Choral Evenings Pt. 03


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Sometimes she relaxed herself so her pussy slipped easily and smoothly up and down the total length of me - and sometimes she re-tightened it, then used that tightness to turn my bloated cock-head white hot from the intensity of the friction to it.

So, with my mouth full of her breasts and nipples, and her body with my cock - we took each other to that place that no other people could ever reach; with our love fuelled lust for each other powering us, and our ever-willing bodies providing the transport, we climbed, we soared, we rocketed to our own private and utterly euphoric paradise.


Some time later, when we had showered and washed each other, then slipped into a pair of bath-robes, I re-started our much delayed dinner, and although each of us was really too dazed from the force of what we had unleashed beside the fire, the love that flowed back and forth between us provided all the communication we really needed.

It was only very much later still; when we had both eaten our fill, and were quietly sipping what remained in our glasses, that I reached across and took her hand. 'Bethany my darling, you must know by now just how very much I love you - how you, and the boys of course, have become the centre of my universe. Well, I would very much like you to consider whether - maybe not now, but at some stage in the future - well, would you at least think about allowing me to marry you?'

Her eyes widened, she stared at me - long and hard - and I thought I might have somehow broken the spell between us. Frankly I was terrified!

Then she reached her other hand up and placed down over mine. 'Are you asking me to marry you Mark?' she asked in a hesitantly soft voice.

'Yes, but, I tried to say I wanted us to marry each other - make it, you know, more mutual.'

'You dear sweet old-fashioned thing you. Of course I'll marry you - or let you marry me - or whatever way you want to do or express it!' she answered between attacks of her joyously rippling laughter.

Chapter 24

Of course once we had decided that we would get married - and in spite of both of us expressing the wish to keep the event relatively low-key - in reality it soon became quite clear that the wedding would take on a life of its own.

The guest list - which was originally meant to be of just a few close friends - quickly expanded when we realised we could not ignore people such as the other choir-members.

So the food preparation - which was originally to be done mainly by ourselves - had then to be farmed out to a firm of professional caterers.

The cake - which was originally to be no more than a bit of fun; perhaps a sponge, surmounted by sparklers and streamers - turned into something much more traditional.

The music - which was to be a few selected CDs - turned into a string quartet, followed by a rock group, both comprised of students at the local high school.

Our dress - which had started out as 'smart but casual' - then of course required that Bethany go shopping for a whole new outfit, whilst I had my 'banker's suit' sent off for dry cleaning and pressing. Luckily I had not worn the shirt and tie I had bought to go with it for the Founders' Ball, since then, so decided that not only were they were still quite 'new' enough, but given the effect that the combination had had on Bethany on that other occasion, they were probably exactly the right thing for me to wear on the day.

Once we had arrived at that stage of things, and we began to develop an actual programme for the day, I had what proved to be perhaps the best of the ideas we had floated between us - and that was the solution as to what part the boys should play.

We had from the start of things been wanting to make sure that neither of them felt they were in any way being excluded from any part of their mother's life, and whilst I had by then developed a good personal relationship with them, I knew that they must still feel some impact from there being a new man in that.

I'm not sure what gave me the idea, perhaps thinking about whether or not I should have a 'Best Man' was what started it. The occasion was to be held in Bethany's own house and garden and the very informal ceremony conducted by a celebrant, who was also a member of the choir, so I really had no need of anyone in that traditional position. But then the thought struck me that Bethany and I could each have one of them as a sort of attending 'Best Man' - John could take care of any needs his mother had, and Jason could provide the same service for me.

When I floated the idea with Bethany, she was utterly delighted. 'Oh Mark darling, how wonderfully thoughtful of you, that's a brilliant idea! I know the boys will be thrilled to have a small part to play, and this way they will each very much feel that they are actually part of the ceremony - so it's not just between you and I.' Then she had an idea that just added icing on the cake. 'And as we have decided we both want to wear a wedding ring, we can make each one of them a ring bearer too!'

