Cherrington Triumphs


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When it finished Louise screamed, "I must have that book, please mummy."

"Well okay. The subject interests me as well. Congratulations Cherrington. If that wasn't you emitting charisma I don't know what."

The next day a carton was delivered by a courier to the office Cherrington shared with two scriptwriters and the guy said, ""Miss Vixen?"

Gloria pointed to Cherrington and he grinned and said yeah she was foxy all right.

She assumed it was the champagne but the carton felt too heavy for just six bottles of wine. It contained 23 copies of the book she'd help to promote and a bottle of expensive French perfume.

"Good work Foxy Lady. You looked so great on TV last night and my wife and daughter said you were stunning."

The signature was, 'Mike, director of promotions and publicity, P&W.'

Cherrington gave copies of the book to Gloria and Michelle, went to Sheryl's office and left copies for Sheryl and the film crew and then went to Jill and left her with ten copies and then took the remainder to Irene at reception.

Jill had looked up as Cherrington entered the office and smiled.

"I knew from the time I perused you job application that you were an exceptional person darling. It didn't surprise me at all you would be a natural on screen and that you would ooze charisma."

"Thanks for embarrassing me but you are a lovely person Jill."

"Oooh I wish I were a lesbian."

"I'm just happy with you the way you are," Cherrington giggled.

Back at her office, Cherrington went on-line and looked up the meaning of the word charisma just in case she was wrong in thinking what it meant. But no, it meant among other things 'appeal' and 'magnetism' and oh god, 'sexual allure'.

She hoped Jill's definition centered on 'personal magnetism'. So that's how they, including Irene, saw her? Well perhaps they were influenced by the fact she was wearing better make-up these days now that she could afford it.

Friday's date with Freddie Drake, manager of the computer design suite as he called it, was a short run event. The party was a rave, with people stripping off and drinking straight from bottles of whisky, gin, vodka and she thought rum and popping pills, including Freddie who was becoming increasingly boisterous.

Two of the females had identified her as 'the ad girl' and that displeased Cherrington and after an hour she was fed up and told Freddie she was off and he grinned and said take care. God what a drip. She watched fascinated as a young woman removed her panties and said to Freddie, "Sniff these." Wow her parents would be very much at home here whereas she felt like an alien.

Cherrington went home by taxi and then, feeling guilty, wrote to her parents and said she hoped they were well and told them what she'd been doing for the past almost four years. She included her address but never heard back from them.

As she went to bed that night Cherrington thought she was doing rather well, being from a dysfunctional family and attracting guys who were, well, unusual. It made her think of Guy Brandon, that okay he was a little dull, but he was a straight up guy. She wondered if the tosser Freddie had sniffed those panties and if he knew that young woman. Well at least from Veronica's advice what to wear, Sunday's brunch on continuous self-serve from 10:30 sounded very much more couth than Freddie's party.

Waiting for her assigned hairdresser on Saturday afternoon to finish with a client, Cherrington flicked through a magazine and stopped at the feature called 'London Garden Parties.'

She noticed what the women were wearing and thought her 'Greek-styled' white dress she'd just purchased was just right for a garden party but she was going to a brunch. Was there a difference for dress code? Well it didn't matter, she could do what she wished because she was confident and she had charisma.

She looked at the hair-styles and focused on one of them.

Cherrington showed the photo in the magazine to Betty and asked could she have her hair something like that. She was going to a brunch next day and would be wearing a Grecian style dress with draping sleeves.

"That sounds posh. Yes I can do that; actually it sounds a good match for such a classy dress."

"Um Betty what is the difference between a brunch and a garden party."

"The time it's held, I should think. Some people have brunches outdoors but the food is actually a cross between breakfast and lunch because they start around mid or late morning."

"Can a brunch be posh?"

"It depends. I did the hair of Mrs Wilson earlier this afternoon. She is hosting a brunch tomorrow and that will be posh."

"Um does Mrs Wilson have a daughter?"

"Yes two, Veronica and Juliette who's well-known as a splendid violinist. Why did you ask if Mrs Wilson has daughters? You don't appear to me to be that way inclined?"

