Chris Carter's Luck Ch. 01

Story Info
Chris wins more than the lottery.
5.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/04/2005
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Chris Carter was thoroughly convinced that his luck had finally run out. He was here in western Connecticut at the request of an old friend who needed some help. Although he was very good at his job, which was fixing companies that were in trouble, the hours he kept didn't leave any time for socializing. In addition, his semi-retired status didn't afford him the luxury of having a vehicle at hand as he had just completed a very expensive divorce. He was therefore without ready transportation and without female companionship.

The northwest corner of Connecticut was cut out of the hills just south of the Berkshire Mountains region of Massachusetts. It was hilly, wooded country dotted with small towns. Most of them had no social center to speak of and those who lived in these towns simply went home when their workday was finished. Chris desperately longed for female attention and found it wanting in this remote part of the country. He passed the time writing some romance/sex novels, which had so far not been published and purchasing lottery tickets on a regular basis. The latter was in the hope he might win a huge sum that would allow him to return to his beloved Australia and live out his years with his motorcycle mates and maybe find a nice Sheila for company.

So it was that he bought the Friday and Saturday tickets on Friday afternoon as usual at the local Stop & Shop in Canaan. On Sunday morning, his friend Jack bought and delivered the morning paper to the farmhouse where Chris was staying and he settled down to read it. Inside the front page was the listing of the drawing numbers for the weekend and he retrieved the tickets from his wallet to check his numbers.

When his eyes rested on the Powerball listing for last nights drawing, something told him to pay close attention. Checking one number at a time, he discovered that he had a ticket that matched all of the numbers drawn.

His shout of joy rang throughout the house and Probably could have been heard some distance away. When he settled down, he read the back of the ticket to find the instructions regarding the collection of his winnings.

It also provided a toll free number to Powerball headquarters in Hartford, an hours drive to the south. Chris dialed the number and, even though it was Sunday, was connected in a few moments. He informed the young lady on the other end that he believed he held a winning Powerball ticket and would like to know how to verify that fact. After excitedly congratulating him, she asked him to hold the line while she transferred him to someone who could help him.

When the second voice answered, Chris repeated his request and was again congratulated. This person, named Marcy, asked him to read the numbers to her from left to right. He did and she paused. Then she asked for the drawing date on the ticket and Chris supplied it. After another short pause, she told him he was indeed the sole winner of the Saturday Powerball drawing. His winning total was $37,875,575.00. The winning prize would be paid out in thirty annual installments with all applicable federal and state taxes withheld. He would be required to provide proof of identity and the winning ticket to claim his prize.

Chris was stunned! After thinking for a moment or two, he asked Marcy if there was any alternative to the thirty year payout. She replied that there was a lump sum alternative but that was subject to a discount on the face value of the winning. Chris asked if she could estimate the immediate payout value so he could decide which alternative to choose and she again asked him to hold the line.

When she returned to the phone, Marcy estimated the immediate payout at about $25,765,391.00. She also reiterated that it was an estimated figure and the real number would be calculated at the time the ticket was turned in. Chris asked if he needed an appointment to claim the money and was told no as long as he showed up during normal business hours, which were 9 am to 5 pm. He then verified the address with Marcy and told her to expect him on Tuesday morning. He thanked her for her kind attention and hung up the phone.

Chris checked his notes, then calculated his after tax winnings. Now that he was certain of collecting the money, he carefully placed the winning ticket in his wallet and drew another cup of coffee. He desperately needed to calm down and do some serious planning. This wonderful windfall had to be put to good use, not squandered, so planning was necessary.

The first thing was to talk with his bank manager in Canaan to arrange a checking account linked to his current savings account. He would also set up the rules for handling his deposit, which he was sure could be wired directly from Hartford, as well as the details regarding checks and access cards.

