Complex Infatuation


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As I was pulling away after tucking Gail in she grabbed the lapel of my suit jacket, pulled my head toward hers, and planted a steaming hot kiss on my lips. After she released me she said "Thanks," then turned over. By the time that I turned off the light and exited her room she was - as promised by her diatribe in the bar - snoring.

My cock remained rock hard, and my mind preoccupied, as I rode home in my chauffeured limousine. "Thank God I didn't drive," was my only thought that brought me any comfort. When I got home I spanked the monkey harder than at any other time in my life, remembering Gail's consummate body, and discharged what seemed like a liter of cum.


Brenda arrived at our house about eleven o'clock Saturday morning. After we exchanged perfunctory kisses and she asked about the party, and I asked about her business trip, she told me that she needed a shower. She placed her iPhone and purse on the kitchen counter, and put her suitcase in the laundry room, before she headed upstairs.

As I sipped a glass of orange juice in the kitchen I was feeling somewhat guilty - even though I hadn't really done anything wrong - and more uncomfortable than ever about my preoccupation with Gail, when a cellphone buzzed.

I truly thought that it was my cellphone. I stood up and walked over to the counter where both my and Brenda's identical iPhones lay. It was honestly just happenstance that I saw the text on what turned out to be Brenda's phone. "U R my best fk ever, sexpot," followed by a devilishly smiling emoji and "Bill."

Bill Bentsen was a guy that Brenda worked with and who likely had been with her on her "business" trip the last few days.

I collapsed in the nearest chair. My mind was swirling, but I calmed down and was mostly rational by the time that Brenda sauntered back into the kitchen with a robe on, and her hair still wet from the shower. "Why do you look like your dog just died?" she half-jokingly asked when she saw me.

I stared at her unsmiling and replied "Because my marriage just did."

She looked startled.

As I handed her iPhone to her I said "Check your last text."

She pushed a few buttons then put her hand over her face.

"How long has your affair with Bill been going on?" I snarled.

Her expression went from startled to hard. "About one tenth of the time that your affair with Gail Preston has," she sneered.

"I have never had sex with Gail," I snapped back.

"Maybe not - but you've had an emotional affair with her since the day that you met her," Brenda snapped in return.

"How did you come up with that?" I inquired, my voice slightly breaking since I could not deny an emotional affair - even though I had done everything in my power not to make it physical.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the funny looks on your face whenever you're around her - maybe the spontaneous ejaculation in your pants when you slow danced with her." How she figured that one out I hadn't a clue. "Most certainly you calling out her name during the night, and even twice while fucking me doggy, you bastard," she snarled.

The last comment surprised me, but I couldn't deny it - maybe I had. "So that gives you the right to fuck Bill Bentsen for the last five, six - how many months?" I yelled.

"I needed a contingency plan for when you dumped me once your emotional affair became physical," Brenda replied, this time with a sad look on her face, a tear in her eye, and her arms crossed.

We silently stared at each other for what seemed like a half hour but was probably only a couple of minutes. Finally I rose from my chair and said "Why don't you come home early Monday afternoon so that I can have you served here instead of at your office. I won't try and enforce the morality clause in the prenup."

I walked up to my bedroom, gathered together the clothes and supplies that I'd need for the next few days, put them in a suitcase, and walked out the door. Just before I exited Brenda sobbed "So that's it?"

Without turning back to look at her I replied "Yeah, that's it. Since it's my house you'll need to vacate within the next month as provided by the prenup," as I departed the threshold without bothering to close the door behind me.


Brenda didn't try to reconcile - not that it would have done any good because I wasn't in the reconciling mood. She signed the settlement papers a few days after she had been served with the divorce papers since the prenup was very clear on what was to happen, and I was not invoking the morality clause even though she knew that I could have. I stayed in our beach house for the next month until she vacated what had been our suburban home. She took very little with her that she wasn't entitled to.

I received a call from Gail on the night of the Monday that Brenda had been served. I decided to answer it. After a quick exchange of "Hi" she got right to the point.

"I'm sorry if I was hard on you Friday night at the party, Brent. Although it is no excuse I was drunk for the first time since college, and wanted to air what was on my mind."

"I understand, Gail; you did nothing wrong."

"I also want to thank you for getting my drunken ass up to my room - but how did I end up only in a thong?"

"You demanded that I take your dress off so that you didn't ruin it by sleeping in it, and hang it up in the closet," I chuckled in reply.