"God no and thanks. If Veronica works for a book store chain then that's the brunch I'll be attending."

"Yes I know Veronica slightly. Oh god, I thought I knew you. You're the new face on Parker and Wallace's book promos on TV."

"Well yes."

"You are so natural on TV and come across so sexy. I'd buy a book off you."

As Cherrington left the taxi next morning and walked toward the large three-story brick house she had the feeling that she was about to begin an adventure. That was rubbish of course.

She followed other people arriving around the side of the house. She caught up to a couple and the woman said, "You are welcome to walk with us dear. Do I know you?"

"I don't believe so."

"You are too young to be one of Bertie Granville's daughters. He'll be here today."

Veronica came up the path to meet them.

"Good morning Sir Richard and Lady Chisholm. I see you have met Cherrington."

"No we haven't, at least not formerly. We just said hi. Oh you called this beautiful young lady Cherrington. She's the woman in your ad on TV about the waterways pollution book. My dear, how delighted I am to meet you."

"Mouth running dry, Cherrington said, "Thank you Lady Chisholm. Please call me Cherrington."

"Do you make you money from TV ads or films?"

"My career is journalism Sir Richard. I was just helping out as the company I work for made that ad."

They had begun walking again and Veronica, arm in arm with Cherrington, said, "And it won't be the last ad Miss Vixen will make. Two hours ago I had a phone call to say 'Clouding Waters', the book in question, had been disappearing out of the doors of stores and the publisher was rushing to get more books printed much sooner than scheduled. We believe this is the result of Cherrington's personalized presentation. Darling you look wonderful today."

"Indeed and you're very beautiful young lady," said Lady Chisholm.

"Lady Chisholm and mom nursed together for years," Veronica said. "Sir Richard is a leading medical researcher and dad is a heart surgeon of note. Many people who will be here this morning are associated with health and medicine but a few are in publishing and journalism Cherrington, so be not dismayed."

An older Veronica look-alike came across the lawn to meet them and the two older women kissed and Sir Richard then kissed Veronica's mother.

"This is my mother Mrs Wilson but you may call her Harriett," Veronica smiled.

"Good morning Cherrington. Oh my goodness, you are even more beautiful than on TV and you dress to impress I see."

"Well acting in good taste never got anyone into trouble I know of," Cherrington said and everyone laughed.

"Yes please call me Harriett as do my three children. I wanted my son to meet you after Veronica told me about you and he should be here soon. Our hired chef's vehicle has broken down and so Dean has gone in the Range Rover to tow him here. The van is full of our brunch requirements but fortunately they will be here almost on schedule."

Cherrington chatting to a small group of people with Veronica when they heard someone call, "Our food has arrived" and then she had to answer two women enquiring about the extent of her acting career.

"You are telling us that's the first time you've ever been on television?"

"Yes Mrs Stewart and the first time I've had anything to do with advertising. I have been in newspaper journalism but began this week at a new job to train as a presenter on camera for an independent film-maker."

"Then I must say you are extraordinarily talented. I brought that book on the strength of that advertisement. You seemed to be speaking directly to me and to my inner belief about our environment."

"Yes and I purchased that book yesterday," said Mrs Young. "People have been talking about it and the store was almost sold-out when I purchased mine."

Veronica listened to that conversation with great interest. Then someone came up to her and said her mother wanted her at the serving station.

Cherrington drifted away and was walking to get another orange juice and tonic when a guy in a group to her left turned and gaped and then bounded to her.

"Hi. You are looking great."

"I'm Cherrington and you may kiss me if you wish."

"Why would you consent to that?"

"Because you are Veronica's brother. You mother told me you would be here and there are no other males as young as you here that I can see."

"Oh great detective work," he said, kissing her lips lightly.

"And I'll have one of those too; I'm Veronica and Dean's sister Juliette."

They kissed and Juliette said she really admired Cherrington's dress and she wore it so elegantly.

"Well I hope I don't get drunk and end up throwing food while wearing it."

The three of them laughed.

At 3:00 when people began drifting off, Cherrington said goodbye to Harriett and her husband Anthony who appropriately, as a surgeon, had worked at slicing the bacon from back cuts of cured pork for the grill.

