Clit Fuck

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When a big clit is almost all a woman needs.
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Clit fuck

Two erotic words that are rarely used together. When my best friend Brian told me about a party he'd attended the weekend before, he used those same two words to describe for me an act he had personally witnessed and found to be one of the most sensual erotic sights he had ever seen. At first, I had a hard time trying to believe him, though I immediately agreed to consider going with him the following weekend to check it out for myself.

Brian and I shared an apartment together within reasonable distance to the university we were both attending. The fact that I was a woman, and he was a man had never been a factor that had interfered with our friendship. Brian and I had been more like brother and sister for years. We'd seen one another naked plenty of times, and though I had found it interesting when looking at him, and no doubt he me as well, sex had never occurred between us even though we had in fact on rare occasion, flirted with one another or hinted at the possibility of that.

Week's back, Brian had begun seeing a fiery little redhead with big tits, who enjoyed showing herself off. She had no hang-ups whatsoever about running around our apartment in the nude. It was also common knowledge she was bi-sexual, another interesting point. I myself had been curious about it, but had never actually done anything more than a few curious kisses playing silly party games, and once thumbing another girls nipples, and she mine, as an additional dare. Beyond that, my experience with other women was limited. Though admittedly, it wasn't something I wouldn't do out of pure curiosity. What was funny was, Janet made it immediately known to me, thinking perhaps I was likewise bi-sexual, that she only played with one person at a time, male or female. It was her way of telling me I could certainly look...but not touch.

I laughed at hearing that without telling her I in fact didn't consider myself to be bi-sexual, or even curious about it at all, even though I was, and might in fact have given in to some of my curiosity with her given the chance. But after what she'd said, I tucked those thoughts away and didn't actually consider them after that. However, I would be the first one to admit, it was always a delight to come home from class, seeing Janet sitting on the couch, or at the table in the nude, her nice sized double D breasts resting on the table (which she usually did on purpose) as she worked on some assignment she had to do in school. Her pussy was exactly the same color as her hair, though she kept it trimmed pretty short, a tiny tight little "V" of bright red hair resting between her legs. And just looking at her sitting there the way she was, even when Brian wasn't around, did tend to arouse me though again, I knew I would never openly approach her myself after what she'd said.

As for myself, I didn't consider myself to be a looker or anything like that, though I'd been told in the past I was attractive, cute...all those typical pointed yet accepted comments. Looking at myself in the mirror of course, I saw perhaps more flaws than anyone else might. Though if they were looking at me naked, no doubt they'd over look anything I saw and be content with staring at my own tits. Being from Mexican descent, I had an olive complexion, which turned considerably darker in an instant with a little sun. Long dark hair that fell well to the middle of my back, and long shapely legs and thighs, which I considered to be my best assets. It was typically however my own breasts that if ever exposed, or even partially so, always drew the most attention. Not nearly as large as Janet's were, they were still moderately sized, well rounded and fell heavy against my ribcage. Something I personally saw as a flaw in myself. I certainly didn't have the "perky" pointed nicely shaped breasts that many other women had. But the one thing that as I said always drew attention was my very large, dark areolas. They almost entirely covered the front of my breasts, which again I thought wasn't as attractive looking as most women's were. In addition to that, I had thicker than average nipples, which when erect, turned into what an ex-boyfriend of mine had labeled as "thumb-sized gumdrops," something which ever since he'd said that, I saw them as.

I kept myself entirely shaved too, though I now preferred keeping myself that way. Waxing, as well as shaving to keep everything soft and smooth was a constant chore for me. My bush if left to grow naturally was very thick, and could become unruly in a heartbeat should I ever let it go. A trait I'd certainly inherited from my mother, whose own pussy hair seemed to grow like a forest between her legs. I'd made an immediate promise to myself upon seeing hers a few times, that I'd never let it get that way, and since then, never had.

And though I liked my big brown eyes as I saw them, my other flaw was a slightly crooked nose, which I'd broken as a child and had never healed straight. It wasn't so bad that I felt it needed correction, but it was something I took notice of and saw every time I looked at myself in the mirror. I liked my lips as well, soft and full looking, but I'd always felt my chin was too long, too pointed, and was yet again another one of those personal flaws I felt that I had. Though the shape and size of my chin had never once come up in topic of conversation with anyone I'd ever dated. So again, it was something I guess which I saw in myself that I didn't exactly appreciate.

I could live without being called beautiful, gorgeous or breathtaking. As long as I got an occasional "cute" or at least attractive out of whomever it was I was seeing at the time. Though it was inevitably the stares and smiles at my tits that I most often got regardless of anything else.

Brian on the other hand always referred to me as his sexy adopted sister. That one I actually preferred over just about any other comment tossed my way. Though I'm not sure my boyfriends would have enjoyed referring to me in that way at the time, unless of course they had secret thoughts about their own sisters!

Janet was as usual sitting at our kitchen table working on an assignment when Brian got home from his classes. And as usual, she was again nude. I figured within ten minutes after his coming home, they'd sequester themselves once again in his bedroom for a while. Usually when they did that, I'd either turn up the TV in order to drown out her louder than normal moans and groans, or put in a pair of earphones and crank the music I was listening to just loud enough that I couldn't hear them.

