College Medical


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"She says in future you must shave all this off. It will be mentioned in your records - and you better do it."

Simon mumbled submissively that he would do it straight away when he got back to the flat, imaging the future shaming ritual of having to shave all that hair off, just because this woman said so.

"Tre, Tva, Ett!"

A flash from the large light briefly blinded Simon, what on earth was that!?

"Nothing to worry about Simon" Elsa told the blinded boy, as she and the two staff together shared a knowing grin.

And then what Simon thought must be the ultimate disgrace. Roughly grabbing his erection, the nurse slapped a metal ruler painfully against it. He was being measured.

"Fyra!" She ruled for all to know.

"Oh my!" Elsa, looking pitfully down on Simon.

He knew what that meant in Swedish. Four! Four inches! Tears began to sting his eyes, he knew it was more than that surely! At least five!

"No its bigger! Please! Make them measure it again Elsa!" he begged.

She smiled sweetly. "No Simon its four. Four inches. Your penis is four inches. Erect. And it barely made that."

Simon wanted to curl into a ball and cry but he felt restraints being applied to his legs. Before he knew it the tormenting nurse had his legs firmly strapped down whilst Elsa had protectively yet firmly put her arms around his shoulders.

Taking pleasure in preparing her instruments, Doctor Bergstrom informed Elsa that this next part may hurt Simon just a little. Yet tightening her grasp around him Elsa whispered into her captive's ear;

"She says this will hurt A LOT!"

Trembling in his constraints Simon desperately wanted to clasp his hands around his poor little penis but Elsa and the nurse would have none of it. All his masculine strength seemed to have been sapped away from him. Holding aloft a vicious looking needle-like instrument the Doctor tightly grasped the tip of his penis until he whimpered with pain. Slowly but surely she pushed the instrument down into his urethra opening. Simon howled in pain begging her to stop. Elsa remained her tight clasp of his arms, watching in amazement as the cystoscopy was pushed into his penis. Pausing to look up at her captive male, the Doctor gave him a cruel smirk as she pushed it down, further and further. His protesting howls only made her push it further and harder. Even her colleague gasped in amazement before laughing, she'd never seen a cystoscopy be so harshly pushed in before. Simon was in a semi-conscious daze until his torment was finally ended. Removing her device with a satisfied grin the Doctor informed Elsa she would be needed for the next interview part.

As she gave Elsa a clipboard with a list of questions, the two professionals now stood to the side, looking accusingly down on the naked, restrained boy.

"Ok Simon, there's some questions you have to answer now" Elsa said in a mischievous tone. "The first question is, how many sexual partners have you had?"

The poor lad had assumed he'd been through all the humiliation that could be brought upon him, but now they would make him admit his deepest secrets.

"None" he said, choking back a sniffle.

The Nurse understood that well enough, 'I'm not surprised, look at the ugly little thing.' She joked in Swedish, casually flicking Simon's stubborn little erection. All the girls took their time sniggering at the macho virgin boy.

"Next question; do you masturbate?"

Simon stared up at Elsa, her demeanour was one of a stern prosecution.

"Don't lie Simon, they can tell from inspecting your little penis again."

"-ok yes. Yes I do." he admitted apologetically as the women sneered at this little wanker with contempt.

"How many times Simon!?" Elsa's voice was raised, Simon was shocked that this angered her so,

"Maybe once, sometimes twice a day..."

Throwing the clipboard down hard onto his chest, Elsa admonished him,

"Twice a day?! No wonder its so small!"

As she relayed his answers to the staff Simon felt close to tears as they gave him such looks of derision and scorn. He had entered this room full of cockiness, now he was just a naked little wanker.

"And do you use pornography Simon?! You know the University banned male students from accessing porn on campus."

Terrified of getting into trouble and unable to summon any resistance he poured out his deepest secrets. He promised he did not, he instead masturbated to facebook pics of girls he liked.

Lowering her voice, Elsa asked the question he didn't want to hear "And does that include me? Do you masturbate over me Simon?"

He felt a strange feeling of relief as his said "Yes. Yes I do Elsa" and saw her smile at the admission. With the questions eventually completed Elsa and the Doctor recorded his answers into the desktop. Roughly squeezing and moving his balls around, the Doctor relayed to Elsa her next withering destruction of Simon's ego.

"Simon, this is serious. She says your confessions plus the inspection of your penis has led her to conclude you have 'Chronic Masturbator Syndrome.' It's a condition that this clinic is heavily researching with the help of the University's science department and can be treatable, but it will have to go into your records."

