
Story Info
A girl, a ship, an invader.
8.9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 07/07/2023
Created 03/09/2023
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Coleoidphilia - Episode 1


A minimum of two crew members to be animated at all times, one of them an officer.

The directive was quite clear. It was enforced by the ship's computer system, which controlled all aspects of its operations, including the cryo-chambers. Enforced that is, unless you knew how to bypass the directive; something it seemed someone had the expertise to do on every damned voyage I had been on. Including of course this one.

Why two crew? Well in case one went space crazy and had to be restrained or worse by the other. In case the reason for craziness was having no other human to talk to during a long shift. Less dramatically, so each could take turns sleeping with a human always awake and monitoring the situation. Not so long ago, or at least not so long ago when you spend most of your life in suspended animation, a freighter had disappeared a mere half a trillion clicks from our current location. No one knew what had happened. Reason for extra caution you might think, but not this crew. The Chief Officer was an old-timer, seen it all before. She had given the instruction for the override as soon as we had left our home system and entered interstellar space. She was the first to be frozen, leadership apparently requires a lot of rest.

This was my third time being woken for a shift. A shift that lasted fifty days, with no one but the ship's computer for company and no good way to contact the outside world that didn't take weeks. Jefferson, the First Mate, had revived me and then decamped to his own cubicle.

That left me alone. Me and a three hundred kilotonne vessel and eleven frozen crew. I'm the lowly Third Mate, one shallow rung above the plebs. Third Mate Wilson, Emily Wilson, named after my great-grandmother I believe. This is my fourth contract with the shipping line. I'm twenty-six, based on unfrozen years. What that is in regular time, I've kind of lost track of. It's a strange life being a spacefarer.


The computer reminded me it was time to sleep. I felt tired and complied. In my cabin I readied myself for rest. Time for my bedtime routine.

Laying in my bunk, I felt the need for something before sleep.

"Alexa! Display vintage scenes."

"Hello, Emily."

"Alexa! Turn off voice feedback."

I preferred vintage porn, the resolution was crap and there was no real 3D option. But it featured actual humans with at least semi-realistic genitalia. The stuff now was all created using impossibly beautiful androids with impossibly large organs. Most people liked it, but not me.

"Alexa! Scroll down."

"Alexa! Stop."

"Alexa! Play video number thirteen."

The scene started, images hanging in mid-air above me. I reached down and stroked myself through my standard issue boy-shorts. I tried to get into it, but I guess it had been a long day. Plan B.

"Alexa! Stimulator."

I peeled off my panties, raised my knees a little and parted my legs, waiting.

With a barely perceptible hum of servomotors, a hatch opened in the wall and a mechanical arm unfurled itself. It paused above my body, awaiting further instructions.

"Alexa! Penetrator. Mid-sized. Realistic. Pussy. Slow but deep. Vibrator. Level 2. Clit."

The multi-tooled head span to select my desired size and moved between my legs while a secondary arm with a domed tip articulated itself and took a slightly higher position.

"Alexa! Begin."

I watched the petite blonde girl with long hair go down on her partner. She could have been me. I took a sharp intake of breath as the vibrator made contact and the penetrator entered my vagina.

"Alexa! I changed my mind. Penetrator. Large. Same settings. Begin."

The arm withdrew, the head swiveled and it moved forward again. That was better. Always go for large.

The girl whose image swam in front of me, was now on all fours, her face resting on a pillow, her hands reaching back to part her butt-cheeks. Her partner pushed himself against her asshole and slipped inside. I always enjoyed that first penetration.

"Alexa! Penetrator. Faster."

I watched the girl get anally pounded as the same thing happened to my pussy.

"Alexa! Penetrator. Faster. Vibrator. Level 5."

I wanted to go to sleep and Level 5 was going to have the desired effect quickly. I shuffled myself in my bunk and parted my legs further. The mechanical arms seamlessly tracked my movements. I began to writhe, my clit throbbing, my pussy rhythmically stretching and relaxing as the stimulator fucked me.

The blonde girl was now on her knees. Mouth open. Her partner jerking in front of her. I felt like I had got the timing right. The buzzing on my clitoris and the piston-like penetration had me close, as close as the guy in the video.

"Alexa! Penetrator. Vibrations. Level 5."

Spurts of sticky white liquid hit the girl's face as my own orgasm rolled through me.

"Alexa! Vibrator. Stop. Penetrator. Really slow."

