Clinical Pleasure

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Cate visits Doctor Yang to treat her sexual disfunctions.
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Author's note:

This story involves the main character having sex with someone who is not her boyfriend. It's presented as if orgasms are as much a routine medical treatment as an x-ray or pap smear -- but if infidelity of any kind is a no for you, perhaps steer clear.

This doctor's office runs entirely on porn logic. Don't think about it too much.


'Cate Williams?' calls the receptionist.

At the sound of her name, a fair-complexioned young woman jerks her strawberry blonde head up. 'Yes?'

'Doctor Yang is ready to see you. Third door on the right.'

Timidly, Cate walks up to Doctor Yang's office. She smooths her dress and takes a deep, shaky breath before entering.

Doctor Yang looks to be in his mid-forties--black hair slicked back, greying at the temples. He's fit, with wide shoulders, and his shirt bunches around his elbows where the sleeves are rolled up, showing off well-defined forearms.

He gives Cate a firm handshake before ushering her into the room. 'Ms Williams, welcome, I'm Doctor Yang. Pull up a chair.'

She perches primly on a chair of squeaky vinyl while he takes a seat behind his desk. There's an ancient, blocky computer taking up so much space on his desk, there's barely room left for the messy notes scattered about. Behind, a curtain half obscures an examination table. At the sight of it, trepidation bubbles in Cate's stomach.

'What brings you in today?' the doctor asks.

'Um.' She stares intently at the floor, unable to explain to this handsome doctor all of her sexual inadequacies.

After the silence between them becomes sufficiently awkward, Doctor Yang takes pity on poor Cate, clearing his throat and shuffling his notes.

'Look, it's normal to be nervous, but I assure you, I've heard it all before. This is a judgement free space, and I'm here to help you.' He looks at her with kind, dark eyes. 'Whenever you're ready.'

Cate fiddles with the hem of her sundress as she begins. 'Well, I'm in a pretty new relationship right now, and. We're having intimacy issues.'

'Intimacy issues,' says Doctor Yang. There's a distinct lack of judgement in his tone, which calms the anxiety in Cate's stomach. He's almost detached as he clack-clack-clacks the clunky keyboard. The behemoth computer buzzes and whirs away as he types. 'Tell me more about the issues you've been having.'

'My boyfriend and I--he's the one who urged me come here--are, well. We just started sleeping together. And I'm finding it quite difficult.' She bites her lip.

'Difficult in what way?'

Cate looks down at her sandals as she says, 'I'm told sex ought to be pleasurable.'

Doctor Yang chuckles, showing off deep dimples. 'It's generally supposed to be, yes. That hasn't been your experience?'

Cate shakes her head, curly hair bouncing around her shoulders. 'No, not the times we've tried together. I just can't see how anything can... fit.' She can feel her face heating up. 'Every time we try it's so uncomfortable for me. Sometimes it hurts. Plus, I've never been able to... get there. Not when we're together, at least.'

Doctor Yang nods. 'You know, many women your age have that experience too. It's completely normal.'

'What? You mean this is just how it is?'

She must look panic-stricken, because Doctor Yang immediately backtracks. 'No--no! It shouldn't hurt, it should never hurt! What I mean to say is that this issue is more common than you realise, and it's definitely something I can help with.'

She slumps back in the chair with relief, air whooshing from her lungs.

'To get to the bottom of your problem, though,' Doctor Yang continues, 'I'm going to ask a few personal questions. There will be no judgement from me, I just want you to answer honestly. Is that okay?' His face is open and friendly, and Cate trusts him, but what could he mean, personal questions? How much more personal can it get?

'...Sure,' she says, and if Doctor Yang notices her hesitation, he doesn't let on.

'Do you masturbate?'

Ah, that personal. Cate's face flushes red with embarrassment. She nods, and Doctor Yang types into his computer. Great, now her medical records will show she touches herself.

'And do you bring yourself to orgasm?'

'Yes,' she squeaks. Is this going in her file, too? Of course he's typing. Gosh, she must be redder than a fire truck by now, toes curling with mortification. Surely it can't get worse.

'And how often would you say you reach orgasm when you masturbate yourself?'

Cate's embarrassment has reached such a peak that it's circled back around to a still serenity. Doctor Yang is a professional, calmly and impersonally asking her about her masturbatory habits, what reason is there to be shy? They are just two bodies, lit by stark fluorescent light in a cold, clinical cube. She looks him right in the eye and states, 'Most of the time, I would say.'

