Clover's How To Suck Cock

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A horny girl's thoughts on how best to do it.
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This is Clover's definitive guide to sucking off a cock -- any cock - for all those who never have, and all those who have and want to do better.

How do you become the best cocksucker in the known world?

Preamble -- admiration and talk

Admire his cock. This is a fabulous toy for us girls, sensitive and strong and fuckable. Get to know it. Love the velvety cock-head, and the long hard shaft. Get to know it up and down. Look at it. It's an amazing gorgeous thing.

Be interested in the cock. If you're not monogamous look at a few cocks. but if you are look on the internet. You don't have to fuck them -- most men will settle for a blowjob if you're offering. So look at them. And whilst you're doing so, admire them verbally. Tell them what a beautiful tool they have. Admire its hardness. Tell him that that the cock head is fabulous, all big and velvety. Feel his balls, tell him you hope there's something in there for you.

If you're shy this can be hard but you don't need to say much. "You're lovely.' will do. Decide what you want to call it. My partner just likes "you" as in "darling I want you in my mouth..."and sucking him till he cums we call 'the thing.' But most people are bolder. 'Your cock' is common. Jed called his Cyril in my Jed stories. Ian, who was part of my football team cock-sucking pledge, called the Monster when it really wasn't, which was sweet and fun.

Fingertips and Touch.

Begin with touch. You can start with your fingertips for this. You don't have to -- you can go straight to mouth work, but a touch first shows him where you're going and will get him hard. Just a gentle touch. His cock-head is very sensitive and will like it better if you wet your fingers, first. Gently stroke his shaft and cup is calls. Comment. Say that feels good. Ask him if he likes that. Do you, baby? Can I go down there? I really want to know how you taste...

Careful with your nails.

The foreskin

What do you do with it? He might have retracted it and he may not have one, but if he does it needs sliding back. If his cock is already erect this needs to be sensitively done or you could hurt him. It's not easy to do it with your mouth if you've not practised, but you can slide it back with your hands. Wet hands. You can lick him and salivate on him first to lubricate this process but in these instructions we don't start oral till the foreskin is back.

If he has a foreskin, then when it's back there's a tight bit at the edge of the cock-head (glans) where it attaches. That's often a really sensitive place on him, a place to play with with your tongue and lips. See below.

Licking - your tongue

Think about how to use your tongue. There's the flat of your tongue and the tip. One approach to oral is to start very gradually and work up to the full deep throat.

Places to lick:

The shaft -- he's not always wildly sensitive to you licking his shaft, but I you do it from bottom to top slowly, looking up at him, then he'll get very hot as you look all subservient and it's a promise of what's coming. The shaft need a bit more than light licking, but I sometimes open with it.

The cock-head. This is a really good place to lick, try with the flat and the tip of your tongue. Explore his cock-head. Ask him where it feels good. If he has a foreskin the attachment feels good. My man loves me to circle his cock-head with my tongue repeatedly, whilst I moan. I'm always moaning as I genuinely love this stuff. So practice licking with both types of lick. You can go back to licking later if you want to slow the action down, give him a really deliciously long blow. I often start with a little licking, then draw him right into my mouth and stroke his balls. But more of that later. The very front of the cock-head at its base is a good spot for tickling with your tongue. They love it there.

The balls. Men vary on this. Seeing you licking his balls is a big turn-on, and some men love the sensation too. Hairy balls are tough like this as you get a mouthful of rather wiry hair and it gets in the way of lip ad tongue to skin contact. But lots of men shave their balls, and if he has it's a clue he might enjoy ball licking. Ball licking a shaved is really lovely as you feel them moving and tightening inside. Note, if you're on his balls he might like you to touch or lick his butt hold too.

Butt rimming.

Maybe not really part of a blow job but he may like a little of it if you're down by the balls. More useful is butt fingering as you suck him off. Be gently first. Don't put your finger in unless you want to and he seems to want you to. Some men don't like it, possibly they think it challenges their manliness. But press on and rim the asshole with your wet finger and ask him if he'd like more.