With him close to tears, Elsa, via the Doctor's advice, consoled him by explaining that it would not jeopardise his scholarship, in fact Doctor Bergstrom stated that she'd proscribed many of the young men from his course as having this condition, and that she was working on possible preventative solutions. She planned to experiment a range of possible remedies upon the boys in the near future.

"So there's just one main task left, Simon." Elsa informed him as he was unstrapped from the bed and beckoned to sit up, his erection still firmly at attention. Slowly coming to his senses and feeling extremely sensitive, Simon realised all three women were now standing in front of him with their hands on their hips. This powerful posture and their jutting breasts made his erection involuntary bob with excitement.

Handed a small beaker by the nurse, Simon looked slavishly to Elsa for instructions.

"Sperm sample. Now. You know what to do..."


He couldn't. Not in front of them, this was the final humiliation. He begged for mercy, he didn't want to be seen as a wanker but Elsa was not taking no for an answer.

"You said you do it twice a day" she accused him mockingly "so now you can do it for an audience. Unless you want to be failed. Wank! Now!"

On her order Simon felt a curious need to obey. Wrapping his shaking hand around his little embarrassment, he slowly began to jerk it up and down. He stared up in a submissive daze to the three stern female figures, each of which had reduced him to a quivering wreck. He gazed into Elsa's eyes and felt overcome with a burning desire to submit to her, this quiet little mousy girl who had somehow conquered him that day. Slipping off the bed he knelt before her, wanking his little rod furiously as he looked up to her feminine figure in adoration. It wasn't long before he could hold on no longer, aiming into the beaker he exploded into ecstasy. His thick white cum erupted everywhere, some into the beaker, some all over Elsa's scruffy little shoes and her legs. The brief feeling of pure pleasure quickly subsided into a deep feeling of shame.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry!" he cried looking up to Elsa, terrified of the mess he had made all over her. Sniggering in derision, the nurse threw a cloth down at him and barked an order. He knew what to do, on his hands and knees he went about cleaning his mess, gently wiping Elsa's legs and shoes as she looked on lovingly. The moment of sublime submissiveness was ruined by the nurse grabbing him forcibly by the arm and brandishing her ruler. Looking to his master for an explanation, Elsa explained.

"All that's left to do. Your 'limp' measurement, for the records."

Desperately looking down he could no longer stop the tears from falling. His spent penis had now retracted into a tiny little mushroom. His tiny embarrassment was placed on the ruler by the nurse.

"Noll - HAHA!"

Wait no! Simon couldn't bear it, zero inches! It was at least half, maybe a little more. As he slumped to the floor he cried. The nurse could not help but revel in his destruction, she made no attempt to hide her contempt for the pin-dick foreign loser.

"I'm afraid it will go down in the records as under 1 inch 'limp', Simon" Elsa said in mock apology. As the Doctor completed Simon's records, she turned to this lovely young lady.

"I've put all the records and the other file on this usb stick. Could you please take it to Coach Karlsson? And perhaps I should email him the files just in case you lose the usb."

Elsa quickly thought this through, "please email it all to me, I will see it gets to the Coach."

The Doctor was more than willing to entrust all the recorded measurements and files with this bright young woman and happily agreed. After explaining the list of files to Elsa, the Doctor shook her hand and gave her a warm hug. Simon sat pathetically on the floor, waiting for a command. Eventually the girls finished their cosy little chat and Elsa came over to him with his clothes. With one final look of pure disdain for Simon, the nurse and Doctor left, leaving him naked and alone with Elsa.

"Lets get you dressed shall we?" she said playfully as she slowly began to put his shirt on. Though she was dressing him at such a slow pace, she mentioned that they needed to hurry.

"why is that?" Simon said, still in a daze as she helped him with his socks.

"-oh. Well the Doctor mentioned there's a group of student nurses already due to use this room you see..."

At that moment the door opened. And Simon melted. Three of the most stunningly beautiful Swedish girls walked in. All in cute little student nurses uniforms. Each one strutted in to the click of high heels until they gasped and saw Simon.

His shirt and socks were barely on but he was naked from the waist down. Elsa was bending down, holding his pathetic little briefs open for him to step into. He could not even summon the courage to hide his tiny penis with his hands. He gazed at these gorgeous young women with pleading eyes. But to no avail. Hysteric laughter broke out as they fell about in glee at the pathetic sight of Simon. He looked to Elsa to help him with his pants but instead she snatched them away and went over to one of the girls.

