Chemical Imbalance


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At length, Lynn's excitement overflowed again. Her eyelids fluttered and her head tilted back, and her body gave a shudder as a second orgasm began washing over her. Her muscles spasmed and her brain swam in a sea of vivid ecstasy. Soft, sultry moans welled up within her breast, giving voice to the knotty tangle of emotions that had brought her to this point: inhibition yielding to impulse; bottled up needs let loose in the form of erotic desire; the hope that fleeting rapture might pave the way toward lasting fulfilment...

Urged on by the frenzy of the woman's desire, Dan finally surrendered to self-abandonment as well. Breathing hard, straining to reach further inside her, grunting with pleasure, he began railing her with a wild, passionate recklessness. Automatically, she responded, lifting her knees and spreading her thighs even wider to grant him as much access to her body as she possibly could. And then, at last, she felt what she had been longing for--the gratifying jet of fluid and glow of heat, deep down in her tract, that told her he was consummating their connection.

Dan's muscles trembled with urgency--as if driven by instinct to make the most of this opportunity to breed her. With every lunge, he shot another thick, sticky, pearly-white dollop of semen into her cunt, until she was flooded with his sperm. The man's stamina was remarkable. On and on he went, ramming into her with an unrestrained, mindless euphoria--exulting in the feeling of ownership he had over her at that moment, and the joy he took from stamping his mark on her in such a primitive and irrevocable way.

As for the woman, she gave herself over to all of it. She fed on his joy and fused it with her own, making it hers. Writhing in mindless bliss, she wallowed in the man's seed--moaning with pleasure, milking his cock, coaxing him to pour still more, and still more of himself into her womb...

... Then, at last, his balls were empty, and the final sparks of electricity drained out of two of them. Dan collapsed on top of her, and they lay there, embracing and gasping for breath, in a sweaty, tangled heap of naked limbs. Through her daze, Lynn felt his still-hard penis throbbing gently within her, and the warm, comforting weight of his ejaculate pooling in her tract. She wondered how she had come this far in life without ever experiencing a moment like this.

And in some part of her mind, a guilty question flitted, just at the edge of consciousness: how soon could she arrange to experience something like this again?

* * * * *

Lynn wasn't sure how long they lay there together, wrapped up in a quiet, happy stupor. Her brain was still in a fog, struggling to make sense of the overwrought sensations and emotions she had just experienced, and of the rash choices she had made. But she was untroubled by the weight of it all--there would be time to sort through all that later. Right here, right now, she felt relaxed, fulfilled, at peace.

Gently, she stroked Dan's hair and smiled to herself, eyes closed. She could stay like this forever, she thought...

Sadly, however, that was not meant to be. Instead, the tranquility of the scene was abruptly shattered by the harsh blare of a klaxon.

Lynn opened her eyes and blinked vacantly, trying to make sense of what was happening. The noise was unbearably loud, leaving no room in her brain for thoughts. "Wha...? Fire...?"

Dan's head had shot up at the sound, and now he jumped to his feet. "No--chemical alarm. We've got to get out of here." He grabbed her hand and pulled her up off the sofa.

Confused and fumbling, Lynn gestured weakly toward her panties, lying on the floor nearby. "No time!" Dan barked. "Who knows what poison might be in the air!" This seemed to make sense, so she followed obediently as he dragged her through the doorway and down the hall.

It was a relief when they left the building--the emergency-exit door snapping shut behind them muffled most of that awful racket. Still, the whole situation seemed vaguely wrong to her. The late-afternoon breeze was cold on her bare body; the pebbles were rough on her feet; and her unsupported breasts bounced uncomfortably as they jogged away from the hall.

The emergency response was already underway. A couple of men in hazmat suits had cordoned off the plaza outside the building, using garish yellow strands of emergency tape. Inside the perimeter, a few other people were wandering around, looking dazed and bewildered. One of them was that Asian grad student who had been sitting in the lounge earlier. Lynn noticed that the girl was still clad in her underwear; and the thought of it made her giggle a little, though she wasn't sure why it was funny.