Then he would have to arrange transportation to Hartford. Since it was only an hour or so away, the trip could be made on Tuesday with a return either Tuesday night or sometime on Wednesday. He was sure the bank manager could help with a local limousine company. He knew the tax laws pretty well and understood how much he could give away to individuals without any tax consequences, so there were going to be at least four very happy people this week when he handed them their checks.

How strange, he thought. I'm a bloody multi- millionaire and I have only $120 in my pocket and no car! I can wait. For today, I'm just going to relax and watch football. On Monday morning, he asked Jack for a ride into town from the farm and visited the bank as soon as it opened. He spoke with the bank manager, Frank Edwards, and explained his circumstances.

Frank promptly congratulated him, then got down to business. A new checking account was immediately set up, linked to his current savings account. Frank would order a supply of checks on a rush and could have them by Wednesday afternoon at the latest. The access card might take a little longer but he expected he could rush that through by Wednesday afternoon as well.

When he asked about the limousine, Frank told him of a firm in the town of Great Barrington, just a few miles up the road. He had done business with them on numerous occasions and found them to be entirely reliable. Frank placed a call to Tony, the owner of the company and explained the need before turning the phone over to Chris.

Chris requested that the driver meet him at eight the next morning at the local McDonalds restaurant. He mentioned that the drive might require an overnight stay in Hartford and that he was prepared to pay all expenses. Tony assured him that would be fine. He put Chris on hold for a moment, then came back on the line and asked if a female driver would be acceptable and Chris readily agreed.

The deal had been struck and the driver would be given his description to make identification easy. Chris thanked Tony for his cooperation then handed the phone back to Frank.

His business finished, Chris walked out into the warm November sunshine and laughed out loud. His dream was about to come true. His luck had finally come back!

On Monday afternoon, Chris advised Jack that he had to take the rest of the week off to attend to some personal business in Hartford. When Jack agreed, Chris also requested a ride at seven in the morning to the local McDonalds where his transportation would be waiting. Jack said that would be no problem and Chris's preparations were complete. He went home that night and packed a small backpack with a change of clothes and his toothbrush. At seven the next morning, he was more than ready when the car came to take him to his appointed place.

Chris was seated in the restaurant drinking coffee when he spotted her. Bright red hair that fell just below her shoulder blades, a starched white shirt and black tie, and black trousers. The outfit did nothing to hide the figure lurking behind it but it did spectacular things for her overall impression. She walked decisively towards the restaurant from the parking lot, head held high and a gleam in her eye that he could see from here. His heart leapt and his groin burned with a fire he almost had forgotten about when he realized that she could be his driver for the trip to Hartford.

He was dressed as expected, wearing a green sweater and white baseball cap with a red brim. If she was indeed his driver, she should easily spot him when she came in the door. She glanced around and when her eyes rested on him, he saw a light so bright that he almost had to blink.

She shuddered visibly and seemed to pause in her stride, and then she looked away briefly and before stepping forward. She came over to his table breathing a little heavily and extended her hand in greeting.

"Mr. Carter, I'm Katy Ryan, your driver."

"Good morning, Katy, and please call me Chris. Would you like some coffee or something? We have plenty of time."

"I'll get it. I'll be right back."

"Nonsense. I insist. I told your boss that I would pay all of the expenses of this trip and that starts now. What would you like?"

"Just coffee, please, a small one. Black would be fine."

"Great. Have a seat and I'll be right back."

Katy couldn't stop shaking. Her heart leapt when she first spotted him and she couldn't believe her knees got so weak.

She had been driving for the past five years but nothing had prepared her for her reaction to Chris this morning. There was just something about him that made her heart sing but she couldn't put her finger on it. He was average looking, blond hair with fantastic blue eyes. He had a beard and a mustache that somehow made him even more handsome than most clean-shaven men. When he spoke, his voice seemed to go right thru her, to the very core of her sex. Her panties were already soaking wet and they hadn't even started this trip.

Chris returned with her coffee and put it down in front of her. He returned to his seat across from her and looked directly into her eyes. Katy caught her breath and for a moment forgot how to breathe. She didn't notice that she had the same effect on him only because he had advance notice when he spotted her coming up the walk.

