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School and book-learning felt rote and remote. Robyn knew that her real education happened in between her sheets at night where she explored herself and experimented with all sorts of fun toys. She fantasized about men, women, celebrities, friends, and randos. She watched porn and bought hentai manga, but there was always one image, one scene starring a certain stepfather, that pushed her over the edge every time.

When Ethan poked his head in to wake her up for her 19th birthday, Robyn's favorite toy was sitting shamelessly on her nightstand next to a bottle of lube. Her parents must have noticed the regular appearances there of vibes, plugs, and lubes, but never said anything. She was starting to think she should start some conversations soon with both of them; there was so much that her mom and stepdad could teach her about the things that went into a relationship that made good sex possible. They were her best, and really only, example.

Robyn took a breath and got out of bed. She dressed with intention, just as she had showered and groomed herself the previous night, and went downstairs.


The longer they sat in the breakfast nook, the more self-conscious Robyn became about the black knee-high skirt, baby blue blouse, and navy-blue cardigan ensemble she'd chosen for herself. It was the middle of winter and there was no way in hell she'd be walking outside in this. Ethan must be wondering what she was up to, or maybe he'd made the connection already and was ignoring her.

Damn, he was good at small talk, though.

Whoops! She missed what he just said. "Sorry?"

"I said, you never told your mom or me what you wanted for your birthday. Is there anything you need?"

"Not really, no," Robyn said, daring herself to take the chance.


"Well, there is something I need."

Ethan leaned in, searing her face for clues.

"I don't know how to ask for it, though."

"Really? That's unlike you. You've grown up a lot this year, kiddo," Ethan said. "I think you get twice as smart, confident, and beautiful every day."

"My birthday spanking," Robyn whispered.

Now it was Ethan's turn to ask, "Sorry?"

"A spanking. I want," Robin said, asserting herself. "I need a spanking. Nineteen spanks, plus one to grow on."

"Like last year," Ethan said, skeptical.

Robyn looked down at her hands to discover that they had been fingering marmalade into a swirl on one side of the plate while picking at flaky crumbs on the other side, and her vision was obscured by the smoke and debris from the bomb of awkwardness she had just set off.

Ethan sat back and looked down at his plate too. "You must have liked it, last year, I guess."

She felt her cheeks redden. "I did, more than you know, yeah."

Robyn was close to telling Ethan to forget it when he said, "If I say yes, then we have to set boundaries that cannot be crossed."

"And if you say no, I'll respect your decision and never ask you again."

They finally locked eyes. Robyn had never felt more like an adult and yet so immature in her life. How could she do this to him? To her family? Selfish.

"Yes, ok."

Robyn's heart burst, not joyous fireworks, but a downpour that threatened to wash her right out of her seat.

"Is it ok to call you my 'little girl'? I know you told me not to worry, but I still feel bad about that."

This was way too much like a normal conversation so far.

"Yeah, it's ok, as long as," Robyn bit her lip, "I can call you 'daddy'."

"Well," Ethan breathed out. "Come over here then." His face was bright red, eyes glassy, jaw clenched.

Robyn stood and moved around the table on shaky legs.

"I wore this skirt today," she stated.

"For me? For this?"

"Yes. I want...I want some things but it kind of hurts to ask." Robyn didn't have time to wonder why she phrased it that way.

"You want to have your bare bottom spanked," Ethan nodded knowingly.

"Yes," Robyn sighed. Her body seemed still while the world shook around her. "And I want to be spanked twice."

"Oh, kiddo," Ethan said. "What are we doing?"

"Nothing wrong, okay? I want this."

So much could go badly, but Robyn knew that if she didn't ask now, it might take her years to find someone she trusted enough to try again.

"I want this too," Ethan admitted.

"After you spank me over your knee, I'm going to give you something to hit me with for another...round? Round. I'll bend over the table."

"I don't know, kiddo."


The house felt like it was being buffeted around inside a tornado, but Robyn felt down inside herself and found only stillness.

"Okay. If you want me to stop, just say so."

"I want it to..." Robyn hesitated again. "I want it to hurt, and I want to cry."

"Oh my god, Robyn."