The second arm bonded with the first. I stroked my clit gently, still tingling, but calming down. I let the penetrator massage me adagio for a minute or so. Eking out my pleasure.

"Alexa! Stimulator. Sto... Wait."

An afterthought.

"Alexa! Penetrator. Oral. Stationary."

The arm pulled out of me stickily and positioned itself two centimetres from my mouth.

"Alexa! Forward ten centimetres."

I opened my mouth and the penetrator entered it, then was still. I sucked on it, running my tongue around the shaft. Enjoying the taste of my juices. But it really wasn't the same, it wasn't the same at all.

"Alexa! Stimulator. Stop. Video. Stop."

The image of the cum-covered girl vanished and the arm packed itself away. I heard its cleaning cycle start.

"Alexa! Lights off."

I snuggled down. The stimulator did its job, clinically, efficiently. But it had been months now with nothing twixt my legs that wasn't run on electricity. I closed my eyes and surrendered to sleep.


A klaxon sounded penetratingly and I woke abruptly. Probably some space debris, or a piece of machinery that needed replacing.

"Alexa! What is going on."

Nothing. What the fuck! Of course...

"Alexa! Turn on voice feedback."

A woman's voice answered serenely.

"Hello Emily. We are approaching an anomaly."

An anomaly?

"Alexa! Analysis please."

"Hello, Emily. Unable to analyze. Insufficient data."


Oh well, better deal with it.

I threw on my work clothes and ran to the bridge. It was in the very center of the ship, the better to protect against impacts. A tall, curved wall displayed readings from various instruments. In the center was a 3D rendering of the vessel and its immediate surroundings. To all sides, save the one we were traveling from, extended what looked like a cloud. It was shaded red on the display, red for hazard.

Not the routine problem I had assumed. Not routine at all.

"Alexa! Visual direct ahead."

Another display appeared adjacent to the map. On it, the cloud wasn't red, it was gray. Gray and amorphous and billowing. Save for the very center, where it was... Opening was the word that ran through my mind. Opening like a maw.

Get a grip, Emily. You're a professional, act like it.

"Alexa! Analysis. Allow speculation."

"Hello, Emily. Insufficient data. No match on molecular constituents. Spectrography inconclusive. Radar inconclusive. Visual analysis inconclusive."

"Alexa! Speculation for fuck's sake."

I could hear the mounting worry in my voice.

"Hello, Emily. Insufficient data."

"Alexa! Navigational options."

"Hello, Emily. None."


"Alexa! Clarify."

"Hello, Emily. It's coming towards us quicker than we can maneuver."

Panic was rising rapidly in me. My heart was racing.

"Alexa! Recommendations."

"Hello, Emily. None. Insufficient data."

"Alexa! Override data analysis. Recommendations."

She seemed to pause before answering. Maybe accessing the furthest reaches of her memory.

"Hello, Emily. Continue to observe and assess situation."

Really? That was it? Oh fuck!

"Hello, Emily. We are inside it."

"Alexa! Visual. Panoramic."

The screen ahead and both ceiling and floor displayed billowing, gray clouds. Clouds that seemed to be closing in on the ship. I'd never seen anything like it, never heard of anything like it, certainly not been trained for anything like it.

"Alexa! Revive Chief Officer."

"Hello, Emily. Not possible. Security protocol suggests maximum viability for crew when in cryo-chambers."


"Alexa! Ready my cryo-chamber."

"Hello, Emily. Not possible. Security protocol requires one crew member to not be frozen."

No. No. No. No. No.

"Alexa! Protocol override. Officer ID 4898/B."

"Hello, Emily. Not possible... I'm sorry, Emily."

I felt my legs waiver and then crumple under me.

I slumped on the bridge floor and watched the clouds envelop us. Stricken by fear. Confused and anxious.

And then... and then... nothing. Nothing for hours. And hours...

A klaxon sounded penetratingly and I woke abruptly.

Fuck! How had I fallen asleep? The surrounding visuals were still operating, but now showed black space, interspersed with pinpricks of light.

"Alexa! Status."

"Hello, Emily. You seemed stressed, so I tried to relax you. I thought you might want to see this. Anomaly no longer present."

The bitch tranquilized me! Can she do that? More important stuff first.

"Alexa! What happened? Did we pass through it?"

"Hello, Emily. Negative."


"Alexa! Display surroundings. Historical. Last hour. Speed. Ten times."

The 3D map reappeared. Red engulfed the ship with no end in sight. Then more swirling became apparent. And contraction. It was like the cloud, whatever it was, had begun to collapse. To collapse onto the ship!

