Clark and Diana


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With that, Lois stormed out of his apartment, slamming his door loud enough to be heard by the neighbors. Clark leaned out the window and watching with his x-ray and telescopic vision, made sure she got safely home. When he checked in on her later, he saw that she was spread naked across her bed, still alone but working out her sexual needs with a few favorite toys.

Even if he wanted to, Clark couldn't be mad at Lois. Even if they never wound up lovers, they would always been friends of one kind or another. What happened tonight was her anger talking. By Monday morning, they'd be back at least to what passed for their usual working relationship.

Putting Lois from his mind, Clark decided to get a few hours sleep. His body could go for days without rest, but like any normal man, he liked to just relax once and a while and as the bard said, perhaps to dream.


Shortly before dawn, the Man of Steel did a quick survey of his city before heading high up into the atmosphere where he could make a quick sub-orbital dash to the coordinates that Diana had given him. To his surprise, even with his vision powers, he couldn't spot an island within a hundred miles. Superman couldn't believe that he could be in the wrong place, seeing as he could tell his location anywhere on the globe better than the most precise Global Positioning System.

Deciding that there had to be more to this than what met the eye, even eyes such as his, Superman dropped toward sea level. As he passed the three hundred foot mark, he felt an energy wave of some sort pass through his body. It didn't hurt, but made him feel uncharacteristically light-headed for a moment.

Then, when he looked down at what only a moment before had been empty seas, he saw what could only be Themyscira, the home of the Amazons. The law of the land said he couldn't set foot on the sacred soil, but no one said he couldn't take a look from offshore. Hovering in the empty air, he once again engaged his remarkable vision.

There appeared to be several small enclaves on the island instead of one central community. The architecture was right out of ancient Greece, yet at the same time didn't look to be the hundreds of years old that he knew it to be.

Based on what he saw, Superman put the population at just under a thousand. The gender make up of the island was of course totally female, but what surprised the Man of Steel was that they were a cross section of all races. From the legends he'd heard, he'd expected them to be almost entirely of Mediterranean origin.

They all seemed close to Diana's equal in both beauty and ability. Almost was the key word however as there was only one Wonder Woman. Scanning the length and breath of the island, he couldn't help but see several couples and in a few cases more than couples engaged in morning sexual romps. No one seemed to mind sharing in the least. On other parts of the island, he saw women engaged in combat and exercise drills as well as early morning classes in various sciences and philosophies.

Shutting down his brief peek into the lives of the Amazons, Superman decided to go the long way and circle around Themyscira rather than fly over it. His passage might not be taboo, but it would certainly be more intrusive than an brief telescopic scan.

Setting foot on the island Diana had described, Superman quickly located what appeared to be the only structure on it. Like those on the main island, this one seemed both ancient and ageless. Walking up the paved path to a small building surrounded by a courtyard twice its size, he wondered how he should make his presence known.

The man from a distant world needn't have worried as no sooner had he climbed the marble steps when his hostess appeared in the doorway. As accustomed as he was to seeing Diana in her Wonder Woman garb, the sign of her now caused him to take a step back.

Gone was the swimsuit like costume, replaced by a short almost translucent, simple white toga. An outfit that only covered half her chest, leaving one perfect breast exposed.

"It seems we have a lovely morning for our breakfast," Diana said as she placed a platter of fruits on the small table on the veranda.

"I can't imagine this place having a bad morning," Superman said as he stepped up onto the porch and kissed Diana softly.

"I thought you might like to get out of your work clothes," Diana said after the kiss, "so I took the liberty of laying out something more comfortable for you. You'll find it inside."

The Man of Steel thanked his gracious hostess and stepped into the small single room house. Like it's larger counterparts on the main island, it was decorated in an ancient Grecian style. Laid out on one of the heavily cushioned couches was a white garment made of a material as transparent as Diana's. Holding it up to get a better look, he saw that it a short tunic, much like he seen in history books. Stripping off his uniform, he replaced it with the tunic.

"That's much better," Diana said as the now capeless Superman stepped back onto the veranda and she handed him a fruit drink. "I hope they are comfortable."

"Very," the Man of Steel said as he accepted the drink.

