing up. "Dea-"

"And the bra," Jake quickly added,standing up himself. "And the bra."

"Why, Jake Szanati," Katie playfully admonished. "If I didn't know any better-"

"It's pronounced, 'Sanati,'" he clarified.

"Don't interrupt me when I'm being cute," she laughed.

"So are you asking me to never interrupt you again?" Jake, ever the lothario, asked in a low voice.

I heard John whimper next to me. I looked over and saw him, sitting criss-cross on the couch, biting his lip. I scooched over next to him. "Can you believe these two?" I whispered in his ear.

I apparently made a mistake. The moment he felt my hot breath on his ear, he shuddered, emitting another quiet whimper. I retreated my head slowly, looking him in his eyes. He shyly returned my gaze, before looking away at them.

The enabling duo had apparently cooled down a bit, and had turned to me. "Okay, Ethan, count us down," Jake told me, looking right at Katie.

"This is so fucked," I breathed. "Three... two..."

Were they actually going to do this?"


Katie moved firstly, removing her shirt with no shame. Maybe she was braver, maybe it was because she had a bra on underneath. Jake definitely was more hesitant, but eventually, he worked up the courage, and unexpectedly, worked his pants and underwear down in one go.

Either he also maintained his erection the whole time too, or this situation got him excited, because he was fully hard when his dick sprang into view. And it was clear why the dude was cocky -- he had to be eight inches. At least. As if he couldn't get any cockier, he grabbed his uncut dick by the shaft and started playing with it right in front of Katie.

"Holy shit," John breathed beside me. Katie had reached around to unclasp her bra, but stopped in place, her mouth slightly open.

"See something you like?" Jake teased, looking her in the eye.

"Um, we didn't ask you to play with it," she murmured, a blush exploding across her face.

"Tell me to stop," Jake simply replied. It felt like everyone there held their breath for the next few seconds. Eventually, Katie moved again, unclasping her bra and pushing it off of her.

Her boobs weren't the biggest things in the world, and I'd already seen them a few times, but I'm sure any partner of hers would have loved to see them. From the way Jake's dick jumped, it was fair to say he liked what he saw.

"We're even now," Katie said, trying to sound confident, her voice betraying her.

"Yeah, guess we are," Jake replied, his confidence clearly not a facade. "This is a lot of fun, great idea." He turned to John and myself, as if only remembering now that we were in the room. "You two good?"

I said nothing, but John slowly nodded, hypnotized by the situation.

Jake didn't let up. "Ethan, you okay?" he asked. "I get this might be..."

"Weird? Yeah, sure is," I admitted. "But when isn't it weird with you two?"

"It's actually kinda freeing," Jake replied. "I dunno, I thought it would cross a line, like, things won't be the same. But now that I'm here, it's kinda like... yeah, whatever, I have a cock. Wow, I'm a dude." He remembered John was in the room and quickly added, "A cis dude."

John laughed. "Don't worry," he soothed, despite his own nerves. "You're, uh, lucky in the genetics department."

Jake laughed. "So I've been told," he agreed, grabbing his dick by the shaft and swinging it around a little. "I can totally see why jocks swing these around the locker room now. It's like, 'yeahhhhh, I got a peeenis.'" All of us laughed.

"Yeah, I can't do much with these," Katie admitted, grabbing her own boobs and holding them up. "I can't whip them around or anything."

"They are really nice though," Jake replied, swiftly adding, "y'know."

"You think so?" she asked, releasing them. "I always felt like they were too small."

"Too small for what?" Jake asked incredulously. "It's not like you're currently nursing or something. They look good, they look se-" He coughed. "Se... sentimental?"

"Sexy," John laughed. "He was gonna say 'sexy.'"

"You failed, bucko," Katie laughed, taking a step towards him. "We asked you not to make this sexual. I didn't even bust out my pussy, just ma' boobs, and even then..."

She thought she was going to embarrass Jake again. She was wrong. "I guess you got me," Jake replied, matching her confidence and then some, taking a step towards her. His dick, jutting out far ahead of him, touched Katie near her bellybutton. "Are you gonna punish me?"

Katie started breathing heavier, then started to laugh. A very nervous laugh. An "I'm definitely turned on but shouldn't be and don't know how to proceed" laugh. "Jake..." she breathed. "The others are right there..."

I wanted to dispel the tension. I turned to John and shored up my strength. "When you said you wanted to get used to sex stuff, bet you didn't picture this, huh?" I asked, trying to cut the tension.

"I gotta admit, Ethan, I'm impressed," Jake said to me. "You got to see these boobs before and it had no effect on ya? Because right now, what can I say, I'm... hypnotized." His hand slowly rose, going up Katie's side. Katie got a look in her eye I never saw from her before -- this glossed-over, hopeless, almost scared look. A pining look. She made zero effort to stop him, and just bit her bottom lip.