"Alice! It's Elsa, HEY!"

The girls embraced and caught up, they seemed to be old friends. Simon hung his head in shame and stood there obediently. They were beautiful girls and he could not bear to look at them. He was afraid of them. Though he could not understand their conversation, with the amount of giggling going on he knew they were having a good joke together about him. One of the girls, a platinum blonde was long flowing hair walked past him, giving his little mushroom of a penis a playful flick as she did so but otherwise ignoring him. As she took the seat at the room's computer, Simon had a good view of her ample cleavage, he saw her smile widely, revealing perfect white teeth as she looked through something on the computer. It could not be, surely not, surely she couldn't access the humiliating records of all the guys just like that? Like it was her right? How many of these girls could possibly get access from this terminal? All of them went to the Uni, all of them would know his fellow classmates. After five minutes of further torment for Simon, the girls agreed to leave to let him get dressed, but not before the blonde had taken a printout from the computer. To Simon's sickened shame, it looked like a spreadsheet full of little numbers.

"I told them you may want some privacy." Elsa heartlessly joked, only now holding his briefs open for him to step into. With his clothes now on but feeling just as vulnerable, Simon's mind returned to the usb pen Elsa was holding.

"What's on that?" he quivered

"Oh" she grinned,

"It's your full report, all the measurements, everything. I'm to give it to the coach some time. Also the video of course."

Simon was still trying to work out the consequences of Elsa being entrusted with all this before his caught on.

"wait - video?"

Elsa pointed innocently to the ceiling. A small black camera was fixed in the centre, able to see everything in the room.

"The doctor told me it's by request of the Coach. He wanted all examinations recorded on video and the files saved, should he wish to check them again at some point. He was very keen on it, practically begged them to install the camera. All the guys on your course have had their videos saved too. All captured on film. You undressing, you naked, having your penis measured, your urethral exam, your sordid little confessions. Oh and of course, you masturbating on demand. Every single one of you guys. All filmed and saved."

Elsa waved the usb pen happily. "Your full video is on here. It's also been sent to my email, just in case I lose this, or someone tried to take it off me..."

Simon now knew his previous life was finished. This playful vixen had a video that would destroy him were it ever leaked. She had total control. Complete victory. He could not envisage how she would use it but he knew his main role was now to please her - or else. No one else must find out what a shell of a man he had been reduced to, it was her secret to hold. She had him by the balls.

They left the room of his humbling with Simon walking behind Elsa, holding her hand. They went past the waiting, giggling student nurses and went through the reception, where he sighted his two other tormenters, the Doctor and the nurse. As he past them, they gave him such a smirk that he felt both hatred and yet also adoration for the two women who had confronted his manhood and defeated him. He had marched in brimming with an alpha male ego, he was leaving in shame, a submissive slave to these women. He knew he would soon be back before them to be treated for his 'chronic masturbator syndrome' as they had so cruelly coined it.

As they approach his car Elsa told him firmly that she would drive. Getting into the driving seat, she looked on him fondly, holding aloft the usb pen;

"Now darling, there's going to be some changes between you and me."

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VancouverManVancouverMan3 months ago

One of the best. Great humiliation.

Love it 😘

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very good. I loved the part where Felicity the militant feminist got a copy of the results. That tiny detail really turned me on for some reason.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hate to be the downer here... But isn't this just glorified revenge porn lol? Love a good humiliation story and this one started out great, but when it turned into Elsa flaunting the video as a means for control the story crossed over from delicious fantasy to just... Wrong :-/ idk just my opinion

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

A Swedish doctor would never measure anything in inches! Centimetres only.

StubbynubbyStubbynubbyalmost 3 years ago

Love it!!! Please write another chapter

swimfan2swimfan2about 3 years ago

Excellent story, really well written. Love reading about a cocky, over-confident guy getting cut down to size by hot women. Great stuff!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It is not just medical exams that show girls are smarter then boys They out smart boys at almost every turn.

One story said that if the boys tried to see a girl that he should go to all his classes naked and say he was story to each girl as he was standing before her naked.

That happened to me when I was around 15. My family often had the boys go naked while girls had to be dressed but one time my sisters had several girl friends over and while they were here, they told my parents I and two other boys peeked in on them as they were changing. We did not see anything as they were all dressed when we did it but that did not matter.