"You can hold me and rub my bottom after. Aftercare, do you know what that is?"

"Humph," he said, impressed. "You've learned a lot. Yes, we should do aftercare."

"Ok, daddy, I think I'm ready."

"We can't, you know, do it. We can't do it." Her heart dropped hearing that he'd changed his mind. It must have shown on her face because he waved his hands and did his best to recover. "Not what I mean, not the spanking. Sex. We can't have sex."

"I know. I agree."

"No other stuff either," Ethan went on to elaborate, but Robyn finished his thought for him.

"No oral or digital."


"My god, you are so pretty," Ethan said. "Little girl, my little girl."

"Thank you, daddy," Robyn cooed. "You too. You are really handsome." She had long debated whether she would try any roleplaying and thought that the time had come. "I love you even though you have to punish me for being a bad girl, daddy. I know."

Robyn stood before her beautiful, strong, clever, funny, supportive stepfather, frozen forever in the briefest of moments.

Ethan pushed his chair away from the table. The clouds cleared, the sun shining a spotlight on them through the breakfast nook windows as Robyn crouched and positioned herself over his lap.

He placed his hand on the small of her back, sparking both the memory of what happened a year ago and the vision of what was about to happen now, causing them to merge into a bolt of electricity that spread throughout her body in every direction.

Ethan gave her a few tentative swats on her quivering bottom, amping up the charge that was building inside Robyn up to eleven.

"Hold still, little girl, this is going to sting." He pulled her skirt up and gasped. "White cotton panties?"

"Yes daddy," Robyn said. "Did I do good when I dressed myself this morning?"

"Oh, yes," he paused. Robyn could feel his eyes roaming across her backside. "Good little girls wear proper panties under their skirts."

Robyn squealed with delight. She had gone back and forth all week weather to wear a thong, or something lacy, or nothing at all, but something kept drawing her mind back to the pureness of the female form encased in white cotton.

Robyn put her hands behind her back, giving herself over completely to the only man she ever trusted. He grasped them both with a firmness that felt like love.

"So, nineteen spanks plus one to grow on."

"Yes daddy," Robyn moaned.

The first ten spanks went by fast, too fast. She wanted to tell him to slow down and hit her harder, but it felt better just to trust him.

"Pull your panties down," he growled, releasing her to do the deed.

"Please don't make me, it's too scary," she lied. Reaching back, Robyn's left hand brushed over his raging hard-on. She grinned in triumph.

"Pull them down now, or I'll do it and we'll have to start over."

Oh, this was an intriguing prospect. She hooked her thumbs and inched it about halfway down. Playtime was turning out to be so much better than she had fantasized.

"All the way, little girl." She must have been too slow because he yanked them down, baring her already red bottom. "There we go. Ten more, if you keep still and breathe, this will be over before you know it."

"Oh, please, no daddy, no. I'll be good," she giggled. Damn, this was hard. There had a space in her mind where she could beg him to stop convincingly even though she wanted it so bad.

He answered her with the loudest crack against her bare cheeks yet. Robyn marveled at how it didn't really hurt, just stung in a way that aroused her better than her Hitachi, Rabbit, and princess plug combined could barely muster. "I'll be good daddy, please!"

"I know you will, but you're still getting spanked."

She returned her hands to her lower back with an exaggerated huff.

He alternated on her cheeks far beyond the agreed twenty impacts, but Robyn was swooning so much she didn't realize that he had finished.

"Why'd you stop?"

"You're crying," Ethan said, concerned. "And I went way over twenty, way over."

Robyn sniffed, suddenly aware of the tears that were cooling on her cheeks.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, daddy. Did I do good?" She wasn't sad or in pain. The tears felt like rain that had passed through a rainbow on a warm day. "I love you daddy, I'm sorry I was bad."

"You weren't bad, little girl, you just didn't know any better."

"I'm glad I have such a smart daddy to teach me."

"My hand hurts," Ethan admitted.

Robyn stood up, her skirt relaxing back down around her thighs. She looked down and stepped out of her discarded panties so as not to trip on her way to get more of what she wanted.

"I'm not done yet, though, right daddy?"

"Oh, sweetie, we can be done if you want."

