Cheating on a Cheating Wife


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Friday saw Montana and Bailey back at school, me having to go to the office for meetings, Montana's dads also at work and Libby and team busy at the fitness expo in Adelaide. I texted her to see how she was going, but her replies were terse indicating how busy she was. Presumably however my wife wasn't too busy to drop her drawers for Todd in her hotel room!

I was hungry that evening and the meal left for me by my wife was burritos. It wasn't as good as it sounded. There were two wraps made out of wheat-germ that tasted like cardboard, lentils, tofu and cos lettuce comprising most of the filling, no sauce and no spices.

I had taken two bites and was bracing myself to take a third of my disgusting dinner, when a thought struck me. What was I doing here eating this shit? Seriously, if Libby had taken a dump and left that for me to eat, it could hardly be much worse. I was 39-years-old. My wife was out of town anyway. What was to stop me having something I really liked for my dinner? And what was my wife having for her own tea? Todd's cum ejaculated into her mouth no doubt.

There was nothing Libby could do to stop me eating whatever the fuck I wanted for dinner. I was an adult male, not a soy boy. Grabbing the burritos and my keys, I set off feeling more determined than I had in years. On my way to my destination, I made a quick stop.

Not far from our house was some parkland with an ornamental lake, and it attracted lots of bird life. Ducks, geese and black swans abounded, and what would any Australian park or wetland be without the Australian White Ibis? There were heaps of them in this park, I could hear their noisy honking and in the fading twilight I could see them diving into the bins, scavenging through the rubbish with their long black bills. No wonder they were called 'bin chickens' or 'trash turkeys'.

There were signs around telling people not to feed the birds but I ignored them. Taking the healthy burritos, I placed them not far from the bins and stepped back to wait for show time. It took only seconds for the ibises to swoop in, squabbling over the burritos while ripping them to pieces with their long bills, honking loudly. Better them eating that crap than me, I would have preferred to go dumpster diving and drinking the bin juice.

Leaving the park, I drove to my next destination, the sandwich shop where Montana and Bailey worked, and I had seen the teenagers leaving to go to work there in their uniforms. The two girls looked cute as always in their blue and black uniforms with peaked caps, Montana's long dark hair back in a high pony-tail, and Bailey's red hair in plaited braids. Three other young female attendants were rostered on with them on a busy Friday night; a young blonde hottie, a pretty petite Asian girl and a tall black African girl. No wonder there were so many young men queuing for sandwiches tonight with these young hotties working here.

Montana smiled as I approached her. "Hi Jeff, how can I help you?"

I had already chosen the most masculine sandwich on the menu. "Hi Montana, I'd like a full size meat-lovers sandwich please. With double Swiss cheese and barbeque sauce thanks."

"One meat lover's full size, double Swiss cheese with barbeque sauce," said Montana. The restaurant was so busy I didn't get a chance to make small talk with Montana and company, until I reached the cash register where Bailey was working and ordered a soft drink and a cookie as well.

"How about you make it a meal deal?" Bailey suggested. "That way you can have three cookies for the price of two, and a packet of chips as well."

"Why thanks Bailey, I'll do that," I said, paying for my tea before wishing the young girl a good evening and driving home.

Back at the house, I eagerly devoured my large meat lover's sandwich and chips washed down with a cup of ice-cold soft drink, and for dessert got stuck into the cookies for my dessert with a glass of milk. It was the tasteless skim milk Libby insisted on buying but I didn't have any other choice, Libby wouldn't let any higher fat dairy into the house. Still, I couldn't remember the last time I had enjoyed a biscuit, much less three.

Feeling very full and satisfied, I wondered what the reaction of Libby would be if she saw me eating fast food and cookies for my dinner instead of her healthy crap? Not a lot, but I think she would like it much less if I had the ability to see into her hotel room in Adelaide tonight and what she and Todd would be doing together.


Saturday morning brought a wet and cool day for Melbourne showing winter was approaching and saw a change of routine next door. Brad and Will headed off early in Brad's car, and Montana put her P Plates on Will's car and went to do the shopping herself. This was after the teenager did her laundry, but due to the wet day she hanged her clothes out to dry under the patio. I could still see Montana's pants, but not as clearly as when she pegged them out on the clothes hoist as she usually did.