Once you're doing the full oral then use your tongue as you go. You can have the shaft going in and out of your mouth whilst you circle his cock-head with your tongue, for example. He will love that. Or running your tongue fast round and round and all over the cock-head whilst you very gently rub his well lubricated shaft is great. More on rubbing later.

Licking whilst he face fucks you is more difficult to control, although you can do it if you concentrate and he's not too fast -- and licking whilst deep throating is more than I can do as you need the tongue out of the way in order to get the cock down as far as it will go.

Lips -- sucking and kissing

Lips can do a lot of what tongues can do, and they can suck. Lips are drier than your tongue and produce a different sensation. I sometimes cover his cock-head with tiny kisses. As I lick and kiss it I tell it/him that he's beautiful. Oh God, I'll say, oh that's lovely. If you're bold you can say, I've been thinking about doing this all day/all night/ever since I set eyes on you.

This again is a starting off manoeuvre. By later in the blow you'd only do it to back off and rest him. But kissing his cock and balls all over early in the process allows him to work out what he might like. Especially if as you go you say, tell me where it feels good, baby."

Sucking is interesting. We don't do a lot of actual sucking, when sucking cock. But if you do suck hard on him as if he's a lollipop, applying suction to the to half of his cock and then pulling away, you'll make lovely slurping noise which will turn him on.

In the end he needs a rhythm from you but a few sucks are a good start. And a good chance to remind him you'll swallow (good dirty talk is "I'm going to suck the cum right out of you..."

As he builds towards cum lighten up a bit. You don't need to do this hell-for-leather. Enjoy the anticipation. Keep on sucking and licking and rubbing, but just do the top half of his shaft now. Listen to him. Do you here 'god that's gorgeous' or 'oh yeahhhh'?

Mouth and cheeks -- oral fucking

More of this under face-fucking and deep throating, but the inside of your mouth can really be a tool for his pleasure. You need to keep your lips over your tongue -- you get better at this, believe me. You need to keep your lips as tight around him as you can, suck your cheeks in, and use your whole mouth to massage his shaft up and down in soft lovely strokes. Stay on him for the upstroke as well, hold his balls whilst you're doing it.

I often start by taking him suddenly into my mouth then holding him there. It's warm and wet and it shows him I know what I'm doing. I hold him right in my mouth and circle his cock-head with my lips. Then I start to thrust him back and forth in my mouth. I'm in charge of this, and I can experiment with how deep I want him, and gauge slightly how far he is from cumming.

Hands -- rubbing and stroking, the art of cock massage

It's lovely if you can keep your mouth on him for all of it, even if it's just you holding his cock-head in your mouth whilst you stroke and rub his shaft. Your lips may get tired if you are doing the rubbing -- i.e. you're mouth-fucking him, and you may need to rest them if they're not practised. If he's face-fucking you, incidentally, you don't apply as much pressure with the lips as your throat takes most of the impact and it's easier to take his repeated thrusting all the way to the cum spurting.

Think of it as a cock massage. Love that cock. Pleasure that cock. Play with it and coax it and adore it.

But there are lots of ways of rubbing. You need to be well lubricated but you can do

Two hands or one hand

Varied rhythm and speed

Straight up and down or with a turn and a twist as you slide up and down

Handling the whole length of his cock

Stroking just the base as you suckle and gobble on the top

Sucking and licking on his cockhead as you massage and stroke just the top half of his cock

This is a huge variety, particularly with the variations you can do with your mouth. It means virtually every blow job can be different from the one before. You'll find out what he likes that way.

Face-fucking and deep throating

I've put these together but they are actually a little different. Most face fucking involves deep throating, but you can deep throat without being face fucked.

Face fucking is when you stay still and he does the moving. Generally, he's in the dominant position. Many men like to face fuck from standing with you lying on your back in front of them, your feet pointing away from them. The cock then tends to point down your throat as if goes into you, and if you can relax and you've overcome your gag reflex he can fuck quite hard. You can still breath, and you can caress his balls of finger his butt as he does it. You do need to keep your teeth out of the way. This comes with practice.

