Close Encounters 02: of the Fifth Kind


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Rune steps up close to me until his front is pressed against my back, and his tail tip -- that wicked, evil thing of beauty -- drifts up my leg again. The frayed tip none-too-gently slaps my outer thigh, just below where my buttock and my thigh meet -- one of the most jiggly parts of me, no doubt. At the same time, Rune presses his mouth to the shell of my ear and says, very slowly, very deliberately, "I like it when they run."

"Oh, my God," I hush. My entire body pricks with heat and waves of awareness rush up and down through me.

One Dryth in front. One Dryth behind. And me, dwarfed and eclipsed in every way by them, caught in between with no way out, stunned into blissed-out silence and abject fear by the intensity of their desire for me.

For me. Generally average, largely ignorant, slightly too mouthy, slightly too loud, slightly scuffed and used-up Valerie Green from almost literally the other end of the universe -- me.

My heart drums madly in my throat and I'm suddenly a little bit afraid that it's not just because of my body singing to theirs.

Before I can finish that thought, it begins. My eyes fall shut because they don't stand a chance capturing that which is happening to me. Two pairs of large, hot, hard hands start touching me. My stomach and thighs, my ass and tits, my shoulders and back, my sides all the way up to my sensitive armpits -- not a spot is left out of the exploration. Two agile Dryth cocks rub against my skin, leaving their wet mark on my belly, my hips, my buttocks and thighs and between.

Not inside. Not yet. Something inside me is already quivering almost painfully in anticipation though.

I stand on tiptoes and reach forward blindly with my mouth just to sate the need tingling in my lips and to stifle the gibberish moans that spill from them without my permission. I encounter the nape of Bane's neck and give it a nip with my teeth -- his skin is tougher and tauter than that of a human male would be and feels very warm against mine -- followed by a soothing lick of my tongue that tastes of something smokey, and lastly a little suction of my lips.

As if they are a single person, a tremor goes through both my alien lovers and they surge against me to tighten their hold just a little more, deliciously trapping and squeezing me between them.

"God, yes," I sigh and repeat my bite-kiss-suckle on a new square inch of skin, hoping for the same reaction. Suddenly, I'm so very, very hungry for either of them, for more sensation, and my ears strain to hear them gasp and mutter as I do, to hear them groan and hum with pleasure and desire, my fingertips positively need to feel gooseflesh and rising heat on their skin to mirror mine, and my skin shudders with the anticipation of—"Ohh, yes, yes."

Dryth teeth are sharp and pointy. I have zero doubt they could sink them into my flesh, through my muscle and down to the bone without much effort. Yet Bane and Rune both clearly don't mean to make me bleed as they nip at the side of my neck and the top of my shoulder respectively -- they just want to return the favor, and want to mark me and claim me and hurt me a little. Just a bit, just enough give me souvenirs of this encounter in the form of bruises.

Back on Earth, ages ago, I was never into rough stuff, but this feels so good my legs go all gooey and I barely stay upright by slinging my arms around Bane's neck while leaning harder against Rune behind me.

"Kiss," I demand, voice hoarse and rough and foreign with lust. "Kiss, kiss, kiss." Putting my hand on Bane's head, I none-too-gently push and pull him until we're face to face, nose to nose, and then dive for his mouth.

He shies back just a little -- obviously there's no kissing where they're from, poor boys, and he's stumped by my face coming so close to his, probably thinking that I mean to bite him in the nose like some sort of rabid A'Draht -- but I'm quicker this time and caught him unawares. Our mouths collide and I hold on to him for dear life, determined not to let him get away, absolutely resolved to feel that pink tongue of his against mine even if his teeth cut up my lips in the process.

Luckily, this Dryth is a clever one, open-minded and quick on the uptake. It just takes him only a fraction of a second to catch on to what I'm doing, to recognize that it's all good, and to join in enthusiastically. Within seconds, he has mastered the fine art of French kissing and—oh my fucking God, that tongue. It's big, sinewy and very mobile, kinda like his cock, and it has... texture. Using the tip of my own tongue, I feel my way around his mouth, careful with his sharp teeth, and encounter something like frills on the rim and underside of his tongue, spongy little grooves.

