Chrysalis Turns to Butterfly


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After their meal he went to his study. Marion put the dishes in the washer and sat down wondering what Charles had intended to say. Was he going to mention his sadness that they had no children? They had never discussed it at all. The issue was merely put quietly aside. Marion had a consultation with the Doctor she had used before marriage. She went privately and he had made all the tests. The results confirmed that Marion wasn't the problem. Ergo, Charles was the problem. If he was aware of this he had never said anything, but then he wouldn't. It would be too serious a blow to his self-esteem to admit that. These thoughts led her to another thought. Guy! Neither of them had given a thought to contraception. The eagerness to join had overcome all practical thoughts. She didn't worry too much as she was only two days beyond her last period, but for the future? She hoped there would be a repeat so she needed to do something about that. She would see the Doctor again and get a prescription for the pill. Happily anticipating that she would need it.

Marion had packed Charles's cases even before he came home on Friday, so when the car came on Saturday everything was ready for transport to Brussels. Charles was appreciative of the care she took and presented her with a very nice three strand Pearl necklace. She thanked him profusely. Charles's ideas for presents were very limited; this was the third Pearl necklace he had given her! Perhaps she could persuade him towards Diamonds, but then she thought not. English ladies of a certain class traditionally wore pearls and Charles was definitely a man for tradition.

He left for Brussels as usual on Sunday just after lunch. Marion was now torn, should she phone Sylvie or leave it until Monday? Excitement got the better of her and she phoned, hoping that Sylvie would be at home. She was.

"Marion! It's great to hear from you. I was wondering if you would phone. Are you coming to see us soon?"

"I thought I may."

"Good. Guy is walking around like a dog with two tails. What did you do to him? Don't answer that. I probably know. Come tomorrow. I won't open the Boutique and we can have a day gossiping and relaxing." Sylvie's ebullience was catching and Marion agreed.

"Ok. I will be there. It will be about ten, is that alright?"

"Perfect. I'll put the coffee on."


Sylvie's broad smile welcomed her when Marion parked in the yard.

"Come on in. We'll go upstairs and have some coffee." She led the way, although Marion knew the way from a previous, enchanting visit. Sylvie's flat was slightly different and certainly more feminine, but Guy's masculine flat had an emotional pull for Marion. Sylvie pointed to an overgrown sofa. Marion imagined that it would seat at least four people abreast and the seats were so deep that she could not sit back and keep her feet on the floor. Sylvie demonstrated her method of sitting when she sat down with her coffee. Her back against the side cushion and her legs curled up.

Having made herself comfortable, Sylvie asked the question she was burning to ask.

"Now. Tell me all about Tuesday. Just an outline, I have a fair idea of later." Marion bristled a little, had Guy been indiscreet? Sylvie saw the face that Marion wore and hastened to re-assure her.

"Guy hasn't said anything, if you're wondering. He wouldn't. He's a gentleman. I heard you and he coming up the stairs and I noticed that you didn't leave until three-thirty. I'm a very light sleeper you see. I don't imagine you were playing Scrabble all that time." Marion looked at Sylvie who looked back at her and simultaneously their faces started twitching, then smiling, then giggling until both of them were laughing. Marion put her coffee down before she spilled it. The laughter was cathartic and Marion's habitual control vanished.

"I didn't know anything could be so good." Sylvie nodded and absentmindedly commented.

"Guy is pretty special." The look that Marion gave her then was one of shock.

"You haven't?" Sylvie grinned and nodded. "But you are brother and sister!"

"Yeah." Sylvie agreed. "But not blood relatives. We grew up together, we got curious together, explored together and learned together. I enjoyed it and so did he. And we sort of have a re-union from time to time."

"So I should be thanking you as well." Marion was not really shocked by the revelation or jealous, just surprised a little.

"No. It takes two to make it memorable. You have as much to do with it than any of Guy's perceived skills." She thought for a moment. "Probably more. He was sitting opposite to you at the table and you looked so gorgeous in that dress and he was getting teased with glimpses of your breasts. It must have blown his blood pressure over the top, I am surprised you managed to get here with the dress still on." Marion thought back to that evening.

"Yes. I did tease him. I seem to have found an exhibitionist streak in me. I kept turning slightly and leaning forward showing him just a little bit more of my breast. He seemed to like it."

