Christian College Sex Comedy Ch. 30


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"I think it is safe to say that we students will stay true to the Vice Chancellor's plan, though this is not an endorsement of Zane, his conduct, or even his continued presence here," Rhaine spoke for the group.

"With that settled, we can call it a night," Dr. Kennedy declared. "Ladies, consider what issues we need to deal with so we can bring them up next Tuesday night – 9 pm."

"Who do we send the itinerary to?" Simone inquired.

"Zane," Hudson Lane volunteered me.

"I nominate Faith De Young (of Christina's inner circle) to be our Secretary of Record, if she wants the job," I said. Faith looked completely taken off-guard but nodded quickly.

"I'll do it," she made clear. The meeting broke up soon after with most of the student leadership departing. Dana, Hudson, and Christina & company hung around a little longer.

"Not the Glamorous Gremlin?" Rio teased me on my choice of Secretary. She gasped and nearly fell over right after that. Iona smiled softly and shook her head. She realized that she was still a freshman and her day would come.

"Ah, here's one of the controllers," Heaven gave a devilish smile as she handed the device over to Rio. Miraculously, the other three sexual wonders were also handed over, ending the threat of torture for the day.

"I see a spanking machine in you bitches' future," Rio snarled at Chastity, Hope, Heaven, Faith, and Christina.

"I swear, I tried to get one of those damn things all day long," Valarie griped. "You would think that after setting this up, someone would have given me one, but no – I am a freshman so I don't get to play the game."

"It was you!" Rio screamed, and lunged at Valarie, who comically batted her away as Vivian and Mercy intervened.

"Yes," Val laughed, "but it was Iona who figured out how to have captured your days by enlisting the aid of classmates with video phones. I can tell today's footage is going to be a classic."

"Why did you do it?" Vivian asked Valarie.

"I had revenge on Rio and made Mercy ecstatically happy; it was a win-win," Val grinned vindictively. It was a credit to Rio's berserk nature that no one asked what Rio had done to warrant revenge; everyone automatically assumed that Valarie was justified.

"Everyone's sympathy is under-whelming," Rio grumbled. "Come on, Mercy, let's get these things off."

"Do we have to?" Mercy pleaded softly. Hell, I imagine she could barely stand but apparently, her limit to sexual overstimulation was unconsciousness. Rio used one finger to hook Mercy's collar and pulled her close.

"How dare you talk back," Rio whispered, but I was close enough to hear. "I was going to settle for the vibrating nipple clamps that arrived today but now I'm thinking a few dozen paddle blows – to each cheek – are in your future, you annoying little bitch."

Annoying was Mercy and Rio's code word for 'love'; Rio simply couldn't stand the 'L' word.

"Vibrating nipple clamps?" Christina was both confused and amused. "Where do you people come up with this stuff?"

"Adam and Eve," Rio shot back without batting an eye. "Wait until I have Mercy's nipples and lips pierced; then the real fun begins."

"I don't think Mercy should have her lips pierced," Vivian suggested forcefully. "They'd be glaringly obvious." Rio groaned and sighed.

"Not those lips," Rio clarified. "The other ones, you know – labia, pussy lips, cunt etc." There was a pregnant pause in the room. "Attach vibrator wires to those bad boys and Wow! Let the magic begin."

Mercy and Rio really were made for each other; they were both salivating at the prospect. Thankfully, I saw Cassandra hovering around and looking ready for me to start playing towel boy.

"Ladies, one last duty to perform and then my day is done," I attempted my exit.

"Zane, is it alright if I spend the night?" Hope ambushed me.

"Of course," I smiled, because I'm a fucking idiot who is an embarrassment to the very concept of the mentally challenged and a parody of every teen boy date flick. I was already spending time with Iona, Paige, Barbie Lynn, and now Hope.

Maybe I can find a way to have a secret government space array shoot an earthquake laser at my feet so a pit opens up underneath me and I plummet to a fiery death at the Earth's core. Maybe I watch too much bad TV.

"Iona, did my Viagra arrive yet," I teased my buddy. "I'm going to need a pill tonight."

"Oh, Zane, I don't think we have any but I'll go online and see what I can get for you," Iona replied in all seriousness.

"I know some guys who smuggle them in from Mexico," Valarie offered. "I'll make some calls."

"That is so cool!" Barbie Lynn clapped her hands. "Now he'll never go down. I can ride him all night long." She hugged me while a fearful vision of my desiccated, sperm-drained husk lying open-eyed and lifeless on my bed danced before my eyes.