Dryth are literally ribbed for her pleasure everywhere. I sigh happily even as I tremble.

If I can't get this dude to go down on me and put that thing to use between my legs at some point in the near future, I will probably die, and the shame of having disappointed myself and all of my fellow females in the universe will haunt me into the afterlife.

I close my lips around the anatomic marvel that is his tongue and suck it hard into my mouth, getting a taste of hot flesh and something metallic, almost like blood, and him. His hands claw almost helplessly at my waist and arm with the sensation I'm causing and the knowledge that I'm the one doing this to him, with my teensy tiny human mouth, goes straight to my head like some wicked vodka shot, making me dizzy with euphoria.

Underneath my left palm, pressed against the center of his broad upper back, I can feel a rolling growl vibrate inside of him, like a basso purr. Here, kitty, kitty. Let me pet you some more. My right hand slides down from the back of his skull, down his neck and shoulder, across his pec where that lovely vibration is also noticeable, down his slightly inhumanly shaped torso and between his legs.

His cock is already reaching eagerly for my touch and we both make deep noises when I make contact, slipping him into my palm and giving him a long, twisting tug. The appendage twitches and flexes against my fingers and the copious lubrication spills out between my knuckles.

Behind me, Rune hisses between his teeth as if he can feel it, too, or at least some echo of it. And maybe he can? Maybe Dryth are truly telepathic or something? I like the idea a lot because it means I can make two guys very happy with one hand.

Then again, apart from needing a ride off this planet due to my chronically persistent will to survive and my readiness to do what/whoever is necessary to achieve that goal, I am sandwiched between these two because I want to have fun, because I want to have fun with them. Furthermore, I want them to have fun with me. I might be wrong but I have the suspicion that Dryth think of intercourse mostly in terms of (albeit sexy) struggle and reproduction. That's nice and all, but there's more to it.

Therefore, it is almost my holy duty to show them that sex can be fucking awesome (and awesome fucking) for everyone involved -- and exactly how awesome it can be -- and in that endeavor, laziness will not do.

So I reach behind me with my other hand and grab Rune's cock as well where it's squished against my left butt cheek and also give it a tug, still rubbing my butt against it from the other side.

Rune, being the more talkative of the two, groans low and presses his face into my hair muttering "yes" and "Ree" over and over while his hips rock forward as he pumps into my fist, the motion echoed in the length of his shaft which feels like a living, breathing thing. His hands come up to cup my tits and he finds my nipples to give them a twisty pull that shoots fire across my body and right into my clit. "Yes," I parrot him, "Yes. Rune. Yes."

Fuck, how I missed this. The last sexual partner who didn't treat me like I was the platypus to his pervert zoophile, apart from Bane, was that one slightly drunk dude in high school. All the others between then and now had, in some way, shape or form, always been a little afraid of me. Or confused about being in that state of undress with me. Or slightly repulsed by me (yet not enough to walk away). Or unsure exactly what do to with me. Or all of the above.

None of them would have touched me with a ten foot pole while I was on my period, that much is clear, let alone kissed me, or clung to me that closely, or licked me that demandingly, or bit me in right that spot, or rubbed the slick tips of their cocks against my clit until I---until I---

"Oohhh fuuuck!" I exclaim, half into Bane's mouth, and my whole body wants to fold in on itself with release. My heart feels like it's pinballing around in my chest for a moment, skipping several beats and then hurrying to catch up with itself again. It's so good it's almost scary. I gasp for breath.

In that brief respite, during that short inhalation, something happens, something just out of sight of conscious thought. It's like a change in the metaphorical wind. The fine hairs on my arms and my neck zap upright and my tummy quivers, and not because of my orgasm.

I think I can feel Bane and Rune's muscles tense, can feel their minds being made up, their resolve being strengthened.

As one, my two paramours decide that it's their turn. The three of us sink to the ground, onto the spongy dry grass mats that form their beds. Before long, I am on my knees, my hands now holding on to Bane's upper arms for balance, Bane's mouth still covering mine and sucking on my tongue just as I did his, and Rune's big hands grabbing both of my ass cheeks and parting them slightly to-

Oh. Ohh. That's another tongue. That's a tongue slithering down my crack and into my anus holy mother of fuck! I arch my back more to give him more access and squeak involuntarily at the sensation. That tongue is much bigger and much more... forceful than any human tongue I had ever encountered, and the man attached to this one has none of the inhibitions that naturally come with licking someone else's back door, no matter how well-cleaned it might be.