She found Dean waiting for her at the gate.

"Veronica said I'm to drive you home."

"Are you okay to drive, I mean you have been drinking?"

"Like you I was on juice until it was time to eat and then had only two glasses of wine."

"Were you watching me?"

"Yes well you are worth looking at."

"You'll have a girlfriend."

"Yes in fact three but each is a casual relationship."

"Do you wish to date me?"

"Yes, may I date you?"

"You may."

"Have you been through Richmond Park yet?"


"Then I'll pick you up at noon tomorrow and bring Veronica's cycle and we can cycle through the park. It's big, a bit over twenty-three hundred acres."

"But it's near the heart of London."

"Yes, along with other royal parks. London is not only shops and houses and the River Thames."

"That sounds lovely. I suppose you cycle through there with all your other girlfriends?"

"Actually I only cycle with my mother and/or my sisters. Come on."

"God a yellow Porsche."

"Yeah I like to go about inconspicuously. Either that or I believe yellow is the best color for a Porsche."

"What do you do Dean?"

"As little as possible but I'm CEO of a small advertising company that dad owns as an investment and he purchased it to create a job for me because when I left university I was unable to find employment in that industry and worked as a sports reporter on a newspaper for a year."

"You are very interesting Dean."

"And so are you. Tell me how did you get the unbelievable name of Cherrington Vixen?"

"Oh god."


"The reason is embarrassing. I'll explain as we drive providing it's for your ears only."

"Will you tell Veronica?"

"If she ever asks."

"And my mother?"

"I'd have to think about that. It would depend on circumstances."

"Like if we were going steady and she asked?"

"That was my thinking."

They had a lovely time in the park.

Dean produced a chicken pie and bottle of wine from his back pack and later they kissed and cuddled under a big tree. Dean didn't attempt to go lower than her breasts and Cherrington didn't offer encouragement.

Later at home Cherrington wondered was Dean right for her and she thought no. As far as she could tell, in such a short time together, he was still a boy growing up. It was his manner rather than his age of twenty-three.

Veronica called Cherrington on Monday morning and Cherrington answered the message when she came from watching studio filming with a brief to watch the presenter in action.

"Cherrington at our executive meeting this morning I was asked to get your company to place you on contract with us for the filming of our ad each Tuesday. We cannot afford to have our timing disrupted by your being scheduled to work elsewhere. Our marketing director wants our ad involving you increased to ninety-seconds on-screen time and that means extra revenue for your company. We are also looking at in store fixtures showing your face in the promotion of our book, to be called Book of the Week to increase your exposure and we are willing to put the work on those fixtures that will include design and photography and printed and finishing to our specifications through your company to produce."

"Um how many stores are we talking about?"

"Ninety-three and we are thinking three displays per store plus twenty spares in reserve and with a new set of these displays every four months. Have you got all that?"

"Yes thanks. Why are you calling me about this?"

"I would like you to test the water with Jill Aitken about this."

"Okay I'll do that and call you back."

Jill listened attentively.

"There is big money in this for us," she said, when Cherrington had finished. "What I'm wondering is why they made the pitch to you instead of coming directly to me?"

"I can only guess they think having me on contract to take part in their filming every Tuesday might grate with you."

"I don't see why that should be so. We reserve Mondays and Tuesday for doing ads and other commercial work and then do our own filming on Wednesday and through to Sunday if necessary. Further a lot of filming can be done without you, for instance incidental and mood shots to be inserted to provide breaks in the story line. But leave this with me for half an hour. I'll discuss it with Neil."

Jill called Cherrington to her office twenty minutes later.

"Tell them okay and that they should make an appointment and come in and talk to me in detail. Tell them no problem contracting you to them for Tuesdays. You know darling, if all of this goes ahead you will bring a busload of money, less costs of course, to us as a result of you impressing the chiefs at Parker and Wallace. Well done. This leaves me with the feeling your salary review will have to be brought forward."

"Well Cherrington?" Veronica said, her voice sounding tight.