"No," she stood firm. "I need to learn. It didn't even hurt." Oh, defiance felt dangerous in the best way.

That familiar-but-mysterious look returned to Ethan's eyes. Robyn shook her head, thinking hard about when she saw him looking that way last.

"You said you would use the wooden spoon on my bottom."

"Did I?"

"Yes," Robyn said. "I'm scared daddy, do you really have to?"

"Yes, little girl. Let's get this over with."

Robyn went into the kitchen and picked at the selection of spoons that were crammed into an old glass pitcher.

"Daddy, my bottom hurts, can I take off my skirt?"

"Yes, it'll make this last part easier for me."

Robyn unbuttoned the top and let it slip to the floor. She grabbed a sturdy spoon and walked back to him, savoring the moment.

"Oh, my god, Robyn. What are we doing?"

"Shush," she said. "You are doing this for me, I want to give you something beautiful in return."

"You are beautiful, but this, this, we can't..."

"No, we can. You're not going to touch me," Robyn said. "Forget who I am and just look at me."

He did, and even though it was all going to plan, she blushed and covered herself for a second before she got her assurance back.

Bending over the table, putting all her weight against its cool top meant that her bare feet dangled in the air. She felt more exposed than ever and basked in it.

"Is my bottom red? Will it be okay?"

"You'll be ok, little girl. You've done so well so far. Give me the spoon now sweetheart."

Robyn looked at him long enough to make sure the spoon got into his hands then looked away. She knew from experimenting on herself that a hand spanking was no big deal, but the wood spoon would hurt for real.

"Okay, nineteen and one to grow on again, okay little girl?"

"Okay, daddy," she squeaked. The anticipation went from barely there to unbearable in an instant.

He was careful with the spoon at first, but he quickly found a balance between kindness and cruelty that pleased Robyn to no end. The tears that came about half-way through were real, as were the yelps of pain. It was exquisite.

He didn't stop until he was done, and he wasn't done until at least double the agreed number of swats. The whole time she gripped the table, kicking her legs with every impact, while his free hand pressed gently against her back. She wished it would end soon, but only so that she could thank him.

"You okay, little girl?" Ethan asked, a minute or more had gone by since she last felt the spoon. She had been sobbing, tensing her bottom, aching for the spoon to return. "Robyn? All done."

"Yes, daddy," Robyn stood and turned, unable to face him just yet. She had a vague thought that giving him a good look at his work only added to the gift she was trying to give him in return.

"Want a hug?"

Her only answer was to climb him like a bear was chasing her up a tree.

"My bottom hurts. Can you rub it?"

He somehow managed to do so while he walked them out of the kitchen and onto the living room couch. They sat there, her straddling his lap, crying into his chest, while he rubbed her back and blazing bottom. She knew that at some point during the wooden spoon punishment she came, thanks to the weird little contractions that were still happening down there. Her more intense orgasms had long aftereffects that she was still getting used to.

Soon enough, too soon maybe, she was calm and had cooled down enough to talk. She took a deep breath and said, "Thank you, daddy," before bursting into tears again.

"Oh, sweetheart, you're welcome."

"Am I wet, am I getting wet all over your pants? Something happened down there and I'm so embarrassed." Admitting the truth dissipated the shame almost immediately.

"It's okay, sweetie, it's totally normal, don't worry about it."

Robyn wanted to say something, maybe even do something, about the pulsing mass of love that was pressing through his pants against her shaved pubis but knew that was over to the line they'd agreed on. She was happy to know it was there, and that was enough.


She must have dozed off at some point because she awoke on the couch under a throw blanket, her head cradled against Ethan's lap. She peeked over to see if his erection was there, but alas, it had subsided.

"Happy birthday, kiddo."

"Thank you, dad..." Robyn said. Playtime was over. "Ethan. Thank you."

"You were amazing. I'm...I'm speechless."

There was that look again. It finally clicked in Robyn's mind.

"You're looking at me the same way," she said.

"The same way?"

"Same way that you look at mom."

Ethan brushed some hair from her forehead and touched her cheek. They beheld each other, unsure of what one of the millions of things they should say first.

"We can't be," Ethan chose the most painful one, at least for him. "We can't be together."