"Zane?" Cassandra called out.

"Oh...yes, towel boy and bikini selection," I muttered. I gravitated her way, took her hand, and led her to my room.

"What's that about?" Vivian mused.

"Handmaiden's Duty," Iona informed the ladies. "He picks out a bikini for her and acts as pool boy while she's in the Jacuzzi."

"I hope someone cleans that thing from time to time," Faith shuddered.

"Every morning at ten o'clock it is drained and cleaned, and the filter cleaned every Monday," Iona droned on without even looking up. The rest of that exchange was lost as I retreated to my bedroom.

What followed could be blamed on Cassandra accidently dropping her drink in the Jacuzzi and me having to retrieve it; it was an unopened soda can. Or maybe it could be blamed on the surprisingly conservative (for my room) white and black striped bikini she wore. Whatever was the catalyst, inside five minutes I had Cassandra out of her suit, front to front, her crotch pressing me against the side of the Jacuzzi with my head barely above water while she rode my face in a pattern and energy that reminded me of Hawaii's North Shore.

Cassandra was pounding the back of my head against the wood wall as she drove her cunt over my lips and tongue again and again.

"Oh, Baby, you are so much better than my fingers," she communicated with an erotic growl. "Keep it up...keep it up!" She was the one in the control of the sexual rhythm so I was not sure what else I might do but keep licking and sucking as hard as I could.

I was finally able to run a hand along her chocolate flesh until I managed to push against her sternum and got her to roll her shoulders back. That allowed me to start massaging and stroking one of her breasts while my other hand got between her legs from behind and gently penetrated her pussy.

"Za- – za- – za- – Zane!" she screamed out. Note to self: Add earplugs to my Must Have List.

Cassandra slathered my nose, lips, and chin with her rather scalding, light to the tongue and tasty fluids. If she wasn't still trying to give me a concussion with her hips I might have enjoyed it more. As her orgasm dissipated, she slid down my body with a sated sigh. Her legs were outside mine so as she descended, her cunt came to rest on my Speedo-encased cock. Saying that my penis was hard would be like saying snow is cold or the English love their soccer; pretty much a given.

Her eyes grew wide when she realized where she rested. She's a senior and a virgin in a Christian Girl's school – she began humping me...of course. Being Cassandra, she began humping me hard and thumping her way to another climax.

"Zane, I am totally rethinking you being allowed on campus," Cassandra panted.

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" I wondered. At this time I had one finger lightly in her pussy as my other hand tenderly tweaked one of her nipples.

"Oh, I think every junior and senior should have their own personal freshman boy to keep under control with a strong hand," she grinned while she kept working my rod over with her cunt.

"Wouldn't it be nice if we developed a peaceful, platonic relationship based on mutual trust and respect?" I suggested hopefully. Cassandra gave a deep, throaty laugh.

"You're funny...but no," she grinned evilly. "After all, if that was the case, I couldn't do this: Zane, suck my other nipple – suck it hard, while I play with your fat phallus." Oh yeah, I love the way this is going (insert internalized weeping).

She worked out my cock painfully fast and began rubbing it deeply between her labia, to the point I felt the tightness of her vaginal walls on my cockhead.

"Zane, you know a whole lot about the sex stuff," she stated. "What's a cock ring?" Oh, HELL No! I have enough difficulty ejaculating as is. The last thing I need is something that allows another to make the prospects of my ejaculation even dimmer.

"It's a device – a ring – that is placed over the base of the penis to restrict blood flow, thus allowing longer erections," I grudgingly confessed. "Thinking about getting one – as a Christmas present – for someone out of state?"

" could have intercourse...for a long time...and not a girl would fucking you raw?" Cassandra's voice was becoming more strained.

"Technically, yes, but a little music, some hand-holding, and dinner at McDonald's would suffice in getting me aroused," I tried to explain. "There is no need for...something like that."

"Zane, clearly God put you...on this campus as a test for...true believers," Cassandra related, "And every woman here be tested – A LOT!" she screamed out her second orgasm of the night.

My hands raced down to grab each luscious buttock before her spasms caused her to slip down my cock and make her virginity a thing of the past. When my cock slapped against my stomach, I held Cassandra tight until she calmed down.

"You need to stay on campus during the weekends," Cassandra moaned with content exhaustion, "so we can use you more often."

