Close Encounters 08: of the 11th Kind


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"Akh-a'nkay a'y-l'ith," Rune almost whispers, "A'y-l'rij." His voice now quieter even than the sound his fingers make below, burrowed into Kay's pussy.

It paves the future, my translator supplies, and then gives me the second bit: It bears tomorrow.

Suddenly, I have a vision of Kay with her belly round and swollen, her little teats drooping and leaking milk. I don't even quite know if it's my idea first, or if it came from all of us at the same time.

I turn to her and lock eyes with her. "Do you want to be bred, Kay?"

Her delicate nostrils flare in reaction and her slitted pupils dilate.

She nods.

Rune and Bane go very still.

"You want them to breed your pussy? One after the other?" I lean into her, close enough to kiss but still not allowed. I can feel Bane's and Rune's agitation at the vision of it all - besting her, fucking her, staking their claims, putting their progeny into her, seeing her grow heavy with it. "Do you want to know how it feels to have their cocks inside of you? Fucking you until they're done with you?"

Yes, Val. That's all she says. Yes to all of it.

I'd kill to see it, too.

"Do you remember that I told you you'd have to ask me for permission first?"

Yes, Val.

Such a good girl.

"And you'll ask me exceptionally nicely, won't you?"

Yes, Val.


"We'll prepare everything," I promise her, and all of us. "We'll find a good place for you, and for your babies to be born and to grow. And then they'll fuck you and breed you... as often and as thoroughly as you can take." My voice sounds to my own ears like a polyharmony, mixed with Bane's and Rune's, all of them coming out of my mouth.

Yes, she agrees. Her hips gyrate in eagerness. Rune is still pinching her, dipping his fingertips shallowly into her pussy and letting her lower lips nip at his knuckles.

"Right now, you'll ask Rune nicely to stick his fat cock up your ass instead," I command her, my voice mixed with Bane's this time.

I can feel Rune's cock writhing and prickling with lube as though it were my own. God, no wonder males want to stick their dicks into every and any hole and cranny and rub-rub-rub. This feeling is maddening, and I only get it second and third-hand. How bad must this be directly at the source?

"Get down on your hands and knees," Bane instructs, "and offer."

Like a good girl, she does. She moves to the side - breaking the connection of her feelers, but it doesn't hurt at all - then bends forward until her forehead touches the floor. Her ass goes in the air, her tail curled up and over her back to display all of her holes. Her claws dig a little into the skin of her ass cheeks as she pulls them apart for Rune's inspection. Her rosebud visibly quivers, beckoning him.

Bane retracts his cock fully from my pussy so he can ram it back in the second Rune shoves his spike into Kay's ass.

We all yell and moan like we feel the same things even though we're not connected that way anymore. I somehow feel the delicious give of my vaginal muscles around Bane's cock, the velvety strangle of them around my cock, the heated violence of Rune's cock up my tender asshole, the erratic clench of my sphincter around my shaft, the breaths, the pulses, the weeping arousal, and the sighs of sheer pleasure - like an orchestra inside of me.

And then there's just rutting, ramming, fucking, hammering. Curses, groans, pleas. Slaps, gasps, cries.

Rune unleashes on Kay. One hand on the base of her tail, pulling and pushing her ass in whichever way he wants. One hand in her hair, or on her neck, or around her throat, or slapping her firm little cheeks. Telling her with low, menacing notes in his voice how tight she is, and how he feels her muscles clutch and suck on him, and how he knows he's hurting her so good.

She takes it all and keeps on offering, offering, offering.

Meanwhile, Bane engineers my orgasm ruthlessly. Pinching, licking, biting me to pull me back from the edge before I fall over, then making me ache to push me back to it.

Kay's legs shake and stiffen when she comes the first time, her toes scrambling madly on the floor. Her release spatters the dried grass mats underneath her, speckling them. Rune sticks two fingers into her spasming cunt, then forces them into her mouth. "Dyh'l-ha." Taste.

She looks at me as she sucks and gags desperately, her face dirty with soil and sweat, the white of her irises barely a corona around her overblown pupils, and it finally sends me helplessly over the edge and into a free fall of sheer rapture.

The first one.


