Cindy's Training Ch. 02


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He removed the shorter bungee and unhooked the other cord from her left restraint. Holding her wrists in his hands, he brought them together behind her back and hooked both collars into one end of the long bungee. The other end of the cord was pulled up and hooked over the bar on her left. The upward strain of the cord forced her to bend over the bar, pressing it into her lower belly and forcing her onto the balls of her feet. He then hooked the shorter cord between the rings and pulled the other end of it up and to the right, hooking it over the lower chin-up bar.

Cindy was now bent over the low bar with her wrists pulled up over her back. The strain on her shoulders wasn't painful, but it seriously limited her movements. If she tried to raise her head above horizontal, her shoulders really did complain. She settled for the least uncomfortable position and steeled herself to endure whatever he had planned for her. The pain in her nipples was becoming almost bearable.

"I would like you to stay as still as possible while you are being punished, Pet," she heard him say as his feet appeared under her face. Tilting her head back, she watched as he squatted before her. She saw him open the hanger of the fishing thingie on one of the clothespins and slip on a lead weight. Closing up the clip, he slowly lowered the weight until it pulled down on her tender nipple. The weight didn't seem to increase the pain in her nipple much, but it added a steady strain on her breast.

He repeated his actions with the other clothespin and left her with both breasts stretched downward. She relaxed momentarily until she remembered the third clothespin that she had watched him prepare. The effort of attempting to close her thighs was not only futile in her bindings, but the sudden motion caused her head to jerk up and the weights on her nipples to bounce and swing painfully. She bit her lip to stifle her cry and willed her body to be still.

Ron walked back around the exercise station and admired his captive. He reached down and lifted the hem of her dress up and pushed the material half way up her back, exposing her shapely ass and her muscular legs. He marveled at the contrast between the white of her skin that hadn't seen the sun and the tan of the rest.

Rubbing his hand gently over her ass and thigh, he could feel her trembling in anticipation. He noticed that her labia were slightly swollen and a light pink. A glistening of liquid lined her slit. He decided to forego the clothespin on her clit, figuring that it would be more appropriate for a later punishment. Something for her to look forward to, he thought to himself.

"The first thing that we need to address is your failure to honor a commitment. You agreed to meet your Master at a particular place at a particular time and you failed to keep your word. How many lashes do you feel would be appropriate for that mistake, Pet?"

Cindy was not prepared for the question. She had no idea what sort of answer would satisfy him. Finally she ventured a guess, "Maybe ten, sir?"

"Well, since this is the first time, why don't we make it five. Does that sound fair, Pet?"

"Yes, sir." Cindy braced herself for the blows.

"You will count each one and thank me properly for it, Pet. If you fail to keep correct count, we'll start over. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."

The switch whistled through the air and landed on her right cheek with a smack! The pain shot through Cindy's body and she jumped at the sound and feel of the blow. The nipple weights swung to and fro, adding to her discomfort. Ron waited patiently, admiring his handiwork. A red welt stretched around her ass cheek almost to her hip.

"One. Thank you, Master."

Ron stepped to the other side and tried his backhand. Swish, smack! A matching welt arose on the other cheek. Cindy again jerked at the blow and her breasts paid the price.

"Two. Thank you, Master."

"Very good, Pet," he complimented as he aimed a backhand for her outer thigh, just below her cheek. Swish, smack!

"Three. Thank you, Master." The tears were running down her cheeks, but that time her body didn't flinch quite as badly.

His next target was the outside of the opposite thigh and he carefully placed the welt where he aimed. Swish, smack!

"Four. Thank you, Master."

The final blow fell across the top of both cheeks. Swish, smack!

"Five. Thank you, Master." Her voice was quivering. It felt like her ass and thighs were afire. The stinging pain permeated her consciousness and left her breathing quick and shallow. Her shoulders ached from the strain of the unusual position. She prayed for the strength to carry on.

Ron ran his hand over her ass and thighs, checking carefully to make certain that he hadn't broken the skin anywhere. He noticed that her labia were even puffier and definitely pink. Her juices were seeping out of her slit. The marks that the switch had left where it caught the white of her untanned cheeks were a lovely red and nicely raised.

"Next, we have to address the matter of your lack of proper grooming, Pet. How many lashes does that deserve?"

"Ten, Sir?"

"No, I think not. Five should do for that as well. Don't forget to count, starting from one again."

Ron doled out her next five lashes in the same manner as the first. She counted each blow as she had before. Her body was steadier under her punishment, but her voice was beginning to crack. He was careful to keep each strike on her separate from the rest. Maria had suggested that he practice on a pillow before he did it to Cindy and he was glad that he had taken her advice.