Some men won't face-fuck. They love you too much. It's too horny and they feel bad. But they want to and you can encourage them. You can't say 'fuck my mouth' when your mouth is full of cock, but you can pull his buttocks into you, and you can put yourself in a position where the only way the two of you will get a cock-sucking rhythm is if he does the moving and face-fucks you. Face-fucking puts him in charge. It's loveliest when it's slow to start with. I don't mind if they speed up -- although too fast and it's really hard to protect them from your teeth.

Deep throating is when you take him down your throat as far as he will go. Face-fucking generally deep throats you but you can also do it without him thrusting. Your face needs to be right against his balls. Feel him in your throat? Swallow on him. He will feel the swallowing muscles grip his shaft and he will love it. Keep him right down there and then fuck him from that position. Swallow as often as you can. And whilst you're doing it, stroke his skin -- his balls and his butt hole are obvious but stroke the skin of his thighs, his stomach, his chest, his arms. You are in control of this sort of deep throating, which is my absolute favourite think out of all blowjob experiences. Vary the speed. Vary the pressure. Vary how hard you come up and down. Vary the angle slightly so you alter where he hits in your throat.

It's not hard to over come your gag reflex. You can practice with a banana but I only ever practiced with a cock. There's only so much fun you can have fellating a banana.

Speed and rhythm - fast and slow

What rhythm should you adopt? This is where you should experiment Find a rhythm that works for him -- although if he's getting too out of control and you want him to last you need to change it. I find if I go too fast that's when my teeth rub my lips a bit. Fast face-fucking by him can do this a bit too, specially if he had hold of your head. That's a bit rigid for me, I like face-fucking to be gentle, and I like him to moan and sound like he's my slave. Can't bear anyone saying 'suck that, bitch.' I'd tell them to suck it themselves. But you may get turned on by that stuff and that's fine.

So find a rhythm, and go with it. Whatever you do -- mouth all the way down, or a combination of mouth and hands and tongue, do it for a few minutes. Work on it. Get it just right, then as he's really into it change for something else. Generally, as the blowjob proceeds get hotter and hungrier. Slurp more. Moan more. Imagine you are worshipping his cock. It is your absolute focus, that cock. You need to keep it wet and hard -- imagine you're moulting a clay pot on a potter's wheel. You mustn't stop for a moment, and you want mouth contact as much as possible.

Looking up

Look at him -- guys love to see your face looking at them as you suck their prize. This is not easy. Some girls are too shy to look up. Actually I am. I could drink cum all night but I can't look at him. Feels too silly. So there's a confession, but I do make sure he gets to see some of what I'm doing. And I know as he starts to cum he's looking at me. If you can't make yourself, then at least come up from time to time and rub so that he can see you doing it. Men love watching you on their cocks. They're proud of their cocks, but they're fascinated by the sight of you adoring them.

Where are the sensitive spots?

Find them. Men vary. He may have different sensitive spots for tongue, lips, pressure - the tip of the cock-head loves to push repeatedly against the back of your throat). Find out if his butt-hole or his balls turn him on. Adore the whole of his pelvic area, not just his cock. Hold his hands. If you love him that's very special as it reminds him this is love as well as lust.

Most men are tender at the front of the cock just at the base of the glans. A lovely guy on literotica told me that's the place to keep stimulating with your tongue as he's actually cumming and spurting his load into you.

Grabbing his buttocks and urging him in

One nice technique, especially if you're kneeling and his cock is in your moth, if to take control by pulling his buttocks into you. Grab them and pull him in as far as he will go. You can control the speed and he will love the feeling that you're so hungry for it you can't get enough of his cock into you. He may arch towards you, anxious to get that hot tool right in your throat -- but help him, show him you and to gobble him like never before.

There's not a lot of this on the internet as they like to show you men in charge, or fem-dom, whereas this is just a bit of initiative on your part. You can imagine it. Pull him in, hon. Be hungry for his cum.


Make the conversation about him, and about his cock. He loves his cock. He looks at it a lot. Tell him how lovely it is. Be accurate. Don't tell him it's the biggest you've ever seen if it's small. Tell him it's the most gorgeous. Tell him his cock really turns you on. Tell him you love the way it curves, or you love circumcised cocks, or you love the colour. Tell him has had the most suckable cock you've ever seen and you are hot just looking at it. Tell him you hope his balls are full because you want it all, honey, you want to swallow him down.