I needed to reply, quickly. "Uh, yeah," I admitted, turning back to Jake, trying to be a little louder than I normally would be. I could have just said "save it for the bedroom" or even "stop, this is getting too weird." So why couldn't I? "I dunno. I guess I know we didn't see each other that way. Plus, I don't usually go for friends that way. I'll usually feel it more for people I'm meeting for the first ti-"

My words caught in my throat. I could feel myself blush. I should have just ended the sentence withpout another thought; now it looked like I was telling on myself. Even in her lust-drunk state, Katie looked over at me, and gave me a very surprised smile. The implication was undeniable. I slowly looked back towards John, who was visibly breathing in and out, looking almost like he was going to start crying. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I slowly closed my mouth and opened my mouth again, but just shrugged.

Say, 'that was just an example.' Say, 'not tonight, but in general.' Say, 'you know what I meant.'

"You know what I mean?"

Oh, fuck. That made it worse. Or better. Fuck. John was almost shaking in place, but refused to take his eyes off me. "I didn't..." he began in a shaky voice. "Think... you were into... guys..." he managed.

He was so cute. So helpless. He needed someone to take initiative. But... I came into this house thinking I was straight. If I crossed that line now, then there would be no going back for real. Screw being naked around each other. If I moved my head forwards and did... did what I wanted... did what I wanted to do...

I put my hands on his shoulders, wanting to smile but not finding the strength. I probably looked as nervous as he did. I wanted to laugh it off, or even look away. I slowly closed my eyes, and then... my head moved forward.

The moment my lips collided with John's, a shock went through my entire body. This was so new, but so right. I was kissing John. I was kissing John. My hands went from his shoulders to his back as I pulled him in closer.

John was paralyzed at first, but quickly melted into the kiss, moving his body closer to mine. I felt him scooch up on the couch, and I assisted him, my hands moving near his waist to grab him. John whimpered, then moaned, into the kiss. His mouth opened.

I had to admit, for someone who I could only presume hadn't kissed a guy before, he was good at this. I lightly grunted into the kiss as well, which only seemed to spur him on. Within a minute -- we were kissing for over a whole minute, holy shit -- his hands had gone from nervously shaking in front of him to wrapping around my neck, running through my hair. He was, with no shame, moaning into the kiss, gyrating his body and humping in front of him like a needy puppy.

It felt like forever before our lips departed. I always thought kissing a guy would be different from kissing a girl, and it was, but I thought it was going to be like kissing a family member. No feeling, nothing. But kissing John was hotter than kissing any girl I had ever kissed before.

I saw John's eyes flutter open, and then his eyes suddenly focused behind us and he gasped, bringing a hand to his mouth. I followed his eyes, turning around and looking to see Katie and Jake.

Much like ourselves only seconds before, Katie had one of her arms wrapped around Jake's neck, and the two were kissing passionately. But her other hand was busy wrapped around Jake's shaft, jacking him off shamelessly. It looked like the two completely forgot we were here. It was going to be difficult as hell to act like tonight had never happened if this was what we were doing.

I turned back to John, who was dyed a deep pink at this point. I didn't know what to say or do, but the sexual tension in the air was palpable. "Crazy, huh?" I giggled.

"Yeah," he exhaled back, still looking at them.

I stole another look myself, feeling a tad annoyed that Jake had to get his dick out. A, it was still kind of weird. B, to be honest, it made me feel... inadequate.

"I guess it's hard to be naked in front of some people without them making it weird," John continued. "So they just... did what was natural." He was whispering, as if we shouldn't disturb the two of them.

I turned back to John. "I guess who knows what natural even feels like?" I asked. "Can I confess something?"

"Can I guess?" John asked, surprising me. I nodded, and we both smiled. "You thought you were straight."

"Wow," I breathed. "It was that obvious, huh?"

"I dunno if it was obvious," John admitted. "I just felt it. How do you feel now?"

"Uh..." I scratched the back of my neck. "...Like I want to kiss you again."

John's smile got bigger. "You are so fucking cute," he replied adorably.

"I'm cute? You're cute!!"

"You're adorable, Ethan," he continued.

"You're irresistible, John," I countered.

Our lips were back on each other within seconds, only this time we didn't begin slowly. John had scooted right up to me and his body was pushing right up against mine. Our mouths met each other hungrily and we were sloppily kissing, not caring how accurate our kisses were. I attacked him with my mouth, and he attacked mine. Both of our mouths were getting wetter, covered with the other's saliva. He was going from grinding against me to threatening to topple me with him on top of me. He was getting insatiable.