Cindy's body was awash in pain to the point that the individual blows no longer had the same bite as before. She had resigned herself to her punishment and actually looked forward to it being over and done with. Her confused mind was so busy trying to concentrate on counting the blows and wondering what was coming next that she didn't even notice the sensations building deep in her belly.

"Very good, Pet," she heard him say when they had completed the five lashes. He gently ran his hand over her abused flesh and it almost felt comforting. Cindy welcomed the opportunity to calm herself and catch her breath. She fought to put the physical agony out of her mind. "No doubts, no reservations."

"Next, we have to deal with the most important lesson you need to learn today, Pet. Are you ready?"

"Yes, Sir."

"You failed to call me when you needed comforting, Pet."

Cindy gasped. She hadn't even thought to call him; she had always kept her problems to herself. Her mother had taught her to be strong and independent.

"You will shortly be in a position to decide who you want to give the gift of your submission to. You would make me a very happy man if you were to decide to ask to wear my collar. But, whoever it is that you select to be your Master, you must realize that they will not be a mind reader. Do you understand, Pet?"

What she understood was that he wanted her. He wanted her to wear his collar, to be his. Her heart soared.

"Do you understand, Pet," he repeated.

"Yes, Master."

Her response brought a smile to his face that she couldn't see, but could somehow feel. "Ten lashes."

"Yes, Sir."

"When you submit to someone …" Swish, smack!

"One. Thank you, Master."

"…you give that person complete control of your body…" Swish, smack!

"Two. Thank you, Master."

"…and you dedicate yourself to…" Swish, smack!

"Three. Thank you, Master."

"…pleasing your Master over all else." Swish, smack!

"Four. Thank you, Master."

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master. I understand." Her mind was awash in conflicting emotions: joy, pain, gratitude, wonder. But there was no fear.

Swish, smack!

"Five. Thank you, Master."

"Your Master will be responsible for…" Swish, smack!

"Six. Thank you, Master."

"… your physical and mental well being." Swish, smack!

"Seven. Thank you, Master."

"You will have to tell your Master what you are feeling…" Swish, smack!

"Eight. Thank you, Master."

" all times. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master." Her voice had shrunk to a whisper. He was amazed to see that her labia were engorged and almost red. The flower of her vagina had opened to his view and her creamy white nectar was clearly visible inside her opening.


Her body tensed, but the blow didn't come.


"You must always be absolutely honest and…" Swish! He intentionally missed her again.

She tensed again and the weights tugging on her nipples again bobbed painfully. She gasped.

"…completely open with what you're feeling."

Ron took careful aim and flicked his wrist, bringing the switch down across the inside of her thigh just under her cheek. Smack! The tip of the stick caught her swollen pussy lip just beside her clitoral hood.

Cindy shrieked, only to bite it off when her teeth clamped down on her lower lip. She had been totally unprepared for the sudden shock and the intense agony of the blow.

"Do you understand?" Smack! He managed to catch the other thigh and pussy lip. Her body jerked to the limit of its bonds. He waited patiently while she struggled to recover. He could see her entire body shaking.

"Yes, Master."

Finally, she remembered, "Oh...nine, ten. Thank you, Master." She gasped for air, taking deep rasping breaths. Her entire body was on fire. Her tears flowed down across the bridge of her nose and dripped into the dirt below.

"Well done, Pet," she vaguely heard him say.

He ran both his hands over her ass and thighs, carefully checking for any blood. Her cheeks were warm to the touch and he breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't find any broken skin. He breathed in deeply, savoring the aroma of her arousal. "God, I love that smell," he thought to himself and sent a silent prayer skyward that he might enjoy it many more times in the future.

"I'm going to spray the first aid spray over you, Pet. It may sting a little, but it will help prevent any infection. OK?"

"Yes, Sir," she replied.

Her body jerked at the sting of the medicated spray. He completely covered the welts on her ass and thighs with the mist, finally directing it across her dripping pussy. "The anesthetic will also help," he thought to himself. When he was satisfied, he capped the can and stowed it back in the bag. Then he rearranged his rigid cock in his pants and stood up.

Ron walked around and knelt to one knee before her. Taking her head in his hands, he gently tilted it back to gaze into her eyes. "You did very well, Pet. I'm proud of you." He was rewarded with a wan smile on her tear-streaked face.

He reached down and unclipped one of the clothespins. Her eyes opened wide and then snapped shut. Her face grimaced in pain as the blood began to return to her crushed nipple. He quickly removed the other clothespin and pushed them into his pocket.

