Chords that Bind Ch. 17


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It wasn't long after James and Cecilia were curled up in the den, nibbling on breakfast and listening to music that Abraham appeared with Clara in his arms.

"HAPPY CHRISTMAS!" Cecilia and James called out.

"And to you!" Abe boomed. He set Clara down on the sofa. "Who thought of mimosas?"

Cecilia blushed and raised her hand.

"Brill. Shall I make you one Clara?"

"No, I'll stick with tea thanks. No sugar," his wife said in a quiet voice. The other three exchanged a glance and Abe shook his head. It was unlike Clara to pass up anything with bubbles.

"Well, those parcels aren't going to unwrap themselves." James said. "Cecilia, why don't you start with Abe and Clara's gifts?"

It wasn't ideal that they were tip-toeing around Clara's condition, but everyone was trying and today, that was what mattered. Cecilia took the cue and jumped up to get Abe and Clara's presents from under the tree. Abe did the same. Cecilia settled next to Clara as she presented her with her gift, first wrapping her in a hug. They didn't say anything, and they didn't have to: they loved each other like sisters. Cecilia only hoped that her prayers for Clara's health were heard.

Paper rustled and tore. Mild exclamations broke out as each took in the thoughtfulness of each other's gifts. Clara had needed a new set of warm-ups for rehearsal and Cecilia had found a very flattering one in soft grey and butter-yellow. She probably would have ample chances to wear it since she'd have to sit rehearsals for a while. The novel, too, was a welcome gift and distraction for her recovery. James gave Clara the same gift every year, and every year it was perfect: a foot therapy cream. But this year, he threw in a lovely high-end lavender body butter. "I thought the two of you might find a use for it," he said slyly.

Cecilia raised her eyebrows at the somewhat intimate present. Clara caught her face and laughed. "Don't worry Cecilia, James will thank me later for helping him pick out your new pajamas! Didn't I say they would be perfect James?"

"You did, and I never doubted you," he agreed. Cecilia turned crimson.

Abe had something of a very Arsenal Christmas as James gifted his best mate with VIP tickets to see Arsenal play Tottenham; Cecilia's scarf was the perfect accompaniment to James's gift.

James opened his customary gift from Clara: a bottle of Ardbeg and a pair of rather vibrant polka-dot socks. "Perfect every year Clara. You know me well."

"Yes, she knows what a bore you are James," Abe added reaching for some orange juice to refill his glass.

"I shudder to think of you being creative, Abe." James muttered, opening a rather large box.

"Actually, James, I think I rather nailed this one."

As the paper gave way, James had to agree. "Abe, this is perfect."

"It's for both of you actually, from me and Clara."

"What is it?" Cecilia asked.

"A picnic for two!" Clara said happily. James showed it to Cecilia: a whole picnic hamper, complete with silverware, wine chiller, and glasses all neatly organized in their special compartments, with a few boxes of biscuits and jars of marmalade.

"Oh!!! Can we take it to the park when the weather gets nicer?"

"That's the idea. Or James, you could take a drive up to the Cotswolds..." Abe suggested.

"That's a splendid idea for the spring. Thank you!"

"Cecilia, open yours!"

Cecilia wasted no time with the paper. Her gift revealed a blanket that matched the pattern of the plates in the hamper. It was quite soft too. "This is lovely!"

"It's almost as if you're saying we should take this on a romantic getaway," James said sarcastically. "Trying to get rid of us?"

"Maybe," Abe joked back. "Or we just really need Cecilia to stick around. You're much better company when she's here."

"In all seriousness, we're so happy to see you two together." Clara added.

They all shared hugs and Cecilia started to pour mimosas for her and James. "Another Abe?"

"I would, but we were planning to go see mum today. Still feel up to it Clara? I can go on my own if you don't want to bother with the crutches."

"No, I'll come." The chill that had emerged between her and Abe was thawing somewhat and she didn't want be lose the easier report they were re-developing after the past few stressful days. "Just give me some extra time to get ready."

"I didn't realize your mom was so close, Abe. Do you see her a lot?"

"Not all the time, but she lives in West London. She likes her independence, though, so she likes it that way, and I'm close enough to be here if she needs anything."

"Where's Clara's family?"

"Ireland, still. We alternate taking trips up every few months. But, for obvious reasons we thought it best to keep things quiet..."