At one point, he must have lost control, because his hand dipped down low, hastily moving between my legs. While he was a good kisser, he was definitely moving too fast and too clumsily to be experienced in the sex department. I quickly broke off the kiss and grabbed his wrist, giving him a knowing but chastising smile.

He got the message immediately, looking away and blushing deeply. "I- I'm sorry..." he replied, his confidence melting away. I actually felt really bad for him. It was clear he lost himself in the heat of the moment, especially with the slurping sounds of, at best, the two making out behind us.

I smiled to relieve the tension. "Go slower," I instructed him. "You can't just grab it, it's very sensitive. And plus, I'm, uh..." I paused, gesturing with my head behind us. "I'm not as gifted as him."

"I don't want a guy that big," John admitted. "I bet... I bet you're the perfect size for me."

My head was swimming. This felt unreal. "John... you just met me... you barely ever saw even pron... isn't this a bit too fast for you?"

John reached forward and kissed me on the lips. "I want to try new things," he said in a very quiet voice. "I don't think I'll ever get confident like this again. I just want to see it."

I stared at him for a while. "You sure?"

He started to nod slowly, but the nod got more sure over time. I exhaled, standing up off the couch, stealing a look at the other two. I did a double take and nearly fell back onto the couch in surprise.

Katie was laying down on the couch, and Jake was on his knees on the floor. Jake presumably had his head buried between Katie's legs, although Katie tastefully placed a bundled-up blanket between him and us so we couldn't see exactly what was happening. That said, the look on Katie's face gave it all away. She was straining and lightly moaning and biting her lip. Upon seeing me, she made a guilty face. "Is this too weird?" she asked me, though she never took her hands off of the back of Jake's head.

I didn't know how to answer. "John wants to see my dick," I said slowly.

Katie bit her lip and nodded. "Then I guess you should show him, if you want," she said quietly. "We've kinda crossed the line at this point, don't ya think?" Her eyes turned to John. "How're you doing?"

John bit his lip. "Ethan is a really good kisser," he breathed in reply.

Katie turned to me and her smile turned genuine. "Treat him right, Ethan," she giggled, then closed her eyes and moaned as Jake continued to eat her out.

Well, whatever. He got to show off his dick. Katie's pants still being on was basically an impossibility given what was happening. What would have changed with one more pair of pants on the ground? I breathed in and out a few times, loosening my belt, undoing my button, and popping open my fly. Quicker than I thought I would, I thrust my pants to the ground, allowing my dick to spring free.

I always felt too small. I was only around five inches, and if porn was any indication, that was "not enough" or whatever. And yet, when John's eyes first made contact with my manhood, his eyes sparkled. "Oh, wow..." he murmured. "Can... can I..."

My jaw was quivering in nervousness. "Whatever you do, be slow and... sensual," I suggested. "Do whatever you want. This is for you."

Unafraid of his sexuality at this point, John bit his lip and gave a louder-than-usual sex moan. My dick jumped. His voice was so sexy. He gladly hopped off the coach and got on his knees in front of me, slowly taking my dick in his hands and looking it over.

His fingertips grazed along my shaft. Every touch of his was magic. "So soft..." he moaned, enjoying the feeling. His finger reached the end, touching my foreskin, then the head of my dick.

"Ai~ easy," I cautioned. "The head is really sensitive."

He nodded without even looking me in the eyes, continuing to study my dick. "I think... it's perfect..." he moaned quietly, almost to himself. Then, he looked up at me, almost with determination. "Can I do something a little weird?"

I smiled uneasily. "Try me," I nearly laughed.

He bit his lip, focusing again on my dick. He slowly closed his eyes and nuzzled in close to my dick, his nose right on my shaft. Then, he breathed in deeply, moaned, and licked my shaft. "Fuck," he whimpered. "It's so good."

He was definitely a secret pervert. Everything about this boy was intriguing. I hope he didn't see this as a one-night thing, because even everything sexual he did just intrigued me further.

"Is this okay?" he asked me in a quiet voice before licking my shaft again.

I looked down at his cute little eyes and nodded. This boy was having the time of his life, and I was having my dick worshiped by a boy.

I was gay. Ha. Haaaa. Why was that exciting? It was like tears were going to come to my eyes. This was so amazing. A boy was kissing my cock up and down. A boy kissed me. And afterwards, I was going to ask this boy out. We could hold hands, and go to a cafe together, and kiss, and-

I felt him take me into his mouth. Instinctually, I moaned. "Ha, fuck, John..." I couldn't stop my hips from moving. It made him gag and retract immediately, and the both of us chuckled, even with my dick in his mouth. "Sorry. I'll -- I won't do that. Suck at your own pace," I told him.