Common Interests Pt. 02

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A family affair.
5.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 05/21/2024
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A few weeks later Kat asked, "Hon, my sister would like to come meet you. Are you okay with that?"

"Certainly," I answered. "This is now our home and your friends and relatives are always welcome. You never mentioned a sister, where does she live?"

"She's in Texas although she's thinking about moving. The politics there are getting pretty radical."

"Is she older or younger," I asked.

"Older," Kat replied with a strange little smirk on her face. I decided to let it pass as it may well have been a figment of my imagination.

"She has a reservation for Wednesday since that's a cheap day to fly. I'll have to skip Habitat this week but there's no need for you to. I can pick her up myself," Kat said. "We should be here around five if the flight isn't late."

Wednesday morning Kat woke me with a blowjob ahead of the alarm, which she neglected to shut off. I was enjoying the warmth and softness of her mouth, and her talented tongue, and getting close when all of a sudden the alarm went off, causing me to do the same.

Kat reached over without letting go of my cock and hit the snooze as it was easier than fumbling with the off button. She went back to milking me for every drop she could get, and held me in her mouth until I started to soften.

"Morning, darling," she smiled.

"Nice way to wake up, thank you, love," I said. "But I need to get up and get ready for work. No need for you to get up if you want to catch some more sleep."

"Thanks, I think I'll do just that," she said, turning over and pulling the sheet over her head.

I turned off the alarm before the snooze could expire and went into the bathroom to pee and weigh myself. Then I dressed in work clothes - no sense showering since I'd be getting dirty and sweaty at the build site.

In the kitchen I started a cup of coffee and took out the cereal, blueberries, almond milk and protein powder. After eating breakfast I made a sandwich to take for lunch along with a few snacks. I went back into the bedroom, pulled the sheet off Kat's head and kissed her cheek. "By, love. Drive safe."

It was roof sheathing day. Jake and I had to hoist seventy-pound four by eight Zip panels straight up so Rob and Pete, standing in the trusses, could grab them and put them into place. It's hard, tough work and we all welcomed the chance to sit and have lunch.

Afterwards we went back to roofing and managed to get all the sheathing up and nailed down. We quit about three and everyone headed home. When I reached the cabin I sat on the bench in the mudroom and took off my boots. Going into the bathroom I started the shower and stripped down, tossing my clothes into the hamper.

I normally shower in about three minutes, as I keep my bald head shaved. No need for shampoo or conditioner. But today, once I finished soaping and rinsing, I stood under the hot water, letting it ease the tension and aches from my muscles.

Once I would have shaved my cock and sac as that's my preference, but Kat had a laser light handset she used to permanently remove the hair on her legs, armpits, and labia. She had started using it on me and after a few weekly treatments there was noticeably less hair down there.

Finally I reluctantly turned off the shower and dried off. I pulled on a pair of boxer briefs, a nice tee shirt, and my newest pair of jeans. I slipped my feet into my trainers and headed into the living room. Checking my phone I saw a text from Kat saying they were on their way and should be here by five, only ten or fifteen minutes from now.

I normally never drink before at least five but today had been a tough day and I felt I deserved a reward. I poured myself a glass of Oban single malt scotch and added just a touch of cold water from the fridge. I was relaxing on the recliner sofa when my security camera app sounded off. Picking it up I saw Kat's SUV pull up the driveway and head into the garage.

After parking Kat hit the button to open the tailgate as I walked out to meet them. I grabbed the two suitcases from the cargo area and shut the tailgate while the ladies got out of the car and began exiting the garage.

I almost dropped the bags I was holding when I saw Kat's sister. Except for a slightly longer haircut she was the spitting image of Kat. They both burst out in laughter at the look on my face.

"When I told you she was older than me I kind of left out the eight minutes part," Kat smirked. "Say hello to my twin, Kitty."

Kitty came up to me and, as my hands were full of her luggage, gave me a friendly hug and a kiss on the cheek. We all went inside and I set Kitty's bags on the landing to the loft.

"You should have seen the look on your face when you saw me!" Kitty exclaimed.

"If you two had the same hair style I doubt I could tell you apart," I admitted.

"Could lead to some interesting things," Kat said mischievously.

