Chloe Visits Dr. Smith's Office

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Chloe visits her professors office to make him her own.
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Filled with first year students, the lecture hall was buzzing with noise. The sound of a hundred conversations filled the echoing space but for Chloe it was nothing but background noise. As she had done for the entirety of her first term at university Chloe had positioned herself in her usual seat on the front row, directly opposite the dais and was eagerly and somewhat nervously awaiting the start of another psychology lecture. Chloe had big plans today and couldn't help herself staring at the door waiting for the ever-late lecturer to arrive.

Chloe was 19 and undeniably attractive. She was 5 foot 4 with light skin and dark brown hair that fell loosely around her shoulders and framed a pretty face. She kept herself in shape by going running at least twice a week but dressed modestly all the same. Today she wore had opted high-necked navy-blue dress with short sleeves and a collar. It hugged her figure and ended just above her knee. The warm spring day meant she had forgone any tights and was simply wearing her nicest pumps.

As she drummed her fingers on the desk for what seemed like the hundredth time the lecture hall door finally swung open and in strode Dr Smith. He was a man in his late 30s but moved like a man in his 20s. He was tall at over 6 foot 3 and had remained in shape despite years of working at the university in what Chloe assumed was comparative luxury. He wore a tweed jacket over a pale blue shirt and jeans. As he strode across the front of the room he looked up at his waiting audience and smiled, his sometimes stern demeanour fading as he saw an almost full lecture theatre. His gaze swept across the room and seemed to take in every student individually. As is crossed Chloe she tried to hold his gaze and smiled back, but as quickly as it came it was gone.

The next hour seemed to crawl by for Chloe. Dr Smith lectured on the ins and outs of power dynamics in relationships and the reasons some people fetishize older partners. To Chloe every word was as captivating as the last and knowing what was to follow she couldn't help but feel as though every word was directed at her. She smiled to herself as she wrote her notes Dr Smith was in for a shock today. So lost was she in her own thoughts that when the bell rang out signalling the end of the lecture she was startled to find she was no longer even listening to the lecture but chewing the end off of her pen with her legs crossed so tight it was a wonder she could even stand before the blood flowed back into them.

Dr Smith was announcing that his office hours were as always, immediately after the lecture and anyone wishing to discuss the assignment should feel free to form a line outside his office in ten minutes time. As students began to file out of the hall Chloe snapped back to reality and quickly packed her notes away as Dr Smith passed her he spared her a momentary smile. "I suppose I will see you to discuss this assignment as well Miss Harris?" he chuckled and without waiting for an answer began to weave through students towards the doors and was gone from sight. Chloe licked her dry lips, swallowed and without a word finished packing her things and followed the remaining students out into the hallway. He could joke, every week since lectures began Chloe had been outside Dr Smith's door with questions about every lecture and every assignment without fail. To her credit she was on course to get the highest grade in the year but that was not why she had kept going and she suspected he knew that.

Taking a breath she made her way towards his office as she had done so many times. When she arrived some minutes later there was already a line. Dr Smith's course was incredibly popular and seemingly these lecture in particular had struck a chord with what seemed to be half the women on campus. Chloe smirked, let them fawn over him, today is my day. She took a seat at the end of the hall unconsciously crossed her legs and settled in to wait. She waited until the line had almost gone and with only one other person outside of his door, she stood and made her way down the long hall to stand behind them. It was only when the girl in front of her disappeared into the office that she realised she was sweating. Her lips were dry once again and she could feel a bead of sweat running down between her shoulders. Taking a deep breath, she waited. She had practiced what she would say all night, she knew what she wanted and how to get it and she would get it.

It was a shock then that when the door opened and the girl walked out beaming that the only noise to come out of her mouth was a small yelp of surprise. Quickly covering her mouth she tried to calm herself and then a moment later, as Dr Smiths head peered around the door, she almost lost her nerve. "Ah, Miss Harris, I had wondered where you were. Usually you are first through my door." He Chuckled and stepped back ushering her inside. Covering her mouth with her hand to hide another licking of her lips she stepped into his office and stood, heart pounding as she waited for the familiar heavy sound of the office door closing behind her.