And of course in between all the other arrangements I was also organising our honeymoon - which I was keeping a close secret, even from Bethany herself, saying no more than I was taking her somewhere warm. The place I finally decided on was an island way off the far north coast - which although it meant a fairly long and arduous journey, would I felt sure more than repay us by providing a place where we could enjoy those ten days in peace and relative isolation.

Of course we could only take that much time away thanks to the generous offer of one of the boys' school-friend's father, the one who had taken them out sailing on that never to be forgotten day when we'd had a picnic together - and Bethany had first demonstrated her skills in the orgasm inducing art of 'throat-singing'!


The day before the wedding had been cold, blustery and raining, so I went to my own lonely bed feeling rather despondent about how our very special day would turn out. But when I woke the next morning I saw that although still overcast, the clouds were thinning as the sun rose higher, and by the time I'd had some breakfast the day seemed to be promising to be an absolutely perfect one.

Although I needed to oversee the various items that were to be delivered for our grand occasion; a canvas awning to be erected at the back of her house - to protect us from either sun or rain both during the ceremony itself and then later, while we ate - the chairs, tables, crockery and glassware that the caterers had said they'd need, and a dozen and one other things too, I had been given strict instructions that once Bethany had started getting herself ready, I was not to venture inside the house.

So, once I heard she had started, and having made sure everything that could be done, had been, I left one of our friends in charge of dealing with any minor hiccups and headed back to my place to get on with my own much less complicated preparations.


Although I wasn't really gone that long, by the time I returned many of the guests had already arrived and were standing around; chatting, drinking and nibbling on the snacks the caterers were providing.

I gathered that John was upstairs, doing something to help his mother, but Jason immediately came over to see if there was anything I needed, which there wasn't of course, but I took the opportunity to tell him how smart I thought he looked. And he did; Bethany had made sure they were dressed in what were brand new school uniforms, so with sharp-creased trousers, highly polished shoes and neatly combed hair, he had an almost 'military' look about him. He grinned, said he felt good about having some small part to play in our day, then added that he was looking forward to having a man like me as his step-father - which of course just added that much gloss to the day for me.

The quartet started playing as more and more guests arrived, amongst them the woman who was to officiate for us, and it wasn't that long before everyone we had invited was present.

One of the things Bethany and I had talked about was what music she would like to be playing when she made her entrance. We had both immediately vetoed the ubiquitous 'Here Comes the Bride', and had several giggles when one or the other would come up with almost equally ridiculous suggestions. The 'Triumphal March' - from Verdi's 'Aida' was one, as was 'The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba' by Handel, along with 'Hi Ho - Hi Ho, it's off to work we go' from Disney's 'Snow White' and 'Bolero' by Ravel.

In the end we both liked the idea of an actual wedding march, and agreed that Mendelssohn's, from 'his 'Midsummer Night's Dream' music, was by far the best of them. As it was also a piece that someone had developed an arrangement that was suitable for a quartet, it fitted our needs perfectly. And it wasn't too long before the first strains of that music let us all know that Bethany was ready to start making her way downstairs.

People quickly moved to form a passage-way for her and Jason and I went up to stand near the celebrant, then of course turned to watch her enter.

Now by then I had seen Bethany in every possible state and situation; from her most formal, at the Founders' Ball - to her most seductively erotic, in those wispily 'cobwebby' nothings when lying in the glow of the fire-light. So I would have said that I had already seen her looking at what I would have thought was her most stunningly attractive.

But it was only when I saw her standing there, pausing a moment or two before starting to walk slowly towards me, that I knew I really hadn't known the half of it!

She was quite literally; breath-takingly, heart-stoppingly, utterly out-of-this-world gorgeously, beautiful!

Although she had certainly not overdone it, she was wearing a little more make-up than usual; discreet shading making her eyes - even from that distance - sparkle with those topaz coloured highlights, her lipstick - perhaps the one she had worn the night of the Founders' Ball - almost crimson, her cheeks - perhaps flushed with her nervous excitement - looking as though she had used a light touch of blusher.