What must be hours later, I'm on my back with my knees pulled up to my chest and my hands holding onto my shins and knees for a moment of self-comfort. Every nerve and muscle of my body throbs with the delicious reverberation of pleasure and pain. I'm hoarse from all the moaning and shouting (and from being choked a bit, too). I'll definitely have bruised knees and sore thighs tomorrow with all the kneeling and heavy lifting and trembling they've done today.

My pussy, which has finally capitulated and is all out of orgasms for today, is stuffed full again with Bane's spike, and while I've gotten a bit of a handle on this sensation, I don't think I will ever get actually used to it. Especially not when it's fresh. Fresh spikes are so... mobile. They flex and slide around and seem to breathe in the most obscene way.

I try to imagine what this will feel like for Kay. Her pussy is more agile than mine, what with all those impressive sphincter muscles. They will squeeze and strangle that spike - I faintly wonder if that's part of the whole impregnation process, like, is the semen stored inside the spike and has to be wrung out? So fascinating - and she'll feel every bit of it.

Rolling my head to the side, I see both of my boys providing aftercare to Kay in the most Dryth-taught-by-a-human kind of way. Rune is holding her from behind, one hand pressing her chin up so she lifts her mouth, a shallow fruit set to her lips so she can drink. Or rather, she has to drink. She's not getting much of a say, by the looks of it. The princeling has decided that she'll be hydrated, and hence it shall be so.

Meanwhile, Bane is wiping the juncture of her thighs with a wet cloth and being exactly as painstaking about it as he always is.

Kay is clearly somewhat irritated with the fussing - her tail is twitching and waving obnoxiously in Bane's face, which he valiantly ignores, and she's throwing her head from time to time like a horse that doesn't want the bridle like she's trying to piss Rune off a little - but not enough to really do anything about it.

It makes me smile. This'll be a work in progress, alright. I feel we're off to a good start, though.

Also, I think... I think, I hope, they'll make good dads. I'm almost certain they aren't really aware of the fact that they have this potential. After all, the entire concept of dad-hood - not paternity, not impregnation, but being dads - is entirely alien (ha!) to their society.

I have no real clue how it all works on their planet... If the males live in the settlements, and the females are barely more than fair game out in the wilds - what happens after birth, exactly? How does this separation happen, logistically? Do the females drop the male babies off somewhere? Do the males go after the groups of Drahta and snatch the boys away from them and leave the girls? Or do Drahta that are pregnant know whether it's a boy or a girl and make adjustments even during pregnancy so that the boys are born in a special place, or...?

Man, this would all make for such a fascinating scientific paper. Right after the one about the alien penises and the one about the universal head movements.

I sigh inwardly. It's probably time to abandon my upcoming scientific career. It looks like I'll have my hands full enough soon, anyway. After all, we're starting our own new Dryth-Drahta-human society. (With blackjack and hookers.) (Probably. Somehow.)

I watch Bane snatch both of Kay's ankles, pull her legs straight up into the air and clean up her bottom. There, that's already perfect daddy practice. If I'm not mistaken, that's called 'diaper position'.

Bane dunks the cloth into a little shallow bucket nearby, notices me watching, and gives me a look that says, 'Stay right where you are. Your pussy and ass are next.' I merely slow-blink at him in response and eat up the sight of his delectable body doing such delicious things to my scrumptious alien girlfriend.

I make a mental note to tell Bane that I love that he's here instead of hiding and also not wearing a loincloth. Am I a perv for enjoying the sight of his gash?

If so, then... Oh, well.

Hmm. I faintly remember telling him once that I would put my mouth on it and lick it for him. I may have been non-compos mentis right that moment way back when, having been spanked and fingered half to death and all, but it was - and is - still true.

This time, my sigh is outward and wishful.

Rune's eyes shift to me, then slide to Bane, then back to me. Kay, noticing his distraction, follows his line of sight. Now everyone's looking at me. Waiting.

Well. No time like the present, right?

"Rune, Kay, my darlings. Would you do me a small favor?"


Twenty minutes later, I have decided that I am going to do that every. Single. Day. (If they let me.) I'm going to rob Rune of his cock somehow and lick his spot as well. I'm going to build a contraption so that the Dryth in question won't have to be held down by two other aliens while I lick him - not that I'm opposed to that aesthetic, it's just for convenience's sake. I could lure them with food, or pussy. Or ask them nicely. Or blackmail them. So long as they spread their legs and lie still enough for me to stick my tongue into their hole and to see them absolutely melt down for me.