"That sounds like me," she chuckled back. "Did you get a good look?"

"Yes - I surely did," I chuckled again.

"As gross as I told you it would be?" she responded, again with a chuckle.

"Actually, you're Aphrodite," I replied after a long pause, then quickly continued with "but let's not talk about that anymore."

"Agreed. I called about another issue though, too," Gail said, devoid of any levity.

"What's that?"

"I got a call from Brenda late afternoon. She reamed me out - called me a 'siren,' and not the fire department kind."

"She had no right to blast you - you did nothing wrong. You can't help it that you're sultry as hell," I responded, also without any levity.

"Are you really divorcing her?"

"Yes - yes I am. I can't abide cheating. My fascination with you wasn't cheating but her fucking her co-worker was. Listen...I can't talk about it with you or anyone else, though. I'm going to be taking an extended time out - I wish you well," I said, starting to choke up.

"I understand - good luck Brent - and who knows, maybe we'll interface again some time when circumstances are different," she responded, with an edge to her voice.

"Maybe," I replied as I pushed the end button on my cellphone.


I was not as calm and together about my divorce as I initially appeared to be to those around me. While I had to admit to myself that my preoccupation with Gail could be construed as an emotional affair, I honestly felt that I deserved credit for doing all of the things that I had done to preclude the possibility that it would become physical, and I resented Brenda for equating my emotional one with her physical one. She could have called our marriage quits before fucking Bill if Gail bothered her that much.

The situation also brought to the front of my mind the distaste that still lingered deep inside me from finding out long after the divorce that my first wife Kathy had cheated on me yet played the martyr during our divorce.

I needed to do something dramatic to move past both of my cheating wives. However, my upbringing and philosophy of how women should be treated made it impossible for me to retaliate against Kathy and Brenda. However, Bill - and Kathy's fuck buddy Winston, who she subsequently married - were another story. Since I had unlimited monetary resources I knew that I could seek vengeance on them that I would never be called to task for.

Over the next month I did nothing but work with the main philanthropic organization that I had set up, and have two teams of private investigators find out everything that they could about Bill and Winston. I also had another organization with a shady reputation do research on possible revenge scenarios. At the end of thirty days I had reports from all three organizations.

Bill and Winston had one thing in common - they loved their cars. Also, Bill often made trips with his beloved chariot to the country, and Winston made trips to a bad part of town about every two weeks. I hired a hacker to locate information about their auto insurance, and then a few days after an address change cancelled their policies. Then once the policy cancelations had been received about a month earlier while Bill's car was in the country, and Winston's in a bad part of town, I had two wheels of each car Denver Booted, with the keys broken off in the Denver Boots. At the same time I had the trunks and interiors of the cars sprayed with butyric acid, one of the foulest smelling substances known to man.

I wasn't done with the two assholes, however. The next phase would impact Kathy and Brenda too, but by then I had decided that as long as I didn't physically or financially harm them that was too bad.

I hired some less than honorable gentlemen to break into the house Kathy and Winston owned, and Bill's condo where Brenda often spent the night, and had the mattresses in the master bedrooms wired so that any significant activity on the beds (aside from just normal rolling motion during sleep) would activate a noise generator hidden in ductwork in other parts of the house or condo. Several different noise generators, with different sounds, were installed in each abode, with a computer chip cycling between them for different activations of the bed sensors.

My hope was that every time that the cheating bastards were fucking in their bedrooms unpleasant and worrisome sounds would reverberate in other parts of the abode, causing their coitus to be interrupted. Since everything was wireless and the sound generators well hidden, I hoped that it would be months before everything could be defeated.

Once my revenge activities were completed, I took off for Aruba to spend a month there trying my best to get past my marriages, and maybe even my preoccupation with Gail.


I had been in Aruba about ten days when as I entered my luxury hotel lobby after paddle boarding a feisty little firecracker that sure looked like Gail Preston jumped in front of me, blocking my path.

"Fortunately you're easy to find Brent - I only had to spend about a grand to locate you," came a voice that I knew well from behind an oversized pair of sunglasses and hat.

"Gail?" was my intelligent response.

"In the flesh," she smiled.

"What are you doing here?" was my stupid rejoinder.

"Looking for you, of course. We need to talk - where's your room?"

"Uh...well...OK; it's one of the penthouses," I mumbled.

"Awesome," she chuckled, grabbing hold of my arm and starting toward the elevators.