Sylvie burst out laughing. Repeating Marion's last words.

"He seemed to like it! Oh Marion, that is the understatement of the century. He would have loved it." Sylvie was quiet as she sipped her coffee. Then she asked. "Where do you want to go from here? I mean with Guy."

Marion had already thought about that.

"I would be telling a lie if I said anything other than I want more." She thought how to phrase her next words. "My marriage is good in every way except physically. When Charles realised that we wouldn't have children he withdrew from me. I didn't have a problem with that. I was brought up believing that sex between husband and wife was an inconvenience that wives had to accept and what I had with Charles was a very simple act. I didn't know any different. What Guy did for me, with me and to me shattered my perceived ideas completely. I would find life very mundane if I could not experience that again." Sylvie got up and brought the coffee pot over.

"More?" Marion smiled her thanks.

With their coffee replenished Sylvie came back to the subject.

"Who's fault was it? I mean not having children."


"Then it was rather selfish of him, wasn't it?"

"Yes and no. We were never a love-match. Our marriage is more of a rational merger. He needed a wife who he could trust at society functions, who could entertain his business associates, who knew how to behave. A wife who would keep his home well so that he didn't have to worry about clean socks, shirts etcetera. I was taught to do all of that. I was not brought up to work for a living so I needed a husband who would always support me. Charles would do that and give me a good life. Our marrying was a logical decision. Over the years I suppose we have come to love each other, but probably more like brother and sister but never passionate lovers."

"So, are you telling me that you don't want out of your marriage, but if you could have Guy as an occasional lover, that would be good for you?"

"I suppose so, yes." Sylvie' face lit up.

"Oh good. Guy was very concerned that you may want more of him than an evening out and a romp in bed."

"We didn't romp. We oozed, well I did anyway." Sylvie's laughter rang from the ceiling.

Marion was pleased as their conversation had resolved one of the issues she thought may have been a little difficult. She was also relieved that it would appear that Guy was keen to see more of her. She giggled when she realised that Guy had seen all of her anyway.

"What was that giggle about?" Sylvie wanted to know.

"Just a little naughty thought."

"Hmm. Speaking of naughty thoughts. Tell me about Finishing School."

"I wondered when you would get to that."

"Well go on then."

"There's not much to tell. We were all about the same age and like me we all had a very sheltered upbringing. We shared two to a room and the girl I was sharing with, Justine was very homesick. I think she cried herself to sleep for the first week. She was still weepy even after that and one night she asked if she could get into bed with me. It became a habit after that and at first we would just whisper to each other then one night she kissed me."

"Go on." Urged Sylvie. "What happened next?" Marion shrugged her shoulders.

"Not much more. We would kiss and caress each other. She was fascinated with my breasts. Which at that time were about the same size as they are now. Justine didn't have anything then. That was it really."

"You cheat! You led us to believe that you had a lesbian relationship." Sylvie laughed. "But did you enjoy it?"

"I didn't find it distasteful. It was comforting in a way." Sylvie looked at her watch.

"Shall we go to lunch? We have some time to change if you like?"

"Will Guy join us?"

"He knows you are here today, so I suspect that the old adage about Wild Horses applies." Sylvie wore a broad smile.

Sylvie had changed into a dress as well, and two very attractive ladies stepped into Ugo's. Both wore cfm's, silver for Marianne and white for Sylvie. Their dresses seemed to waft in the breeze as they walked offering glimpses of leg and thigh and in Marianne's case the outline of unfettered breasts. Hugo was very happy to greet them as Monday could be a little slow for trade. He took them to the table where Guy sat, having arrived five minutes before. He got to his feet as they approached and kissed them both, Sylvie's cheek but Marianne's lips.

"You're eager." Was Sylvie's opening remark.

"Not at all. A gentleman should always arrive first." Sylvie grinned as the perfect riposte offered itself.

"No Guy. A gentleman should always wait until his lady has arrived, and arrived, and arrived. Isn't that so Marianne?"

"If that is so, I should say that Guy is the perfect gentleman." Marianne was getting used to their banter and innuendo. Guy bowed his head to her.

"My Lady is too kind."

