College Friends


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JP was beside himself. He knew he should watch the screen, but he could not remove his eyes from the scene happening right next to him. As Ron sat mostly unconscious, his wife was now fingering herself under her clothes next to him.

Unable to wait any longer to do something about his raging erection, JP licked his palm a couple of times, unbuttoned his top jeans button, and grasped his cock under his boxers. Still watching Michelle's jeans-and-panty-covered crotch writhing as she fingered herself, JP began pulling on his cock in earnest.

Part of Michelle could barely believe this. She knew that it was outrageous to be rubbing herself under her pants next to her friend and her passed-out husband, but she was as horny as she could ever remember being. She watched the screaming performers on the screen and rubbed a little harder, feeling her clit standing on end, swollen from the lust by which she was enveloped.

JP was wanking harder, eyes flitting from Michelle's crotch to her cleavage, her bra-covered breasts now almost entirely uncovered as her shirt fell down, last buttons still fastened at the bottom. He winced as his cock rubbed against his thick boxers, and spoke before he realized what he was saying:

"Michelle, this is actually hurting a bit. The friction. If you don't mind, I'm going to at least take this out of my underwear."

Michelle looked over at his face. "Really? I'm so sorry - I didn't realize. To tell you the truth it would be easier for me if I were laying down more, but there's not a lot of room. Do you mind if I lay up on your bed?"

"Not at all!" JP replied. "I'll sit up on there too, if you don't mind - my back hurts when I sit on the floor this long."

The two held up their pants as they sat up, and postioned themselves on either side of JP's bed. Michelle licked her fingers and once again plunged them beneath her underwear, her zipper now halfway down as she reclined on the bed.

JP sat up next to her, but then decided to half-recline as well, arranging a few pillows behind his back. He then pulled his pants down enough to free his cock from its confines. He sighed a little as he started looked back at the television. A pang of guilt hit him as he look at the back of Ron's head, lolled back on the edge of the bed where he sill sat on the floor. He was suddenly distracted by a short cry from the other side of the bed. "She must be getting close," he thought with a smile.

But as he looked over he noticed that Michelle's hand was still, and his eyes moved to her face. Her eyes were locked on his revealed cock, her mouth slightly agape.

Ron was not a small man. His prick was seven inches at least, his wife never had the slightest complaint in the size department. But the member she was looking at now must be nearly a foot long, and slightly thicker than Ron's. She caught herself staring, then looked up, meeting JP's eyes.

She smiled, laughing a little. "Sorry JP. I had heard you were... well-endowed, but I hadn't seen it before."

JP felt a wave of pleasure at her smile, and his cock leapt a little. "No problem. Your reaction is actually not as bad as some girls. Some seem scared of it a little."

Michelle laughed. "I guess that makes sense. Doesn't that hurt some girls?"

"Some, a little," JP replied, almost matter-of-factly. "But once we get going I've never had any complaints. Enough lube, and most girls seem to be pretty damned happy after the first few thrusts."

"Huh" Michelle said. As horny as she was, she too was seeing JP as more than just a friend. Here was a man with a wonderfully large cock, sitting right next to her. She shook her head - her husband, though passed out, was still in the room, and she had no desire to betray his trust. She had gone far enough with the masturbation.

"Well, Michelle, if you don't mind, I gotta take care of this. I'm losing my mind." JP said. He then made a show of turning his head back to the TV and began stroking his revealed shaft.

Michelle also sat back, but was now unable to focus on the movie. She watched JP's hand, fairly dwarfed by the cock it was stroking, working up and down. She found herself starting to work her own crotch again, keeping her head turned toward the screen, but her eyes planted on that cock.

Though she didn't know it, JP was doing the same thing. His head was pointed at the screen, but his eyes were locked on the wriggling fabric between the half-undone zipper of Michelle's jeans. A few times in her rubbing he caught a glimpse of a wisp of her dark blond pubic hair under her undulating hand.

Michelle realized after a few minutes that her underwear were leeching the juices from her cunt, keeping her from getting as wet as she normally would. Without looking at him, she spoke lowly to JP.

"I need to get rid of my underwear - they are keeping things from... working right, with this..."

JP also kept his head pointed forward, but his eyes widened. "Ok" he croaked.