My parents and a neighbor husband and wife listened as my sister told them so they deicide a good lesson was to hold a "court" to hear the "case" Since there were only six girl here, they wanted twelve jurors of our peers so dad told mom to call six more of my sisters girl friends to have them come over but they also told all of the girls moms about their plans and ask all the mothers to come over. 12 of my sisters girlfriends and their moms plus my sisters and a couple of couple of female cousins.

Well my parents told them what our offense was and even hinted at what our penalty should be saying "since they tried to see girls without clothes on would it be fair if they had to take ALL their cloths off for you? My dad even said that if it were approved ALL the males would have to take their cloths off for the rest of the evening.

Of course all the girls loved this and after checking with their moms, all the moms agreed that this would be a good punishment since several of the girls had never seen a naked male before it would be a good chance for that to happen in a controlled setting so my dad told the boys to strip and take EVERYTHING off and no covering anything with our hands. The girls loved it as we did as we were commanded so after a few moments, a 10 year old, a 12 and a 14 year old boy were standing naked in front of a couple of dozen women and girls an we knew this would be going on for a couple of hours.

Well one of the girls who was around 11 or 12 at the time got the best of my dad and my neighbor. who had encouraged all this to happen. She addressed my dad and asked him "did you say ALL the males would be naked? My dad did without thinking say yes I did . (by this time my mom and most of the other moms knew where this was going and they all had big smiles on their faces) Then the girl ask..."then why do you and Mr Brown still have your cloths on?

My mom and several of the other ladies then added "yes why do you? Another girl then chimmed in and said shouldn't the adults set an example?

To shorten this story, it everyone agreed that the adult males had to get naked and stay naked for the next two hours too.

Because a few boys TRIED to peek at a few girls and even though they did not see anything, over a couple of dozen girls and their moms got to see boys and adult males completely naked for over two hours. My dad was circumcised while Mr. Brown was not and the girls did not miss this fact so they started asking questions and they were given answers and were shown how the foreskin could be pulled back and expose the glans. Each girl was able to see from a foot away how this was done and of course, then their moms could explain why the penis was growing and then they were told all about erections but they were told they would explain why males got erections when none of the males were around to hear. I guess talking about a female's anatomy was not something males should hear although they were all seeing our cocks and balls and each of the females including the moms were able to touch the boys (they were not allowed to touch the adult males although each of their moms did handle my dad's an Mr. Brown's pricks and nuts much to my mom and Mrs. Browns amusement and encouragement.

Looking back although I did not like it then, I would love to have it happen all over again. That helped me to learn to love being naked with a lot of women around, all who remained dressed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Medical exams tend to prove what my husband and I know. You see, we know men are weaker then women in almost every way so I and my husband both believe women are superior to men, or should I say males as others have said here and my husband does to stress that if you have a penis and testicles, you are just a male while those who do not have those things are ladies or women. My husband showed me how all males do realize that. He told me that in the military, they salute their superior. Then he said that when a male (and he always calls men males) the males prick stands at attention to salute the superior vagina and if allowed to service her, after a short time he has an orgasm and his cock will throb a few times then his dick will bow in submission to the woman and not be able to do it again for some time, often hours meanwhile the woman if the male is considerate will have had multiple orgasms all of which are far more intense then the few throbs of his cock. He said this shows that a vagina is worth a hundred cocks. He also added how strange it was to say someone has a pair of balls as an indication of strength or courage when balls are the weakest part of a male which is why we also have "if you have him by the balls he will obey you (boy my husband knows this is true) Maybe the males should grow a vagina!

I would love to see a lady include this in a story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great advice from "include the BALLS" I did not know it would hurt more to nail just one nut instead of both of them at once. Who would have though? I think I will test it out tonight so my hubby will have sore nuts tonight. Which one do I nail first the left or the right nut? Oh that is right, when we are busting a man's balls both balls are the right one LOL Going to end up kicking, kneeing or squeezing both his nuts a dozen times each tonight anyway hehehhehehe. Umm should I invite a few girlfriends over to help me? He would love that too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Include the BALLS

I agree with the poster who said CFNM stories should include the ladies having men by their balls. I for one love it when a lady is kicking balls and if she is wearing a low cut shirt or short skirt, the male is blindfolded so he does not see anything on her or any other ladies present (and there should be a dozen or more watching or kicking his balls) while all the ladies or girls not only see his cock and balls they feel them as they are crushing his nuts. BTW it hurts a lot more when you kick or crush ONE nut at a time. Try it ladies and if you are a male, offer your nuts to your lady. I do and my wife loves it.

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