Claimed by the Khan Pt. 02

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To survive her new situation, she must gain control.
4.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 05/26/2024
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She sobbed, curled up in her small cot until exhaustion and sleep took her into its embrace.

She dreamed in vivid detail that she was back on her family farm in their little cottage. By the hearth was her long since departed mother.

She was just as she remembered her from when she was a young girl, sitting by the wood fire on a rocking chair. She ran to her mother and embraced her. Her mother returned the hug and held her tight as the tears streamed down her face.

"Mother, forgive me!" she cried. Her mother held her face and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"What is there to forgive my child?" she questioned.

"I am no longer pure," she managed between the sobs.

Her mother looked her in the eye and asked a question? "Why do you need forgiveness for something that was done to you, not by you? Purity! Ha, this is a man's word. He cannot claim you unless you let him."

"I... I..." she stammered lost for the words "I could not stop them, I could not resist him..." She trailed off.

Her mother's stare was intense but kindly and she spoke says "Listen my little bird. Life can be cruel. We can lose the ones we love most dearly. But you are strong in spirit.

Where-ever you are, you honour us by your survival."

She had forgotten that her mother affectionately called her little bird. It shifted her focus to remember little details such as this.

"Death comes for us all one day, but every day until then is a gift and we must make the most of it, whatever challenges it presents." her mother continued.

She though on her mother's words then replied.

"I... I...I don't know how I will survive a place like this. This man, this Khan, he leads armies and commands so many. He has a control even over my body, the pleasure, I feel he cannot be resisted."

Her mother's indignant response was quick "Not true! He is a man, like any other. Men may think that they lead a family, or an Army or a Nation. But they are only men. True, he has physical strength, but I know that you are stronger in different ways. You can bend him to your will."

"How? How can I achieve such a feat?" she asked of her mother in an astounded tone.

"If this man is the head of an army, then your will become his neck. The neck can make the head nod in agreement, make it shake in refusal and even bow in submission."

"Understand the desires of the head then you can turn it to your will."

She awoke with a start. The dream was still crystal-clear in her mind, every one of her mother's words burned into her memory. She had heard stories of past loved ones who came in visions to people in need, but never put much stock in the tales. This vision of her mother had changed her perspective, given her new purpose and she no longer felt shame or pity for herself.

She knew now she was not alone and wiped her tears away. She was strong willed and fierce, she would survive this, she would not be bowed.

She thought on her situation, her options, what few resources she had at her disposal and what she knew of this man and his people.

The spark of an idea came to her. The idea grew into a plan, and this then grew into a goal.

She knew this would take all of her willpower and sacrifice, but she would be focused, single-minded and deliberate to survive.

Late in the afternoon the guard came for her and took her to the fat servant woman who was preparing a bath for her. The white stained robe was taken away and she was ushered into the warm bath again. This time she paid close attention to her surroundings and the actions of her captors.

On the walls of the room, she again noticed pictures with symbols around them. It didn't matter which language they were in as she was illiterate as there had been no need for reading on the farm and no literature to read.

The pictures were of naked men and women in erotic embraces. Perhaps some kind of art, perhaps instructional. The women were being penetrated by the men or using their hands and mouths to pleasure them. She took careful note of the depicted couples, their poses and actions. Some of the contorted positions looked impossible, or at very least uncomfortable but she tried to commit as many to memory as she could.

The fat servant performed the same beauty routine as the previous night then ushered for her to get out of the bath and dried her. She was given a new robe, still in the luxurious fabric and similar to the last one but this one was red with a yellow streak,

The yellow was like in the Khan's armour and clothing, probably a sign of his ownership or claim of upon her.

Make up was applied to her face and then she was given the cup with the bitter drug to drink from again. How she wished she could swallow the cup of harsh liquid whole and dissociate from this world to that place of disembodied bliss, where her body sang songs of pleasure and all her worries melted like snow on a hot day. But she knew that to drink would leave her defenceless and her fate to chance.