'Most of the time, great,' repeats Doctor Yang as he types away. 'One last question: do you stimulate yourself internally or externally, or both?'

'Hm?' She tilts her head like a confused puppy.

'Penetration,' Doctor Yang clarifies, 'Do you... er.' Now it's his turn to be uncomfortable--though he moves past it quickly, clearing his throat before continuing, 'Do you finger yourself? Do you use dildos?'

Cate shakes her head vigorously. 'No. All external, I guess.'

'Good, good.' Clack-clack-clack goes the keyboard.

Suddenly Doctor Yang slaps his hands on the desk, making her flinch. He turns to her, deep brown eyes boring into her, before standing up and striding to the curtain at the back of the room. A quick, violent tug of the curtain reveals the examination table, upon which Doctor Yang floats down a towel, then pats it.

'Hop on the table and I'll give you an examination. Okay?'

'Okay.' Cate nods.

'I'll step away for a minute. I want you to remove your clothes, then lie face-up n the table, with your feet flat up here.'

She makes her way nervously to the table, and Doctor Yang closes the curtain around her. 'Give me a yell when you're all set,' he says.

Cate can hear Doctor Yang rustling through notes, the whirr of the computer, the buzz of the air conditioning unit. She unbuckles her sandals, then unbuttons her dress with nervous fingers. The yellow fabric floats down and puddles around her bare feet as she unclasps her bra and wiggles out of her underwear. All at once her skin is exposed in the cool air of the room--not so cold that it's uncomfortable, but the bubble-gum pink of her nipples still peak at the sudden exposure. Naked, she folds her clothes and places them neatly at the foot of the table, then gets into position.

'Okay,' she calls. Doctor Yang yanks the curtain back once more and takes in her naked form.

He snaps on a pair of latex gloves before dipping his fingers in a pot of jelly lube. He rubs his hands together, warming them, before placing a hand gently on soft ginger curls of Cate's vulva.

'Try to relax, okay, Cate?' he says.

She certainly tries, naked legs spread out, feet on the massage table and knees to the ceiling, 'I'm just going to put one finger inside, very slowly, but you need to tell me if it's painful. Legs a little wider now, that's good, and remember to keep breathing, okay?'

Cate nods. Doctor Yang's finger strokes a cool stripe from the base of her vulva to just beneath her clitoris. She shivers; it's hard not to tense, but she breathes in through her nose and out through her mouth. One finger slowly enters her, sliding its way between her folds, barely a knuckle in, and Cate's breath hitches.

'Tell me if it's painful, okay, Cate?'

Another nod. It's not painful, but not comfortable--the intrusion is cold and slimy. Unpleasant, but not unbearably so. That is, until he slides in one knuckle further, and there's a sharp, sudden pinch. Cate flinches, jerking her hips away with a yelp. Tears prickle behind her eyelids.

Doctor Yang removes his hand from between her clenched thighs. He steps back, peels off his gloves and tosses them in the wastebasket beneath his desk. 'It's okay,' he soothes, 'just breathe. You did so well for me, Cate.'

He takes a seat behind his desk and clacks at his computer. Cate rests her hands over her pubic mound and stares at the ceiling. It's irrational to feel like a failure, she knows; this issue is the reason she's here, after all. But she can't help it, she still feels the cold weight of shame and frustration pressing at her ribs. Upset that her body doesn't work right, and the icy fear that it never will.

'Talk me through how you bring yourself to orgasm,' Doctor Yang says, in an almost commanding way. It's not a question, it's an instruction: detached and professional, as he has been the entire appointment. Somehow, this adds to the humiliation. This doctor, who is handsome, friendly, and kind, is asking these questions of her. Her, lying here completely in the nude, vulnerable and naked (and a little chilly, to be honest), and him, handsome in his rolled-up dress shirt and slacks, neat and professional.

She wrings her fingers together. 'It's kind of weird--it's not on my back, like normal women. I lie on my stomach, on my front. I don't even take my clothes off or anything, just press down, right on my clit over my clothes, and use the weight of my body to rock into my palm. And then I can finish in a few minutes like that. I can't really finish any other way.'

'Interesting,' says Doctor Yang. 'Perhaps you can show me?'

'Show you?'

'Yes.' He steeples his hands, elbows on the desk. 'Flip over and show me.'