Dr Smith's office was small but comfortable and due to his tenure at the university he no longer had to share an office. The walls were lined with shelves, each one filled with a myriad of books and trinkets from travels. The majority of the room itself was taken up with a large dark wood desk which as always was kept immaculately neat. On one side of the desk was Dr Smith's large comfortable chair, which he was currently lowering himself into and opposite were two smaller chairs for guests to occupy.

Chloe, looked nervously around the room, it was the first time she realised just how small the space seemed without any windows. She placed her bag gently on the floor next to the door and took her usual seat on the left of the desk and using every ounce of willpower she could muster she raised her eyes to meet his. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she took a moment to wonder how he couldn't hear it, though he obviously couldn't and a moment later when she didn't speak he opened his mouth. Before he could speak however Chloe blurted out "I know what you did!" It all came out in a rush. She hadn't meant to say it like that, she had planned to say it better, more tactfully, but in that moment she realised she could not wait. "I know what you did..." she repeated and gulping she placed her shaking hands in her lap and tried to look as stern as she could.

Dr Smith was momentarily taken aback by his star student's sudden accusation but quickly recovering he leaned back in his chair and raised an eyebrow. His well-known stern demeanour coming through. "What exactly are you talking about Miss Harris?" His voice was calm, deep and commanding. It wasn't the first time one of his students had cracked under the pressures of University life and it wouldn't be the last. It was, he thought, a shame that it had to be this student who cracked, she had such potential.

"I saw you.....two nights ago in a bar in town, with...." She trailed off but looking into his stern eyes she felt a jolt of thrill and excitement at her plan working and she couldn't turn back now. "With...a woman I know isn't your wife...I saw you holding hands, I saw you kissing and..." She gulped again, sweat beaded on her forehead, she knew what she had seen but saying it now out loud to him was somehow so difficult. "I saw you having sex with her..." She trailed off and looked away his eyes boring into her. She looked down at her lap and then back up to meet his gaze. "I saw it all."

Dr Smith took this all in and said nothing. He stared at Chloe with a look somewhere between annoyance and amusement on his face. Finally after a pause that felt to Chloe like it went on for hours he leaned forward. "I suppose then, that you would like me to give you a perfect grade would you?" He drummed his fingers on the desk slowly, the sound echoing in the small silent room.

Chloe took a breath, this was it, this was the moment she had dreamt of. She slowly stood from her chair and leant forward onto the desk. A cold bead of sweat ran down her back and she licked her lips one last time. "No...If you are going to cheat on your wife I...I want it to be with me." There, she said it, she actually said it! Her heart was racing and as she looked into his calculating eyes she could see a spark there, the first sign that he maybe, just maybe saw her as more than his student.

Letting out a sigh Dr Smith stands. He straightens to his full height and without a word he moves around his desk and slowly turns the lock on the door. The metallic click sealing them both inside. Moving slowly he then takes first one chair and then a second from behind the desk, moving around Chloe without a word, and places them against the door and far wall. Chloe's eyes follow every step until, standing behind her he taps his foot and finally speaks again. "So you think that you can blackmail me into cheating on my wife with you?" He smiled as he looked her up and down, taking her in for the first time, looking at her body as if deciding whether to rip her clothes off there and then or toss her back out into the corridor.

Finally he smiled "Very well Miss Harris you win, but..." He stepped close to her and looked down at her. She smelled sweet her perfume mixing with her sweat. "We are going to play by my rules."

Chloe gulped audibly hard. She had never been so close to him before and for all her bravado moments earlier she now felt small in front of him. Unable to actually form words she simply nodded "Mmhmm." Her wildest dreams were actually coming true. She couldn't count the hours she had spent fantasising about this very moment and now it was here all she could do was stare into his chest and mumble mmhmm. She let out a deep breath and looked up into his eyes. "I'll play by your rules."

He stepped back suddenly and is stern face was broken by a half smile. He was still appraising her but some of the initial tension had gone. "Well then I will start simple. Rule number one is, in this office or in fact anytime outside of our lectures, you will refer to me simply as Sir. Do you understand?" He paused giving her a moment to respond.