Hugo arrived with their drinks and took the order. Guy then enquired if they had a good morning.

"Yes Guy. We did. We trashed you unmercifully for keeping Marianne out so late." Sylvie couldn't resist a dig. Guy sat back with a smile on his face.

"Time flew so quickly, you see. I enjoyed Marianne's company greatly."

"And I enjoyed your company, Guy.

"Well in that case." Sylvie interrupted their mutual admiration. "Should we make an arrangement for Wednesday evening? Jason will be here and I thought we could all go out together."

"Who is Jason?" Marianne was guarded. Guy replied.

"He's a friend of mine from way back. Sylvie seems to think he is her fiancé. But I am not sure if he knows about it yet."

"Not true." Cried Sylvie. "We go out together from time to time. That's all. Anyway. What do you think?"

"Marianne. Are you happy about this?" Guy enquired. Marianne thought about it for two seconds maximum.

"I would like that."

"Great! I'll make the arrangements. We'll go to Abacus."

Back in the Sylvie's flat she and Marianne discussed dresses.

"Any ideas, Marianne?"

"No. I quite liked that green dress, but couldn't wear it again for while. Perhaps..." She tailed off thinking.

"Go on." Urged Sylvie.

"Would Marianne get a little more daring?" Sylvie didn't have to think at all.

"Oh yes. That's the problem of being female; you have got to inspire the male of the species all the time. If he keeps getting little glimpses of you, it concentrates his mind on what he may get to enjoy later and then he won't go looking at other women." She thought for a moment. "Possibly I have the perfect dress for you. I don't know if you have the courage to wear it though."

"Why? What is it like?"

"It's like a Greek Chiton in cream Muslin. Would you like to see it?"

"I like the sound of that, yes please."

They made their way downstairs and went into the Boutique. Switching on the lights as she made her way through to the showroom Sylvie chattered relentlessly, telling Marianne what she intended to wear.

"I'm going long. Long in length and long in neckline. It will come down to here." She indicated a point just lower than her navel. "Jason will be in no doubt that I shall require an extraordinary performance from him later." Marianne giggled.

"I hope the walls of your flat are soundproof." Sylvie winked.

"Oh yes." She was going through the ranks of hanging dresses as she spoke. She pulled out the one she would wear and hung the hanger on a hook then carried on searching. "Ah! Found you." She cried. Marianne looked at the dress with gathering excitement. "Want to try it on?" Sylvie asked. Her friend nodded smiling as she did so.


The dress was perfect if a little more revealing than Marianne had anticipated. The plain front and back were held at the shoulders by lace ties, which Guy would delight in releasing she thought. The waist was cinched by a gold chain and the skirt dropped to her knees. However there was a side split that rose to the top of her thigh. The front and back of the bodice simply hung from the ties to where the gold chain pulled them together at her waist. If she lifted her arms to shoulder height then her breasts would be exposed from the side. She gave it a lot of thought then with a deep breath told Sylvie. "Yes." Sylvie was pleased then added.

"Of course for the full effect you shouldn't wear anything under it." Marianne was aware she couldn't wear a bra so looked at Sylvie questioningly. Sylvie confirmed Marianne's suspicions.

"No Panties either. I think a thong is required."


Guy was extremely complimentary of Marianne's dress. She had given him a glimpse before wrapping the Pashmina round her shoulders. He whispered his delight.

"Are those two ties functional or decorative?" Marianne smiled.

"Functional. I thought I would make it easy for you tonight. Undo those and you get your surprise." She blew him a kiss. He looked eager.

"I can't wait." She was very flattered to see a lump grow in his trousers.

Sylvie and Marianne sat together in the back of the Range Rover. Guy, who was driving and Jason were in the front. Jason spent most of the time turned around so that he could see their two lovely companions and talk with them. Marianne found Jason a very agreeable man. She had been shocked at first as he stood tall at six foot five as Sylvie had informed her. He appeared to be a very muscular man as well. Despite his daunting appearance he was affable and witty keeping them giggling as he pleasured his eyes with the two ladies. After a while though his conversation dried and his eyes were not on them but on the view behind the car. He was watching for about ten minutes seemingly becoming concerned.