"How long will you be gone Abe?" James inquired.

"Thought we'd stay for luncheon and a mug or two of mum's smoking bishop."

"Sent her my regards and regrets, will you?"

"I filled her in on Cecilia. She knows your regrets are cursory, mate. We'll see if she thinks your regards are worth more."

"Fair enough," James grinned.

"Am I interfering with a tradition?" Cecilia asked.

"Not at all. If it makes you feel better, Mum specifically didn't invite James when we told her he'd found someone. I believe her words were, 'It's about time. Now he can stop coming over and eating me out of house and home.'" Abe affected a high-pitched feminine voice, meant to mimic his mother.

"Mrs. Kendrick has hosted me graciously during some of my lonelier holidays. Especially after my uncle passed."

"That's very nice," Cecilia said, listening.

"Nice had nothing to do with it. She felt sorry for the poor sod."

Cecilia looked a bit aghast. "Does she really dislike you so much?"

"No. She's like a second mother, or better aunt or some sort of relation. But I'm excited to be starting another tradition and not having to be the third wheel every Christmas and New Year."

"I best get ready and see if Clara needs any help."

After Clara and Abe got ready, James helped them pack Abe's mum's presents in the car, and they set off.

"I'm going to confess. I'm excited we have the house to ourselves for a bit," James said once they were alone.

"Can I please give you your presents now?" Cecilia had the distinct feeling James was putting her off on purpose. She noticed the much larger array of gifts that seemed to be for her. She refused to be self-conscious though. She was too excited to give James his presents.

"In a moment. We have all day. What's the rush?"

"Sir!" Cecilia could tell he was messing with her.

"Okay, okay."

Cecilia started by giving him the new plum shawl-collar jumper she found at Harrods's.

"Is it the right size?"

"It's just right, and I don't have anything like it. Thank you Cecilia. I may wear it later if we decide to change for dinner."

"Oh good. I wasn't quite sure..."

"It's perfect," he reassured her. But now it's my turn."

As it turned out, it was his turn three times over; he presented Cecilia with a stack of boxes tied together with ribbon. Inside she found a new set of brown suede boots. The second box had a matching suede coat, perfectly tailored. The last box had a wide-brimmed matching felt hat with classy brass accents.

"I know how you like those complete outwear looks."

"This is too much! And how did you know?"

"Every time you and Clara mention the latest photos of the Duchess of Cambridge, you always pick out the same details."

"You noticed that?"

"When it comes to you Cecilia, there's not much I don't notice. Do you like it?"

Cecilia ran her hand over the exquisite suede. "Yes, Sir. But..."

"No 'buts', Cecilia. Let me enjoy having you here with me on Christmas."

Cecilia found she couldn't object to his simple request.

"I nearly gave it to you before we went up to Cambridge, but I managed to wait."

James kept pulling boxes from under the tree, over Cecilia's objections. Next she unwrapped a bespoke scarlet corset, which was stunning and somehow elegant enough to wear out. It made Cecilia wonder if she'd ever be brave enough to wear the piece in public. She wanted to. "Oh thank you! I love it!"

"Do you? I'll admit that's more a gift for me than for you..."

"No, I really do like it. Does it lace up like a real one?"

"It does. I had it made to your measurements, so it's probably the only thing I know for certain fits you. You are so tiny," James quipped.

James plied her with a few more boxes, flooring Cecilia with a new mini tote from Fendi, an enamel and gold bangle, and a new eReader. Each gift was more perfect then the last. It wasn't until he foisted a new Burberry merino poncho on her that he let Cecilia give him another gift.

"I thought this might be fun..." she said as a preamble. He unwrapped a thick cocktail recipe book with gorgeous colored photographs.

"This will be fun!"

"Good, then maybe you should open one more!"

James relented and found a smart stainless steel set of tools for making craft cocktails. "I take it you aren't worried about my alcohol consumption then?"

"No, I am not Sir."

"I think you're secretly a lush, Cecilia." He teased her for the sheer enjoyment of watching her turn pink.

James considered that he may have gone overboard after Cecilia unwrapped a silvery lilac and lace Elle Saab dress and a set of luxurious botanical-based lotions, but he hadn't been able to do this in such a long time. There was a practical element though; Cecilia had discarded or given away much of her wardrobe before leaving Philadelphia and he fully encouraged her decision to rebuild without the emotional baggage of her old life.