"Well, Katy, I guess I should fill you in on this little trip we're about to take. I have business with the State of Connecticut and this trip is the last one to Hartford. This time I get paid for my efforts and that is the sole reason we are driving down today. The actual business part of this should only last about half an hour and, if it goes as expected I will be a very happy man. I haven't yet decided if I want to stay over in Hartford at a nice hotel and have a great meal but the more I think about it the better it sounds. Sort of a celebration, you see. Would that be agreeable with you?"

"Yes, my boss said it might be an overnight trip so I have packed a small bag. It would be nice to stay in a hotel in the big city for a change. I don't usually get these kinds of assignments but everyone else was busy."

"So who is Katy Ryan? Since we're going to be together for the next two days we should get to know each other a little, don't you think?"

"Wow. I guess. Let me see. I haven't talked about myself in quite some time. There's really not a lot to tell."

"I'm 45 years old, divorced, and I live in Great Barrington. I have been driving for Tony's Limo service for the past five years. Tony and his wife Linda kind of treat me as family, mostly because I don't' have any real family of my own. What about you? Who is Chris Carter?"

"Let's see. Chris is 62 going on 27. He has a job that he hates because it's boring. For fun, he writes romance/sex stories although he is as yet unpublished."

"His current list of serious readers numbers about 13. He has just finished a job for the great State of Connecticut that will allow him to buy a new car, and start his life all over again, preferable someplace warm."

"I got most of that but what was the part about being 62 going on 27?"

"Although I am physically 62 years young, in my mind I'm still about 27. That means there are lots of things I want to do and see and this payday is going to allow me to do a whole lot of them. I am an Australian citizen and I hope to go back there soon. I have a motorcycle license and I hope to have a motorcycle to go with it. I have a desire to write and I hope that someday my 13 will turn into 13 million readers. In the meantime, I intend to enjoy myself whenever and wherever possible."

He was watching her face while he was talking and the changes in her mood were apparent. She liked him. No, it was more than like but he wasn't sure how much more. He could see flashes of lust, he thought, and then her control pulled her back. This one was a diamond, he thought, and he wanted to take his time with her. What a great gift Tony had given him without even realizing it.

Katy was fascinated by Chris. His voice washed over her like warm water and soothed away her every fear. His eyes were great pools in which she could easily get lost.

She watched his hands as he spoke and imagined them touching her body. They were experienced hands and she knew they would touch her in all the right places and in all the right ways. She would have to be very careful. He was her client and she had to spend the next two days with him, two days of struggling with her self-control to keep from raping him. Oh Damn, why did Tony give her this assignment.

"We should probably get on the road if you want to reach Hartford this morning. I need to visit the restroom, then I'll be ready to go."

"Good idea. I'll make a stop myself and meet you at the door."

When Chris stepped out of the restroom door, he found himself inches from the greenest eyes he had ever seen. He froze as Katy stepped out of the ladies room and right in front of him. It took every ounce of his willpower not to kiss those full red lips that were just inches from his own.

He saw her tremble and suddenly realized she was having the same problem. He put his hand on her waist and pushed her lightly ahead of him. As she turned, he swore he could hear her release a long, slow sigh, even tho she was biting her lower lip. God, he had almost kissed her just then. She was too much.

Katy felt his hand on her side and it burned thru her clothes to her flesh. She bit her bottom lip in a vain attempt to hide her gasp only to have a sigh escape her lips as she turned to walk ahead of him. She was sure he could hear her sigh and wondered what he would make of it. Almost, Katy girl, you almost kissed him just then. Better watch it, girl, or you'll really be in hot water.

When they reached the car, Kate pushed the button on the remote and opened the trunk. She took his backpack from him and placed it in the trunk alongside her own backpack.