Dropping out of character, Ron took pity on his suffering sub and reached to cup her tortured breasts in his hands. Neither of them was really prepared for what happened next. The soothing touch of his hands finally triggered the orgasm that had been building unnoticed in Cindy's belly. Her confused mind was completely overwhelmed by one of the most powerful climaxes she had ever felt. It tore through her nervous system and exploded into her exhausted brain. Her juices leaked down the insides of her thighs.

Ron watched in awe as Cindy's head snapped back, her mouth dropped open into a silent O and her eyes gradually rolled back into her head. He felt the tremors begin to rattle through her body and her head fell onto his shoulder. Quickly, he reached around her and released the clasps on the dog collars around her wrists. He stood up slowly, taking her trembling body in his arms and holding her amid the aftershocks that coursed throughout her.

Cindy was overwhelmed by the emotions flowing through and around her. The orgasm had caught her completely by surprise and her tired mind couldn't begin to comprehend it. All she knew was that she was in his arms and that was where she was supposed to be. She managed to get her aching arms around his neck and hugged him as the climax continued to roll through her body. "He wants me," was the only thought on her mind.

Ron nuzzled her neck with his lips and nibbled on her earlobe. He had particularly enjoyed watching her face as the orgasm had swept over her; it was one of the most delightful things that he could remember seeing. A special radiant beauty had come over her when she had completely lost herself in her pleasure. He held her close as her body gradually stopped shaking.

"Thank you, Master," she whispered.

"Thank you, Pet. You pleased me greatly."

He took her arms from around his neck and put one hand on each of the chin-up bars beside them. When he was certain that she wouldn't fall, he knelt and released the bungee cords around her ankles. He rubbed her ankles to be certain that she still had good circulation and then buttoned up her dress from the bottom. She stood still as if in shock and let him dress her.

Ron reached for the backpack and inquired, "Water, Pet?"

Cindy hadn't realized how incredibly thirsty she was until then. "Yes, please."

Ron handed her the full bottle and squirted a good helping of the half empty one into his own mouth. Cindy took a long pull on the other bottle, paused, and then took another long drink. When they were satisfied, he asked, "Ready to go home, Pet?"

"Yes, Sir."

Ron packed everything into his backpack and Cindy picked up her handbag. He took her hand and led her back out onto the trail. They walked along in silence; Cindy was lost in her thoughts. She had scoffed at the stories where subs had orgasms from pain and suddenly they took on a completely new meaning. But, she still wasn't a promiscuous slut and there was no way that she was going to become one. After all, she had her job to think about.

Ron led her along, taking care to keep her safely on the trail. She seemed to be completely lost in thought. Heavens knows that she had enough to think about. Today had been a major test and he believed that they both had made major strides towards their goals. He couldn't wait to tell Maria about how it went. He was also relieved that the hiking gradually reduced the built up pressure in his cock. He was certain that Rosie was going to get a visit tonight, Fornier brief or no Fornier brief.

When they got back to the car, Ron opened her door and she gasped when she noticed her pink thong on her seat. She demurely picked it up and looked pointedly at him. With a chuckle, he took the hint and turned his back while she slipped it back on. He held her arm as she eased herself down into her seat. To his relief, the pain on her face didn't last long. He closed her door and went around to the driver's side.

She remained deep in thought while he started the car and put the top down. When he looked over at her, she finally asked, "Permission to ask a question, Master?"

"Certainly, Pet. What would you like to know?"

"What did you buy the cigarette lighter for?"

"You mean this?" he asked, pulling the red lighter from the center console of the car.

"Yes, Sir."

"This is for you to carry in your purse as a reminder, Pet," he replied and handed it to her. The look of confusion on her face made him chuckle to himself. "Every time you go into your purse, look at it and remember that you should spend more of your time worrying about how you can please your Master and less about your own pleasure. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir," she gasped.

To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

What a lovely read! Very entertaining and it's nice to read about a couple wherein the Dom is NOT a multi-billionaire.

I would be happy to read any story written by this author as there is believable dialogue and situations occurring throughout the chapters. Also, the fact the vanilla life of the characters passes through the story makes it easier for the average reader to be carried away into the action.

Thanks for the entertainment!!!

TootsallTootsallover 9 years ago

To Anon and kitty's comments...such a shame

kitten2169kitten2169over 11 years ago

so disappointed that this story was never finished.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Too bad!

Too bad this story was never finished.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

this story makes me believe that maybe real people do live this sort of lifestyle.i KNOW that people do,but it always seems fake and plastic. your characters have doubts,flaw and raw desires. your story is so full of realisic details mr Ton8ty.i sure hope you write more about this D/s couple.thanks,gem

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