"The contract request is conditionally approved on the condition that other work being included as part of a package and this whole arrangement is to become a contract running for a minimum period of twelve months."

"Um twelve months, I wonder if that term is negotiable?"

"Well I'm sure Jill would accept the notion being placed on the table. She says you guys should make an appointment with her to come in and talk."

"You're amazing Cherrington. Our director of marketing believed there was no way would Jill agree to you being tied up for every Tuesday because it would play hell with her schedules that she will have planned involving you."

Cherrington became creative. "Well all I can guess is Jill regards you guys as a valued client."

"Yes that sounds about right. Do you mind if I tell my people that?"

"No go ahead. Should you and I meet for dinner one night this week? I have nothing booked all week."

"Um what about Dean?"

Cherrington thought this was her opportunity.

"Um Veronica, don't say anything about this but I've been thinking while Dean appears to be a super guy, he seems to be rather young for me somehow?"

"That's what I heard mom tell him. She thought you were too sophisticated for him. Well he can't expect to win every babe who catches his eye. Do you wish me to tell him?"

"Oh god, no it sounds like an assassination."

"Leave it to me. Mom has already warned him."

"No I can't allow..."

"Darling you have helped my career in this company big time today. Even I didn't believe you could get Jill to agree to a Tuesday contract. I have some guys in mind who might be very suitable for you. Leave everything to me and he will be quite okay when you come to our home to hang out with me."

Cherrington called Jill and told her the P&W team would make an appointment to see her.

"Good work."

Cherrington added, "Oh I suggested you would want that extra work to proceed as part of the deal of tying me up on Tuesdays and that the second condition was you'd want a contract for all of that work for a minimum term of twelve months."

"Cherrington, that demand could make them back right off and we would lose their ad work."

"Oh I don't think so. Veronica told me at the weekend the ad is already clearing that book from shelves and the publisher is frantically getting more books published. Right now I'm the hottest thing in P&W's focus, don't you think?"

"Perhaps you are dear but it will be a grind keep yourself fresh."

"Yeah I guess so. Oh they might wish to place a request for the term of that proposed all-in contract to be reduced to six months. I told Veronica they could put that on the table for negotiation and you'd consider all requests because we regard them as a valued client."

"Yes and we value all clients. You have done amazing well with this and thanks."

Cherrington went home late afternoon thinking she found it a breeze being involved in business negotiation. She had no problem in being inventive and lying er stretching the truth. Perhaps they were business fundamentals.

Jill and Neil took Cherrington to dinner that evening where she met a group of their friends. She consumed good food and wine and enjoyed being involved in good conversation but by in large the people were mostly older than Jill and Neil and none of them really impressed Cherrington and she received no social invitation and no guy hit on her. It was just a night out and Neil paid for her, on the company card presumably.

A conclusive meeting took place between P&W marketing and promotional people and Jill and Neil. Cherrington and the manager of the props workshop were also called in to face the five-person P&W team that included Veronica. It was agreed that the main contract should extend for nine months, taking the term beyond the busy pre-Christmas period for book sales.

When Cherrington and Veronica went out for dinner the two draft contacts were under consideration by the two parties.

"First read of both contracts indicated we have in writing what both parties agreed to," said Veronica. "Haven't we done well?"


"As your reward I have sorted in my mind three guys who might be just right for you."

"Veronica I can imagine you have the stamina for groupies but one guy at a time is quite enough for me."

They cackled away in delight.

"No and thanks for your offer to hook me up with someone suitable but you know I really like my mini romances just to happen and then if something goes wrong I have only myself to blame."

"Well have it your way. I was quite excited to think of Graham. His erection is as thick as my wrist."

"Oh god."

They were away laughing again.

"When will we see you on TV as a presenter/narrator?"

Cherrington frowned. "Not before next year. I was astonished that it takes month to film a feature and then to have it pass through post-production, that takes simply ages, and they have to be packaged and hawked around. My first job is a 30-minute documentary on the research, development and commissioning of a new type of alarm system that monitors sleeping patients immediately after operations who could develop a clot or some other life-threatening trauma and yet who are not hooked up to life-support systems that also are alarmed."