Her dress, made from some sort of relatively heavy silk, was silver-grey - and form-flattering, rather than vulgarly body-hugging. The wide neckline and simple capped sleeves, leaving her neck, throat and much of her shoulders quite bare, and was cut just low enough to show a hint of cleavage. And as it was just above knee-length, it also left just enough of her palest grey tinted stockinged legs in view.

It was only then that I realised the secondary colour had been provided by what she wearing around her neck - the red-coral necklace I had bought for her, coupled of course with its matching ear-rings. That colour was reflected not just in her lipstick, but also her satin-covered shoes, the crimson and orange gerberas that made up her neatly small bouquet, and even the tiny matte-satin bows that held the ends of her hair - which she had swept around so the full length of it hung down over her right breast - firmly in place.

There were then several, very long moments, when I simply couldn't bring myself to believe I had been fortunate enough to find this gorgeous creature, let alone that I would soon be marrying her!

But then her eyes locked on to mine and her face lit up with a simply stunning smile, and, as the music progressed and grew a little louder, she began to walk down through the pathway formed by our guests, to be with me.

The last thing I remember clearly about the next fifteen or twenty minutes was, that as she came to stand beside me, I turned to her, and said. 'You are absolutely the most stunningly beautiful woman on the planet my darling. I've had to pinch myself, several times, to convince me that I'm not actually dreaming this!'

She gave me what was perhaps the warmest, most loving smile I'd ever seen, and replied in an equally hushed voice. 'And I think I'm about to marry the handsomest man - who also happens to be the world's very best lover!'

Then, as I said, the next little bit is all rather a blur; I know the boys produced the rings on time, that the words we had agreed to, were said and exchanged, that the celebrant said a few very nice words about us, then I was being told I might kiss the bride. Which I did - perhaps just a little too enthusiastically, certainly it prompted some very loud clapping and cheering from many of the guests. And once the formalities of us providing signatures on the array of documents was completed, that was it - we were then Mr. and Mrs. - and the party could begin.

However, I have to admit that even while we were going through those relatively brief procedures, I could not stop my mind from whirling off in its own direction - and having Bethany standing right next to me, and looking not only quite so positively radiantly beautiful, but also - to my eyes at least, so damnably desirable - only made it spiral even faster. I couldn't help myself from wondering what new delights she might actually be wearing under that almost modestly elegant silk dress. I felt sure she would not have missed the opportunity to buy herself something new, something she felt sure would arouse me - would it be another of those ultra-fine net bra and panties, or would she have found something completely different to tempt me with.

And of course there were thoughts as to how we would be spending not only our wedding night, but all the days and nights while on holiday - days of fun and laughter, intermixed with some sexual inter-play - and nights of nothing but our languidly loving love-making.

Then also there were the thoughts that even once back in the reality of our day-to-day world, we would always have all our future nights together - no more would she have to leave me early in the morning, so she could get home, prepare their breakfast and see the boys off to their school-day. No, from now on we could each look forward to having day after day of pure togtherness, and many, many nights of exhilarating oneness.

Thoughts that naturally gave rise to a steadily flickering fire that was comprised of that heady cocktail of both love and arousal.

But when the formalities were all finally done with, I mentally shook myself, and did my level best to concentrate on the activity that was by then breaking out all around us.

And of course we mingled, both separately and together; making sure we personally thanked everyone for joining us on our wedding day - and for whatever small gifts they had brought with them - then the caterer said they were ready to begin serving, so we soon had drinks poured, everyone seated, and the first of just three courses arriving.

Although we had agreed there should be no particularly long speeches, several people did take the opportunity to say extremely complimentary things about us. Primarily about Bethany of course, after all she had been an integral part of the town for very much longer than I had, so that was only proper. But even I came in for quite a few nice words, and those people that spoke seemed to think the two of us were exactly right for each other.