"Guy!" He said suddenly. They were travelling along a fairly narrow lane at the time. "When you go round the next bend I would like you to stop, blocking the road."

"What for?"

"Something's amiss. Just humour me will you? When you stop I will get out and I would like you to lock the doors when I do. Ok?"


Guy picked the stop and told Jason to be ready. He brought the car to a stand quite quickly and Jason was out of the car and walking back the way they had come. Suddenly another car, a grey Ford came round the bend and the driver braked sharply upon seeing the Range Rover in his path. For such a big man Jason ran very quickly to the car and slapped something on the windscreen at the same time pulling open the driver's door. Guy, Sylvie and Marianne were of course stretching their necks to see what was going on. Marianne heard Jason shout. "POLICE. OUT OF THE CAR." Upon hearing those words Marianne looked at Sylvie for an explanation.

"Detective Inspector." Sylvie enlightened her.

The driver did as he was asked. There followed a conversation with the driver fumbling in his inside pocket for identification which he showed to Jason. There were further words with Jason talking quietly but firmly to the other man then listening. Eventually the other driver got back in his car as Jason came back to the Range Rover. Guy unlocked the doors and Jason got in. He was immediately besieged with questions.

"Let's get to the restaurant. We can talk about it there." Abacus was only ten minutes away.

Once they were seated Jason told the tale. His first words were to Marianne.

"Sylvie introduced you as Marianne, but I now know your name is Marion, Marion Urquhart. Is that so?" Marion nodded.

"Yes." With that confirmation Jason went on.

"Your husband, Charles is an important Civil Servant I believe."

"Well I don't know about important, Charles talks very little about his work, but he is in Brussels at the moment."

"Marion. He is important. He has to be otherwise the Security people would not be interested in you."

"Oh!" Jason nodded.

"I don't know what your relationship with Guy is, but I have to tell you Marion a report is being made, and." He turned to Sylvie and Guy. "They know who you are as well."

"Shit!" Sylvie as always had the right word for a situation. Marion was still confused.

"Why would they be interested in me?"

"Your husband is involved in delicate negotiations. They keep tabs on him to ensure that he cannot be pressured into anything and they need to know about you for the same reason. Quite a few powerful men have succumbed to coercion to protect their wives."

"Do you know how long they have been watching me?"

"It don't think it has been long. Probably only since your husband started these negotiations. They look for unusual behaviour and it's only when they notice something odd that they will follow you." Marion slumped thinking that there was a good chance that her two evenings with Guy would be noted, especially the time that she spent in Guy's flat.

The fun had gone out of the evening with this incident. Sylvie and Guy were most worried about what was going to happen.

"What will you say to your husband?" Sylvie was near to tears for her friend.

"Tell him the truth. If there is a report the Permanent Secretary will get it and he will inform Charles, so there's no point in trying to lie about it. If he throws me out so be it."

"Oh Marion. I am so sorry I got you into this." Sylvie was weeping now. Marion took her hand to comfort her.

"No you didn't Sylvie. I am a grown woman and every step of the way I knew what I was doing." She turned to Guy. "Guy I want to say thank you. I would have liked to see much more of you. But I do want to say thank you for letting me flower for a while." Jason coughed to attract their attention.

"As a Policeman I shouldn't say this. But you can only be punished once, no matter how many times you sin. Let's enjoy our meal at least." Marion had one last question for Jason.

"Will he be watching me for the rest of the evening?"

"I doubt it. He's blown and knows we will be on our guard. He won't want to be caught twice by a local plod in one evening. So I think you can relax."

It was a very subdued party that left Abacus later that evening. Marion had heard Jason's comment about only being punished once It was a temptation to stay with Guy tonight, throwing care to the winds, but common sense dictated that she go home. Chastened, frustrated and fearful of the future she took her leave of Guy and drove home.

Charles arrival on Friday was at first uneventful. He greeted her as he usually did and over Dinner regaled her with a précis of the week's events. It would appear that the argument about Olives had occupied them fully.

"Of course Olives don't really concern us, but the Germans and ourselves are backing the French on this. It will be a little lever when we get to the real issue. Mind, if the French resort to type then any assistance we give them will be forgotten or even denied when we get to that." Charles unusually did not go into his study that evening, instead asking Marion to join him the lounge.