She hesitates. But his gaze is heavy and insistent, examining her, and her skin feels too tight around her body. Too be watched? When she does this? Something even her boyfriend has never seen her do? It's not the way the women get off in porn, legs spread with everything on display. To Cate, it's the opposite of sexy. A bodily function like any other, an itch to be scratched. He might have asked to watch her use the restroom.

Doctor Yang walks around to the front of the desk and perches against it. He makes a gesture for her to begin, looking expectant. Cate supposes there are worse things he could ask of her, so she rolls over, her freckled breasts squeezed against the table, and begins. The left half of her face presses against the towel on the examination table, and she can still see Doctor Yang out of the corner of her eye.

She uses the meat of her palm to press into her clit, and her hips rock into it, humping a rhythm. Almost immediately, the discomfort of Doctor Yang's intrusion abates, and she thinks of nothing but the physical sensations in her body, the first glimmers of pleasure shimmering on her skin. She feels the flush in her face, the coil of heat growing warmer in her belly, the muscles in her thighs squeezing together. Her breathing grows heavy, her heart thumps in her chest. She sneaks a look at Doctor Yang, and it surprises her to find that his magnetic gaze heightens her pleasure. The handsome doctor's eyes drink her in, and as they make eye contact, she can't muffle the sharp moan that escapes the pink O of her mouth. Sweat beads on her brow as she gyrates against her palm, and she can feel herself becoming slick and hot beneath her fingers.

His expression remains unchanged, cool and distant, dark eyebrows over darker eyes. He probably smells so clean, like cologne and aftershave, and absently she wonders what it would be like to lick up the column of his neck. She presses harder into herself, and suddenly, all at once, she reaches her climax. Looking him straight in the eye as she comes, panting, mouth open in pleasure, toes curling.

She rolls back as she comes down, boneless, damp, and warm. She flexes her fingers.

Doctor Yang clears his throat, and she starts. She sits up straight.

'First of all, Cate, that is normal. Clearly the equipment is in working order, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way you get off. You're not dysfunctional, and there's nothing to panic about.'

'If it's all in working order, why is sex so painful? Why can't I get off with my boyfriend?' Cate says.

'There are a few possible causes,' Doctor Yang replies. 'It could be anxiety; it could be tension stuck in your body. If you are willing, I'd like you to lie back down on the table, and I can begin some massage therapy, to release some of that tension. If you're relaxed enough, we can try penetration again with a vulva massage. If that brings you to orgasm on your back, great! It's only your first session, though, so if it doesn't happen, don't worry. It will still be nice and relaxing. Does that sound good?' As he talks, he puts another pair of gloves on.

Doctor Yang's fingers inside her, again. Somehow, this time it doesn't seem so scary. In fact, there's a sense of curiosity and excitement wriggling in her chest. Could it feel good, this time? She nods, trying not to look too enthusiastic to get fingered again.

Cate lies back on the table the way Doctor Yang instructs, legs spread, staring at the ceiling once again. He begins firmly working her quads, left then right. He smooths his gloved hands up her legs, thumbs kneading the meat of her inner thighs. It's intense, but her reminds her to breathe, relax into the way his fingers dig into her inner thighs, and how could she not, with a voice as hypnotising as Doctor Yang's?

Gradually, she relaxes into his hands, and the tightness in her body eases. Doctor Yang rubs tight circles around the skin where her thighs meet her pubic area. Her legs, jelly as they feel, might melt into the towel beneath her, and she didn't realise until now how wide her legs have flopped open of their own volition. One foot dangles off the edge of the table.

Doctor Yang checks in with her. 'How does that feel?'

'Really good,' she all but slurs.


Her eyes are half lidded, but she can hear the smile in his voice. 'Yeah.'

'You certainly look more relaxed.' Understatement of the century. As his fingers slowly and ever so gently stroke the folds of her labia, she turns into goo, pliant under his touch. It's delicious; she wants more. 'I'm going to insert a finger now, okay?'

'Please,' she breathes.

He sinks a finger in--she practically sucks him in, and the gentle slide of his finger is so slow, so soft, it's almost torture.

'No pain?'

Giddily, she laughs, 'None at all.' She wants to tell him to go faster, even. He probably knows what she wants already, given the way she tilts up her hips and spreads her legs further.

It's the smug way he says, 'You look like you're enjoying yourself. Bet this is the best you've felt in a while, right?' as he slides another finger in.

It's the way Cate finds her vocal cords have produced an obscene, pornographic sound entirely without her permission.

