Commando at the Waterpark

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Wife has a little wardrobe incident at the waterpark.
5.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/05/2021
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On what was going to look like another stupidly hot summer day according to the weather forecast, a trip to the waterpark with the kids was mandatory. There was no way in the world we were going to stay in our basement all day with all of them climbing at the walls, just because it's cooler down there. So early enough to beat the line up and the heat, we packed a minimum of snacks and sunscreen, we were all wrapped up in our swimsuits and jumped in the car.

During the fortunately short trip there and seeing how the kids couldn't control themselves at the thought of going down water slides, we crash landed in the parking lot as usual. Somehow, being rushed like that was going to help us get in without feeling the temperature climb too much. We had to get in the water as early as possible.

We got in line with only a dozen people ahead of us. This was going to be a quick way in. A sigh of relief ensued.

As the kids kept chatting and joking out loud, making themselves heard all over the check in area, we saw Nathalie and her daughters turn our way to wave hi. Her arms were loaded with bags of supplies, but underneath, I saw that she was wearing a kind of light black strapless see through summer dress, with a pleated pattern and ruffles at the sleeves.

It was a good thing we caught her here at the check in area, before she went loose in the park. Running into her was an unexpected surprise, but a very welcome one at the same time. That meant that the kids were going to have friends to play with, and disperse the overall excess of energy at the same time. Funny sometimes how chemistry makes it that girls can have that effect on boys.

Instead of yelling across, we all waited until we got inside to get together and chat.

'Hey, Jess.' said Nat. 'How are you? I had a feeling you'd be here today, but I didn't think of asking. Is it okay if we tag along? '

'Hi, sure! Of course, please, come on! At least with you, it's always easier to split and get the kids together on rides of their own age. Everyone's happy, that way.'

'Right. Ok, let's go find a spot... Hey, nice dress by the way!'

You, my love, wore a lovely dress, indeed. It was a grey summer dress with yellow checkered patterns you had just bought. It had a low and airy neckline, allowing to show ample cleavage. It cut a little shorter than average at the bottom, and tied nicely with a big chunky knot in the neck. The extensible fabric looked tight yet soft and very thin, clinging nicely to your curves.

I kept an eye on the kids as I walked behind the group, with my watchful eye. Just as expected, my senses suddenly became sharp and alert as soon as I stepped foot in the park. Not only is this place overstimulating for me, or for anyone, really, with the white noise of distant chatter mixed in with thumping beach music, the odors and colors - add today's overwhelming heat to keep you from thinking - but it's also where the analytical half of my brain goes into overdrive.

I've always been deeply mystified and fascinated by the human anatomy, and in that kind of place, from behind my sunglasses, I just can't help but stare at everyone's various body types: fat, thin, muscular, hairy, tall, tanned, gross... or curvy, opulent, busty, name it. I assume that's the artist in me, trying to understand and decipher reality, so I can recreate it in my own way.

When we all settled our spot in the shade of a tree, we all stripped down to our swimsuits. You had your usual bikini: an elegant red top and a high rise black bottom with metal loops binding the front and the back. As for Nat, she was donning a cute cyan tankini.

Then everyone kind of scattered, depending on what the kids wanted to do. You and Nat headed off to the kiddie pool with the young ones, while I left for the bigger rides with the bigger kiddos.

Those waiting lines, seemingly longer today than usual, are a necessary pain. As we waited under the scorching sun until we got in the water for 2 minutes, we killed time by playing games and singing rhymes. We ended up doing 6 or 7 different rides, I wasn't too sure, anymore. Some were just done with faster than I thought.

Then, when the kids get a little more hyper and start complaining about being hungry, that's when you look at your watch and realize time zoomed by: how can it be almost noon, already?

As I was getting soaked from head to toe, zipping down that last slide with the crazy carpet before heading back for lunch, I saw your silhouette at the bottom of the ride, along with Nat and the kids.

Why were you wearing your dress?

As the kids and I all walked up to your group, you were staring at me, arms crossed, looking falsely irritated with a smile at the corner of your lip.

'Hi - What? What's going on?' I said, darting my eyes everywhere.