I fixed them both drinks while Kat gave her sister the grand tour of our 1200 square foot cabin. It was a gorgeous day so we took our drinks out to the large rocking chair porch. I let the women take the two rocking chairs and moved one of the chairs from the cafe table to be near them.

We chatted about Kitty's trip (okay but flying had gotten crowded), the drive from the airport, and her plans (completely undecided). "We'll take you around to some of the nicer little towns around here. If you like to hike there are plenty of waterfalls to go see," I suggested.

"I'd like that," Kitty said, "I'm hoping to move out of Texas and the idea of being close to my baby sister has appeal." Kat rolled her eyes at the 'baby sister' appellation, clearly a long-standing tease.

"Kits, I had some reservations about moving to such a rural area, but I've come to absolutely love it. There are some drawbacks like no pizza or Chinese delivery and the need to keep an eye on your gas tank since it's almost twenty miles to the gas station, but those are easy adjustments," Kat said.

"Kitty, your sister and I are both very good cooks, but we've had long days so tonight we're going to take you out for dinner. We usually try to avoid Helen since it's such a tourist town but being Wednesday it shouldn't be too crowded. Mully's Nacoochee Grill is a very nice place and we have reservations for six thirty. Is that okay?" I asked.

"Sure, whatever you want to do," she replied.

At six they both went into the master bath to freshen up. I've never been close to any twins but wasn't overly surprised at their ease with each other. I was curious about the famous ability of twins to sense each other's feelings and the like.

"Okay, we're ready. I'll drive since your Mini isn't big enough for three," Kat announced. I saw they had both touched-up the minimal makeup they obviously preferred and Kitty had changed out of her comfortable travel clothes into an attractive sundress, not unlike the one Kat wore.

Once seated Kitty and I ordered a drink but Kat settled for iced tea as she was driving. We ordered some appetizers to munch on while we looked over the menus. Kat decided on a small filet mignon as we rarely eat red meat at home, and Kitty followed suit. I chose the lasagna.

"So tell me, are the stories about twins true? Can you sense when the other is sad, or worried, or hurt? That kind of stuff," I asked.

"Absolutely, at least for the two of us. I can't speak for other twins but I feel Kat often, even thousands of miles away," Kitty offered.

"I may as well tell you," Kat said, "after we had sex the first time Kitty texted me and said "You just got laid! Congrats!" Both women laughed and Kitty swore it was true.

"I also knew she had found her 'one'," Kitty said. "She had such an aura of peace and contentedness when she woke up next to you the next day."

"It isn't like we can sense or feel everything. I'm not psychic, I can't tell when Kitty grabs a coffee mug or brushes her teeth. It's just with emotional things. Hard to explain to a non-twin, but there's a special closeness between us," Kat continued.

"Remember, we've been extremely close our entire lives, even pre-birth. We even started our first periods on the same day. Women who live together often have synchronized periods, but ours were always the same even when we lived apart. Of course we're past that now, thankfully," Kitty said.

"Have you ever changed places to fool someone?" I asked.

They both laughed. "Just once. We were on a double date and it was obvious the guys wanted more than we were willing to let them have. So we went dancing and when we were ready to leave Kat and I went to the ladies. We switched clothes and swapped dates without either of them realizing. When they put the moves on us hard we busted them, saying 'You can't even tell I'm not your date!"

"it was pretty funny but they didn't think so," Kat added.

Finished, we headed back to the cabin. Kat wanted the drink she'd foregone at the restaurant so we each had one more. I had made up the futon in the loft before they had arrived so Kitty was all set once we finished.

The loft was directly above the master bedroom, and the floor of the loft and ceiling of the master was just tongue and groove two by sixes. Sound really travelled between the two rooms. I reminded Kat of this but she didn't care. She wanted to make love and I could never refuse her that. I did my best to keep kissing her as she came but I couldn't stifle her moans completely. Fortunately I expected to be up and headed to my trainer session before they got out of bed in the morning.

When I opened the bedroom door and entered the kitchen I was surprised to find Kitty already there. And more surprised to see her in just panties and a t-shirt. She saw the look on my face and laughed. "It's really nothing you haven't seen many times before, just on me instead of Kat. You certainly saw more than this last night," she grinned. I knew I was blushing but couldn't stop it.

"Kat's still sleeping. I have to go - I have a session with my personal trainer. Tell Kat to text me if you gals decide to go to the gym, otherwise I'll come straight back."