It's the wet sounds of his fingers curling inside her. It's the way her hips rock in rhythm with him, her own hands white-knuckled clutching the edge of the table. It all builds and builds and builds.

'Just breathe into it,' instructs Doctor Yang, 'Don't think about climaxing, just focus on how it feels.'

There's a sheen of sweat across her forehead, and her strawberry blonde hair sticks to her skin.

Doctor Yang takes his other hand and presses the heel of his palm onto her pubic bone, and suddenly everything intensifies, as without warning she hurtles into her second orgasm of the appointment.

'Oh, god, oh fuck--'

Her hips thrust into his hands, and she arches her back, lifting her sweat-damp skin off the towel as the pleasure unfurls inside her and she clenches around Doctor Yang's fingers. His fingers still pumping inside her, she grips his forearm, fingers digging into skin, as she comes with a stream of breathless profanity. She's distantly aware of Doctor Yang talking her through the orgasm with his soothing voice and gentle accent.

She falls back onto the examination table, breathing hard. 'Holy shit.'

Doctor Yang's gloves are off again. 'I knew you could do it! Proud of yourself?'

Cate nods weakly. She doesn't trust her vocal cords right now.

Doctor Yang checks his watch. 'We still have a bit more time before the end of the appointment. If it's okay with you, I'd like to demonstrate how you can involve a partner with you when you masturbate in your preferred position. Is that okay?'

Cate nods again. She will do anything Doctor Yang tells her at this point, which is why when he spreads another towel on the floor and instructs her to lie in position upon it, she does so without hesitation, despite her weak and wobbly limbs.

'The examination table isn't sturdy enough for the two of us, I'm afraid,' he explains. 'Tell me if it's too uncomfortable.'

'It's fine,' Cate assures. She's already facedown, ready for whatever Doctor Yang has in store. She hears the clink of a belt unbuckling, and then the heavy warmth of Doctor Yang settling in behind her. A thrill races through her belly as she feels the weight of him on top of her, perching on her thighs.

'When you are with a partner,' he says, voice close enough to send goosebumps down her spine, 'it would be a good idea to let him massage you first, get you nice and relaxed. Maybe even use fingers, like I did, to open you up. Warm you up and stretch you out before penile penetration.'

Cate nods. His hand is warm on her hip, and she feels the hot press of something blunt pressing against her entrance.

'Ideally, you should orgasm at least twice before penile penetration. This allows enough dilation and lubrication for him to fit without pain, okay? Look at me--' she cranes her neck to see his face a hair's breadth from her own, '--I want you to insist on this. Insist on coming first.'

She can barely answer as at that moment she feels his cock slowly slide in. Stretching her in a way that is unfamiliarly pleasant. He begins fucking her deliciously slowly, talking her through it all the while. His voice is low, his breath on the back of her neck. She arches her tailbone up and bounces back against him. She can feel his smile on the back of her neck.

'You want more?'

She nods.

'You have to tell me what you want, Cate. Use your words. Ask for what you want.'

'I want more--faster, harder,' she stammers. 'Please.'

He obeys. Pumps away relentlessly, his full weight on top of her as she grinds into her palm. She squeezes hard, and barely a moment passes before she's coming again, moaning into the floor. He doesn't stop or slow, just fucks through her shaking orgasm until it passes.

Slowly he pulls out of her, tucks himself in and rebuckles his belt.

'Oh my god.' She laughs and covers her face with her hands.

'How was that?'

'Really, really good,' Cate replies, shakily making her way to a sitting position. She's light and giggly, messy-haired, flushed and giddy. Warm and gooey and pleasant. He helps her stand, holding her steady as she shakily clothes herself once more. He hands her a glass of water and instructs her to sit.

'I'll let you catch your breath. I'll be with you in a moment.' He clacks away at the computer for a moment, and she takes the time to appreciate the flush on his cheeks, the few tendrils of dark hair out of place. The printer in the corner makes a noise reminiscent of a demon from hell and spits out a sheet of paper, which Doctor Yang hands to Cate.

'I want you to take this with you. It's a summary of everything we've done here today, and some exercises for next time. The main points are relaxation of your pelvic muscles, orgasm before penetration, and obviously you can try prone position with your boyfriend. Any questions?' Cate shakes her head no. 'My recommendation is to come back for massage therapy on a weekly basis--it will help your body learn to relax on command. Sound good?'

Cate cannot wipe the grin off her face. 'That sounds amazing.'

She folds and pockets the printout, pays him, and books the next appointment. She leaves as a satisfied woman.

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