She refused the cup, but the servant insisted she drank. She took the smallest of sips into her mouth but let it all flow out again back into the cup. There was a hint of the bitterness remaining in her mouth and a tingle on her lips and tongue.

The guard returned and put bindings on her wrist. She tightened and flexed her arm muscles to maximise their width so that when she relaxed, her restrains were somewhat loosened. As the guard led her to the Khan's room she was secretly able to loosen her bindings further so that she was partly freed on one wrist.

The guard once again tied her to the bedpost in the Khan's room but didn't check that her bindings were tight then and left her alone. This time she worked slowly to free herself further and when one wrist was loose, she undid her other binding.

She lay on the bed amongst the animal furs but acted as if she were still bound to it and in a drug induced stupor but internally, she was focusing, trying to psych herself up for the task ahead.

The Khan's servant arrived and prepared his master's meal, paying no attention to the girl. He laid the meal and cutlery on the table then left. She could see a sharp blade next to the plate. It would be so easy to sneak over and take this then hide it in the fur throw, attacking the Khan in the night whilst he slumbered.

In her heart she wanted so badly to act on this impulse, but her rational mind knew this was suicide. Even if, by some slim chance she managed to take the Khan by surprise and even more unlikely somehow kill the sleeping man, she was in the middle of his army's encampment, guarded on all sides.

If she then escaped his army encampment, she didn't know where to go in the dark. Even if by some miracle she somehow made it through the unfamiliar terrain and back to her home, they knew where she lived, and his men would guarantee her, her father and brother's deaths.

She'd seen an inkling of the hordes savagery on her abduction and what they did even to common folk, let alone to an enemy. Any action to displease or harm the Khan was certain to end in her very painful and messy demise.

It was getting dark when the Khan entered the tent trailed by the servant. He looked weary from a day on the battlefield and seemed to drop into one of the chairs. She watched him as he removed his outer garb with his servant's assistance. He picked at his meal and read reports as the servant fussed.

He was an impressive man even without the bulk of his armour. There was no conference of his generals this evening and the servant left quickly after the Khan finished his meal. The Khan came to part the veil to the bed area and saw her on the bed, then smiled as if her presence lifted his spirits.

He disrobed fully, naked and semi erect and started towards her on the bed.

She got up from the bed and slowly started to walk towards him.

The Khan stopped, seemly startled. Should she not be drugged and tied to the bed?

He dropped his pose, almost into a fighting stance, as if preparing for her attack.

She slowly walked to him, hands outward, palms up and stopped two steps before the Khan. He was easily head and shoulders taller than her, but she tried her best to show no fear. Maybe there was a little of the bitter intoxicant affecting her, giving her confidence, may-be it was just her sheer willpower.

She looked him in the eye, held his gaze, then bowed her head. "My Khan" she said in deference, using his language, repeated as she had heard his soldiers say the night before. She then opened her robe and shrugged it off so they were both now fully naked.

She felt a chill from the tent, feeling her nipples harden and goosebumps across her skin but suppressed a shiver. She slowly put her hands out in an open gesture and touched him on his chest.

The Khan still had a look of wariness but did not stop her. She stroked his chest and then down his body. He watched her naked form as she took one of his hands and led him back to the bed. The Khan followed her, and she pulled him onto the furry animal hides that covered the bed.

She pulled him into an embrace, so her body was atop him then started to kiss him. She started at his neck and ran her fingers through his chest hair, all the while her heartbeat rang in her ears.

She carefully went down his body occasionally touching her breasts against him and stroking with her fingers as she went. She stayed close, trying to read his movements and his breathing, what he liked, where he was sensitive.

She reached his groin and saw his now full erection.

She had no experience with men to compare to and in her previous night's stupor she couldn't tell how big it had been. In her sober state she realised that her addled senses hadn't been exaggerating his size and his cock was large and thick. She felt a flood of nerves but pushed them down to try to maintain her composure.