Not that I minded it when I did. But unfortunately, listening to the two of them getting it on tended to make me horny too, and lately I was starting to get frustrated at having to take matters into my own hand so to speak, and wasn't in the frame of mind to end up doing that today either.

"So Theresa, have you decided to go with me this weekend?" He asked. I had already told him I'd think about it without actually committing to going. For one, as open-minded as I considered myself in being, I was still reluctant to actually go someplace where I knew that many others would be openly having sex while others watched. It wasn't expected that simply in going that you were expected to participate, in fact...many who did go never did. It was for those who did enjoy having sex in front of others who went for that specific purpose, true exhibitionists, and voyeurs all coming together for a night of erotic wild fun. I didn't really consider myself either one, but again after what Brian had told me he'd seen the last time, I was admittedly curious.

Somewhat aroused and horny at having looked at Janet sitting there in the nude, and knowing full well the two of them would soon be off fucking in his bedroom, I made up my mind there and then.

"Sure, why not?" I responded. "Might be interesting to see that." Brian laughed, already beginning to unbutton his shirt as Janet stood up heading off for his bedroom.

"You don't know the half of it sis," he called me affectionately, even though I really wasn't his sister. "Until I saw it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it either, but it truly was erotic and naughty as hell, and I'm looking forward to seeing her do it again."

The girls name was Samantha, though everyone called her Sam for short. What was interesting was the fact she actually had some sort of doctorate, so it wasn't like she was this dumb blonde type, which in fact she wasn't anyway. She was a dark haired brunet, though she wore her hair fairly short. Small breasted as opposed to a lot of women without being flat chested by any means. She was likewise petite in her stature and build, which perhaps added to, and even over emphasized, the way I saw it, the description of the woman's enormous clit as Brian had so delicately tried describing it to me. To be perfectly honest, I simply couldn't imagine it the way that he had. And knew then it was something I too would actually have to see for myself.


I was actually nervous as hell by the time the weekend came. The place we'd be going to as Brian had described it was an older home that at one time had been considered almost a mansion. Refurbished, and totally modernized and updated now, it was actually owned and lived in by the woman Brian had told me about. She had literally gutted the basement floor, turning it into what he called almost a private club of sorts with its own entryway into the house. No one ventured anywhere else, though there was really no need to as there was a large bathroom downstairs, which could accommodate several people at once. The only problem being as I saw it, it was entirely "unisex", something I wasn't sure I'd be very comfortable with, with both men and women using it at the exact same time. Luckily I suppose, there were four separated stalls, which the women used, and four standing urinals, which the men used. At least the place was sparkling clean when I actually went in to see it.

In addition to that, everyone was invited to bring their favorite booze, which you simply put your name on. The available bartender which Sam had on hand kept them available behind the bar, and mixed drinks for everyone as they desired them, doing so based on tips which seemed pretty lucrative for him even though you weren't paying for the actual booze you brought with you.

As I said, the room downstairs was enormous, and interestingly decorated. There were several large comfortable couches along three separate walls, the floor in between was wide open, and interestingly cushioned beyond simple plush carpeting. It was bouncy when you stepped on it and reminded me to some extent of a giant padded, yet soft trampoline which took up the entire floor. Against the one bare wall were several shelves and containers that held an assortment of throw pillows as well as a few beanbag like chairs, which people could use for activities on the floor if they desired them. There was even a DJ available who played music most of the evening, though more like background noise more than anything as it wasn't the intent to sit around listening to music. The obvious was, to sit watching people having sex, and listening to the sounds they made when they did.

Though I was somewhat prepared for seeing and observing all that, sitting on one of the available couches next to Brian and Janet, while we sipped our drinks. It was more towards the end of the night I was most anxious about. It was then that as I understood it, Samantha, or Sam, pretty much became the single star attraction. Most often she'd select someone out of the audience who was willing of course, to basically perform with her for everyone's pleasure. After that, the night's entertainment basically ended and everyone was then invited to leave save for a select few who she'd spoken with during the evening, inviting to stay for what god knows what afterwards.

I had worn a bit of a sexy dress, not so much for having plans of participating or getting involved with anyone, because I hadn't intended to. But I was at least comfortable, and liked the way I looked in it. Fairly low cut, as well as being short without being indecent as I saw it. Many others I noticed wore far more daring apparel than I had, hinting at the likelihood they would eventually be joining in the exhibitionistic side of things as opposed to the more voyeuristic like myself.

We had just taken our seat on one of the couches, drinks in hand when the lights came down just like you'd expect to see in a movie theatre. Moments later the hostess herself came through a side door as though entering a stage, and walked over to stand in the middle of the room waiting for everyone to quiet and settle down before speaking. She wore what simply was a rather elegant black piece of lingerie, which highlighted her attributes without giving them away. She really did look sensual as hell as she stood there without actually appearing vulgar in it, much to my surprise.