'Well... Jess experienced what you would call a little wardrobe malfunction.' said Nat, when she saw you weren't answering. 'She was just coming down this tiny slide at the splash pad when one of her bikini loops must have caught in one of the junctions of the slide. It... snapped.'

'Oh...' I said, looking down.

'...and... well, before she starts flashing everyone, I think she tried to tie it back up so she could finish the day with it, but yeah... Guess it didn't work. So she took it all off, instead. Isn't that right, Jess?'

It all became clear now. Usually, when we're about to leave the water park and you don't want your dress to get wet, you pull off this little magic trick of slipping out of your bikini from under the dress. It's enough to give me dirty ideas every time, even though it's just for the good of the cause. But today, we weren't about to leave just yet, and that meant you had simply resolved to go Commando around the park for the rest of the day.

Looking closer, I could now tell that your big juicy breasts were indeed looking like they were hanging free. Even your thick nipples could poke through more easily without that extra barrier.

At the light of the outcome from this unfortunate little incident, my brain would've already opened the valves to my cock, making it inflate noticeably and turn my swim trunks into a tent, but the thing was that we're in the middle of a crowded waterpark. I couldn't get carried away, there were people all around.

And there was Nat, standing there, looking a little embarrassed. Was there something else going on that I didn't know?

On the other hand, I could see why. Outside of us two knowing how to share this more intimate detail, Nat was the only other one in on it, and knew how delicate it was going to be for you to cope without risking exposing yourself, especially seeing how short your dress is. More precisely, that dress cut probably not more than an inch or two below the cheeks.

That's right, your naked butt was dangerously within reach and it was bound to make me go down in IQ fast.

You were still staring at me with that same frown but you looked amused more than anything. You knew how that kind of situation could activate my dirty mind, but you were also stuck in the same circumstances as me. With the simple flick of a wrist, you could've easily started teasing and torturing me, though you would have been unable to really express yourself if all this was getting very arousing for both of us.

And that was it. There was a lot of unspoken tension, a lot of assumptions, because of the virgin ears that were close by. Usually, I know of a few ways to crack dirty jokes at you, unbeknownst to the children, even when they're within earshot. But in Nat's presence, I didn't want to start insisting on the obvious. I made it look like this was no laughing matter and that I shouldn't start acting like a pervert over this serious issue... though deep down, this was troubling me. Substantially.

The walk back to the picnic tables was enough to get my mind racing again. From behind you, I was watching the bottom of your dress flutter in the wind, giving me tiny glimpses of your ass cheeks rolling together. Wow... and to think that you were going to walk around the park all day like this. And to top it off, you were side by side with Nat, whom I had to admit she did have a cute butt, adding to the torrid image I had in front of me.

So we sat down for a quick lunch break at the picnic tables. The kids wolfed down everything and were up and running again just as fast. As all of them waddled and splashed in the kiddie pool, close by, it was only us three adults at the table.

'You can go, honey.' you sighed. 'I'll just have to stay here, I guess. I can't even go and put my feet in the water close to the kids, they're gonna drag me in, or splash me by accident. And I don't want to get that dress wet too. It's all I have left at the moment. Right?'

'Right..' said Nat. 'If it gets wet, that dress is just gonna cling to your skin and make everything... just stick out.'

She chuckled at that, I guess trying to lift your spirits a little. I stared at her, quizzically. Where was she going with this?

'Yeah, thanks for pointing it out, Nat.' you replied, laughing sarcastically. 'No, you're right. I wouldn't want to put on a show, here, would I?'

You sighed again and shot me a brief but meaningful glance. I wasn't sure how far you were going to keep this conversation going, but it was getting dangerously slippery. I stood up and started for the pool, where the kids were. But that's when Nat spoke out, catching my attention.

'Oh, wait... You know, Jess, since you're stuck in a pickle for the rest of the afternoon, I could... I don't know, offer you to watch the kids while you guys take a break. Those private booths at the bar over there are really fun. Naturally, not a lot of people use them in this familial water park, but Eric and I did once, when there were friends watching our kids. I think you should try and go get a drink. It's on me, really. I'll... I'll keep an eye on the group for a bit.'

