Chinese Takeout Ch. 04


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I let go of him, doing a little twirl. "Does it look good on me?"

He grinned. A happy grin. "Oh yeah, I think it looks great. But I've never bought a dress for a girl before, not on my own."

I giggled. "What about panties? Who told you to buy Kiki de Montparnasse?"

Now he laughed. "I asked someone."

"Who?" Now I was curious. I eyed him. No, he didn't look guilty, more amused.

"One of the Old Ladies, Rachel, you'll meet her, maybe next weekend."

Which reminded me. "Meek said to tell you him and Olaf and some of the brothers and the ..." What was that word he'd used? "... the hang arounds are going for a run with their Old Ladies next weekend, Sunday. He said they're having a barbeque at the Church late afternoon." I didn't want to tell him that Meek had suggested that maybe I come along. That'd be far too pushy. Keith would ask me if he wanted me to come with him. Me? All I wanted was to spend every single minute I could with Keith. Church? Who wanted to go to Church? I wasn't that kind of bible class girl who did. Keith's brothers didn't seem to me like guys who went to Church either. Weird.

Keith grinned. That mischievous grin again. "Well, you'll definitely meet Rachel next Sunday then."

My heart leapt with joy. Yes! Did that mean...?

"Would you like to come for a run next Sunday? You can come to Church with me afterwards," he asked. "Think you could swing it with your parents?"

Yes! Yes yes yes! Of course I would. Of course I could. I'd go anywhere if Keith asked me to go with him. Even to Church if he wanted. I was back in Keith's arms, my arms wound round his neck. "I'd love that Keith." I smiled.

He patted my butt with one hand. "Great, let's go eat now. Don't know about you but I'm starving."

"Sure." I was. I was so so hungry. Hungry enough to eat a horse.

Keith took my hand, led me over to another door, smaller, off to one side. We went through into another foyer, this time one that had narrower stairs leading down as well as those old ironwork elevator grills. When he pressed the button there, the noises from the elevator shaft weren't exactly reassuring. The elevator itself was an antique. It ran down smoothly enough though, and it stopped at the first floor. When the grill opened, we walked out into a restaurant waiting area with a small bar.

That waiting area was crowded. I hoped we didn't have to wait. But Keith had said our table was ready. The elegant looking woman at the maître d's stand waved, beckoning Keith, smiling at me.

"Your table's over here Keith, your usual, is that okay?"

"That's great Heather, thanks again."

She ushered us into a small booth right at the front of the restaurant, looking out onto the street below. "Enjoy yourselves Keith, Jay-Lin. Jean-Paul will be over in a minute." She smiled at me. "I love your dress. It's beautiful." Next second she'd vanished towards the rear, leaving a faint scent of perfume.

Wow! Nobody who looked as elegant as she did had ever said that to me before. That my dress was beautiful. And how did she know my name? I glanced at Keith.

He smiled. "I know Heather, I come here a lot, told her you'd be with me when I called to get a table."

A bowl of divine-smelling French bread appeared on the table, the crusty sort that just melts in your mouth. Two large glasses and a bottle of sparkling mineral water made an apparition, after which a wine bottle was proffered for examination. I looked at it rather blankly. Bollinger Special Cuvée Brut Champagne? Well, champagne I understood. I'd tried it but never really liked it. If that was what Keith wanted to drink? I glanced at him, not sure what to do.

"Thanks Paul, that's exactly what I wanted." Keith smiled at me.

I watched, fascinated, as the waiter removed the foil from the top, followed by a strange little metal cage. Seconds later came a loud pop, immediately followed by the filling of two champagne flutes. The glasses in front of us, the waiter vanished.

"To my darling Jay-Lin." Keith lifted his glass.

"To us." I felt my cheeks blush a little as I raised my glass. They chimed together, we both drank. Well, Keith drank. I sipped. The taste, the way it felt in my mouth, the scent. It was unlike anything I'd ever tasted before. It didn't taste like any champagne I'd tried, that was for sure. Not that I'd tried many. My mouth filled with creamy bubbles holding a delicately blended taste of blackberry tart, lemon parfait, graphite and toasted almond. In the background there was a slight bitter edge, almost acidic, that brought it all together in a beautiful combination that swallowing only improved. Ambrosia? I sipped again.

"Do you like it?" Keith had that slightly anxious look on his face again.

Now it was my turn to smile. "It's wonderful, I've never tasted anything like it."

"This is good," a new voice intervened. I looked up into an elderly saturnine face, brown, lined, longish silvery grey hair, smiling.