In a few seconds the hull was highlighted in red. A red that pulsed briefly and then disappeared. Disappeared? Or did it sink into the ship?

"Alexa! Rewind ten minutes. Play."

"Alexa! Zoom in on vessel exterior."

Again the contracting. The enveloping. The pulsing. And, much more obviously now, the sinking, sinking into the ship.

I had felt relieved, not so much now. And I was still woozy from whatever she had given me. We would have to have a woman to woman chat about that, but later.

"Alexa! Hull integrity report."

"Hello, Emily. Running diagnostics. Please wait thirty seconds."

It felt longer, much longer.

"Hello, Emily. Hull integrity 100%."

Emily, keep it together. What next?

"Alexa! Run intrusion scan, all levels."

"Hello, Emily. Running scan. Please wait ten seconds."

Come on, come on, come on...

"Hello, Emily. No intrusions detected."

OK, we can do this.

"Alexa! Run contamination scan, all levels."

"Hello, Emily. Running scan. Please wait ten seconds."

Please. Please.

"Hello, Emily. No contamination detected."

I don't know what else to do.

"Alexa! Potential security breach. Highest threat. Recommend additional measures."

"Hello, Emily. Consider purge of vessel using SLT4."

SLT4, she wasn't messing around. OK, SLT4 it was.

"Alexa! Prepare my suit."

I ran from the bridge to the airlock room. One wall housed the suits and mine was already deployed on an extending rail. I clambered into it and secured my helmet.

"Alexa! Run SLT4 purge, all levels."

"Hello, Emily. Please confirm security code."

"Alexa! Officer ID 4898/B."

"Hello, Emily. Code and voice pattern recognized. Running purge."

There were no visible signs, but I knew that a deadly gas was flooding the ship. My crew mates would be safe in their hermetically sealed chambers, as I would be in my suit. Hopefully nothing else would be. SLT4 kills everything we know about very, very quickly. It also degrades quickly.

"Hello, Emily. Purge complete. Estimated time to habitable environment, 10 minutes."

No point in waddling anywhere. I'd need to take the suit off soon anyway.

"Alexa! Replay final ten minutes of last video. Actual speed."

The video played on my head-up display. Swirling, collapsing red. What the hell was it?

"Hello, Emily. Environment habitable."

A little nervously I removed my helmet. I'd be dead in seconds if something had gone wrong. I realized I had been holding my breath. I exhaled and inhaled. Better to get it over with. But I'm fine.

"Alexa! Threat assessment."

"Hello, Emily. No threats detected, green status."

"Alexa! Any further recommendations?"

"Hello, Emily. Biometric scan suggests high levels of stress. Recommend rest. Medication has been deployed to your quarters."

I got out of my suit and watched as it slid back into the wall. Walking back to my room, I wondered if sleep was best. But I realized I was exhausted, strung-out. Maybe she knew best. I'd done everything I was meant to do. Yes, sleep sounded good.

I entered my cabin, pulled off my overalls and got into bed. A green pill lay in a tray that had extended from the wall. It also held a glass of water. I took my medicine like a good girl. It worked rapidly, but as consciousness slipped away, my thoughts were still, what the fuck?

I didn't always dream and l, when I did, my recollection was normally fuzzy. I dreamt that night and both the images and my memory of them were crystalline. It wasn't something I had dreamt of before, maybe the tranquilizer had something to do with it, or the sleeping pill, or their combination.


I lay in my bunk and dimly became aware I was not alone. I heard breathing behind me. Turning sleepily, I saw the face of our Chief Officer. Samantha was her name, Samantha Alvarez. She was a handsome woman in her mid forties. Olive skinned, jet black hair, with just a hint of gray. She was a fitness freak and in amazing condition. I was jealous of how voluptuous she was, despite her hours on treadmills and weight machines. The catty side of me assumed some surgical assistance. Now she was sleeping in my bunk and she appeared to be nude.

Returning to my original position, as if nothing was amiss, I found another presence. Also comatose in my bed was First Mate Jefferson, or Matt as he liked us to call him, not being the most formal of people. He was a little younger than Samantha, maybe late thirties. He had the look of a distance runner, lean and angular. His skin was a lustrous dark brown and his frizzy, dark hair was cropped close to his scalp. He also seemed to have mislaid his clothing.

So I found myself, sandwiched between my two senior officers. It didn't make a lot of sense, but I was not too concerned. What I was instead was aroused.