Meanwhile, one of Rune's fingers slides up and down between my puffy lips and then into my opening, wedging itself in there next to Bane's spike and stretching my muscles.

No doubt to prepare me for something bigger.

I'm so glad I'm already on my knees.

Bane breaks our kiss -- I sigh, ever so slightly sad about my now-empty mouth -- and regards me. His irises are positively swirling with light, and even from our new distance I can hear that engine-like rumble rolling through his torso.

"Breathe," he says with a hard intensity that instead drives the air from my lungs, but before I can ask him exactly what he means or how the hell I'm supposed to accomplish that when I've been kissed like that by a guy that sexy and am being rimmed to within an inch of my life by Rune who, incidentally, has also found my G-spot with his finger, Bane's hand is at the back of my head, forcing me down.

All the way down. All at once, until the tip of my nose touches his abdomen while my mouth and throat fill up to the brim.

Now, tentacle porn was never much of my thing back on Earth -- too badly animated -- but the one scene that usually piqued my interest was the moment in which a tentacle would, rather forcefully, enter into the (usually) girl's mouth. There's just something scarily, grossly primal about it. About all fiercely demanded blowjobs, really, but especially when it's with a long, slithery hose made of muscle that may reach all the way down into your stomach.

As it turns out, it's definitely more gross and scary than primal to have a big, hard, tentacle-like appendage enter your mouth - and then your throat. Your gag reflex makes your body seize up in rather non-sexy ways. The lubrication, which tastes faintly sweet, gets everywhere on your face, drips down your chin, mingling with the snot and tears that suddenly stream from your nose.

But the tentacle porn forgot to mention that the individual at the other end of that appendage would literally bellow in triumph and lust, and would shout your name -- your full name, without even mangling it! -- into the sky, and that his hand would tangle in your hair as he held you down hard and desperately, just because your lips, mouth, tongue and throat feel so. Fucking. Good. Around his cock.

"Valerie, yes!" Bane roars and groans.

On my knees, mouth full of spike, nose pressed into this alien's groin, pussy fingered, ass licked, dizzy with the inability to breathe I feel like the Queen of the Universe.

The cock in my mouth pulses and undulates and reaches even deeper into my throat -- I can feel it working itself past my larynx, bulging out my neck -- and the movement gives me a little space for breath which I greedily suck down. Bane foils my repeated attempts to draw back, not giving my head an inch of space. Half-panicked, half-angry, all-helpless, I clamp down on his penis with my teeth -- judging by the sounds Bane is making, he likes it -- and blindly reach with my hands for anything to hold on to. My left settles on Bane's butt -- fuck, it's like warm steel -- and my right reaches all the way back to Rune's head, feeling that interesting hair-like strip on his scalp and scratching at it.

I wish it were longer so I could rip it out by the roots.

Apparently, that touch counts as encouragement. Both males redouble their efforts to feel, taste and penetrate me, and I can only gurgle and whimper and try to hold on to my sanity between all the sensations.

It works, until Rune gives my asshole one last, long lick that causes reverb from my scalp to my toes, and then his finger retreats from my well-stretched pussy and is immediately replaced by his cock.

I scream, but it comes out as a choked groan. I jerk forward and sideways, but there is nowhere to go. My aliens have locked me down completely.

My body is on fire, and my pussy is the blue part of the flame where it burns the hottest. My muscles burn and shudder and admit the intruder as he presses all the way into me until I swear I can feel him right underneath my belly button, touching my diaphragm.

As if sensing the challenger, Bane's spike seems to grow in response, filling out the last two square millimeters of space there were inside of me.

So full. So very, utterly full.

I can't possibly say whose fingers (or tail?) it is that's pinching my nipples, and pinching my clit, and sinking into my ass, but every last erogenous square inch of my outside is also tended to.