Looking sheepishly up at him she nodded and then with a quiet voice she replied "Yes..." He raised an eyebrow without a response and hurriedly she replied again "Yes sir I mean". A smile crosses her face then and she maintains eye contact "Yes sir I understand." she says with budding confidence.

Smiling now he nods "Good girl." and then lifts an arm and runs his fingers over the sleeve of Chloe's dress. "Take off your dress and toss it on the desk." His words are calm and confident as he withdraws his hand. He knows that this is the first real test of how serious she actually is. Heart pounding but feeling more confident by the second now that this is happening to her.

Chloe nods "Yes sir." and after taking a deep breath she reaches down to the hem of her dress and slowly at first lifts it. As it rises up her thighs she can feel cool air on her and then exposing her sky blue thong she bites her lip and lifts it high over her head showing her matching sky blue bra and then in a final flourish it's done. The dress falls onto the desk behind her and she is standing in the office in her underwear and pumps looking at the man she has dreamed of having for months, just a meter away from her.

Chloe naturally moves her hands to cover herself. She isn't shy about her body and always has offers from boys her age to go out, but stood here in front of a much older and more experienced man she feels it. He steps forward and taking her arms gently in his hands without a word he slowly but firmly moves them to her sides. Holding her hands there he leans close to her "You are very pretty." Leaning down he pushes his lips against hers. His lips are soft against her dry lips and as he opens his mouth his tongue pushes against hers and Chloe tastes his saliva and a small moan escapes her. He pulls away and without warning pushes her back towards the desk "But you are also very, very bad...blackmailing your lecturer for sex...that cannot go un-punished."

Bending her back slowly until she has to lean on the desk for support Dr Smith smiles. He places one foot between Chloe's and pushes her legs apart until they are wider than her shoulders. "Now I want you to keep your hands on the desk until I say you can remove them". She nods silently and takes a tight hold of the edge of the desk. Keeping herself as still as possible as she balances there. "How many men have you been with Miss Harris?" He asks as he traces one hand up her arm and onto her chest.

Chloe flushes red, it was no shame she knew but somehow she felt totally unprepared for the question. "N...none...well...i mean...I have but I haven't." taking a breath then "I haven't ever actually.....had sex.....sir." she adds at the end smiling meekly.

Momentarily taken aback Dr Smith lifts his hand from her chest but looking into her eyes he sees nothing but the intense look of excitement and passion she had, had when initially confronting him. He smirks and places his hand back on her side and slides it down until he reaches the top of her thong and then bringing his hand around slowly, never breaking eye contact he slides his hand down her thong, feeling the lace against his palm and then feeling heat radiating from her body he presses one finger in and Chloe lets out a long exhaling moan of pleasure. Her fingers grip the desk tighter than before and she bites her lip. Looking up at him in what she hoped was a sultry way she doesn't say a word but slowly pushes her hips forward just an inch, but just enough for Dr Smith to feel how truly turned on she was.

Pressing his middle finger firmly against her clit through the soft fabric of her thong Dr Smith leaned closer. "Rule 2...You will not cum without permission." Without waiting for a response he began to slowly move his fingers, rubbing gently at first in small circles over her clit. At his words Chloe bit her lip and nodded. As he began to move his fingers she felt a shiver run through her body and looking down at his hand she tried to move her hips in time with his fingers, pushing back against him feeling the pleasure begin to build.

Enjoying the sensation of having this beautiful younger woman under him Dr Smith worked his fingers faster and faster. Responding to first soft moans and then louder and louder. He could feel her wetness through the fabric and it spurred him on. Changing pressures and rhythm in time with her moans he soon found quicker lighter strokes were making her moan the loudest. Chloe tried to focus, when she played with herself she could make herself cum in less than a minute, something she was oddly proud of, but now she wanted to show Dr Smith that she could last and that meant focusing. God it was hard though, his strong fingers had found the exact spot she liked and even as she felt her orgasm building it was too later. "Oh...oh fffffuuuuck." She felt herself tip over the edge. Her legs shaking, her pleasure overtook her and she came. "Fuck." was all she could manage. Dr Smith didn't stop his movements. Even as she continued to shake under him he did not stop. He felt her wetness seeping through her thong and pressed harder.