"Sir, you know this is really too much..."

"I know you think so. But I had such fun."

"Can I give you a small one?"

"Go on then."

Cecilia gave him a narrow box.

"Can I guess?"

"You can, Sir."

"A pen."

"You'll have to open it to find out."

James laughed as he opened the box. "Do I get points for it being a writing instrument?"

Cecilia shook her head. "I don't think it works like that."

The mechanical pencil in the box wasn't something one could pick up at the local office supply store. It took a thicker gauge of graphite. "Not sure if you knew, but these sort of pencils are perfect for writing notations on sheet music. Thank you!"

Cecilia tried to hide her enigmatic smile. "I'm glad it works for you."

James hugged Cecilia next to him. Before he gave her her last present he just wanted to capture the moment. All things considered, this was a lovely Christmas, one of the loveliest ones he'd had in some time. He wanted to hold on to the memory, just in case he didn't get what he wanted this year.

Cecilia saw that the collection of presents had significantly shrunk, somewhat to her relief. "Wait. There's one more for you."

"Okay. Have at it."

The box was large and flat. "Happy Christmas, Sir." Cecilia handed him the box, which seemed to have been wrapped with extra care. James took his time opening it.

There were two compartments inside, with two smaller boxes. The one looked just like the box the pencil had arrived in... he opened that first. "Oh, Cecilia. This is very nice." James unscrewed the cap on the fountain pen, testing its weight in his hand before writing his name on the reverse of a scrap of wrapping paper.

"You don't already have one like that?"

"Not like this. Thank you!"

"You're not done yet!"

"Quite right, but truly, this is a wonderful surprise. Let's see what's in this box..."

James unwrapped the tissue paper from the leather-bound journal. "And you got it with my initials!"

"I think you should open it."

James unbound the leather thong that held the book closed, wondering if Cecilia had written him a note inside. Instead, crisp bars trailed over the luxe paper. "Is this staff paper?"

"I think that's what the man called it. For writing music, right?"

"Yes... where did you find this? I've never had anything like it."

"A shop not too far from here. You like it then?"

"Cecilia!" James didn't have the words to express how happy he was that Cecilia didn't hold his musical career against him. It had been such a problem with Josephine. Then he tried another relationship with Natasha, half hoping that their shared career would be a source of strength in their relationship. But Cecilia supported his love of music without being jealous of it. He loved that about her.

James gave her a fierce hug. "This is one of the most thoughtful presents anyone has ever given me. I mean it."

Cecilia gave him a squeeze and an earnest grin.

The sincerity behind Cecilia's gift gave James the extra courage to proceed as he had planned.

"Do you remember when you asked me what I wanted for Christmas, Cecilia?"

"I do. And you were no help at all. You're sure you like your presents?"

James smiled and gently took hold of Cecilia's upper arms, guiding her to sit. "I do. I quite like them. And I was no help on purpose. Do you remember what I said?"

"'An answer.'"

"That's right. Maybe it will make more sense after you open this."

James held out a similarly large, flat, box wrapped in red paper with a white ribbon.

Cecilia could tell this was important to James. But she was more puzzled than ever. She looked up at James through her eyelashes.

"I don't understand."

"Open it first."

Cecilia took equal care unwrapping the paper, giving the box a shake. It wasn't particularly heavy. She lifted the lid. There was a leather document folder. In a separate compartment was a tiny black box with the word 'yes' embossed in gold script. Cecilia reached for it.

"Wait. Open that last," James bit out, clearly waiting on tenterhooks.

Cecilia was more curious than ever. She reached for the leather pouch. Opening it, she pulled out a set of official-looking documents and a smaller velvet envelope. James tried to be patient as Cecilia read:

"Application for Duel Citizenship. Didn't you have me sign this already?" She asked looking up at him.

"No. You signed an application for permanent resident status. That made you a legal alien," James said quietly. "Why don't you see what's in the pouch?"

Cecilia turned her attention to the black velvet. This looked like jewelry.

"Oh!" She exclaimed. A silver-coloured band poured out of the pouch. It was stiff, but had an odd liquid-like quality. It was too wide to be a bracelet...

"James—Sir, sorry! Is—is this what I think it is?"

"That rather depends on what you think it is, little one."

"Is this a collar?"