I did my own shopping but failed to catch sight of Montana, and when I returned in my car I saw her pull into the driveway next door. With all my voyeurism during the week I was a bit behind with my work, so did a bit of a catch-up in my study then went downstairs to do some vacuuming. However, before I could plug it in the front doorbell rang.

To my great pleasure, Montana stood at the door. The teenager looked cute and hot this morning, her long dark hair loose, wearing a purple hooded jacket, blue jeans with pink and purple unicorn patches on them and white and purple sneakers on her feet.

"Hi Montana," I smiled. The rain was falling steadily outside and it wasn't a warm day. "Come in."

"Thanks Jeff," said Montana as she entered, me noticing that she held an accounting text book and notes in her hand. She looked at me with her big brown eyes. "Now, I've always made a point of not asking you for help with study, but this time I'm really stuck on this accounting assignment that's due in first thing Monday and I know that you taught accounting ..."

"Please Montana, it's no problem at all," I assured the teenager. "Accounting can be tricky at times. How about we go into to the lounge and I can take a look at it?"

"Thanks Jeff." Montana and I went into the lounge room and sat on the couch together.

"So, I take it you can't balance your trial balance?" I asked.

"Yeah, I've been through the figures at least seven times," said Montana. "I can't work it out at all."

"Let's take a look," I said, opening Montana's work and glancing through her figures. "Here we go, you've debited your accumulated depreciation for vehicles instead of crediting it. That's why your debits are higher than your credits."

Montana breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you Jeff, how did you find it so easily?"

"Experience," I smiled. I took a closer look at Montana's assignment. "Actually, while we're here you've recorded your pre-paid expenses as a liability and your accrued income as an asset. It's the other way around. You'll still balance, but your assets, liabilities, income and expenses will be out."

Montana face-palmed herself and looked frustrated. "I can never get that right. It just seems wrong, revenue you receive in advance being a liability and expenses you've paid being an asset. How do you know all that so easily?"

"Again, years of experience," I said. "Don't worry, when I was at high school myself way back in the early 1990s I went to my first accounting class, and I thought I had gone into the Japanese language or advanced physics class by mistake. I didn't get debits and credits and all. But then it just clicked and years later, here I am a social studies teacher who taught accounting."

"I wish you were my accounting teacher at school Jeff," said Montana. "You'd be much better than our current teacher, all she does is make us write up everything manually and those stupid T ledger accounts. Does she know its 2015, and there are accounting packages for that?"

I laughed. "I've got some bad news for you Montana. If I really was your accounting teacher I'd be making you write out manual journals and T ledger accounts too. It's how you learn the fundamentals of accountancy and it sticks with you forever, much like riding a bike."

Montana put a fake pout on her pretty face. "Maybe you're not as cool a teacher as I thought Jeff."

Again, I smiled. "Believe me, when I really was teaching high school very few students thought I was cool. In fact I don't think any of them thought I was cool. I'd try to make them laugh in class so they'd enjoy the lessons more, but most of the time they didn't even laugh at me."

"Oh, that's too bad, you've got a great sense of humor Jeff," said Montana.

"Your Dad's are funny," I said.

Montana nodded. "Yes, they are. Which reminds me, they've got an improv-comedy night down in Carlton. How about you come along? You know, your wife's away at the moment so a Saturday night out might be good. And some good news, Bailey and I are going to be in a couple of the acts."

"Thanks Montana, I'll come along, I've always liked the comedy club," I said.

"More fun than writing curriculum for accounting, teaching accounting and learning about accounting," Montana said.

"I thought you've always wanted to be an accountant," I said. "Ever since you were a kid you've always gotten straight A's in maths."

"Yes, I do like maths," said Montana. "So accounting seemed like a good career, and I breezed through Year 11 accounting. But get into Year 12 and it's way harder, sort of like an online game if you go from Level 1 to Level 8 without doing any of the levels in-between. I'd really love to be an actress, the same with Bailey, but our parents say we need other careers. So for me, it's an accountant, and Bailey is interested in being a pharmacist."

"That's true," I said. "It's very hard to make it as a professional entertainer. I've seen you and Bailey singing, dancing and performing in your musical at high school and you're both very talented, but making it into the entertainment industry is very hard in the first instance, and success can be fleeting. Like my friend Emily growing up."

Montana seemed interested. "Who is Emily?"