'Oh, that's fine, Nat.' I said, shrugging. 'In fact, you should be the one that keeps her company. I'll go and walk with the kids all over the park. I can always carry one if-'

'Wait, you said "private", right?' you retorted, cutting me off. 'Like no one can see you?'

'Well, not from down the hill.' explained Nat. 'Look, there are stools with a counter top, where you can have your drink and look over the park, but no one can see underneath. Like... the actual point of this is to make you sit somewhere, Jess, where you won't have to worry about flashing anyone, while you have some time off to yourselves...'

We both stared at Nat.

'...if you know what I mean.'

'Do I wanna know what you mean, Nat?' you snorted, trying to dissuade her.

'Well, I couldn't help but notice that Eric here sure would have like 5 minutes alone with you, am I right?'

I looked down and she was right. I still had a chubby. All this Commando talk was enough to get my blood racing, apparently without my knowing. I blushed and started sort of pacing, as if trying to hide it.

'Oh, don't be embarrassed.' she laughed out loud. 'Look, even Jess has some body parts of her own that are poking out just as much. I'm sure it's at the thought of going to a private booth with you.'

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Nat was openly drawing attention to your nipples, hardening with arousal, which made my manhood now manifest itself flagrantly.

It was her turn to blush.

'Alright, you lovebirds. Go ahead, have fun. I'll stay with the rugrats.'

What was going on? Why did I get so horny all of a sudden? Nat stood up and bounced her eyebrows, before joining the kids. It was now just you and I at the table.Turning to me, you gasped silently, looking ecstatic!

'Did you hear that?' you said, whispering to me. 'She said "5 minutes alone with her". Ohhh! How dare you show that filthy thing in front of her, you pervert?'

'Pervert? You're the one that looked pretty insistent on going somewhere "private"!' I laughed back.

You made your hand crawl up my thigh, towards the magnetic field that is my crotch. This was getting very interesting. But equally risky, too! I slapped your hand lightly, away from my cock.

'Jess, don't... please ahahaha! Not here. I need to be able to walk over there, without having to cover myself awkwardly. I could really use a minute to recompose myself, though, everything about you right now screams out hot and sexy!'

'Really, now?' you grinned, mischievously. 'I guess you like how my tits almost look naked even with my dress on?'

'Baby, I'm realizing just now how thin the fabric of your dress really is. And it's pretty tight, too. It keeps your boobs all round and nice. Look at you, oh my god... all right, well, can I pay you a drink then?'

'Sure, honey, after you!'

To go through the gate, there was a hostess that took our names and gave us a seat. Although, she kind of let us pick it ourselves, there was a lot of room available. There was also a single server assigned to the whole area. We assumed she was going to pop up once in a while to freshen our drinks and check on the two other couples on the other half of the restricted area. But really, it was just us here, far away from prying eyes.

We sat down with a beer and we already felt all giddy and jittery. We couldn't believe how easy this was going to be. We knocked our bottles in good fashion and devoured each other with our stare.

We took a moment in silence to savour this freedom, where I sit next to my partner, my wife, the love of my life. Looking around, I kissed you softly and caressed your back. It still surprised me how different it feels without the hems of your swimsuit. I kept rubbing your lower back, slowly moving down. My hand finally curled up your dress to feel your naked ass. Your whole body tensed at my touch, imploring me to return the kiss harder.

'Honey, I don't think we have much time.' you giggled.

'I know, drink up.'

'That's not what I meant...'

As you said that, your hand moved over my crotch. My swimsuit was still wet, and outlined very well the shape of my hardening cock.

'Hmmmmm... I knew very well what you meant. Shame that you can't take out your titties, they're making my mouth water so bad!'

'Right. Well, the only way I could really do that would be to untie that knot in my neck, and I guess that's a little too much. But... come on, look at them. The dress is so thin, I'm almost feeling the wind through... You know, I wonder if I could feel your hand just as much...'

You turned your whole body in my direction and that was my cue to test your theory. I lifted a hand to start kneading your left breast.

'Wow, you're right. It almost feels as soft as your skin. Hmmm, damn, look at those hard nipples...'

I started pinching them lightly, which almost puffed them up to twice their size. It was starting to look borderline indecent. All of this was sure working you up. Your legs started fidgeting left and right, which eventually caused your dress to slowly crawl up on your thighs, enough to finally let me see your pussy.