"Jean-Paul, this is Jay-Lin. Jay-Lin, Jean-Paul is the chef and owner of this wonderful establishment, and an old friend besides."

"So pleased to meet you Jay-Lin," Jean-Paul said, "the man won't stop talking about you."

Keith's cheeks turned a little pink. He was blushing. He was actually blushing. I just wanted to slide over the table and hug him tight. I smiled at him, my heart doing that little dance thing again.

"Really?" I eyed Keith. Yes, pink was getting pinker. Ohhhh, I was so in love with him.

"Really," Jean-Paul agreed, chuckling. It was a very French-sounding chuckle, with so much innuendo woven into that laughter that now it was my turn to blush.

"And now, the food." Jean-Paul took pity on our now mutual blushes.

"The food?" I chimed in.

"How about la sélection du Chef?" Jean-Paul suggested. "You may then concentrate on each other and leave the rest to me." He kissed his fingers theatrically. "I promise you a gastronomic experience."

Keith looked at me, smiling, raising one eyebrow. I looked back for a long moment before smiling in return. "Whatever Keith recommends."

"La sélection du Chef," Keith agreed.

I giggled. "You ARE looking hungry." He did.

"Wait till you try Jean-Paul's food," he smiled. "It's just delicious."

* * * * * * * *

It was better than delicious.

It was divine.

Dish after dish. A small bowl of soupe a l'oignon la facon des halles, onion soup with croutons and melted cheese, just half a dozen mouthfuls. Black garlic aioli to go with that crusty French bread. Two bites of Pâté de campagne aux foie de poulet et lardons. Chicken liver and pork pate. Deux crevettes marinées a l'ail et cuites dans un poelon d'huile. Two large prawns marinated in garlic and cooked in a sizzling pot of oil. A tiny plate of Jambon cru au melon et au porto. Proscuito served with rockmelon and a splash of port wine. A dozen escargots cuits dans leurs coquilles avec un beurre a l'ail. Snails cooked in their shells with garlic and parsley butter. Well, at least my school French was up to the menu. I'd learned something it seemed.

I ate greedily, every bite, every spoonful just melting in my mouth. The flavors, the textures, the smells, I was lost in them, every bite a marvelous array of tastes. I couldn't believe how good every single dish was. I mean, I'm Chinese. Eating's part of our culture. I can talk about different dim-sum restaurants for hours. I grew up cooking and eating. We live, breathe and talk food. But this was food on a wholly different plateau. Maybe there were Chinese restaurants that took Chinese food to this level of deliciousness. If so I'd never eaten in them. Never.

Jean-Paul returned himself with two small dishes of sorbet. "The entremets, it is to clear the palate before the main courses," he explained.

Well, I'd never eaten dessert in the middle of dinner before, but I guess there was a first time for everything.

"Enjoying it Jay-Lin?" Keith was smiling.

I realized I hadn't said a word since that first dish arrived. Not one.

"Oh yeah, every mouthful, this is just ..." I wasn't sure even of the right word to use. "The best ... Ever."

The small main course samples that followed ravished my taste buds further. A sliver of Chateaubriand béarnaise et pomme frites. Char-grilled fillet of beef served with a shallot and tarragon sauce and half a dozen fries. A sample of magret de canard aux griottes confites au kirsh sur un gratin de pommes de terre. Duck breast with a cherry and kirsch sauce on a gratin of potatoes. Poitrine de poulet grillée a la Provencale, ratatouille et riz. Char-grilled chicken breast served with a ratatouille and steamed Jasmine rice.

By the time we reached the Bouchee a la reine au fruits de mer (Seafood in a creamy sauce served in puff pastry and fries) I was happy. Last was the râble de lapin, slivers of braised rabbit saddle Provençal braised with ravioli, capers, asparagus and carrot en croûte. Somewhere over the course of the meal, that champagne had vanished, the flutes replaced by glasses of red wine and, in my case, a bottle of sparkling mineral water in an ice bucket next to the table.

I sipped the water gratefully, taking the time now to look around. Keith was smiling as he sipped his wine. I eyed him, elegantly casual in his faded jeans and a loose cream linen shirt, so at home in this restaurant. As at home here as he was on his Harley, as he was in Quebec's gym. I realized I really didn't know anything about him other than that he was adorable and I loved him.

"What are you thinking, Jay-Lin?" He smiled at me.