"Well ladies and gentlemen," she began smiling as she looked about the entire circumference of the room. "As you all know, I enjoy holding these weekly parties, gatherings, as I call them. And notice many regulars, as well as a few fresh faces who have joined us tonight. So welcome to you all. Now...before we get started, I wanted to go over a few very important rules. Rules, which I expect to be followed and adhered to. Should anyone refuse to do so, you will not only be escorted out, asked to leave, but you will be blackballed from ever returning here again. Everyone understand that?" She asked once again looking about the now silent room simply getting a few acknowledged murmurs and nods of the head in response to that.

"Very good, now then. As you all know since you're here in the first place, this is a place for those of you who wish to participate, to do so, for the enjoyment and pleasure of all those who don't. Feel free to enjoy your partners here in the center of the room to your heart's content. There is a dressing room through the rear door on your right where you can hang up your clothing if you wish, along with an assortment of available robes you can wear if you chose to do so. There are also an assortment of toys, all of which have been sterilized for your use. I would only ask that once you are through with them, you would place them in the bin on the far wall." Sam pointed that out to everyone else as well, letting them know they were to be placed there for cleaning and sterilization once again after the night was over.

"And finally, those of you who decide in the beginning to merely watch and observe, enjoy yourselves. If you decide you'd also like to participate, you may of course do so. But...if it's your intention to do so with someone else you're not familiar with, or didn't come with, the most basic rule here means no. Always ask first before automatically assuming anything. Any complaints, any unwanted advances by anyone, male or female, will not be tolerated. Period! And finally, after a couple of hours of naughty fun, I will then ask all of you to rejoin one another around the room. It is here that I like to invite one or two others in joining me alone in the middle of the room for your further entertainment. I don't mind anyone, including the initial voyeurs who chose not to participate in the first place, if during the course of the evening they pleasure themselves, that too is perfectly permissible. But while I am the one providing the entertainment, that is all which will be going on. You can fondle touch one another, but nothing beyond that. No fucking, no oral...only mutual touching of one another, or yourselves if that pleases you to do so while watching me and my chosen partners. Everyone understand that?"

Once again everyone within the room acknowledge that they did. It was interesting to note there was a sudden feel of anticipatory excitement as subtle music began playing in the background.

"Very well, everyone? Enjoy!"

I watched then as Sam sauntered over to what was obviously a small little loveseat close to where the bar was. She was the only one who sat down there, though Brian told me during the course of the evening, she very often invited people to join her there on the couch so she could talk to them, and most likely discuss with them the possibility of joining her in the middle of the room later, or in many cases, being given an invitation to stay for the more private party afterwards.

I also noticed several couples get up and immediately exit through the doorway into the dressing area where she'd instructed them to all go, returning a short time later, some wearing the robes provided, others in various states of undress, many wearing sexy lingerie, which they'd obviously brought with them to change into. A few actually returned entirely naked, not wearing anything at all.

"Whew, this will be interesting," I said speaking to myself, not realizing I had spoken a bit more loudly than I had. Brian laughed, his own eyes already taking in the provocative scenery, as did Janet, the two of them sitting closely together. I began wondering if they would eventually participate themselves, or be simply content to sit and watch, just as I'd be doing.

"Just wait," he grinned looking at me. "Like I said, the feature show is more than worth it, but so's the lead up to all that, if you've got any sort of voyeuristic tendencies at all. Oh...and Theresa? Not saying we will or we won't...but we might, you know...sort of fool around with one another a little? So...if we do, hope you won't feel too weird about that. We can always get up and go sit on another couch if we do."

I hadn't really considered that very real possibility, but what it did, was remind me should they leave, it was entirely possible some stranger would then sit next to me, and fondle himself, or herself, and I wasn't sure I'd feel any better about that happening if they did.

"Do me a favor, if you do...stay where you are. If I'm uncomfortable, I'll just stare at the middle of the room. I'd rather that, than end up sitting next to some guy while he strokes his cock if you don't mind."

This time Janet laughed. "You mean you wouldn't enjoy seeing that? Even if it wasn't someone you knew? I certainly would!"

I did have to laugh back at her response. "Maybe after I've had a few drinks, I might change my mind about that, especially if he's good looking. But...until I cross that bridge, just do me a favor and stay where you are. I can always go stand by the bar if I have to," I told them both.

It wasn't long after that, that several couples began playing in the middle of the room together while most everyone else stood about watching them. Within a short period of time, many of those had indeed taken cocks out to stroke, along with one or two women who preferred to likewise watch, though they now openly began playing with themselves while doing so. I almost found that more entertaining than watching the far more explicit activities taking place in the middle of the room.

I was admittedly surprised to soon after find myself becoming far more aroused than I realized I might. I had of course seen and watched a few x-rated movies in my time, and for the most part enjoyed watching them. But seeing it happening live was an entirely different experience for me. Hearing the wickedly erotic moans and groans from the participants fucking or having oral sex with one another in the middle of the room while everyone else simply watched, as far more arousing that I had ever imagined. I couldn't blame many, if not most of those who simply did watch, when they began openly fondling themselves or their partners. I had even found my own hand wandering down between my legs a time or two without realizing I even had until Brian actually brought it to my attention.