Beyond the line, only a few feet away, a throng of people had begun to collect. At first, she thought they were rubbernecking in a generalized sort of way. After a while, however, she realized that most of them were worked-up over something in particular. Whatever it was, their responses to it varied. Many appeared troubled or disturbed by what they were seeing. Others were gesturing and whispering to each other. A few were trying to suppress grins, or surreptitiously snapping pictures. And most of the undergrad boys were simply staring, glassy-eyed, with their mouths open...

Gradually, it dawned on Lynn that the crowd's attention was focused in her direction. Giving Dan an up-and-down glance, she decided that he must be the source of their agitation. After all, the man had forgotten his pants! True, he did have his shirt on, but his dick was still hard and wet, and it was sticking out flamboyantly below his shirt-waist--massive, red, knobby, and glistening in the afternoon sun. She chuckled to herself: imagine how embarrassed Dan would be when he realized!

... Abruptly, however, Lynn's world tilted sideways...

..... Her mental haze lifted slightly...

....... The blurred lines of the scene took on sharper definition...

......... And an ugly cloud descended on her thoughts...

Um, yeah. So..., what if it wasn't Dan that all the people were gawking at...?

Peering down at herself, Lynn grasped for the first time how she must appear to the onlookers. Tits out on brazen display. Nipples ruddy and hard in the autumn breeze. Trim pubic mound bared. Engorged clit and labia poking down unabashedly between her legs. And, to top it all off--condemnatory streaks of Dan's semen oozing down her thighs and pattering on the pavers below her.

She turned beet red. Oh. My. God...

Lynn knew she should do something--hide, flee--but it was impossible for her to stir. All she could do was stand there, frozen with horror. It was like one of those dreams where you go to school without your clothes. Only she was already awake. And she had just been fucked by a man who wasn't her husband...

While she continued trying to gather her wits enough to move, one of the suited workers lumbered over to them. Through the face plate, she could see a salacious glint in his eyes as he ogled her. At last he spoke. "Apologies, folks, but I gotta wash you down. We may be dealing with a surface contaminant."

Lynn gasped as a high-power hose began playing over her body. Cold rivulets cascaded down her chest, dripped off her nipples, caressed her bush, tickled her pussy, and poured down her legs.

Most of the flow seemed directed at her crotch. And it seemed to go on forever. Squinting through the spray, she saw that a whole line of emergency workers had formed up to watch the spectacle.

Squeezing her eyes shut again, she offered up a fervent prayer for it to end...

Eventually, the hose did cut out, and the degrading ritual was over. Lynn was left standing there, hunched, bedraggled, shivering, and covered with a glistening sheen of water. Feeling the eyeballs of hundreds of people upon her, she wanted desperately to escape. But there was nowhere to go, and she remained rooted to the spot. She was so shell-shocked, so dispirited, so mortified, in fact, that she didn't even try to cover herself. Just stood there dripping, exposed for all the world to see.

Not long after, a fire-fighter walked up to them, He wasn't wearing a suit or helmet, and he offered his bulky yellow coat to Lynn. She draped it over herself gratefully, and snuck a peek at Dan. Her colleague was just as drenched as she was--shirt plastered to his chest now to reveal every line of his well-muscled torso. But what startled Lynn was that fact that his dick was still hard, even after that cold dousing. The fireman didn't provide any sop to his nakedness, but Dan didn't seem to mind. In fact, he appeared perfectly happy to go on flaunting his exceptional endowment for everyone there to see.

Then, the fire-fighter handed each of them a small, white tablet. "We found out what it was: nordoxidol. Must have been a lab leak; they use it for experiments here. It's a dissociative drug. Nasty stuff--it'll knock your inhibitions right out..." He gave Lynn his water bottle. "Anyway, take that pill. It's a blocker. You should already be feeling better, but that'll squash any lingering effects."

The man started to walk away, then turned and shot her an impertinent grin. "Nordoxidol's airborne, by the way. Turns out we didn't need to hose you down after all. Sorry about that..."