However, what really both surprised and delighted me was that quite late in the process, the two boys stood up - Bethany whispered that they had themselves come up with what they wanted to say, she had merely helped them with a few details of the wording. Each took it in turn to say a few sentences; the whole being a eulogy to the love and care their mother had shown them in even the most difficult times, then going on to say that as they had now had time to get to know me, they were actually looking forward to my being an alternative parent to them.

Words and sentiments which of course brought very definite tears of pleasure to my eyes.

Then I stood and said my piece about how fortunate I had been merely to meet Bethany - that I had never truly expected she would agree that we should be married. But that it was now far too late for her to change her mind - so she would just have to make the best of what I hoped would not prove to have been too bad a job. Which got the appropriate giggle or two.

Then, although Jason's contained only fruit juice, he stood, and in a most professional toast-master, sounding voice, instructed everyone to charge their glasses and drink to the bride and groom.

And that of course brought the formal part of the day to an end, so once the caterers had cleared away the chairs and tables, and the rock band had replaced the string quartet, Bethany and I did what was expected of us; we danced the Bridal Waltz together, then watched as almost everyone got up to join us.


When I had arrived at the house, I had of course brought my travel bag around with me, along with the more casual clothes I would be travelling in, which Jason took up to put in his mother's - soon to be 'our' bedroom. So once we each felt we had spent sufficient time with our guests, Bethany and I quietly slipped away and made our way upstairs to change.

I naturally followed her, my eyes fixed on the gentle sway of her hips and bottom, and - much as they had done that night as we walked back from the park on the corner of her street - my ears picking up the sexy sound of the 'swish-swish' of her dress against her nylons.

Once inside the bedroom, and having made sure I had locked the door, I took her in my arms and kissed her - we kissed each other - much more fiercely than we had at the close of the ceremony, both more ardently and much more hungrily. Her hands gripped my arse, pulling me hard up against herself - her pelvis grinding the already hardened length of me. But of course mine were no less busy, cupping the taut roundness of her bottom, feeling the silk slip-sliding against both her skin and whatever she was wearing beneath her dress.

'I understand that a marriage is not technically valid until it has been actually consummated.' I whispered hoarsely when we finally broke for air.

'Is that so!' she replied with that familiar mischievously cheeky grin. 'So what are you proposing - that we have a quickie before we head off on our honeymoon?'

'Precisely!' I immediately responded.

'Sounds like a really great idea my darling - I've been feeling horny ever since I saw you standing there waiting for me.'

'Well that makes two of us!' I answered.

'There's just one thing though, with my hair done this way I'll need you to help me off with the dress, I'm bound to get it tangled in the zip if I try to do it myself. But I also want to take off the gorgeous necklace and ear-rings, so while I do that, why don't you get your things off.'

Naturally, I wasted no time at all, almost ripping off everything but my briefs, then having taken just a moment to fold and hang them tidily, went to stand behind Bethany, and slowly unzipped her.

As I eased the grey silk sideways off her shoulders, I bent and kissed them, kissed her neck - nuzzling my face into that seductively erotic place where the two curved themselves together - my senses reeling as I breathed in the scent of her perfume and felt the silky softness of her skin brush against my cheek.

Her dress seemed to want to co-operate with me; slipping unaided down off her, pooling at her feet, leaving her standing there in nothing but a dove-grey silk bra, panties and that pair of pale, thigh-high stockings. And not being one to pass up such an opportunity I slid my hands around her, cupped her silk covered breasts and gently eased her back to press against the swollen rigidity that my briefs were by then having great difficulty in constraining.

Bethany turned her head around so we could kiss again, reaching around behind me to jam me even tighter up against herself - even as one of my hands slid lower, down across the gently rounded smoothness of her stomach, down to the slender silken triangle that lay beneath it, down and under her, cupping the already moist warmth that was nestling between her thighs.