Slowly she stroked his inner thigh and then cupped his balls. She sensed him flinch a little. She grasped the shaft of his penis and took him into her mouth as one of the pictures on the bathing room wall had shown.

She found she could barely fit him in her mouth and his size strained her lips. She heard the Khan gasp and body tense as she moved her mouth and tongue around his manhood.

The salty taste returned but she continued her ministration on his cock while her fingers stoked up and down the rest of the shaft. She ran a finger down under his sack and started to rub. She heard him gasp and clench the bedding.

She looked up and captured his gaze. Their eyes locked and she knew she had his full attention. She doubled her efforts and took as much into her mouth as she could without gagging, all the while maintaining eye contact.

She could feel the tempo of his movement quicken and she matched it. She varied her technique of tongue movements and sucking, watching for what provoked the most response from him.

She cupped his balls and gave them a gentle squeeze. The Khan moaned and writhed on the bed, shuddering as the girl intimately pleasured him.

He finally broke their eye contact as his head and eyes rolled back. She heard his moan loudly and as his whole body tensed. His balls clenched and his cock leashed a strong spurt into her mouth.

Its force caught her off guard, but she didn't relent. She quickly realised she had a choice to release him or swallow his thick salty seed filling her mouth.

She decided she would not stop and swallowed. Again and again the salty liquid erupted from the end of his cock and she did not stop gulping down until his body went limp and felt his erection starting to soften in her mouth.

She sat up on her haunches and looked down at the relaxed Khan.

This great man, leader of nations and armies was lying flaccid on the bed.

She saw through all the armour, ceremony and power, seeing just the man. The man she had just bent to her will and was now laying in front of her in submission.

She inwardly smiled, and quietly reiterated her mother's words. 'Just a man'.

She moved and lay to the left of him, lying on her side and pressing herself close against him with a leg over him. She stroked his body and felt the rhythm of his breath. He finally turned and spoke to her in the language she didn't understand but she could tell that he was pleased and the words were intimate and meant for her.

He looked into her eyes and he brought his face to hers and kissed her. She returned the kiss, looking to imitate him.

She could feel his penis was started to enlarge and harden again as her hand brushed against it.

She sat up and put her leg over his waist, sitting astride him. She moved down him so that her pubes and her labia were now split, sitting atop his cock but not yet inside her.

There was plenty of fluid from her earlier oral assault on him so she placed her palms on his chest and started to move slowly forward and back, rubbing intimately against him.

She could feel the points of contact between them and the sensation emanating from her groin felt good. There were occasional pings of pleasure as she hit a sensitive part of her labia but she did her best to suppress her reactions so that she remained in full control.

The Khan gazed up at her with a smile. He reached up and cupped her breasts. His hands were coarse and created a rough friction against the soft skin of her breast and sensitive nipples. She could not deny that this also felt good. He rubbed her now erect nipples between his fingers and thumb and she nearly cried out as an unexpected pang of pleasure hit.

She made herself focus on her plan as she steadied herself and made sure she had his gaze.

It took all her willpower to calm her nerves as she reached down and grasped his hard cock in her hand.

She lifted her slender body then positioned his cock at the entrance to her womanhood, then slowly pushed down. Her heart thundered in her chest as the pressure between them built and she braced herself to feel the large intrusion as his glands parted her lips and the tip penetrated.

She was tense but she forced her body to surrender, admitting the head of his cock into silky folds. She let out a gasp as his manhood stretched her walls, part her reaction was an act to bolster his ego, part of this was real. She paused and collected her composure again.

Slowly she pushed down again as he filled her. Fraction by fraction she moved down until she had taken him all. There was a bit of discomfort, more delight but she tried to ignore both sensations.

She locked her eyes with his again. She thought of the previous night when he had first claimed her virginity in her helpless state and watching the glee in his eyes. She wanted the roles reversed and for him to submit to her.