"Why do you think I flee campus every weekend?" I thought. If she had her way, I'd be walking around with an IV in my arm and popping Viagra like M&M's. I chose life! If you think I am a coward, step up and take my place. I'll sneak back into the cemetery at night and put a flower on your headstone. You can take that permanent smile etched on your face to your grave, He-Man.

"I have to ask: What brought this on?" I inquired.

"I received one of Mercy's controls and we shared the next class," Cassandra confessed. "She glowed with such pleasure I thought she would pass out. I was suddenly curious."

"I had nothing to do with that," I groaned. "I swear, it wasn't me." Cassandra placed one hand on each side of my face.

"Zane, it wasn't you – I know that," she smiled, "but it is your presence that allowed something like that, her ability to experience that level of pleasure, that I want to experience. I have to go now. I need to report to the other girls what it was like so we can figure out what to do with you next."

You know, if I had been paranoid, I would have been right – people are plotting against me. Cassandra stood up and stepped onto the bench so that I was once more facing her puffy, somewhat abused pussy lips before she swung one leg over me and exited the tub. I closed my eyes and let my head hang over the side, facing up.

"Towel boy," Cassandra taunted me. I looked at her. Cassandra was dripping wet and she was extending a towel my way. I pulled my own tired butt out of the Jacuzzi and tenderly buffed her excellent body until she was dry. She gave me one last kiss, dressed, and virtually skipped out of my domain, happy, arrogant and plotting my demise.

I cleaned up, dealt with the Jacuzzi, and took in my surroundings. The only witnesses to my congress and conversation with Cassandra were Dana Gorman and Hudson Lane, my voyeuristic adult female 'friends'.

Dana pulled me over as I walked passed her. Hudson Lane had gone off to get some drinks.

"You and Gabrielle...?"

"You have no respect for my survival instincts, do you?" I chuckled.

"Not really," Dana smirked.

"Fine," I groaned in feigned annoyance. "She wanted to talk so we talked – nothing else happened."

"She beat you up, didn't she?" Gorman persisted.

Another deep sigh on my part came out before I confessed, "Yes. Why do you ask?"

"I wanted to smack you around from the first day I met you," Dana laughed. "I think Ms. Black has done admirably not beating you black and blue before now."

"Has yet another girl beaten Zane up?" Hudson angled around to sit next to Dana. "The consistency of the femdom attitudes at this school is frightening."

"Don't throw stones, Ms. Lane," Dana warned her. "You, Zane, and Ms. Messier, the lawyer Ms. Buchanan hired to help Zane when he went to jail – I was head of security when it happened and I know when Ms. Messier arrived on campus, where she stayed, and when she, and you, left this dorm."

"You never said anything to Chancellor Bass?" Hudson worried.

"No," Dana responded. "You three are adults, and ruining your career here wouldn't have made expelling Zane any easier. I wasn't the sex police."

"Thank you," Hudson smiled. "I now have another reason to be happy Zane championed your cause with the Board of Directors." She touched Dana on her thigh.

"It's not going to happen, Lane," Dana informed the lawyer while opening her V-8. "I've had a long time to figure out that I'm not attracted to women." Wow, Dana knew that Hudson was bi-sexual and didn't care. That was another big plus for Dana in my book.

"That's what Brigitte Messier thought as well," Hudson winked. "It turns out a little bit of Zane goes a long way to loosening up a girl's morals and expanding their horizons."

"I repeat, it is not going to happen," Dana shook her head. "Zane's a student and I'm a teacher. Perhaps the day he graduates, I'll kidnap him for a long, frustration-relieving weekend. I haven't had sex in eight years and watching him work really stresses my resolve."

"You could always join me in the hot tub," I offered. I wasn't sure how serious I was. I also wasn't sure how bad a concussion Cassandra had given me.

"Zane, do you have any idea of what I would do to you if I focused all my pent up sexual fury onto that body of yours?" Dana threatened. I gulped.

"Does it start with me tying you down?" I suggested sweetly. Hudson was looking really intrigued by this. I was beginning to believe she had this erotic attraction to 'turning' straight girls, most likely mirroring her own Law School experiences.

"What do you think?" she glared. Dana was becoming seriously aroused.

"I guess my only other question is if I can outrun you," I joked. Dana kept staring.

"Zane," Hudson snickered, "do you realize that your swimsuit is basically transparent when wet?"

"No...I didn't," I gulped once more. My package was less than a foot from Dana's lips. "Sorry, I'll be going to bed now," I backed up.

"That's a really nice ass," Dana sighed as I turned away.