I bounce these ideas off of Bane as he's making good on his previous nonverbal promise and cleaning me up. He seems just a little bit more... shaken than I know him. A little bit ruffled. Even as he handles me, his eyes keep straying towards Kay, who plays with the tip of her own tail and ignores him so pointedly that it makes me grin, and Rune, who is nursing a bite wound on his pec and a swollen lip with the air of someone who's polishing a prize cup.

"What do you think about that?" I ask Bane lightly after I run my sexy plans by him, playing with the tip of his tail, mirroring Kay.

Bane throws the cloth into the bucket, casually slides a moist finger up my ass, puts his thumb against my clit, and commands me to hump.

Turns out my pussy had one last orgasm to give today. An exhausting, stinging one that felt like my clit and cervix tried to hide, but Bane found them and made them submit to his will. Barbarian. (I love him.)

"Yeah, good answer," I tell him with a weak, twitchy thumbs-up when he takes up the cloth again and begins the cleansing anew. "Good talk."

That night, all four of us sleep, tails and soles and fingers touching, on our tatami-like mats that are suspiciously squishy in a couple of places.

Yet another thing that I want to do every. Single. Day.

I already love the future.


Things never turn out the way you expect, or so the saying goes.

The saying should be expanded. Sometimes, things turn out in ways you couldn't possibly expect, and then become things that, prior to them turning out, you didn't even know were the things you were supposed to be expecting... Does that make sense?

When Y'Dryth and its vassal planets finally disappear in our proverbial rear-view mirror and we're literally four star systems over, Rune and Bane decide that we should start looking for a place to put down roots for a while.

Basically... house hunting, right? No pressure. I've watched plenty of Beachfront Bargain Hunt to prepare me for every eventuality.

Except that the "houses" in question are not exactly ideal. Not only are they mostly drippy grotto-type places, or hollowed-out trees, or the occasional intergalactic equivalent of a cabin in the woods, complete with the C-horror-movie feel to it. If that were the only issue, I'd gladly stay so long as someone always accompanies me to the outhouse.

No, it's more that they are either on planets that don't have an atmosphere I can comfortably breathe, are located on active volcanos, underwater, in sandstorm-nado alleys, swarming with insects (and I mean INSECTS. Think MEGAFAUNA) or surrounded by large, aggressive, pervy vegetation (don't ask).

More often than that, they are already occupied by the locals, and more often than not, those locals recognize Bane and Rune for what they are, turn tail and run when we come, lurk somewhere close, and then start firing at us once as we're leaving.

It's kinda disheartening and also frightening just how far the Drythian reputation precedes them. We're literally underway at max speed for several months into one direction and yet, wherever we go and find intelligent life forms, they seem to know what a Dryth is and to be scared of them.

With this in mind, when we finally find an actual abandoned planet that's habitable for little old me, I'm the one who urges everyone 'let's stay here' on the first day.

And, to be honest, it's a good week, all in all. The two suns burn hot and the moon, although it reminds me uncomfortably of Majora's Mask (because of the face...), is kinda pretty to look at. We're camped out by a lake and the water is sweet, the plentiful fish only slightly scary and largely edible. The rains are devastating and frequent, but the ship offers protection from them.

I haven't figured out exactly what's bothering me about the place - and I'm determined to not say anything because it's clear that Rune, Bane, and Kay all enjoy the wide open space - when new stars appear in the otherwise empty night sky one morning.

We end up being bombed out of our interim-to-permanent home by a small fleet of Dryth that's apparently been following our trail across the universe, intent on killing us all, or killing three of us and kidnapping the elusive heir to the Dryth throne for their weird ass transition of power rituals or whatever. It is one of the scariest things ever, and it damages our ship and sends Kay into a funk.

We get away by the skin of our teeth. As we hobble along at reduced speed towards our next unknown destination, it turns out that Kay's funk is more of a hormonal imbalance thing.

Pregnancy hormones.

In all fairness, she does end up asking me nicely - really, really, frighteningly nicely - even though it's not really in her hands at that point.

Her mating heat comes over her from one day to the next and transforms her into a scary little harpy, and the ship into a sado-maso sex fest. Her pheromones hit Bane and Rune both (and me as well, to be honest - I masturbate until my fingertips are wrinkly those days) and send them into scuffles (sexy, sexy scuffles) with each other for the privilege of copulation with her.