Sitting down in one of the small chairs that looked much to fragile to handle his weight, but were surprisingly strong, he became very much aware that the loose fitting tunic had little in the way of the support he was used to with his tight fitting uniform. He caught Diana's eyes glancing down between his legs as he shifted on the backless chair, a broad smile on her face as she did so.

"You must try the Talava fruit, its very rare and only grows on the main island," Diana said as she held out a small tray with the pear-like fruit on it. "Legend has it that the goddess, Aphrodite, herself planted the trees as a gift to the Amazons."

"This is incredible," Clark, as he thought of himself once the blue suit came off, said as he tasted a slice of the fruit. "I don't think I've ever tasted anything quite so delicious. And I've been just about everywhere on the planet."

"They are also said," Diana added as she fed him another large piece, "to be an unusually strong aphrodisiac."

"I think that would be the last thing I need at this moment," Clark said as he swallowed her offering. "Just your presence is aphrodisiac enough."

Diana smiled even brighter as she put down the tray and sat herself on Clark's lap. Through the thin material of both their garments, their physical attraction for each other was readily apparent. She ran her slender, yet strong finger through the hairs of his chest as once more their lips met.

There was no hesitation in their kiss, nothing to hold back the passion that each felt. Diana's arms wrapped around Clark's neck as her tongue reached deep into his mouth and massaged his own. They lips continued to brush against each other's as she took one of his hands and guided it to her exposed breast. His fingers pressed against the dark areola, bringing her nipple to full hardness.

Diana lifted her body so that she could bring that excited nipple to Clark's mouth. An offering that he accepted eagerly as his lips closed around it. He drank deep of her natural scent, then realized that another now familiar taste had been mixed with that of her flesh. The Amazon's soft mound had been covered with the juices of the Talava fruit.

"Oh yes," Diana cried out as she pressed her breast deeper into the Kryptonian's mouth, feeling a growing warmth spreading out from the center of it as he caressed it with his tongue.

With a free hand, she reached for the small gold clasp that held her tunic together, pulling it free as the thin material that covered her body fell to her waist. Shifting her body once more, she guided the attention of the man beneath her to her other waiting mound.

An attention he gave just as eagerly as he continued to play with her originally exposed breast with his hand. To a man who could see through steel as easily as a normal man could glass, Clark had seen uncounted examples of the female body in the years since his vision powers developed. Without question, he could honestly say that none had ever come close to the beauty and perfection of the woman in his arms.

For a moment he was tempted to think of her as a work of art. After all, she was indeed a statue made of clay brought to life by the gifts of the gods. But that would be to reduce the passion of the living, breathing woman she had become. A work of art, no matter how impressive, was still cold and unfeeling.

Diana reached down under the garment Clark wore and pressed her hand against his manhood. Running her fingers up and down its length, she could feel him growing even more erect. It was only the second time she had touched a man in this way and she found it even more exciting than the first.

"Oh Diana," the man of two worlds said softly as he felt her strong fingers take hold and massage his most intimate areas.

Sliding off his lap onto the sun warmed stone floor, the Princess of Themyscira still held on to the Kryptonian's manhood. She inspected it closely for a moment, a wide smile of approval forming on her red lips. Lips which opened even wider as she brought her head closer and took her prize into her mouth.

It was only the second time in her life she had taken a man in this way, but she had been schooled well in the fundamentals of the act. Throughout history, her sister Amazons had used the talents of their bodies to influence events in the world of man around them.

"Great Krypton!" Clark gasped softly as the wetness of the Amazon's mouth engulfed him.

With a skill that exceeded her experience, Diana took his cock deep within her mouth, her tongue caressing it up and down its length. Clark closed his eyes and leaned back, enjoying the sensations the dark haired heroine was sending throughout his body.

Concentrating on the hardness that filled her mouth, Diana didn't even notice at first that Clark was now actually floating an inch above the chair in which he had been sitting. Although there had been few opportunities to get a blowjob in his Superman identity, Clark had learned quite by accident that the pleasing effects of the act were greatly enhanced while in a weightless state.

Diana slid Clark's cock from her mouth, licking the tip a few times before moving down to his balls as well. Then she swallowed it whole once more. Realizing that the Man of Steel was floating in air, she slid one hand under his ass, balancing the larger man on her palm as she kept her other hand wrapped around the base, pumping him faster and harder.