If you tell him - right from the start - that he can cum in your mouth, that you want to feel his hot calls spurting into your throat, that you would love to take his cum, that its gorgeous -- then he'll relax. He may want to check again later if he doesn't know you well, but beg for it. Please cum in my mouth honey, I want to swallow you, you're all mine. Be possessive. You've been saving it for me honey.

Slowing him up -- stopping the cum

If he's getting ready to cum and you want to make him wait, cos you're playing with him and you want to prolong his please, and yours, there are a few ways to do it. One is to simply change techniques or rhythms. If he's too far gone this won't work, and in any case you might pick something even more delicious to him than the first thing. My partner loves me to lighten up towards the end, doing gentle wet rubbing strokes on the top half of his shaft and kind of slurping and sucking and licking and gobbling the end of his cock in a regular rhythm all at once.

But you can stop him. Firm tight pressure on the front base of his shaft where the little tube runs. He will be able to show you where. You press there with the flat of your thumb and ease off, and he can wait a bit longer.

What to do as he cums

He will moan and may cry. He may thrust at you. He may beg you to let him cum before he does (can I cum/ please can I cum?) and you need to show him, with your enthusiasm and moaning, that you're ready for it. Or come off, stroke twice, and then say I would love you to cum, right here right now -- then get straight back on there. And he'll start to moan. And then his balls will move and tighten up and he'll cry -- this may be, if you've given him a really good blow job... a long drawn out spasm. You can do several things at this point -- just don't come off too soon.

He feels the cum on its way before it comes out, so his orgasm begins before you get the lovely spurting. So as that happens get right down on his cock. Don't be half hearted about it -- this is the moment.

You can hold still, holding him tight in your mouth and keeping suction on. If he's become very sensitive he might prefer it.

You can roll your tongue on his most sensitive place, just at the base of the glans at the front. You could maybe try rimming his butt with your finger at the same time if her likes it.

If you have him keep in your throat it's lovely to swallow from that position. He will feel your swallowing muscles taking his cum, which he will love. If he's a guy who stays hard after he cums, even for a little while, this can be very satisfying to both of you.

You can keep moving. Be gently, don't go at him like a carwash but you can keep fucking him with your mouth as he spurts. Lots of guys love this too, and if it's combined with deep throat swallowing, as above, it will really please them.

As you take the cum moan, and swallow, and cares his balls. Hold his hand if you have a spare hand. Some men like you to put a finger in their ass -- but of course some like a dildo up there and you're getting out of the realms of Clover's experience there. Not easy if you want to really focus on his cock.

Do I swallow?

Oh god yes. Yes yes yes yes. The prize, the bounty, the very essence of this man you fancy/love/lust after/owe. Drink it down honey and get used to it. If you are deep throating you don't taste it much, but otherwise, swallow. Enjoy. It's salty. Sometimes it's bitter although in my experience healthy men who don't eat lots of spice and garlic and who don't smoke have cum that tastes like being at the seaside.

There may be lots of it -- half a cup full -- or not very much. Depends when he last emptied his balls. Hold his balls. Massage them very gently. You want it all, girl.

maybe you don't want this much......

This is something he has worked for. This is like -- as I have said before -- him bringing you a woolly mammoth as you line up your tins in the Neanderthal cave. He has worked to produce this cum and he's worked to pump it into you. Accept the gift. If your granny knitted you a jumper and gave it to you for Christmas would you chuck it away in front of her? Well then.

There are about 5 calories in one ejaculation. You will not get fat from this.

Swallowing it accepts him, owns him completely. It's powerful and erotic and fun. Learn to love the taste -- you will.

If you haven't deep throated much his cum back there may make you gag, so don't deep throat his orgasm the first time -- awful for him if you choke on it.

But swallow, Stay on his cock and suck it clean. If any escaped go after it. Tidy up like a little hamster, licking and feeding off his cock. He'll love it.

All this is much neater but it's also much more erotic for most men. They may cum all over women in porn but that's so that you, the viewer, can get a good view. There aren't so many cum-shot gifs online showing swallowing as there's not a lot to see. But he feels it.