And then, for a good, long while, there's only movement and feeling and feral, obscene noises and orgasm after orgasm being wrung out of my flesh as I groan and scream and swallow gulp after gulp of Bane's fluids. Sweat and tears are streaming down my face.

Bane and Rune fuck every last inch of me, taking their time, taking their pleasure. Everything that is soft in and on me, they knead and pound into even greater tenderness. Everything that is hard, they push and prod and manhandle until it becomes soft.

I may have fought. My body may have tried to initiate some sort of emergency protocol, bucking and writhing like an animal, biting and clawing and pummeling my --- handlers? --- to get away from them, but to no avail. If anything, it probably only made them fuck me harder.

Through the haze of ecstasy I hear and feel Rune come inside of me first. He shouts my name alongside some wicked curses in his own language and rams me so deeply and fiercely I lose the little breath I have for a moment, and the world dims and brightens again.

The relentless pressure of his cock shifts a little and I faintly note that I am now, as Bane had prophesized, double-spiked.

At least for another day. Then the old spike comes out.

To be replaced by a new one almost immediately, I had no doubt.

I'm already shuddering with anticipation and trepidation and the feeling of Bane's cock swelling in my mouth and throat as he, too, climaxes with another roar and pulls out halfway. I don't know whether he does it so his spike doesn't come off in my esophagus, or so that his cum can flood my tongue and spill over my lips for him to see. Maybe a bit of both. I cough, choke, and then swallow even though my maltreated throat protests, and I hear Bane groan again.

I lick his cum from around my mouth and collect it from my chin with my fingers, licking them, too. He tastes like salt and metal. Neither unpleasant nor pleasant, but I know I will get used to it.

I know I will have plenty of opportunity. Every day. Every night. Several times. For an unspecified amount of time.

Maybe forever.

My heart throbs hard, and so does the entire rest of my body.

And then they spin me around, and Rune's hand fists my hair as his tongue plunges into my mouth, and Bane's mouth attaches to my left ass cheek, biting it, and his finger finds my clit.

I'm completely powerless against them.

In the end, I did get eaten by aliens after all.


As my heavy, sweaty head sinks onto the squishy floor exactly where the two of them mercifully left me, I can feel the steady rolling vibration of engines underneath.

We're moving.

We're leaving.

I'm leaving Vurn X'lora 15 on board of a ship owned by two Space Mongols who fuck like they fight -- ruthlessly, utterly, leaving no survivors.

What a horrible, horrible fate, my pussy weeps yet again, and then twinges as the two cocks that are stuck inside of me move and squirm, stretching the muscles. I know that I will be terribly sore soon, but for now, I'm just... loose. My whole body is. Even my mind feels kinda baggy.

The thought occurs to me that today's orgasm count must be closer to fifty than fifteen.

(Doo-doo-dee-doooo, dee-doo-- New high score!)

I breathe out a weak laugh and then give in to the total exhaustion. I know that, as the new personal toy of two demanding Dryth, I'm going to need every second of sleep I can possibly get.

So today, I'm going to fall asleep.

...and tomorrow, I'm going to start teaching them other sex positions.


Hello! Will you look at that - that was almost not weird, haha!

In any case, I hope y'all liked it. Maybe enough to stick around for another part? The characters are growing on me at an alarming rate and there's so much space (ha!) for activities...

Thank you for reading!

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CydiaCydiaover 1 year agoAuthor

@striker24 Thank you for reading! Sorry about your lack of understanding or enjoyment. Try harder!

striker24striker24over 1 year ago

Why did Rune lick Bane's jizz from Val's mouth? Everything about the story is gross but that's nasty and gross. Not many straight guys interested in that kinda thing. I was curious enough to read this far but I'm done with the series's a bit too over the top for me (and turned into a sausage party).

Reading about a woman talking/whining about her period and trying to gross me out...reminds me of being married lol. I'm not sure why women enjoy it so much...misery loves company?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Very much enjoyed this story. I loved hearing the thoughts of the character, and her orgasm count is a topic I live for. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Love the series

Love this series and wish you would make it much longer!! Great story. And characters and super hot. :)

Crusader235Crusader235over 5 years ago
Great fun!

Great fun story! Hope there's much more to cum. Five stars!

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