"It is even nicer to touch," Hudson commented.

"It's not happening, Lane," Dana grumbled.

"Oh, you will come around," Hudson Lane laughed softly. "I have faith in Zane." Dana growled in rebuttal.

When I rounded the first cut-back leading to my bedroom, I heard and smelled sex – suddenly, sneaking off to Gabrielle Black's place and hiding out for the night sounded like a good idea...barring her killing me, of course. I sorted out the noises as I moved around until the room came into full view.

Reminder number one: Check the God Damn air filters!

Where the fuck do I begin?

On the far side of the bed, Mercy was on her knees, head down on a pillow with her painfully ecstatic face looking toward me. That was how I could tell she had been gagged. Her wrists were handcuffed behind her back, she was moaning and sweating up a storm, and her whole aura emanated with tantric excitement.

In case you might be wondering where her Mistress was: Rio was straddling Mercy's back, butt resting on Mercy's neck (by the tension in her thighs, Rio wasn't pressing down hard thankfully) and facing her playmate's highly vulnerable posterior.

"Hold out a little longer, my slut," Rio egged Mercy on quietly as she paddled those beautiful exposed ass cheeks, apparently in a random fashion.

And now it gets weird(er): Behind Mercy, facing Rio, wielding a strap-on with firm, slow, and steady strokes, was Paige. For the love of the Almighty, should I be quarantined as an immorality contagion? It wasn't like Paige was an angel but she was taking a few giant steps to proficiently wielding an artificial cock into a bound girl's bunghole. The fact that Rio and Paige despised each other continued warping my perception of events.

Barbie Lynn (farthest away in the closest group), Vivian, and Valarie were on the near side of the sheets. They weren't actually having sex but were talking in low voices with the occasional running of a hand through a companion's hair or tracing a finger from hip to thigh. It was sensual without being pornographic. It also appeared to be something they all three were enjoying.

In the middle section of my sleeping platform (it is an awesomely big bed) was Iona and Hope, who were doing a little more than cuddling together in quiet conversation. Hope stroked Iona's head compassionately as Iona gently teased and suckled on Hope's left breast. Every ounce of my experience cried out to me that Iona had initiated the sexual contact. That boggled the mind, right up there with Hope allowing a near stranger such intimate contact.

"Hey, Lover," Barbie Lynn gifted me with a sultry leer, "are you going to take that off or are you going to allow him to bust out on his own?" Bathing suit – penis – raging erection; got it. I yanked off my speedo fast enough to make my skin burn. I wrapped it up in a towel before tossing them in the clothes hamper.

I quickly plotted out my journey, figuring out where I was supposed to end up. I was giving up the illusion that I controlled events because if I was created in God's image and that was the reason God wanted men to rule over women, then I think God was really Goddess and Heaven's soul had it right – change sides.

Valarie gave me a fearless grin as I climbed over her on my way to the middle. She shifted so that her breasts swayed from side to side. I took in the view before kissing her and moving on.

"Try to settle things down by eleven, Zane," Vivian requested. I nodded and then kissed the tip of her nose, which she returned by kissing my forehead. It was very motherly of her, barring the fact that the sheets barely covered her pubic region and every exposed bit of her looked scrumptious.

My last hurdle was Barbie Lynn, and that was an obstacle in more than just the physical sense. She knew how to stretch and yawn just right for making my blood boil with lust and my vision cloud with desire.

"You will come back to me, Zane," she said with brazen tenderness. "Now go on and take care of the others who need you now." Best Blonde Bombshell ever.

As I settled behind Hope who was still facing Iona, I took it slow to let her instincts understand that I wasn't a threat but desirous of her.

"What's going on here?" I inquired delicately. "Hope, I didn't think you liked Iona all that much? And Iona, you have become much more confident in the past month; I like it."

"Zane, Iona is one of the bravest freshmen I've ever met. She's never backed down from a challenge and is smart enough to fight the battles she can win and send others to win the one's she can't," Hope explained. "I have admired her for some time."

"I know you wanted Hope to be put at ease," Iona related. "She's surrounded by people she has minimal familiarity with. I reasoned that I could help her adjust by doing what you do."

"Sexy, clever, lethal girls; this is definitely going on my Santa Wish List," I grinned. I was trying to settle in behind Hope when she wiggled around onto her back and indicated she wanted me to move between her and Iona. I was hardly in the mood to refuse and soon, both ladies were nestled in my arms. I was thinking about the next step when the situation around Mercy increased in energy and volume.