She was surprised and a little perturbed when he opened the front passenger door instead of riding in the back seat like most of her customers. She slid behind the wheel and started the car, then backed out of the space. She wheeled the car expertly out of the parking lot and onto Route 44. Suddenly the train signal started and she stopped just short of the tracks. A switch engine was about to couple itself to several cars so the wait would be a few minutes. She put the car in park and turned to face him.

"You said that you write romance/sex novels, right? Tell me more."

"Yes, I have been doing it for about 10 years but I've only been trying to get published for the last year or so. My group of 13 are clamoring for bound editions of my stories instead of the copies they print off the emails I send them."

"They are romantic in a way with very detailed, very explicit sex scenes in them."

"Your group of 13. How many men and how many women? What ages?"

"All women and they range from 22 to about 55. They were randomly selected because I met each of them separately and when they found out I was writing, they wanted to read it. After I showed them the first chapter, they wouldn't leave me alone - kept begging for more chapters and more stories. Right now I think I have about 10 short stories completed and more ideas come to me all the time."

"Wow. Do you have any of them with you?"

"No, but on this road we will pass the farm where I am staying and I can get some for you very quickly. You can read them tonight while we're in Hartford and let me know what you think."

"That sounds great. The train's gone, so where do we go to get to the farm?"

"Just stay on 44 and follow it out of town. I'll tell you where to turn."

They traveled about 2 miles and he indicated a side road that branched off to the right. They followed the road another mile or so and he indicated a hidden driveway that opened onto a pasture fronting the house with a huge barn at the other end. He instructed her to turn around and park at the front door.

"I'll be right out, my copies are already in an envelope, unless you'd like to come in for a minute."

"Can I use the bathroom, please? I guess I've had too much coffee this morning."

"Of course, come on, I'll unlock the door."

Chris unlocked the front door and held the storm door open for her. He almost grabbed her as she turned sideways and squeezed past him. Katy likewise nearly kissed him on her way by and was sure she would do exactly that one of these times very soon. Chris indicated the way to the bathroom motioning for her to go forward. Katy glanced to her right as she passed an open door and saw his bed. A shudder ran through her body that she was sure was visible.

Chris noticed her shudder as she glanced into his bedroom. He could only hope that it was a shudder of delight rather than one of disgust. Katy disappeared into the bathroom and Chris retrieved the envelope from his file cabinet. He checked the contents to be sure only two stories were in there, the two he felt were his best so far. He heard the toilet flush and returned to the hallway.

Katy emerged and walked toward him, grinning widely. She stopped just in front of him, allowing herself a peek into his room. It was as neat as a pin. The bed was made and every thing seemed to have a place. She smiled at his neatness and wondered what it would take to mess up his world -in a happy way.

"Here's the envelope. It has two stories in it. I have the originals on diskette so you may keep these if you like them."

Katy took the envelope from his hand. In the next instant, she went up on her toes, her eyes fluttering shut, and aimed a kiss at his mouth. Her aim was true and she sighed as his mustache tickled her lips. In the same instant, her brain went crazy with warnings.

Oh God, what have I done. How will I ever explain this? Oh God, I really screwed up big time. She quickly opened her eyes and let herself back down, backing away from him slightly.

"I'm so sorry, Chris, I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me."

"No, Katy girl, absolutely not. If you hadn't done that, I would have. Shall we try it again a little slower?"

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against his body. Although Katy was stunned, she reacted quickly when his lips brushed hers in a sweet kiss that melted her resistance. She moved her arms to circle his neck and opened her mouth to accept his probing tongue. Chris deepened the kiss and her toes curled. She couldn't breathe and didn't want to, except to continue to taste his delicious kiss. Her pussy ground into his hard cock and she melted completely. Oh God, she wanted him.

Chris lost all control the moment he contacted her lips.

Nothing he had ever experienced had prepared him for the softness he found there coupled with the fierce fire of desire that inflamed him. He wanted her right now, right here. His cock was straining to break out of his pants and he could feel the heat of her pussy through the light material of their clothes.