Drifting in the endless warmth of Diana's mouth, Clark could feel a reaction building deep within him. A build up of erotic energy that was taking on a life of it's own. Even a superman had no more control over that aspect of his physiology than did a normal human. His body shuddered as his cock was again enveloped by the Amazon's soft lips.

A powerful rush filled the Kryptonian's body as he felt himself climaxing. An eruption that filled the daughter of Hippolyta with the taste of his alien seed. A whiteness that she drew in deep as if it was the nectar of the gods.

A few months after his first public appearance, Clark had come across an essay by a noted science fiction author. The subjects of which were Superman's sexual habits and the difficulties his outer worldly abilities would cause in that area. One of the writer's suppositions was, that if he ever climaxed in a woman's mouth, he would most likely blow the back of her head off. The memory of the article brought a small smile to the corner of Clark's mouth as he looked down at the woman on the floor beneath him as she finished her feast.

"That was quite nice," Clark said as Diana released her hold on his and let his still hard manhood slip out of his mouth.

"Yes it was," Diana agreed as she rose back to her full height.

"You have a little on your..." Clark started to say as he lifted the hem of his tunic to wipe away the small spots of whiteness from her mouth.

The Amazon responded by abruptly pulling Clark close to her. Her movement caught him off guard, something that few people ever managed to do. Her lips pressed hard against his as she reached deep into his mouth, sharing the fire that had been building within her as well. With a strength that was only a hit of that held in her supple body, Diana ripped the tunics from both their bodies with single motions.

"Now!" the woman, now nude save for her ever-present bracelets, said in a breathless voice.

"Now?" an equally naked Clark repeated in confusion.

"I want you now!" Diana expanded as she kissed him again, pressing the flesh of their powerful bodies together.

One aspect of Clark's solar charged Kryptonian physiology that did differ from normal men was instant regeneration. In all but the most extraordinary circumstances, any spent energy was immediately replaced. In the hundred heartbeats since his orgasm, his body had again returned to peak form.

Using a strength that he would fear using on Lois or any normal woman, Clark lifted Diana off the ground and kissed her flesh with a fury he hadn't felt since the days Lana had first set his blood on fire. Diana responded in turn, pleased to be able to use her own strength in way she never could with Steve Trevor.

The Last Son of Krypton and the only Daughter of the Amazons shared a blazing passion that grew with each passing moment. No part of the other's body escaped their notice as they gave in to the most universal of human desires. The hunger of two worlds collided to produce a single, lust filled desire. One which both were more than eager to surrender to.

As their feet again touched solid ground, Clark moved behind Diana and spread her legs far apart. He reached around and pressed two fingers within her moist mound. A loud gasp of surprise came from the Amazon as he quickly found her most sensitive of spots and induced a reverberating vibration within it with his fingers.

"Great Hera!" Diana cried out as her body trembled violently with an almost instant orgasm.

Nothing in her limited experience with men or her more extensive knowledge of women had prepared her for what had just happened. Truly, Clark was the equal of the Olympian gods as she had hoped.

A second orgasm followed even before the echoes of the first totally faded from Diana's body. With a force even greater than the previous one, the climax left the powerful warrior woman breathless.

A condition that continued as Clark swept her up in his arms and carried her to the large padded couch on the far end of the garden. He lay Diana on the cushions and reached down to part her legs. Light as a feather, the Man of Steel lifted himself off the ground and then on top of her, kissing her softly on her lips as their bodies met. As second kiss followed as he moved down to her breasts and to the valley between.

Diana reached down and took hold of his erect member, guiding it to her almost virginal womanhood. Gently, and then firmly, her fingers caressed his hardness in anticipation.

An expectation shared by Clark as he replaced her hand with his own, placing his cock just within her. Her level of excitement was such that he slid almost fully inside her with only a minimum of effort. Taking hold of her parted legs, he began to move in and out of her at an ever-increasing pace.

"Blessed Aphrodite!" Diana called out as she felt the Man of Steel fill her.

Reaching up behind Clark, Diana took a firm grip on the man on top of her, adding her own considerable strength to his thrusts. Wrapping her long powerful legs around him, she pulled him closer, an act restricting the length of his strokes but increasing their frequency.

