Cindy & I Ch. 06


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I took my time making the drinks and tried to figure some way to get even. Handing them out and sitting down again, Cindy was grinning. "Jen wants to borrow you."

I swung my head to see an innocent looking Jen. Looking back to my wife, I felt what I thought was Jen's chin rest on top of my shoulder. My mind said, Oh shit. Cindy started giggling, then I felt Jen blow on my neck.

"Aah," my wife cooed then took hold of the camera. "Stay like that," she bade before rising. Snap.

"Jennifer you're gonna get me in trouble," I said without turning.

"Tol' ya I liked to play," she remarked, then lightly kissed my ear.

"Cindy she's just teasing."

"Really? It's the second time she's asked."

"Oh...fuck," I muttered. The devilish two began laughing again.

Scrambling, I figured I'd turn the tables. "James, Cindy really loves steering. Go on hon, just like with Fred. You know ya wanna." My wife moaned.

"Go," Jen urged.

Flustered to the max, she stood silent, then, "First one more picture."

I looked at her, surprised she was actually going to do it, but... "Jen, would you like to sit on George's lap?" my wife invited, holding up the camera.

Cindy's words were barely finished before Jen moved herself onto me. Her arms around my neck, a breast touching mine. Her legs extended along the seat. Thankfully I wasn't hard, yet. I put an arm about her small waist, my left across her thighs and held the far one to ease the stress on her legs. Snap.

Whack. "Ow, what was that for?" I asked the imp on my lap.

Laughing, Cindy put the camera down and went to James. "What exactly did your grandfather tell you?" she queried.

Jen nuzzled her nose along my cheek and replied lovingly, "For making fun of the way I talk." Dang if she didn't kiss me, fully and hotly.

"You hit harder than she does. I was only trying to tease my wife." Another kiss, this one was wet.

"You can still on the way back," I heard James say and I looked up.

Cindy returned stating, "We're almost there but keep necking if you want." She got her glass and sat on the opposite side.

Jen didn't seem intimidated and I got a moist open kiss before I could ask, "So are you going to drive us back?"

Cindy glanced toward James as the motor slowed. "Dunno," she finally replied and looked off the back of the boat.

The motor stopped. Jen and I untangled and we chatted idly as we prepared lines. My first cast just hit the water when Jen positioned herself so close beside me our shoulders brushed.

We heard Cindy's voice behind us. "That's the rod I like. Please can I use it?" A pause, then a roar of laughter from my wife.

Jen and I turned to see. Cindy was beside herself, chuckling now. She hugged James, kissed him on the temple, then laughed some more. James was embarrassed but grinning.

"Out with it mister," Jen demanded of her brother.

He got redder. "Uh, well when Cindy asked me. … Did you hear?" We nodded. "I took it the wrong way I guess. I looked down at myself."

Three of us laughed loudly. Poor James just looked on.

"Were you teasing my brother?" Jen asked, amused.

Cindy shook her head while trying to calm herself and sat down beside James. He handed her the fishing pole. "Aah, you're not just good looking, you're sweet," she tenderly said, and gently kissed his lips.

Sometimes my mouth doesn't wait for my brain. "James, that's not what Cindy said about you earlier."

My wife instantly eyed me with daggers.

"Huh?" James asked back, confused.

Jen quietly inquired in my ear, "What, what was it?"

I whispered how my wife had declared he was gorgeous.

She lit up grinning and called out, "Hey Cindy, trade ya."

Seeing Jen's broad grin, Cindy blustered, "What are you two up to? Is it my turn to get zinged? Is that it? What, are we playing, tit for tat?"

Jen and I chuckled, though me with trepidations. "You can borrow my brother," she answered, then swiftly turned to look at the water. "Since you think he's soh gorgeous," Jen added.

Cindy gaped, speechless. James, grinning big time, proclaimed, "Okay by me," and put a claiming arm around my wife's waist.

"Jen?" Cindy asked with a note of unease. "You were teasing about my husband?"

Still looking at her fishing line, she replied in a somber tone, "If you want."

I don't think I've ever been more discomposed than I was at that moment. Likely Cindy felt the same. Compounding the disconcertion, Jen asked me in a hushed tone, "You mind, Cindy and James?"

I didn't even attempt to answer. I tried to block the scenario of Cindy with James, in bed. God, would they screw? She hadn't with Fred. James was much closer in age to my wife, but. ... We'd all just met. Me with Jennifer.

Finally I ventured to explain, and quietly to Jen, I came out with, "We've never, you know. ... And the nude stuff, just kinda happened."

She thought, then just as quietly, responded, "You're okay with nude." I felt no need to say anything. "Be nice though," she added, "If we all went for it."

Fishing forgotten, I blankly gazed at the water. No one was talking now, or at least that my dazed brain picked up. I did glance at Cindy once. Her and James, while on the seat, were squatted on their legs facing the water, their bums toward me. Hips touching, he had an arm about her waist again.