"That I really don't know much about you." I sipped my water, reached across the table with my hand, placed my hand on his. His fingers interlaced with mine, spreading my fingers, one finger probing the soft flesh where my fingers and palm met. I shivered, feeling as if he'd spread my legs and was teasing me. That touch of his fingers to my hand brought a flood of wetness that almost forced a gasp from my lips. "I love you so much and I don't know much about you at all. I mean, you totally surprised me with your apartment and now with this." I had to giggle.

Keith grinned. "Surprise in a good way I hope?"

Now I was serious, my hand squeezing his tight. "Keith, I fell in love with you when you gave me that ride home, I love you for you."

"I know Jay-Lin." Now he too looked serious. "I never thought I'd fall in love, not with a girl like you, and I have." He smiled, raising my hand to his lips, kissing my fingers. "I love you Jay-Lin Liu."

I glowed.

When the desserts arrived, I was in heaven. Bite-sized samples, Tarte au Citron, Belgian Chocolate Tarte, Grand Marnier Crème Brulée and last of all, a dish of Ganache, small balls of dark chocolate. I looked at them. I loved chocolate. Adored it. These looked and smelt divine.

I smiled, feeling a little breathless, feeling that knotting excitement within me. "Would you like something special for dessert?"

He looked at me, one eyebrow raised. "What did you have in mind?"

I smiled, saying nothing. My hand picked up one of those perfect little globes of chocolate. Before I could change my mind, before I could think about what I was doing, I slipped my hand under the table, my other hand pulling the hem of my dress up, pulling my panties out. I bit my bottom lip as I slipped those fingers holding that little ball of chocolate inside my panties. I was so wet. So very wet. Wet and slippery just from thinking about doing this. I shivered as I touched myself with my fingers, feeling that chocolate ball slide inwards, between my labia, pushing up against me. Keith watched me, watched my face as I shivered, as my breath came in little pants, as I rotated that little ball, making sure all of it was coated with my wetness.

His eyes followed my movements as I withdrew that chocolate ball and carried it towards his lips with fingers that now shook. The chocolate was wet now, wet and shining with me, with my wetness, a little softer from the heat of my body, my fingertips wet as well. He opened his mouth, I place that small ball of chocolate on his tongue, shivering again as his hand seized my wrist, held me while he licked my fingertips. I watched as he slowly moved the chocolate in his mouth, tasting it. Savoring it. Swallowing it.

"Simply delicious," he breathed. "May I have another?"

I looked at him, shivering, that tight feeling inside me almost overwhelming me. I could feel how wet I was, how sensitive and swollen, how conscious of little things like the friction of those panties against me as I sat opposite Keith. How swollen and hard my nipples were, pushing out against the thin fabric of that dress. How my skin tingled. How much I wanted his hands, his mouth on me.

"Uhhh," I gasped, swallowing, feeling my face so flushed and heated. My hand reached out of its own volition, reached out and picked up another of those little chocolate balls. Shaking fingers once more pulled my panties out, once more inserted that little ball of chocolate between my labia, rotated it, almost losing it, withdrawing it, offering it to Keith. Fingertips glistened in the candlelight as I placed that little ball of chocolate in Keith's mouth.

His hand reached up to seize my wrist, hold my hand before his mouth.

"Keith," I whispered as he sucked on my finger, as he sucked my finger into his mouth, his eyes watching me. "Keith," I moaned softly.

"Yes?" he breathed back after his mouth finally released me. I was shivering by then, barely able to speak. I opened my mouth, felt something touch me between my legs. Glanced down to see his foot, sock removed, brushing my thighs. I shivered, shivered and parted my knees a little wider as his foot pushed higher. His toe brushed the front of my panties where I was so wet, brushed, then pushed. Pushed inwards a little between my labia, my panties sliding deliciously against me where I was so much more sensitive.

"Yes?" he breathed again, his eyes intent on me, his lips quirking as my eyes opened wide, my mouth opened wide, my hands clutched at the edge of the table.

"Uhhhh," I gasped, feeling his toe,

""Nnnnnnghhhhh." My whole body shook, my hands clawed at the tablecloth, I slumped back a little in my seat, my knees even wider apart. His toe moved, wiggled. Roughly rubbed over my clitoris, sending a high-voltage jolt through my entire body. I completely forgot whatever it was that I'd been going to say. It wasn't important. The only thing that was important was what Keith was doing to me and that demanded no words. Not from me.

I reached down with one hand to stroke his foot where it rested between my thighs. Stroking him as his toe moved against me, moving backwards and forwards against my slit, thickly pushing my panties inwards between my labia. I choked and shivered, blushing a fiery red.