"Emily was the girl next door when we were growing up," I said. "She was a year older than me, I went to school with her younger brother. There was an older sister too, but she wasn't very nice, sulky sort of girl, not at all friendly. Emily was about the best dancer you could ever see, and with her red hair like a young Ginger Rogers. Emily not only could dance but she could sing and act too, and was really nice, not stuck up or anything. In fact she was so talented that when she was 11, she got onto this variety show for kids and teenagers called Melbourne's Rising Stars. It was cancelled in the very early 1990s and forgotten since then, but there's still some Youtube clips of it out there."

Being a teenager, Montana had no reason to wait, and picked up her phone, bringing up some clips of the show. "Is this Emily?" Montana asked, showing me a clip of red-haired Emily then aged about 13 and two girls the same age one blonde and the other a brunette dressed in early 1960s clothes performing a showcase of American girl-group songs of this era.

"Yes, that's her," I said as Montana and I watched the clip.

"She's talented, she and her friends sing so well and harmonize together," Montana observed. "And she kind of looks a bit like Bailey."

"Yeah she does," I said as this clip came to an end and another came up, this one in which Emily displayed her dancing skills more as part of a group number with other girls and boys. "So what do you think of the show?"

"I like it," said Montana. "I mean it's so late 1980s, a bit cheesy, very dated and definitely a low production budget, but it's cute. Nothing like it on TV today."

"That's true," I said, Montana and I watching as the clip came to an end and Montana put her phone down.

"So what became of Emily?" Montana asked.

"Well with her being so talented I thought it was inevitable that she would end up as a professional actress or entertainer, maybe in musical theater," I said. "And even when the show got cancelled, Emily continued on with her singing, dancing and acting, she was really professional and committed and she was in a car insurance commercial. But despite having been on TV and obviously having the talent to succeed in the industry she sort of just faded away into obscurity and I often wondered what had become of her. Then earlier this year I was on a tram in the city and kept looking at this red-haired lady standing next to me wondering why she looked familiar, she kept looking back at me and it was Emily. I couldn't believe it, I hadn't seen her in so many years."

"Did you catch up?" Montana asked.

"Yes, we did," I said. "And it turns out that now Emily is a Chartered Accountant with a teenage son and daughter. When younger she had tried so hard to make it in entertainment and was talented enough to be on TV as a kid, but success was fleeting so she studied accounting to have a different career. She said it was the same for a lot of the kids on the show with her."

Montana put a mischievous smile on her face. "So I guess the moral of the story is for me to become an accountant and not expect success as an actress?"

"You've definitely got talent and so does Bailey," I said. "But as proved with Emily you definitely need a career to get by in life. Anyway, there's lots of amateur plays and the like, so perhaps acting could be your hobby and who knows? You might be one of the lucky ones who makes it."

Montana nodded and smiled again. "One thing I couldn't help but notice was that when we were talking about Emily and looking at that old footage was you had a sort of dreamy look about you. So, Emily was simply the girl next door who happened to be on television?"

I blushed. "Yes of course. I liked her as a person, she was a friend, nothing more and nothing less."

Montana laughed. "Oh come on Jeff, pull my other leg. I think you had a crush on Emily growing up."

"No, just friends, I was friends with her and her brother, her brother and I used to play football and cricket together, and I thought she was pretty and talented ..."

I could see by the look of amusement on Montana's face that she was never going to believe me no matter how long I kept rambling so I confessed, thinking back to when I would watch Emily come and go with my heart aflutter, get tongue-tied when we talked and would wake up at 4am every Saturday morning so I would not miss so much of a second of the kids' variety show she was on. "Okay Montana, you got me. I always had a huge crush on Emily growing up."

"See, I could tell," Montana laughed. "It's strange though. Lots of boys have a crush on the pretty girl next door. Lots of guys have crushes on celebrity girls on TV. But you managed to combine the two together, you don't hear of that often."

"No, it is a bit unusual," I said.

"You know what's even more unusual?" Montana asked rhetorically. "That so many years later you're in a very similar situation. Your wife is famous, and you've got a crush on the girl next door who has a redhead best friend both of who are into theater and acting."

I felt like I had been stung by a hornet. I went hot and cold at the same time. "What?" I managed to stammer.