James tried to keep his expression neutral. Cecilia looked dumbfounded. Then she looked at the tiny box and James smiled as she put the pieces together. She shook the box, and finally lifted the lid, pulling out a silvery little tool.

"This is the key?" she asked smiling.

James nodded. He relinquished control the minute he gave her the box. He had to wait on Cecilia now. How odd to feel so vulnerable at a time when he thought he'd be asserting his dominance. Cecilia had all the power here. He wondered if she knew.

Cecilia sat in the chair looking at the bureaucratic documents. "Sir, how does this application change my immigration status?"

"You have to remain a full-time resident for five years. You wouldn't be able to travel out of the country for long periods of time without jeopardizing your application. Right now, you can come and go as you please while your visa and passport are in good standing. This is a longer-term commitment." James could practically see the cogs turning in her head as he answered her question. He'd filled in all of Cecilia's information already. All she had to do was sign.

Cecilia felt tears welling behind her eyes. He wanted her. She examined the fine band of metal in her hands. The clasp was nearly invisible, but near it, she could see her initials and James's.

"I'd prefer if it not be easily removed." Cecilia heard James's voice in her memory, clear as the day he'd said them while they shared afternoon tea at the Plaza Hotel.

...The lid of the box, said 'yes'.

"Yes!" Cecilia jumped up and wrapped her arms around James's neck, too euphoric to notice the immigration papers fluttering to the ground. "Yes! Yes!" Cecilia repeated.

James couldn't believe his ears when Cecilia finally spoke. Yes.

He held her tighter and kissed her without reserve. Cecilia raised herself on her tiptoes and pulled away only when James lifted her, spinning in his exuberance. "Do you mean it?" he asked.

"Do you mean it?" Cecilia returned his question. James set her down on her feet, still holding her close.

"Yes, Cecilia."

She handed James the fiddly-looking key. He kissed her hand as she offered it to him.

"This was the answer I wanted. I just wasn't sure it was fair to ask you."

Cecilia touched the velvet chocker she still wore. "You already did."

"No. I asked you when you didn't know what it meant. I'm asking you now, now that you have clarity into what I want and what this means to me."

"My answer is still the same."

"Yes, but it comes with a few changes. Duel citizenship for one. And you've had time to see if this is what you want. You've been able to recover without the stresses of returning back to a life filled with uncertainty. I owed you the chance to change your mind."

"Thank you. But I don't want to change my mind."

James closed his eyes, not believing his good fortune, struggling to accept the words he most wanted to hear.

"May I?" he asked after a moment.

Cecilia spun around and lifted her hair, exposing her neck so James could replace the necklace he gave her in New York with the permanent collar. "How does the clasp work?"

James answered in a low, wicked voice. "You don't need to worry about that."

His response was filled with dark promises, and it was all Cecilia could do to remain still as James fastened the intricate clasp. "Want to see how it looks?"

Cecilia nodded and scurried to the hall mirror. The collar was a radiant silver that captured the light, about two centimetres thick, and just hugged her throat. It was comfortable, but Cecilia wouldn't be able to forget its presence.

"It's platinum and white gold. I think it suits you."

Cecilia beamed, looking at James in the reflection. "I love it."

He spun Cecilia around, kissing her again. She said yes, and this time, he trusted her answer. "I'm so happy that you're mine, Cecilia," he whispered in her ear. "I've never had a better Christmas."

A few tears escaped, and Cecilia nodded, laughing through them. "Neither have I." Her voice caught. "This is easily the best Christmas I've ever had. So you want to keep me?"

"Cecilia, I love you. Of course, I want to keep you."

He'd finally said it. And far from sounding awkward or cliché, it felt so right.

"I love you too, Sir."

James felt lighter than air. If Cecilia wasn't there with her arms around his neck, he thought he might float away.

He took a step back. She was really there, wearing the delectable new pajamas and woolen socks, with his collar gleaming around her neck. This was all he ever wanted.

Cecilia, for her part was still smiling through happy tears. She did love him. She'd been so afraid that she hadn't even admitted it to herself before she said the words out loud to James. She didn't know how to express or contain the joy.

James rescued her from her emotional paralysis. She couldn't remember feeling so overwhelmed by such wonderful feelings. James had her wrapped in his arms again, his mouth claiming hers, sending small electric pulses down her spine. "You're coming with me."