"Two can play at teasing Jay-Lin," Keith smiled.

"I don't want to be teased anymore Keith," I choked out, my body quivering.

"Want to go back upstairs?" Keith's voice cut thru the golden haze that filled my mind.

"Yes," I whispered, not sure if I could stand. My knees were jelly. I was jelly. But I wanted so much to get back to Keith's apartment with him. I watched him as he stood, wanting to stand as well.

His foot abandoned me. After a moment he stood, stepping around to my side of our table, one hand under my arm helping me up to stand on quivering legs. Upright, standing, my strength returned, fed by my eagerness. Fed by my desire. His arm supported and guided me as we walked to the entrance. Keith waved at our waiter, a quick "Thanks Paul" and we were gone. Keith hadn't paid the bill. I hadn't even seen one. I glanced at him, wondering.

He smiled down at me as we walked the few steps towards the elevator, shrugged. "Jean-Paul and I go back a ways," was all he said, opening the elevator door for me. It really was old. You could see through the ironwork grill as we climbed slowly. I stood with my back to Keith, looking out. I felt his breath on the back of my neck, his hands on my hips. I eased myself back, resting against him, my head against his shoulder. His hands pulled me back so that I felt his erection pressing hard against my butt.

My legs turned from jelly to water. I couldn't speak. I could barely breathe. When he ground himself against me, the rush of wetness that was my body's response brought a moan from me. That moan brought a soft chuckle from Keith, a chuckle followed by his lips brushing the top of my head. When he ground himself against me again, I needed to cling to the grill to prevent myself from collapsing.

Second. Third. Fourth. We reached Fifth far too quickly. Keith opened the elevator door, led me into a small lobby, unlocked the door on the far side, lead me into his apartment. While he was locking the door behind him I kicked my shoes off, walked across his loft to the three large black leather couches grouped in front of the fireplace on the wall overlooking the alleyway. I didn't sit on one of those couches though, even though they looked so comfortable.

I unhooked and unzipped the back of that little black evening dress. My timing was perfect. He turned away from the door, his eyes finding me. My dress fell, hung on my hips for a second before pooling around my ankles. I stood, waiting for him, once again wearing nothing but those little black lace panties he'd bought for me. I smiled as his nostrils flared. Hooking my thumbs in those little panties, I pushed them down to my knees. Gravity took them to my ankles for me to step out of. I was naked. Naked in Keith's apartment, waiting for him to come to me.

By the time Keith reached me, I was feeling embarrassed, shy and excited. It felt strange to stand there with absolutely nothing on, with a man looking at me. Looking at my naked body, his eyes full of love and desire. He paused before me. Paused and looked at me. His eyes looked at me, running over me from head to toe.

I blushed and smiled and panted, my sex pulsing wetly, all at the same time. My hands reached out to find the top button of his shirt. I undid it. Then the next. And the next. When all of them were undone, I peeled his shirt off him. His chest, his arms, his stomach, his shoulders, so much for me to look at. But I wanted more. My hands fumbled at his belt, undid it. Heart pounding now, looking down to see what I was doing, I unzipped his jeans, worked them downwards.

Sinking to my knees on the rug, I tugged at them, easing them clumsily down to his knees. Kneeling, Keith towered over me. And now, kneeling, I was face to face with that dauntingly large bulge as yet confined within his boxers. First things first. Heart fluttering, feeling a little faint, I worked his jeans over his feet as he assisted me by stepping out of them. All that was left between me and Keith's cock were those boxers he wore. I swallowed nervously, reached for them, eased them down, releasing his cock from its confinement.

I heard a faint noise of male satisfaction from above as his cock sprang free to slap lightly against my face. Startled, I flinched away from that warm-soft-hard contact, moving my head back so I could see him clearly. The sheer physical dimensions of his cock stunned me. And okay, my experience was limited. I'd seen and felt and held him last night, but this, right in front of my face, inches from my eyes, this was different. A lot different. I found myself amazed that it was so big and so hard looking. The swollen head and glans startled me for a moment, until I compared what I was seeing with those diagrams in that book my Mom had given embarrassed me with when I was younger.

If his cock had surprised me, his testicles startled me. Well, okay, balls. I knew they existed, but the diagrams and line drawings didn't do justice to the sheer functional beauty and size of them as they dangled before my fascinated eyes. They hung down, so large and round. So hairy. I found myself fascinated by all that body hair. I didn't have any. Well, I did have a very little, but wearing a bikini to swim in, I'd always, you know, shaved myself everywhere.