I turned back to Samantha and propped myself up on an elbow. Reaching across, I pulled the covers back, revealing her long back and shapely ass, she was a good six inches taller than me; 5'7" or 5'8" even. I ran my fingertips lightly from between her shoulder blades to her butt. I was rewarded by her rolling onto her side and opening her coffee-colored eyes. It seemed the most natural thing to lie back down, nose to nose with my commander.

"Hello, Wilson. Kiss me, and that's an order."

I didn't really need to be instructed. I placed a hand on her cheek and moved forward until our lips met. Hers were full and soft, like so much else about her. She put a hand behind my neck and pulled me to her as she pushed her tongue into my mouth. She was an assertive kisser. In real life, I was not her type, she was a committed lesbian and only spent her personal time with like-minded ladies. But, in my dream, my bisexuality and even the presence of a man seemed to be less pressing issues.

I customarily slept in my shorts and T-shirt, but realized that I too was naked. Samantha moved one hand from my neck to my butt and slipped the other between my legs. She certainly knew what to do with a pussy and clit and I was soon moaning and wriggling as she continued to kiss me forcibly. She only stopped to bark an order.

"Jefferson, on deck please!"

I half turned and looked into Matt's surprisingly pale eyes as he opened them. I didn't know his heritage, but whatever element of this it reflected, the effect was striking, almost beautiful. He took my chin in his hand, and turned my face further, placing a kiss on my lips.

He pulled his covers back exposing his chestnut skin and slim, but toned physique. He exposed something else. Even given this was a dream, he wasn't the sort of super-hung black guy, a seemingly unlimited number of which featured in many of my porn videos. But I certainly wasn't disappointed. He was cut and already very erect, his head was several shades lighter and glistening with pre-cum. Just asking to be licked and sucked.

"On all fours, Wilson. Go down on him while I see if your pussy merits my attention."

Jefferson propped himself up on my pillows and obligingly spread his legs. I positioned myself between them on my elbows and knees, my ass up in the air and my legs slightly parted. Samantha adopted a similar position directly behind me and started to lap at my vaginal opening. Again I benefited from her experience and expertise. Fuck, she was good. She started to probe me with her tongue held stiffly out of her mouth and I turned my attention to the First Mate. His shaft and testicles were hairless, I judged probably due to shaving, but a trimmed mat of pubic hair sat above his genitals. Nice and clean for me, good.

"Come on little girl, show Matt what you've got. I know you love cock."

Nodding in ready agreement, I pushed low on his shaft, dragging his balls back and giving me a long length of cock to lick from top to bottom. Samantha's tongue was already causing minor tremors as I slowly ascended to his tip, my tongue leaving a trail of saliva in its wake. On reaching the peak of my lingual climb, I took his head in my mouth, tasting his pre-cum and running rings around his already twitching glans with my tongue. He did taste good.

Samantha moved upwards and started to lick my tight asshole, pushing her tongue against my resisting ring. Her oral work had left me very moist and she slid two digits into my pussy waggling them before starting to finger-fuck me. Her licks and fingering were producing the desired result, I began to slide up and down Matt's cock, my lips tight on his shaft as Samantha pushed me relentlessly closer to orgasm.

She added a third finger and moved her other hand to massage my clit. The tingling became throbbing, became muscle clenching intensity. I thrust my head down on Matt's cock, his pubes tickling my nose and held myself like that, restricting my airflow, making my heart pound, boosting my orgasm, as Samantha finished me off.

As the thunder receded into distant rumblings, I pulled up and gasped, trails of saliva dripping from my mouth.

"Right, Jefferson, rotate stations. Wilson, you stay where you are."

The pair swapped and, still breathing heavily from cumming, I surveyed Samantha's pussy. She sported a Brazilian strip, the rest of her smoothly waxed. Her labia were long, fleshy and slightly parted at the bottom, where her wet, pink insides peeped out enticingly.

While I was planning how to pleasure her, Matt was much more decisive, grabbing my hips and unceremoniously thrusting deep into my pussy.

"Wilson, you're so tight, but so wet. This is going to be fun, little girl."

He started fucking me hard and I released Samantha's clit from its fleshy prison and began to lick. I pushed one then a second finger into her pink interior and began to move them in and out with increasing pace. I had hardly recovered from my first orgasm before Jefferson had started pounding me and, maybe as a result, got very turned on very quickly. This was my dream and I it I had amazing cunnilingus skills, which had my boss moaning and pushing my head down harder onto her clit in mere minutes.