"Will do," she said as she stood, hugged me and kissed my cheek again. "Drive carefully."

An hour later my session was over and I checked my phone for a message. Kat had texted but it was to ask me to come home as the gals wanted to visit Dahlonega, so I headed home.

Once I arrived Kat hugged and kissed me then said, "I hear Kitty surprised you this morning," with a little grin on her face.

"Yeah, you could say that. I'm not used to finding a scantily clad clone of my woman who was sleeping in the bedroom," I told her.

"She's a bit of an exhibitionist, but she does kinda have a point. She looks pretty much exactly like me so it's nothing you haven't seen."

"I suppose but that's such a strange concept it will take some time to get used to the idea," I explained. "Anyway, are you two ready to go?"

"Let me see if she's dressed," Kat said, heading up to the loft.

A few moments later the two came downstairs. Once again they were dressed very similarly, in summery sundresses of different colors and patterns. I knew they couldn't pull the outfit switcheroo because of the different haircuts, but I wouldn't put it past them to try some shenanigans. I was learning they were both pranksters, and Kitty seemed to bring out that side of Kat even more than usual.

We took her SUV again but this time I drove. Kitty sat in the front passenger seat with Kat behind her, pointing out the various sights we passed on the journey. We stopped at a winery shortly before reaching Dahlonega. We each had one glass of wine while we looked out over the rolling hills covered with vines.

Once in town we browsed through a couple of antique malls without buying anything, then toured the gold museum, something I'd never done despite having vacationed and then lived in the area for almost fifteen years. Everywhere we went we were met with many stares, because not only are twins somewhat rare, these two were both incredibly beautiful. I have no doubt most of the people who bothered to look at me were thinking I was punching way above my weight class. I couldn't disagree.

There had been a good Greek restaurant on the square but it closed during the pandemic. I did know of three places that had good burgers, so we perused the menus in their windows and Kitty made the decision. She ordered a Crab Cobb Salad and wine, while Kat chose the Club Sandwich and wine and I stuck with my favorite, burger. I asked for water with lemon to drink.

We did some more window shopping after lunch then retrieved the car and started back to the cabin. Things took an interesting turn when Kat asked a question to which she already knew the answer. "Todd, have you ever had a threesome?"

Wondering where she was going with this I said, "You know I have. I told you all about the two times I did that, years ago."

"Yes, as I recall the first time was with your wife and her younger sister. They weren't twins though, were they?"

"Nope. Six years apart, which would have been one hell of a pregnancy!" I reminded her.

"I haven't had sex in almost a year," Kitty said. "And I've never had a threesome."

"But you have been with a woman," Kat said.

"Yes, we both have," Kitty replied, grinning.

"Hmmmm," I said, "something tells me the two of you have been together and I don't just mean in the same place."

Both of them laughed loudly. "You're right. We fooled around with each other before we even let a guy get to second base. We gave each other the first orgasms we had with another person," Kat explained.

"Todd, when Kitty asked to come visit she told me she wanted us to do it again. I was going to ask if you minded if I slept with her,"

Kitty interrupted, "but after hearing you two last night I asked Kat if she'd be okay with a threesome."

"So what do you think, hon? Wanna take us both to bed?" Kat asked.

"Wow! I'm shocked. That's something I never expected," I told them.

"Is that a no?" Kitty asked.

"No, but it isn't a yes. You gals need to give me some time to think about this."

"Sure hon, not like we can do anything while you're driving," Kat said.

"Kat, help me understand why you would be for this. If you had asked to sleep with Kitty I would have understood and supported you. Don't get me wrong - I expect us to be exclusive, but an exception for your twin, and only for her, seems reasonable. We are all adults, after all," I told them.

"Hon, sharing a man is something we've never done before. And like Kitty I've never had a threesome, so you're two up on us in that regard. Plus, it just feels right. I don't want to have to worry that you'll get upset if I sleep with just her," Kat explained.

"I assume you're both expecting that everyone will fuck everyone else, right?" I said.

"Definitely. Kat and I want each other and I really want some good cock, which she assures me you have. The question is, can you keep up with two of us?" Kitty smirked.

"I guess there's only one way to know," I retorted.

It wasn't long before we arrived back home at the cabin. The sisters both picked a bathroom and peed, neither bothering to shut the door. I used the en suite after Kat finished and by the time I was done they were both naked, on the bed.