Michelle slipped her hands under the waist of both her jeans and underwear, pulling them off completely. She knew she wanted to spread her legs, and having her jeans on at all would keep that from working right. Lust was now a red fog enveloping her entire being, and she could hardly care that her friend of more than ten years was right next to her.

JP could hardly breath now. He watched as Michelle's smooth, cream-colored legs were revealed. As quickly as she had her pants and panties off, her hand was again buried in her crotch, her eyes involuntarily closing as she rubbed with abandon.

JP slowed his stroking. Michelle was now keeping her eyes closed as she worked her pussy. Knowing he'd push himself over the edge in a matter of seconds if he kept up with any intensity, he slowed his hand to a crawl, barely touching his throbbing cock.

JP was drunk. JP was high. It was all he could do to keep from jumping up and burying his cock in this luminously beautiful creature spread open next to him. As he fought that urge, he turned on his side, facing her.

"Michelle, you are so damn hot. I'm sorry. I know you're married. To one of my best friends. I know. I KNOW. I hate this. I know we've been friends forever. But god damn if you aren't the most sexy thing I've ever seen. I'm so hard it fucking hurts."

Michelle kept her eyes closed, lost in her own sphere of sex. "It's ok, JP. And you can look. Don't worry." Michelle knew that the pot was talking, but she didn't care. All she cared about now was her fingers pushing down on her clit.

"Then would you do something for me? I've always wanted to see your tits, Michelle. They are so amazing. They are the nicest I've seen, and I've seen some. It would help me to finish up. This is torture."

Eyes still closed, Michelle pulled down one strap, then the other. Her bra peeled down most of the way, her nipples were revealed to JP's ever-widening eyes. He ate her breasts with his stare, feeling like they would overwhelm him with their loveliness.

"Wow. Wow. Wow..." JP stammered.

Michelle smiled. She was just drunk and high enough to enjoy this attention to her chest. Without thinking she reached up and began to squeeze her right nipple, her left arm pushing under her left breast, lifting the heavy globe fully out of its bra cup.

JP would have come right then had he been touching himself, but he had temporarily stopped in his shock at the scene before him.

"You look utterly amazing. Ron is the luckiest man on earth. I hope he knows that."

"He does," she smiled. She knew her husband adored her, heart and soul. She thought about their love life - the times he had fucked her silly, and shuddered as a first little climax coursed through her.

JP shimmied himself a little closer. He smelled her sweet, heady scent in the air of his room, and shuddered a little himself. He was laying in his side, his steely rod only a few inches from the skin of Michelle's hip. His face was level with the side of her breast, only inches from his mouth. His eyes moved frantically back and forth between watching her rub herself and the slightly jiggling tit in front of his face.

"Michelle, can I touch your breast. It looks so so soft. It'll send me over the edge."

In a whisper, Michelle replied, "ok." She was lost. Lost in the heat between her legs, and a soft caress on the side of her left breast only amplified that heat.

JP rubbed his cock lightly, slowly, with his right hand, as he brushed his fingers across the side of the white mound in front of him. D-cup breasts had always been his favorite. Much like his cock, they were big enough to be considered quite big, but not so big as to be ludicrous. As he caressed this breast, he let his fingers linger longer and longer on the side of it, inching his touches closer to her nipple. Worried he was overstepping his bounds, he was relieved when Michelle's eyes stayed closed, and listened as low, regular moans resonated in her chest.

Unable to stop his hand, JP slid his fingers forward, and grasped the entirety of Michelle's left orb - at least as much of the huge breast as his hand could hold. He squeezed, feeling the perfect, pliant firmness of her flesh. Michelle made no move to stop him, and moaned. Suddenly her eyes opened for a moment, staring forward, fixed loosely on the back of her husband's head.

"JP, you should prrbubly stop that. What if Ron swww you with your hannnd on my boobs. That's not coolll..." she began to slur.

Mustering his last remaining willpower, JP withdrew his hand, not without allowing his fingers to brush against the nipple sitting so tantalizingly close to his mouth. "I'm so sorry," he said, part of him meaning it. He knew this was Ron's wife. He knew that Ron would probably freak out, maybe even attack JP if he witnessed what he had just done. He backed away a few inches, cock in hand.