"You call me Jennifer, hardly anyone does," my fishing neighbor said simply without turning.

"Lovely girl deserves the nicer version."

Jen looked deep into my eyes and said in a matter of fact tone, "Being with you could've been good." Turning away she added, "Wasn't gonna try 'n steal you."

Hugging her with one arm, I kissed her shoulder, then gently tried again, "We, Cindy and I, have only messed around a little. I desire you very much, but I love my wife."

"Got one," Jen announced suddenly. There was no enthusiasm to her voice, then I remembered they lived here at the lake.

Moments later Cindy called out, "Neat, me too."

I was happy for them and soon I felt better. James and I congratulated the girls. Deciding those bare butts together deserved a picture, I snapped one, then stood to stretch. Seeing only James' glass was near empty, I took his and mine to refill.

"We must have drifted over a school," he declared, reeling in the third for the boat.

Just capping the bottle, I heard Jen yelp, "Hey!"

I saw her quickly take my rod before it was pulled completely overboard. Grinning wryly, I gave James his drink. I was content to watch as Jen pulled in the fourth. Sensing we'd been out our two hours, I was tempted to say something, but now the fishing was hot. An upward flick of the rod and James set the hook on another. I sat by Jen to catch my own. I waited and waited. No one got so much as another bite. James suggested it was time to go and we all reeled in.

Packing up, Cindy proclaimed, "I got the biggest. I win a prize."

James joined in, "I got the most, so I do too. And I already know what I want."

"Not so fast gorgeous. I got the same as you," Jen countered, adding the little tease. "Plus the first one."

"No way. One was on George's line," her brother complained.

"Yeah but I did all the work. Handsome here didn't even touch it."

"He baited the hook."

"Hey!" I called out, sticking my nose in. "Since I didn't win either way, how be you three each get one prize?"

Cindy thought that was a good solution, so did James. Jen nodded but muttered, "Won't even stick up for me."

Cindy stated for having the largest she wouldn't have to do dishes.

"Huh?" came from the siblings.

"That's a lame prize," Jen declared.

"Whattaya mean?" my wife asked, confused.

"Well, even though I'm not likely to get my wish, you know what I want."

Cindy's jaw dropped. Cindy looked and saw my paled face. Turning to James, he suddenly got embarrassed and looked down. Possibly to divert, he inquired, "Um, so you gonna drive now?"

She seemed to study James then Jen and finally myself once more. She motioned for me to follow and we walked to the front. "Do you want Jen?" she whispered.

"I love you," I whispered back.

"That's not what I asked. She obviously wants you."

Sighing, I nodded. "There's desire, lust. But it's not worth our marriage."

"I've done things with Mr. Wilkins."

"Jennifer has more in mind I think."

James called to us, "Uh, we're getting close to shore here, can we go?"

"I love you too." Cindy kissed me. "We'll talk after." I nodded. She beckoned to James, "I need help driving this thing."

Not feeling my best after that chat I went aft, found my drink and plopped down away from Jen.

Sitting facing forward, I saw Cindy get James to sit then pull the chair back. I moved to sit beside the source of my concerns, Jennifer. The view of the two in the front was better. Really. Sure enough my wife sat on James's leg and the motor started.

I heard a tiny gasp of surprise beside me and felt Jen hug my arm with both hers. Her head rested on my shoulder.

Shortly after we started off back to the cottage, Cindy looked back."You can start necking again." Then to Jen's and my complete amazement, she took James' left hand and placed it on her breast.

I couldn't see any more, I got smothered with wet tongue kisses by an extremely sexy young woman. I got into responding and my tongue played with hers. Man-oh-man she was writhing all over. Slowly sliding a hand up her side, I thought, Hot Latin Lover. Timidly covering Jennifer's amazingly firm breast with my hand, her kisses became even more intense.

You-oo-'ve got the magic touch, woo-oo. It makes me glow so much, oo-woo-oo.

It casts a spell - it rings a bell, the magic touch…

Trying to break apart from my seductress, I looked about for the radio I never knew was on the boat. Jen persisted with seeing how deeply she could force her tongue into my mouth.

Oh-uh-oh, when I feel your charm, woo-oo. It's like a fourth alarm, oo-woo-oo…

Flabbergasted, I realized it was James singing. His voice was amazing. Pure, rich, so natural.

You make me thrill so much. You've got, the magic touch…

"He's serenading her," Jen remarked softly as she slid down to kiss my chest then my stomach. I wondered if my wife was holding James like she did Fred.

'ere I go reeling, uh-oh…

"Platters song," Jennifer breathed, then her hot wet mouth enveloped my incredibly hard cock.

I'm feeling the glow, uh-oh…

"Ooh Jennifer," I moaned, looking to the amazing girl who was smiling back at me with her marvelous eyes.

But where can I go from you. I didn't know too much, woo-oo…

"Aah, your tongue, aah, aah."