A frequency that was quickly reaching what Diana thought of as the speed of Hermes as each movement was translated to torrid waves of ecstasy buffeting her body. Billows that were duplicated in their own form in the Kryptonian.

Damp sweat covered their bodies from their exertions as they thrashed back and forth atop the narrow couch. A rare situation for each of them that underlined the intensity of their coupling.

Diana continued to hold Clark tightly, his face pressed tightly against her own as they kissed again and again. She murmured soft words of encouragement, alternating them with cries of an urgent need.

"Fuck me, Clark!" she called out in the vernacular of her adopted land as yet another pleasing wave of passion crested across her body. "I need you inside of me so badly."

Clark's only response was to, if it was possible, redouble his efforts. The feelings that passed between them were like his most secret dreams. Yet if it were a dream, it was one he hoped he would never wake from.

With his more enhanced senses, Clark was the first to realize that both of them had reached the edge of a precipice from with there was no turning back. Diana became aware of it a few breaths later.

The nearness of their objective caused her to react even more strongly. Feeling Clark's body tense ever so slightly, she used all of her Olympian-born strength to grab hold and make their two bodies one.

His own greater strength could've broken him free, but that thought was the furthest thing from Clark's mind. Deep within himself, he felt his body again responding to the demands of the Amazon's body. Stronger than before, he exploded within her.

As soon as she felt the quiver of Clark's body, Diana relaxed her hold and let the thundering volcano within her erupt as well. Her womanhood exploded outward as she felt Clark fill her with the energy of his orgasm, adding it to her own as the lightning of Zeus filled the core of her soul.


Drained to a point that neither had felt in years, the two Justice Leaguers laid on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms. Actually, it was Diana who was lying on the narrow couch with an intertwined Clark resting on top a cushion of empty air.

Long minutes slowly passed as her head rested on his powerful shoulders. Diana ran her hand down the length of Clark's body as she listed to the beating of his heart. Reaching his manhood, she was shocked to find that it was already regaining some of its just spent virility.

"Goddesses above," she said in her tired voice, "not even Hercules possessed such stamina. Truly you are the equal of the gods."

"No, I'm just a man," Clark said as he turned his head and kissed her softly, letting his Kansas born humility wash over him once more.

"Well, if not a god, then at least a superman," Diana retorted as she returned his kiss.

Clark just smiled and gave the woman at his side a knowing wink.

"Let the rest of the Justice League take care of the world for a couple of hours," the Man of Steel thought as he looked deep into the Amazon's eyes. "I think I'm going to have my hands full here for quite a while."

As if to underscore his thought, Diana took that moment to demonstrate her own recuperative abilities as she rolled off the couch and onto the floating Kryptonian, their lips meeting once more as her hand closed again around his manhood. With morning sun not a third of the way above the horizon, it was going to be a very long day indeed.


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Will527Will527over 1 year ago

aw, poor Lois, how is she going to compete with Wonder Woman?

AaroneousAaroneousover 2 years ago

Great story. Watching a Superman or Wonder Woman movie will never be the same.

MaximusTheMadMaximusTheMadabout 3 years ago

I loved it, great writing. A few grammar and spelling errors but not enough to be too distracting. I'm not much into Lesbian stories and the majority of your writing seems to be focused that way. I hope you take the time to write a few more hetero gems like this in the future so a wider audience can enjoy your work.

I know you say that you don't write sequels but I really wanted to know more and this one is worthy of more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

That's an amazing story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Tops my imagined Supes and WW coupling

As a former comics collector and a superhero fan, this was such a wonderful story that really needed telling, thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Larry niven

Great reference to man of steel woman of Kleenex by Larry niven.

Ann DouglasAnn Douglasover 5 years agoAuthor
Nothing else to say...

I can appreciate that you don't agree with the comments made by previous readers but it might have been beneficial if you'd given a reason why you though the story sucked.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Nothing else to say...

This story sucks.

derRaskellderRaskellover 6 years ago
Only 3

A smoking hot story without doubt!

The miss spelled/used words kept it to a level of 3 from my view point!

Keep up the good story lines!! :=)

the Mentor

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