In the end, Rune puts his cock in her - and it is every bit as alarmingly scary and arousing as I thought it would be - and Bane puts his in me, and then spanks me until my ass is swollen and his hormonal rage has abated.

Thus, we're now officially pregnant, on the run from assassins in a battered spaceship, with no clear course or destination. So much for preparing everything and prepping a nest for Kay. Something, something, gang aft agley.

The good thing is, Kay is entirely unbothered by the lack of comprehensive plans for her pregnancy or offspring. Somehow, she's the one that ends up comforting me.

Val, Rune, Bane, Bun, Kay, yes together yes yes, she insists. I'm a little sad she's learned their names properly, but very delighted that she's adopted the name I've been calling our newest crew member-to-be.

Bun, as in, the one in the oven.

Yes all good, together. Thyis'a-ku.

Who am I to argue with a pregnant lady?

It's almost a month until we finally arrive at a planetary system which, Rune informs me, is very similar to the Vurn X'lora cluster: part of a neutral-ish side corridor that is left alone by armies for ordnance purposes and/or because of its massively out-of-the-way location, nearby black holes, and asteroid belts, and left alone by everyone else because it's just not interesting in any fashion - no significant natural resources, no commercial potential to speak of, not even enslavement-worthy locals. The planetary equivalent of an overgrown traffic island.

We touch down on M/83 Vevvy Oylee V'lva - I snort so hard when Rune tells me that's the actual name of this planet and still giggle intermittently as we descend through rainclouds and see a sprawling settlement below - on what appears to be a drizzly Thursday afternoon. (Because, seriously, Thursday afternoons have a kind of drag and lull to them that's just universally recognizable.)

Our ship checks in with the spaceport - a bit smaller than the one on Vurn X'lora was, and largely unbusy - and thence trundles straight towards the dockyard of a township merely designated "H0" for necessary repairs. Rune pays for the repairs upfront before we even get off the ship and before any local can clap their eyes on us - just in case they refuse the money, refuse the service, and run screaming. Unnecessary, as it turns out, since the dockyard workers appear to be ten-foot-tall three-legged eyeless earthworms that ignore all four of us in favor of speaking (or flirting?) with our ship as they immediately get to work (I think? Really hard to tell, but it looked a bit porn-y to me).

Bane and Rune, half in Dryth battle dress with their more ostentatious weapons dangling by their thighs, flank Kay and me, both in sarong-like dresses - my left boob hangs out and my hair is freshly half-shorn, just in case, and Bane is gripping Kay's tail tightly - as we make our way to the commercial district. We walk down the little hill on which the dockyard is perched and through a mostly deserted shopping street. (Thursday, remember?)

The buildings on each side have large round doors, and the majority of the people scuttling through them will maybe reach my elbow, so I immediately re-christen this place 'H0bbiton'.

At first and second glance, H0bbiton is kinda dull in an inoffensive way, which is a nice change of pace after all those visits to planets that wanted to kill us (and especially the weakling human among the group) in a variety of ways the moment we set foot upon them. There are little shops that sell trinkets, clothes, furniture, and real estate. They seem to be operated by robots. There's a bit of greenery between the buildings and also growing on the drooping roofs that soaks up the gentle drizzle of rain. I see two fat rodent-like creatures climb up a commercial structure, with a cat-like animal in pursuit.

Teeming with life, H0bbiton is not exactly.

A couple of inhabitants in what looks like wheelchairs cross our paths (and then I realize that the chairs are actually part of their bodies), then a few toad-like people who seem to be walking on their hands (or maybe their heads are just located between their legs?), then two mermaids (absolutely frightening), accompanied by a la-z-boy with massive testicles (not joking). Seems like a diverse crowd, even though we're on the ass end of the galaxy. And nobody pays us any particular attention, which is a relief. Kay is clearly not a fan of being led around by her tail, and Bane graciously lets go of it once it's clear that nobody is giving a fig about us. (I leave my boob where it is because why the heck not. Agnès Sorel energy.)

Since this place apparently isn't exactly a tourism hotspot, there are no info maps or even road signs to guide us. We're searching for a place to eat and drink, and a merchant willing to help us stock up on provisions, fuel cells, air filters - everything we'll need for the onward journey, in as large quantities as possible.