And then I felt your touch, oo-woo-oo. And now I've learned, I can return,

the magic touch…

I tried to push her away, "God, be careful."

'ere I go reeling, uh-oh. I'm feeling the glow, uh-oh. But where can I go, from you…

"Stop, you're gonna make me cum."

I didn't know too much, woo-oo. And then I felt your touch, oo-woo-oo…

"Ooh ooh ooh."

And now I've learned, I can return…


The magic touch. Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-dooooo.

Jennifer continued sucking and sucking and swallowing. Finally I felt her mouth become more gentle. Only when I began to lose my hardness did she release me. Grinning, she popped up to squeeze me tightly, and softly breathed, "So wanted to do that," then she kissed me hard. Moving her head back slightly, Jennifer looked into my eyes and whispered, "I want to feel you, deep, deep inside me."

I don't know how long we cuddled for. Correction, Jennifer cuddled. I wasn't participating too well, I was wilted. I sensed the motor and boat slow, then Cindy was beside me. "George, you gonna help?"

Getting my bearings, I realized we were about to touch dock. My attempt to sit forward and stand missed and I sank back down again. "You alright?" my wife asked, but sounded amused.

"Um, he's a little, spent," Jen replied, then I heard them both giggle.

The girls climbed to the deck to tie off. "That was his first, complete. You know that?"

"Really? Hm, makes sense. He tried to stop me near the end."

"Wish I'd been closer to see."

This managed to get me to my feet and I helped James gather things to take back up to the cottage. Jen asked my wife, "So why didn't you come back then?"

"I didn't want to disrupt. I looked back and saw, so I had James drive so I could watch. But I didn't want to disturb."

We stopped while James cleaned the fish. He was even more proficient than Fred. Maybe seeing I was impressed, Cindy smiled and informed me, "His dad taught him how to cut poultry and meats for the store too.

Beginning the second fish, James broke into song again.

And her name is, C-I-N-D-Y, C I N D Y, CIN DY, C I N D Y, CIN DY, C I N D Y, CIN DY.
I'm gonna shout it all night, CIN DY. I'm gonna shout it every day, CIN DY.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah...

Second fish done.

Ha! She make me feel so good, Lord.

I wanna say she make me feel all right. Comes a-walkin' down my street.

Then she comes up to my house. She knock upon my door. And then she comes to my room.

Yeah, an' she make me feel all right.


C-I-N-D-Y C-I-N-D-Y.

I'm gonna shout it all night, CIN DY. I'm gonna shout it every day, CIN DY.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah...
Looks so good, CIN DY. All right, feel so good, CIN DY. All right, yeah.

All done.

My dear wife was grinning like crazy. Stepping in to embrace him, James held up his fishy hands. She giggled and waited until he'd cleaned them in lake water. Then Cindy almost bowled him over, zeroing in for a long, hard kiss and firm hug. James and Cindy led arm in arm as we started walking to the cottage.

"How'd you come to sing so beautifully?" she inquired.

"Dad taught me, said I was a natural."

"Your dad? He has a pleasant voice but I never figured him for a singer."

"He was part of a group at a resort for the nightly show back in Cuba. But there was a shortage of tour guides when new places opened." James shrugged. "So they picked him."

"You're a natural tenor I would say. Not strained, it just flowed, and a cappella," Cindy enthused.

James laughed, "That was my new version of "Gloria" by The Animals.

Arriving at the porch we saw the door was closed. Looking about revealed Fred's car was gone. Inside we found a note on the table, propped up between a deck of cards and a bottle of rum.

Returned home to attend matters I spoke of

Chicken in oven done by 6 or finish on bbq Mac salad in fridge Corn needs cooking Snacks in cupboard

George and Cindy Stay as long as you wish There is ample food Any problems arising my family can assist

James and Jen Drinking and driving especially on bikes is no good Stay here at least overnight

Last ones leaving not today please lock up and leave key at the store I won't be back up for a period of time so

kindly take or dispose of any fish or other perishables

Tom and Mary have been advised of all so relax and enjoy They will They are going dancing tonight in Allingham

Warm thoughts Fred Mr. Wilkins Granddad

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

it should be "Cindy and ME"!

WillbewatchingWillbewatchingabout 13 years ago
Great story1

I enjoyed watching/reading the transition.. very sexy and erotic..

I enjoyed it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

What a WONDERFUL twist that I never saw cumming! Mr Wilkins and Paul were all I was thinking about when you twisted it...AWESOME TWIST!!!!!!!!

Are their more TWISTS????????????

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Love the story

Maybe some of the other people that complain so much, should just not read the story. After all, it is your story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Instead of describing George's first blowjob or having Cindy interact with her husband, what you did instead is have some lyrics sung by someone in place of all of that.<p>Huh?

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Good to bad in one easy chapter

parts 1 to 5 were excellent, had me waiting for the next installment, then this. the story line is so unreal it was appalling, and what happened to Fred....? Disappointing to say the least!

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