'Oh yesss... Can you feel the wind down there, too?' I asked.

You looked down but didn't try to readjust. Instead, you evened us out and abruptly fished out my stiff cock from my swimsuit. As if it caught us off guard from being so engorged and imposing already, we drew back and stared at it, watching it throb, silently while we kept sipping our beer.

With my staff suddenly out in the open like that, my breathing got deep and hoarse. I tried to relax just like you by sitting back and contemplating your juicy slit, but I couldn't control myself as much... It was glimmering in the sunlight, looking so soft and wet...inviting. I had to move my hand and inspect it. I pushed my thumb in it, and parted your lips.

Your breathing suddenly picked up, too, but you remained still, watching my cock bounce from my heartbeat. In time, clear precum had pearled up at the tip, without even soliciting my dick whatsoever.

We went on like this for a good 10 minutes: sitting back to sip our beers and enjoy this little bit of freedom of doing something so naughty in such an unexpected situation. I was getting crazy horny as I worked my thumb inside you, while I kept an eye out for any bystander. I was acting natural, while deep down, I really ached for your hand on my shaft.

'That's so hot hhmmmm you're unbelievable.' you whispered. 'What if the server comes here?'

'Easy, you can just turn around and close your legs. I'll just have to hide it under the counter, like that, 'cause there's no way I could - shit!'

As if right on cue, over your shoulder, I saw the server come our way with menus. I instantly turned around on my stool, but my eyes shot wide open when I felt your hand seize my cock, where she couldn't see. I turned my head your way, bewildered! It was too late to start attempting to push you away. We were blushing a good deal and your nipples were obscenely poking through your thin dress, so you could almost tell what we were doing from just looking at the upper half of our body.

'Hi guys, can I offer you a bite to eat, you think, or just another refreshment?'

'Oh, we're fine.' I giggled. 'We're on borrowed time, here, we're gonna have to go back to the kids pretty soon. But thanks!'

I felt your hand rubbing up and down my shaft, yet that girl was right there, not noticing it. It was so hard to refrain from smiling, my face felt like it was stuck in a cramp.

'Gotcha, no problem! Let me know if you're ready to pay, or need anything else.'

She left, most likely having doubts on why we were smiling so much.

'You happy? You really liked torturing me like that?' I snickered.

'Yeah, but... you know, honey, it's impolite not to ask a lady if she wants a bite to eat. 'Cause I just appear to feel a little peckish.'

You couldn't even finish your sentence that you were already bending down under the counter.

'Holy cow, Jess, what are you doing?'

'What does it look like I'm doing?' you purred. 'We just basically told her that we'll finish that beer and leave, I don't think she'll be back just yet. That should leave me some time to... do this.'

I gasped again and my toes curled up upon the hot touch of your tongue on my dick. I managed to choke back a scream of surprise, but the hardest part in that now was that I was going to have to keep a straight face in front of the crowd. That's the kind of challenge that I like about your little naughty games: it helps me put my mind on something else, to keep from blowing too soon. I guess you could say it really helps with the control.

Bending my head down, I watched you go to town on me.

'You know, I'm hhmmmmm gonna look like I'm talking to myself, up here.'

'It's okay.' you said, between two mouthfuls. 'You don't have to speak, you can just watch... Oh, I know. Here, you want something else to look at?'

You drew back and bent your head down, only to pull your strap forward, this way taking your hot tits out to me.

'Ahhhh, holy fuck, Jess, better be careful, or I might lose it without warning if you keep doing stuff like that. Hmmmmm you just know I can't resist those big boobies when they're naked, but I think I loved them even more earlier when they were covered with that dress only. I think that's what got us in this mess in the first place. You looked so sexy, baby, it was fucking hot!'

'I know hhmmmmmmmm the way you looked at me turned me on so much. Yesss and guess what, the day isn't over. I'm still gonna be like this around you for the whole afternoon, just for you.'

I tried to make out what you were saying, which sounded like you had a hot potato in your mouth, which technically, though, wasn't too far from the truth.

'I won't be able to stop myself, baby, I'm gonna want to put my hands all over you.'

'That's what I love honey, when you undress me with your eyes.'