Finally after long shaking moments Chloe reaches down and grabs his wrist looking up at him panting and red faced she smiles weakly as she tries to lift his hand away. Every touch is a mixture of pleasure and overstimulation. After a moment he relents smiling. "I gave you a very simple rule Miss Harris and if you can't follow that then you will have to be taught a lesson." Standing tall once more Dr Smith reached down and taking Chloe by the hips in one swift motion he pulled her up turned her and pressed her down into the desk. Sliding one hand up her back he pressed her down firmly. Her face buried in her own dress the shock left Chloe momentarily stunning and still recovering from her orgasm it took her too long to realise her thong was being slid down her thighs. The cool air on her exposed pussy making her shiver, but she doesn't try to resist.

Looking for the first time at her pussy Dr Smith's cock throbs. Almost without realising what he is doing he reaches out and runs one finger across her exposed lips and brings it to his mouth, tasting her. Her pussy tastes divine. His cock throbs again but he cannot simply fuck her, no, she has to learn rules are there to be followed. Taking a breath to calm himself he pulls her thong down around her ankles and places a hand on the small of her back pinning her to the desk. "I am going to teach you Miss Harris, that rules are to be followed and breaking those rules has consequences" With that and without any further warning he spanks her.

Chloe listens to his words but when the first spank comes she lets out a surprised yelp. She had been spanked before but this, this hurt. "Ow! I'm sorry I..." she is cut off by another hand smack and a second red hand print. "I'm sorry!" she mewled again.

"I don't want to hear apologies I want you to count every spank from now on. You are going to count to ten and then you can show me how sorry you actually are Miss Harris." Dr Smiths voice was firm again and left no doubt in Chloe's mind, this was happening whether she liked it or not. She swallowed nervously and nodded.

A second later she felt the sting of a spank and wincing she cried out "One". The spanking seemed to last forever, each spank brining a new sensation of pain. Initially stinging slowly an aching burn began to spread across her ass and as she called out "Eight!" she could barely hold back the tears stinging the edges of her eyes. Silently Dr Smith continued. With each smack he felt his cock straining against his jeans. Her ass was turning beautifully red and as he landed spank nine he could hear her voice cracking. Finally the tenth spank landed and as she cried out he heard the relief in her voice. "Ten!" Chloe lay still for a moment she could focus on nothing but the heat radiating from her ass. She had held back her tears but no one had ever treated her like that....she realised....she liked it. She realised, she wanted to experience it again.

Slowly propping herself up onto her elbows she looked back at Dr Smith. She tried to muster a smile. "Thank you. Sir...I won't break a rule again." She smiled then as he looked at her.

He nodded "Very well, it seems you have learned your lesson. For now at least. And now you can show me how sorry you really are firstly for blackmailing me and secondly breaking simple rules." Another half-smile cracks his firm expression as he takes hold of his belt buckle and begins to open it. Letting his jeans drop to the floor he steps out of them and with one finger he points to a spot on the floor in front of him. "Come here and get on your knees. I assume you know how to suck cock..."

It was more of a statement than a question but Chloe smiled as she pushed herself up off the desk and stepped out of her own thong. Her glowing red ass still sore she turned and nodded "Yes sir, that I know how to do very well." With a smirk she approaches him and gingerly lowers herself to her knees. She winces slightly as her ass rests on her heels but doesn't complain. This is something she is very good at. Every boy she has been with has lasted less than five minutes and she was sure this would be no different. Looking up at him she could see the bulge in his boxers between them and reaching up she slid her fingers into the waist band took a quick breath and pulled them down in one motion to his ankles.

Dr Smiths cock sprang free and Chloe could only gasp. Already hard it twitched in the air above her face. Chloe licked her lips and already feeling the burning in her ass getting worse as she sat on her heels she gently reached up and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. Swallowing hard she began to gently stroke back and forth with the lightest of grips and then when she felt his cock twitch in response to her touch she sat up a little higher and focusing entirely on his cock opened her mouth, pushed out her tongue just a little and placed the tip of his cock into her mouth.