"I know," Robyn said. This was a hard conversation to have looking up from his lap. She sat up and scooted over to the end of the couch. Serious talk meant that there should be some space. Too bad the blanket fell off and revealed her still naked lower half while she was creating some.

"Oh, jeez, I'll get it." Ethan draped the blanket back over her.

"I know, I know we can't be together. You are with mom. We are a family. Family is weird." This wasn't going as well as the rest of her plan had.

"Yeah, you can say that again."

"You are so good for her, and I know she's busy and stuff, but she loves you and you love her and that's the most important thing." Ugh, she was barely making sense. "I'm grown up now."

"You being a grown up doesn't make me want to not take care of you too," Ethan said. "I'm so damn proud of you that it hurts."

This wasn't getting any easier, but Robyn kept trying. "Do you do this for mom? Spanking and stuff?"

Ethan thought for a moment, debating what was true against what was appropriate.

"Not for a long time, not the spanking at least."

"Did she like it? Does she like that sort of thing?"

"She did," Ethan said, trying hard not to reveal too much. "We're mostly..."


"Dang, kiddo. What have you been up to this year?" he asked in wonder. Robyn couldn't detect even a hint of judgment. Ethan puffed up his chest and continued, "We mostly...we are intimate in a way that works for us, and that's good. It's good for both of us."

"You should ask her about doing that sort of thing again. mom deserves it, so do you."

"Are you saying your mom deserves a spanking."

"Yes! Or whatever, you know? Like, you should ask for what you want and be open to giving back whatever she wants."

"Like I just did for you."

"Yeah," Robin said, twisting a finger in her sandy blonde hair. "Sorry, this is weird."

"Yes. No. I guess. I just...I remember what you said, last year."

"Trust me?"

"That, yeah. And all the rest of it, too. I love being close to you, being able to take care of you, but I also love seeing you become whatever, whoever you want."

"You just gave me the best gift ever, and I will never forget it."

"It's special, like you said. It's ours, yours and mine."

"A secret, not because we are ashamed, but because we are, it was sacred," Robin said, searching for a better word. "Yeah, sacred."

Ethan smiled at her, the familiar look gone, replaced with something else. Damn, he was handsome.

"Did I do good?"

"You were sooooo good, daddy," Robyn laughed, most of the tension gone from the balloon. "How about me?"

"Little girl, you were the best."

The End


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rebelxcarpenterrebelxcarpenter6 months agoAuthor

Thank you Anon for the awesome feedback- it means the world to smut peddlers like me!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I really enjoyed this post. Like all of your stories I have read, it was well thought out and well written. Thank you for your time and effort to share your thoughts and talent with us. Blessed Be!

rebelxcarpenterrebelxcarpenter7 months agoAuthor

Morbidly and BgDaddy- thank you for the great feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

BgDaddy33BgDaddy337 months ago

"Usually, her stream of thought was a turbulent river fed by countless monsoon-flooded tributaries."

Loved that.

I could appreciate Robyn's perspective afterwards.. how it gnawed at her, it was enlightening to read it from that side.

Very interesting dialogue. It worked best because they didn't have sex I think. Well done. 😊

Morbidly_Premium2023Morbidly_Premium2023about 1 year ago

I have never favorited a story, and this one really makes me aroused and intellectually satiated. I really admire the work you've done here. Thanks!

rebelxcarpenterrebelxcarpenterabout 1 year agoAuthor

To my two new anon commenters- cheers! I'm glad you found it as arousing to read as it was to write. Thank you for taking the time to comment, it means the world to us smut peddlers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This was, byfar, the most exhilarating piece of smut I've ever read. Please never stop. Everything about this turned me on. It was classy, yet naughty in the most sophisticated of ways. The psychological themes explored really expanded on the reader's connection.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Your story had a nice flow to it. Nothing was forced on either party. Was nice to read a spanking story without violence. Please keep writing in the vein. I loved it. T.

rebelxcarpenterrebelxcarpenterover 1 year agoAuthor

thank you anon- glad you enjoyed it! The mods cleared it for this category and I believe it is family taboo, which made it easier for me to write than actual incest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Expand on this, great start

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