I stared at the two of them, side by side. They truly were clones of one another. Their breasts were absolutely identical, as were their pussies. They even sported the same shaved/trim job I prefer. "Did you tell her about that" I asked while pointing.

"I did. I figured if you said yes you should have both the way you like them. Is it okay?" Kat said.

"Completely. Now, turn over, both of you."

When they lay on their stomachs I determined that their gorgeous asses were also exact copies. I finally found a difference when I spread their cheeks. Kitty's rosebud is darker than Kat's, but not by much.

"Someone is very over-dressed, buster," Kat said.

"Yeah, let's see the goods, Todd," Kitty added.

I stripped down and Kitty immediately reached out and gripped my erect cock. "Nice, very nice," she said. "I think I'm jealous!"

"No need for jealousy, you're welcome to enjoy it. But first, I want to enjoy you," Kat said as she moved down and between Kitty's legs. I moved so I would have the best view of the action that was about to take place.

Kat slipped her arms under Kitty's thighs and raised them until her knees were bent and her feet flat on the mattress. She inhaled deeply then put the tip of her tongue at the bottom of Kitty's slit and traced it up to the top. I saw her lips encase the clit she found there and Kitty shuddered and moaned.

Kat kept working Kitty's clit while she plunged her thumb into her wet pussy, covering it with Kitty's juices. I could tell she was moving it down to that rosebud and a small shriek from Kitty had to mean Kat had entered her back door. I wondered just how far Kitty would go with anal. Kat was okay with a finger or thumb but shut the back door to a cock. I was fine respecting her wishes, although I had to admit that an occasional journey in that area was always welcome.

Kat's hand was moving fast as she thumb-fucked her twin's ass and ate her clit. Kitty's moans grew louder and louder until she thrust her hips and lifted her ass off the mattress, screaming "YESSSSSSS!"

Kat moved off Kitty's clit and tenderly licked her slit, drinking in her sister's cum as it leaked out of her pussy. Kitty dropped her ass back onto the bed, breathing deeply. She took Kat's head in her hands and held her tight to her pussy.

Kat lifted herself over Kitty's leg, coming toward me. When she lay right next to me she kissed me, smearing my lips and tongue with Kitty's cum. It tasted similar, but not identical, to her own. I was suddenly certain I would be doing a side by side comparison before this episode ended.

Kat pushed me onto my back and straddled my head. She lowered her pussy to my mouth and told her twin, "His cock is all yours. Climb aboard!"

Kitty straddled my hips, raising herself up, then grabbed my cock and lifted it up to her opening. Letting go with her hand she slowly lowered herself onto my stiff shaft. Her pussy felt great and reminded me strongly of Kat's. While I still had some ability to concentrate I focused on her, trying to decide whether it was identical to Kat's.

I was also working hard to bring Kat to orgasm with my lips and tongue, as she'd done with Kitty. It felt strange to be licking the familiar pussy that I could swear was riding my cock at the same time. This was a unique experience I could get used to in a hurry.

Kitty was apparently enjoying herself immensely as she bobbed up and down on my cock. I could occasionally feel her fingertips and was certain she was rubbing her own clit furiously. Meanwhile Kat wasn't relying solely on my actions. She rocked her hips back and forth, pushing her slit against my mouth from base to clit. Each time she presented her clit to me I flicked my tongue back and forth across its' tip. When her opening was near I thrust my tongue as deep inside her as I could.

I heard Kitty start panting and knew she was getting close. I tilted my head back to free my mouth long enough to say "I'm close". Both women started fucking me - one my cock, the other my mouth - faster and harder. When I shot my first spurt into Kitty she came loudly, and Kat joined in the party.

Kitty was in charge of that connection but I grabbed Kat's clit with my lips and tongued it as fast as I could. Her orgasm came in waves, one right after the last, until she screamed out "Stop!" and lifted herself off me. I knew she couldn't take any more and, having no interest in torturing her, stayed away. Poised over me as she was, her pussy dripped cum copiously onto to face.

Kitty was finally slowing down, but her pussy was still clenching and releasing my cock, whether voluntarily or not I had no idea. Fortunately her muscles are near her entrance so my sensitive head wasn't subjected to her squeezing. Surprisingly though, my cock so far had shown no signs of deflating.