* * * * *

It was November. The trees were bare, their showy autumn raiments stripped away by the rigors of time and environment. Grays and browns dominated the landscape, and the rays of sunlight slanting through the afternoon sky were pale, dreary, impotent. Lynn sat inside the café now--looking out blankly through the plate-glass windows as she sat with her thoughts.

She supposed she was lucky. Church and university leaders had convened a hasty board of inquiry, but they clearly had no interest in uncovering details that were likely to prove both embarrassing and damning. The leaky tank of nordoxidol--located, as it turned out, in a lab adjacent to Dan's office--was written off as an unavoidable accident. An act of God, one might say. And the individuals impacted by the spill (Lynn being far from the only person who had humiliated herself that day) were deemed morally and administratively blameless for their actions.

So, she hadn't faced any disciplinary measures. Once she was cleared to teach again, attendance in her classes had hit an all-time high, in fact (though the students seemed to have less interest than ever in the material being covered). But as to where all the naked pictures of her had ended up, Lynn had no idea. Mostly, she tried not to think about that.

Lynn had quickly discovered that a policy of 'don't ask, don't tell' seemed to apply at home, as well as on campus. Although gossip was discouraged at St. Cyril's, she knew that Andy must have heard something about spectacle she and Dan had presented after the accident. It was unavoidable. But her husband never brought it up--and he seemed to prefer if she didn't either.

The next night after the incident, she and Andy had had sex. The timing wasn't right, and her emotions were all jumbled, but it had seemed neither prudent nor compassionate to spurn his rather insistent advances. And it had turned out to be nice. She wasn't sure where things were going between them now--she still half-expected that their current bonhomie would explode one day in an eruption of repressed jealousy and recrimination. But maybe, just maybe, their marriage was on the upswing.

Oh, and she was starting to think that neither Dan nor Andy had gotten her pregnant either. Surely that one ought to go in the positive column...

Far out over the quad, through the falling twilight, she spotted Dan, trudging resolutely across the dry, faded grass of the lawn. He was returning to his office, no doubt, after some meeting or seminar. As she watched, a stiff gust of wind rippled through his hair, and he pulled his coat collar up closer around his neck. The two of them hadn't talked since that day a month earlier. With admirable discretion, the board of inquiry had arranged their testimony so their sessions never overlapped.

Lynn turned her face away and cleared her mind. She didn't want to think about that. Anyway, it was late; she really should be heading home. Finishing off her latte, Lynn left the cup on the table and strolled out the door.

Against her better judgement, she had worn a knee-length skirt today, really pushing the bounds of what was acceptable for a St. Cyril's faculty member. Now, the icy breeze was biting against the bare skin of her legs. Somehow, though, the sting of the cold outside only seemed to make her feel warmer inside. It was energizing--reminding her that she was alive. Striding briskly across campus, she found joy in the cadence that her heart made, pounding vigorously in her chest.

Arriving at her destination, Lynn opened the door without bothering to knock. Dan was lounging in his office chair; and he glanced up at her with a startled look as she entered. "Lynn! What are you...?"

She cut him off with a firmness that he had never heard in her voice before. Her jaw was set and her eyes flashed. "You may think I'm an idiot, Dan, but I'm not. I know exactly what you did."

"B-but I don't... I didn't..."

"You knew what drugs the psych faculty was using next door, and what effects they would have. You had access to the lab. And I assume the 'allergy pill' you took was a dose of that symptom-blocker the hazmat people gave us?"

"No, I... I-I wouldn't..." He sputtered and then fell silent, his face turning red.

"Save it, Dan. You may have fooled the board of inquiry, but I see you now. I know exactly what you are and what you're capable of. And from now on, I plan to treat you accordingly."

Dan froze, muscles tense, staring at her with wary eyes as if trying to guess what sort of retribution she might have in mind. Lynn smiled grimly, allowing him twist for a moment. It was fun to see him squirm.

At length, though, her cravings got the better of her. Locking the door with a click, Lynn hung her jacket on a hook on the wall.

Then, turning back to Dan and fixing him with a frank look, she started unbuttoning her blouse. "Well, lover, are you going to just sit there like a moron? Or are you going to take your pants off?"