Michelle was getting close. The orgasms she reached with only her fingers were never the best, but this one promised to be as good as they would get. Closing her eyes again, she laid on her right side, facing away from JP, lifting her left knee up to keep open access to her cunt.

JP watched this movement by Michelle, perceiving it almost in slow motion. As she turned and lifted her leg, he moved back to see the most incredible sight he could imagine: Michelle's slender fingers rubbing circles over the labia and swollen bud between her legs. He could feel his mouth getting wet, wishing with all his might that he could taste those pouting pink lips between her thights. Her labia were fairly long, and had become quite swollen from the friction they were receiving. He could see the sheen of her juices all along the soft flesh, broken by the curly, very thin pubic hair sparsely set around her pussy.

JP thought he would pass out from the tension. When he could no longer stand holding still, he again shimmied closer to Michelle. In a swift sequence of motions, he licked his hand, used it to wet his shaft, spread Michelle's ass slightly apart, and planted his cock along the top cleft of her butt.

Michelle didn't completely registers what was happening, at least not at the instant it did - suddenly something thick and hot was laying along her ass. It set in in a moment that it was JP's cock, and she froze for a moment.

"JP, what are you doooingg?"

"I... I can't stop myself. I need to feel a woman's body against mine. You are so radiant. Your ass feels like heaven against my cock. I just need to run it along your ass. It's... soo..... goood...." JP became lost as he began to thrust, running his cock along and just inside of the ridge of her ass, the head of his shaft rubbing the small of her back.

Michelle wasn't sure what to do. This felt amazing. Still rubbing her clit, she began to roll her hips, allowing her ass to spread apart even further. She could feel the length of his shaft starting to rub along the outside of her asshole, and the sensation sent lighting through her body.

Ron began to stir, but JP and Michelle's own movements and noises prevented them from noticing. Trying to stand, Ron fell against a side wall of the room, facing the side of the bed where Michelle lay. Eyes not focusing right, he wondered why she was moving that way in her sleep. Still extremely high, Ron could barely move, and the room felt like it was tilted to one side.

JP began thrusting in earnest now. He figured this was as far as he could go without risking Ron murdering him if he found out. He knew that Michelle was enjoying the feeling of his cock spreading her cheeks apart. He thought he would take a longer thrust, and pulled back a bit further than any of his previous moves.

His cock was as hard as it had been in his life, and he moved too far down - it popped out straight, planting itself lengthwise along Michelle's pussy, the end of his member slapping into her writhing fingers and wrist.

Michelle was in the depths now. Orgasms, one after another were crashing over her in waves, small and large. She kept herself at the crest, and would not allow anything to stop even when she felt JP move down, felt his cock pop out from between her ass checks, and slap into her hand.

JP waited for just a moment before beginning to thrust again, rubbing the length of his shaft along the outside of Michelle's pussy, along her still-furiously rubbing fingers. Her knuckles were slightly uncomfortable rubbing along the head of his cock, but he didn't want to stop anything for fear of stopping everything.

Ron only became aware of JP when he saw the cock head pop out between his wife's legs, to land with its tip on the outside of her hand. Ron knew this was wrong, that something was happening here that shouldn't be. He tried to speak, but having slept with his mouth open he could barely croak. Michelle's moans were now loud enough to drown out this low sound, and he watched as the cock between her legs began to thrust.

Michelle knew that JP's cock was probably not terribly comfortable rubbing along the back of her hand, and she knew that she needed him to come, to finish this beyond-naughty thing that the two of them were doing. Lowering her left leg she enclosed his cock with her thighs, and quickly she rubbed his whole shaft with her right hand, covering it in her wetness in one stroke. She immediately went back to rubbing herself.

Ron watched this in hazy fascination. His wife's leg came down, enveloping the cock rubbing along the outside of her, so that he saw it disappear and reappear with each thrust.

JP was on another plane of pleasure. As much as he enjoyed this quick stroke from Michelle's wet hand, the feeling of her thighs around his now slick cock was pure, utter joy. His moans joined hers now, as he thrust longer, pulled back further, allowing her to feel out with her legs just how big his hardness was. This was too much. This was everything. JP gripped her shoulders for support and pushed, pulled, and pushed.