Montana was completely casual. "Come on Jeff, I know all about your little crush on me. The way you get that dreamy look in your eyes when you see me. The way you sometimes get tongue-tied when I'm around and you can't think of what to say, like in the supermarket a few weeks ago. The way you peep out of your blinds and into my bedroom, and the way you look at my panties drying on the washing line. Oh, and all those chance meetings around Melbourne? Come on Jeff. I've seen you hiding behind bushes, walls and bus stops waiting for me to arrive."

My heart was racing. "No Montana, I haven't followed you to set up chance meetings," I pleaded.

Montana touched my hand. "Jeff, it's okay. I'm not freaked out or anything. Okay, I really don't recommend nearly 40-year-old men following 18-year-old girls around to set up chance meetings. Most girls would freak out, but I'm not like most girls, I think it's kind of cute. Maybe a little too close to creepy, but you haven't crossed the line into creepy yet."

I thought Montana might reassess her thoughts about me being creepy had she known that the other week I had sniffed the period blood on both her and Bailey's used panty pads stolen from the wheelie bin the other week. Or how on Thursday I had gotten my rocks off when she and Bailey came to my house to go to the toilet. Or how I had made stalking my unfaithful wife and her toy-boy lover into something of a hobby, but of course said nothing about this. Instead, I managed to say, "That time I met you and your two Dads in St. Kilda, I swear that was genuine, a pure chance meeting."

"I always thought that was the case," said Montana.

"And I won't look into your bedroom and at your underwear on the washing line any more, I swear, I'm really sorry," I said.

Montana put a look of false disappointment on her face. "Oh really? That's a pity. It makes me feel hot when you perve on me."

"Hot?" I couldn't believe it.

"Oh yes. I love thinking about you hiding behind your blinds watching me hang my bras and my knickers out to dry. And I love the thought of you watching me in my bedroom. In the past I've thought about putting on a little show for you to enjoy."

"A show?"

"Yes, undressing with the blinds open so you can see me in my bra and panties, or even completely naked. Walking around topless or bottomless. But I never got up the nerve. There's the chance my Dads could see me, or your wife. Or there might be a real life Peeping Tom lurking in the area with a camera, and next thing my photos are all over the internet with perverts in every country from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe getting their rocks off looking at them."

I was too amazed to reply and Montana laughed. "You look so shocked Jeff."

"I just never knew that you -- well you know how I felt," I managed to reply. "Are you sure it doesn't bother you?"

"No, it makes me feel hot," said Montana. "So hot that I want to, well this should explain everything."

Montana reached into the pocket of her dreams and extricated a condom in a blue wrapper, which she handed to me. She laughed at my shocked expression. "It's a condom Jeff. You put it on something long and hard right here." Montana stroked my groin through my jeans, and to her pleasure and my surprise I had an erection. I hadn't even felt it developing. "Then you put that long hard thing up somewhere moist and dark, right here."

Montana pointed between her legs, then leaned up to kiss me, to which I suffered a sudden panic attack and crisis of conscience.

"Montana wait, this is wrong," I stammered. "Not only am I 21-years-older than you, old enough to be your Dad. Plus I'm married. To Libby, you know Libby? My wife, the blonde lady."

Pushing her long dark hair back from her face, Montana looked at me calmly. "Jeff, earlier we were talking about acting and how it's an unreliable profession. One thing I can say for sure is that you're about the best actor in Australia right now."

I was shocked. "Me? An actor. How's that?"

"Never have I ever seen a guy work so hard as you pretending he's happily married," Montana said. "You should be getting a Logie or an AFI Award for your performance. I'll make one thing clear, I don't want to get involved in any of the problems you and Libby are having in your marriage. But if you were so happy in your marriage would you have a crush on me? Would you be spying on me in my bedroom, perving on my knickers on the washing line and listening in to my phone conversations to set up chance meetings with me? Would you look as though the world was crushing you into the ground whenever Libby shouts and swears at you? Yes, I know she yells at you, she has a loud voice and if you had a swear jar she would have to declare bankruptcy pretty soon. Or that defeated, demoralized look about you when that dickhead Todd guy is at the house to spend time with your wife and acts like he owns the fucking place? I don't think so. So how about putting it right? You want to fuck me, I want you to fuck me. Your wife is away on business in Adelaide, my two dads have gone antiquing with my lesbian aunts in Geelong. So we have lots of time to have fun together, lots and lots of fun. You do want to get into my knickers, don't you?"