* * * * *


* * * * *

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Very enjoyable seduction story!

mirafridamirafridaabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you anonymous reader, I'm glad you liked it!


I appreciate your thoughts. Pacing is always a challenge. My imaginary chemical agent was undoubtedly potent - however, if Lynn had not already been feeling so frustrated with her life, perhaps she would have been in a better position to resist its effects. And yes, I do have a tendency to slap a happy-ish ending on at the end. But let's hope things really do work out for the best for her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very good and original story. Unlikely that a gas seeping from the general vicinity can make a modest woman such as Lynn let herself go in such a manner, but it makes it hugely erotic and a fun read. The seduction process seemed a bit rushed though, with Lynn all too eager to comply without resistance. I thought the end was too unlikely as well, with Lynn initiating an affair with the guy who had tricked her into sex. These are not criticisms but well intentioned feedback - this remains a really enjoyable story.

mirafridamirafridaabout 1 year agoAuthor

Hello Dark358 and anonymous readers, thank you for your comments, I'm glad you liked the story!


I'm sorry you did not enjoy it, AngelRider, I thought after my Mars story infuriated you, you'd probably guess that my fiction was not to your taste. But yes, you are correct, the made-up drug I referenced in the story was indeed made-up. And again, I refer you to my profile - I do not promise stories that are 'possible,' only 'plausible in certain idiosyncratic respects.'

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 1 year ago

You ought to look up the definition of possible. There is no such thing as a drug serves as a martian slut ray. And anyway, the woman is trash.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So fucking hot! Fantastic slut-making of a married woman!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very nice! I hope Dan shared his portfolio of Lynn also with others - particularly students and faculty. And perhaps her husband too got to see them at the campus at sometime?

Dark358Dark358over 1 year ago

This was simply stellar work. The language crafted, the story spun, all of it made the build up of a few pages very easy to digest in anticipation of well crafted smut. My attention span generally disallows the lengthier works. This, however, was very easy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What a hoot - highly enjoyable!! Great seduction indeed. Would have loved to be in the lucky crowd that got to see modest Lynn stark naked... I would have happily joined in the snapping of photos too :)

Thanks for this great story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A great and highly erotic story. On below comment, am so glad the author went ahead with the idea of exposing Lynn buck naked to the entire campus. Further enriches an already excellent story! It is definitely super hot when a normally conservative but newly adulterous wife is outed to all and sundry, thereby shredding the woman's so far very respectable persona to bits. And in this case, the juicy news also eventually reaching her hapless hubby, it seems.

mirafridamirafridaalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Hello anonymous commenters - thank you again for your incredible support!

Nice to see people chiming in favor of Lynn's oh-so-public exposure. That was, perhaps, the part of the story I was least sure about when writing it. But I find such scenes very hot, personally - plus I really liked the idea of Lynn coming to her senses and realizing what she'd done with a very literal dash of cold water. So yeah, I couldn't not write it once I thought of it :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Super story of a faithful wife's seduction, coercing her into a new life of exciting adulterous sex. Highly enjoyable! The best part of all was rushing the dazed woman outside fully naked when the chemical alarm went off, giving her students and faculty the most memorable show of the century - and in the process making it crystal clear to all that she was fully into extra-marital sex with a fellow colleague. A great piece of work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Stunning story, very exciting! Nice seeing how easily this woman with deep moral convictions was tempted into first time illicit sex. The author's style is compelling as it is conveyed to us that this wife and mother had never fucked any other previously except for her boring husband, and she had never even been seen naked before by another man. It is very satisfying then to see her so cunningly seduced, and she is finally able to experience a far more exciting fare than she earlier could with only her husband of many years. Allowing her to be dragged outside naked was a nice touch, giving her an entirely new notoriety within campus. The end makes it clear, now that the dam has been breached, how she is fond of a new life of adultery and cheating. Very well written!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Very good story. Great how this good wife Lynn was seduced into stripping naked for Dan, and then how she lets him fuck her. Very nice also how the whole college got to see their milf prof in the nude. Hope we will get more sexy stories of Lynn!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Top one this!

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