Ron was confused. Part of him was incredibly furious at what his friend was apparently doing to his wife. At what his wife was allowing to be done to her, helping to be done to her. But watching in third person as his wife cruised heights of sexual ecstasy was having its effect on him as well. As he slumped against the wall, his hand moved on its own, rubbing his own cock through his pants. He knew he couldn't stop this, not yet - his body wasn't working right, the combination of booze and drugs keeping him from any sort of equilibrium.

But his wife was the most desperately gorgeous woman he had ever seen, and watching her in this state of pleasure turned him on immensely. He noticed now just how far the cock between her legs was thrusting in and out between her thighs, head still rubbing the back of her hand, disappearing then reappearing then disappearing again.

Ron looked up at his wife's face. She was smiling, crying out, moaning, and shuddering, eyes closed. Then suddenly open. Wide open. And the moans had stopped.

"JP." she said.

In his movements, JP had missed a thrust again, and had pushed the head of his cock into Michelle's open, wet cunt.

"I... I... I'm sorry. Please believe me. I didn't try to do that. I didn't. I didn't I swear I didn't..."

But contrary to his apologies, JP's body was on some kind of auto pilot, and tried to thrust further in.

Michelle responded by squeezing her thighs together as tightly as possible - but she didn't turn, didn't move her hand from her clit.

"JP." she repeated, seriousness in her voice.

"Just the tip. It's already in. Just the tip..." JP begged.

Michelle knew that JP could have taken her. At any time since her pants were off, very little she could have done would have stopped in from having his way with her whether she consented or not. She knew he needed to finish, and that he would finish, in whatever way he wanted, whatever way he was willing to take. She figured she would give him this. At this moment she looked up.

Ron had moved, she saw. He was sitting across from her, face near her feet, slumped sitting against the wall, facing her.

And his eyes were open.

She cried out a little. JP took this as assent to his advances, and began tiny thrusts, taking his cockhead in and out of her sopping cunt, savoring the feeling of her labia folding along the end of his dick.

Tears welled in Michelle's eyes in an instant, and a grimace of regret contorted her face. She looked at her husband in misery, but was surprised at what she saw:

He smiled, and nodded.

Michelle knew that her husband loved her. She knew he would never have willingly shared her. But now he was letting her do this. Letting her fuck her friend of many years.

He could have shamed her. He could have done anything - she wouldn't have been surprised if he tried to kill them both. But he didn't. He smiled, and nodded to let his wife know he loved her, and that nothing, not even this could change that.

JP didn't see any of this, but his body again moved of its own accord. He had been diligently making tiny thrusts, only putting the first 2 inches, only the very tip of his penis in this angel laying next to him. But he couldn't stop what he did next, not with any force of will he could have ever mustered.

His body coiled back, withdrawing completely.

Then he impaled her.

He thrust the entire length of his iron-hard, eleven-inch member into Michelle. To the hilt. His hips met her ass as the tip of his cock hit the innermost depth of her velvety cunt.

"OMIgod!" Michelle choked on the word, as a cry passed it in her throat. He was entirely in her, filling her more than she'd ever known. More than Ron, more than her previous lover, more than the toy Ron bought her for nights of naughty fun together. More than her fingers, more than the banana she experimented with when she was 13.

The angle was too much for Michelle. As JP started to begin thrusting again, she let out a grunt of slight pain at the way his cock was in her.

JP knew this sound - he'd heard it more than a few times. Most of those times he didn't really care, knowing that in time the recipient of his member would deal with the way it fit in her.

But JP loved Michelle in his own way, and instantly reacted. He lay back, grasping her shoulders to that she lay back to, her back on his chest, her legs spreading up and locking around his. He saw the edges of her breasts lay our from her sides as she lay back. His hands flew up, encompassing them with abandon, mauling the fleshy orbs, pulling her nipples hard, pressing the mounds together. He tried to hold them every way he knew how, all at once. Never had he felt such perfect skin, such perfect heaviness in his hands.

Michelle began to cry out. With each thrust the cry got louder. She was in utter ecstasy now, and the feeling of being totally filled was overwhelming her senses completely. She felt the hands tugging, pulling, pinching, caressing her tits. She loved it. She loved that she had these for men to enjoy. For this man to enjoy. For her husband to enjoy.