She lifted her body slightly then pushed down, watching his reaction intently. The Khan's eyes went wider, enraptured with her and moaned as she moved atop him. Yes, here was another way to control this man.

Again she lifted, slightly more this time. Watching for the reactions she was provoking in him. She started a rocking motion and his cock hit a sensitive spot at the front of her pelvis. She instinctively gasped as the pleasure pinged through her and she again lost some of her composure.

The Khan moved his hands to her hips and pulled her downwards. It forced him deeper still and she lost a modicum of her control. Again he pulled into her and this time his cock hit something deep inside her and her pussy clenched reflexively around the intruder. This time her façade fell and she cried out as she lost her restraint and the sensations overwhelmed her.

She could not maintain her dissociation so grasped the Khan's wrists and pushed them down onto the bed. She knew he could easily do as he wished and she could not stop him, but he complied and let her set their pace. She rocked forward and back as far as she was able, milking the hard phallus with all her might.

She refocused and watched the Khan's reactions as she rode him. She could tell he was enjoying their coupling immensely. However her pangs of pleasure were also inescapably increasing as she rocked atop the Khan, willing for him to release into her.

She'd tried her hardest to disconnect herself from this situation but the intimacy of their joining could not be denied.

She needed to be bred by him. This was part of the goal she was working towards.

To spur him to inseminate her and bear his child was simple logic.

Escape from this place was only an imaginary possibility and to be pregnant with his child increased her chance of survival, increasing her value to the Khan and giving her a degree of leverage to control him.

She knew what happened to a fallow broodmare. That he might easily tire of her then leave her to the brutal whims of his soldiers.

She also had to get his full attention and needed this night to be memorable for him, for him to want to return to this bed and seek her attention over and over again.

To understand and control him through his manly desires.

She had seen the wild stags fight to build and maintain their harem. To see off other males when claiming a doe in heat. For the animal to take himself past the point of exhaustion when mating, then fiercely guard their harem and offspring.

She told herself she cared not for the carnalities of her actions, that their coupling was purely a means to an end. Their first time she was unprepared and unconsenting in their coupling, merely a passive vessel for his seed and despoiled for his delight. She could not have stopped him their first night or even this night, but this time she would be advantaged by being an active participant this time.

That she desired to gain some modicum of control over this man, to understand him, bind herself to him for protection and make him submit to her will where she could. She wanted to be emotionally detached and wished the feelings he provoked in her body were not relevant and just a by-product.

But her body didn't know of or want to comply with her plan. She was inexperienced and unprepared for this. The stimulation from his shaft inside her was building in her loins and she knew she could not ignore or hide from it.

She remembered the intoxicating sensations from the previous night however this time the feelings were not smothered in an aurora of drug induced bliss, but a visceral and intense bliss radiated from her groin.

She realised she could not be as dispassionate as she had wanted to be, and it was now a race to make him finished before her authority over this coupling was stripped away. Every movement to stimulate the Khan equally brought her closer to a point where she knew her self-control would fail and where her body would betray her.

On and on she rode this man, willing him to desecrate her as a trade for her survival.

Her focus slipped as her intoxicated senses inexorably pulled her to a climax and she could only hope he was sharing this bliss and her actions, real or acted, played to his ego.

Her mind was becoming a confusing mix of emotions. The indignity of her abduction, imprisonment and violation, competed against her plan to seduce the Khan and bare his progeny, compounded by the intense physical stimulation.

Their hands now started to clawed at the other, both trying to complete the consummation of this union, the urgency and their individual desires driving their actions. Her determination brought their sensations to a crescendo.

She finally heard him roar loudly as his hips rose from the bed, whilst he pulled her hips down. She cried aloud as his penetration went to its deepest and her restrain was finally surrendered.

Her body reacted to her climax, spasming around his cock, milking it for its potent content. His cock reacted in kind and released a torrent of his seed deep into her, a gift of his body and her instrument to secure a bond with him.