We chit-chatted about the weather, the hotel, and the natural environment of Aruba, until we entered my room. "You need to sit down for this," Gail barked, as she pushed me onto one of many sofas in the anteroom of the penthouse while she remained standing. After she removed her sunglasses and hat she started in.

"John filed for divorce about three weeks ago," was her opening salvo.

"Why?" I asked, the news - and Gail's consummate body - already causing my cock to salute.

"He said that he was tired of my emotional affair and wanted out."

"Emotional affair with whom?" I inquired, genuinely perplexed.

"You, doofus," she snarled, "who in the fuck do you think it was with?"

Gail stood there with her hands on her hips with a sneer on her lips.

My mind was having trouble processing the situation. While my wheels were still turning and my face was getting flushed and my dick harder she finally grumbled, "Well are you going to do something about it or just sit there with a fucked-up look on your face?"

After a delay of a few more seconds I leapt off the bed, picked her up, and planted the most scorching hot French kiss on her that I had ever given in my life. When I broke it off I carried her toward the bedroom. She was already ripping at both her top, and mine, as I transported her.

All garments had been removed within ten seconds of her hitting the mattress.

Within ten seconds after that I was licking her clit while fingering her pussy in search of her G-spot, and she was trying to swallow my cock.

After her first orgasm I rotated my body around and plunged my cock into her snug pussy in one thrust.

After we both banged away a few dozen times, with strength that I could not have expected from her, she rolled me onto my back - with my cock still ensconced in her pussy - and started bouncing up and down and as I bucked. I fondled her puffy nipples, occasionally pulling her toward me to suck or gum one of them, until she started pulsing her pc muscles. I swear that her pc muscles were so strong that she could have cracked walnuts. Instead, I quickly busted a nut in her sopping wet tight little cunt.

Gail screamed.

I blacked out for a few seconds.

We were both hit by aftershocks for at least ten minutes, each punctuated by a sigh, groan, or moan.

Finally, I started to go flaccid and she rolled off of me.

As we lay side-by-side exchanging quick light kisses we both had shit-eating grins on our faces.

"You did not disappoint, stud - that was an over-the-top awesome fuck," she chuckled.

"You're even better in real life than in my dreams," I laughed, "and I didn't think that was possible."

"Tell you what, Eros," she continued. "Why don't we just have fun, surf, dance, eat, and of course fuck our brains out, for the next two weeks, then have a serious talk."

"Can you get two weeks off from Megabucks?" I inquired.

"I already quit - that's not an issue," she chortled.

"You quit?" I asked.

"Hell yeah. I figure that there's some handsome, charming, rich dude out there somewhere that would like nothing better than to support and pamper me. And guess what - I'm giving you first crack to apply for that job," she retorted with a diabolical grin.

Even before she said "job" she was moving her body southward, and soon had my cum-coated dick in her mouth and was sucking furiously. That resulted in a stupendous long-lasting doggy fuck, and two wiped out fuckers moaning in my oversized hotel bed.


Our talk at the end of two weeks wasn't a big thing. By then we both had figured out that our fascination with each other was the real deal, and even if we couldn't sustain fucking three times a day when we got back to the real world, that we were completely compatible.

We got married three months after Gail's divorce was final. Less than two months later she was pregnant with twins. Now we're both doting parents who find time for mind-blowing sex with each other at least five times a week, and I never once have fantasized about anyone aside from my goddess wife!

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FluidswallowerFluidswallower5 months ago

Thanks for a fun read with an entertaining twist! Good job!!!

IEnjoyEroticaIEnjoyErotica5 months ago

I love the way that in so many LW stories the end couple ends up with twins.

NitpicNitpic10 months ago

Don't accept John would file for divorce ,two years after he left the area.

CookiecreamyCookiecreamy12 months ago

I loved it. I wanted more. Make a sequel.

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

Well,what happened to his former wife's?.

NitpicNitpicover 3 years ago

Surprising he is married to Kathy and Brenda for several years and no kids,yet two months after he marries Gail she is pregnant.

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago
Good, but short

Good story that could have used a few more pages.

jimjam69jimjam69over 4 years ago
Great story

The good guy wins. He did everything he could to play straight. He deserved a good ending.

ju8streadingju8streadingover 4 years ago

so how did the cheaters take their consequences?

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago
Too much

Too much cheating, but still a very good story. I enjoyed it very much.

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