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The mention of Madame Jiang in her thoughts brought an even bigger worry. Forget the fact that she used to show off her body for money, something that the older woman would make no distinction from being a whore. If she had even the smallest inkling that Kathy had a sexual interest in her youngest daughter, the Matriarch would be gathering wood to have her burned at the stake. It wasn't an image Kathy took lightly.

Kathy had finished a third of the glass when she was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. It was late and she wasn't expecting visitors.

"I hope that's not Courtney from across the hall again," Kathy said to herself as she put down her drink and got up to answer the door. "I'm really not in the mood to listen to her problems tonight."

Courtney O'Neill was four years older than Kathy and had moved in across the way nine months ago. A newlywed, they had become friendly neighbors. Lately, Courtney had taken to using Kathy as a shoulder to cry on over what were becoming increasing arguments with her husband.

The root cause of most of those disagreements had been her husband's annoying practice of putting his mother's concerns above those of his new wife. So far, Kathy had been happy to listen and offer what she thought was helpful advice. Right now, however, she didn't have any sympathy to spare.

"Courtney, I'm sorry but I can't ..." Kathy started to form an apology in her mind as she opened the door.

The words went unsaid however, and faded immediately from her mind. Standing in her doorway was not the red haired Irish woman from across the hall. Instead it was the much shorter Chinese girl that was all she desired in life.

"Li!?!" Kathy said in both surprise and shock. "What happened, are you okay? I saw you get on the bus and go home."

Without a word, the short haired woman stepped pass Kathy and into the apartment she had left a short while before. She began to talk even before Kathy finished closing the door.

"I got about two stops from here when I realized something," she began. "Something I think I've always known but didn't want to admit."

Kathy was about to ask what, but stopped herself. It was obvious that Li was about to tell her on her own.

"I've spent my life being scared of my mother," she continued, "of not meeting the standards she expected of me, or measuring up to the heritage she brought up every day of my life. I watched as she controlled every aspect of my brothers and sisters lives, even to the point of having final approval over the people they married. She's controlled my life since I was a little girl and I'm tired of it. I'm not going to let her do it anymore."

"Li, I know you're upset," Kathy said, suddenly finding herself filled with the compassion she thought lacking just a minute before. "Why don't you sit down and relax and we'll..."

"No!" the smaller girl said forcefully. "I know I'm angry. I want to be angry. Being angry gives me the strength to say what I want to say."

Kathy backed off, deciding it was better to just let her go on.

"There's something else I want to say," Li went on. "Something I should've said before but I was too scared what it would mean."

There were now tears running now Li's face. All of her emotions were beginning to run wild.

"I love you, Kathy," she said in a strong determined voice. "I love you in that same way that you said you loved me. I was just too stupid not to realize it before. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me, and if I were to give you up, it would be the worse mistake of my life."

"Oh Li," Kathy said as tears began to run down her face as well, "I love you too."

The two women embraced and with a single thought between them, they kissed. The feeling that passed between them as their lips met was all either of them could've ever dared hope for.

"I want you to love me," Li said as they kissed a second time.

"I do love you," Kathy repeated.

"No, I want you to make love to me," Li explained. "Right here, right now. I don't want to wait another moment to be with someone that I love."

"Are you sure?" Kathy asked, hopeful of the answer. "More than I've been of anything in my life." Li replied with desire. Further words proved unnecessary as their lips met once again and they pulled themselves into the tightest of embraces.

Kathy was almost afraid to move from the spot by her apartment door. Worried that any second that she would find that she'd fallen asleep after having drank too much and that this would all turn out to be a dream. Yet at the same time, she was determined that if that was indeed the case, she would enjoy it to the fullest while she could.

Pressing Li gently against the wall, their lips and tongues still caressing their opposites, Kathy reached down and gently caressed Li's left leg on the open area between her skirt and matching stockings. Her long fingers moved slowly upward, sliding under the sky blue skirt to discover that in an act of erotic defiance of her mother's rules, Li hadn't worn panties under her outfit.

Carefully, Kathy ran her hand across the small tuft of black hair that rested above Li's womanhood, moving it downward over the smooth flesh beneath as well.

"Oh yes," Li said as she rested her weight against the wall and closed her eyes for a moment to shut out everything but Kathy's touch.

Continuing to lightly stroke Li's pussy, Kathy moved her other hand under the shorter girl's blouse and rubbed her breasts as well. Li's mounds were small and firm enough that she could easily go without a bra when she wanted. It had been another point of contention between her and her mother.

Kathy pushed up Li's blouse, exposing her small breasts and the rich brown nipples in the center of each. She planted kisses on each of them, tickling the tips with her tongue. At the same time, she probed deeper into Li's womanhood with two extended fingers.

Fingers that moved in and out with increasing frequency as Kathy covered Li's uncovered chest with her kisses. Passions long sought after quickly came to life in the younger woman, spurred on by Kathy's skill and desire.

Letting go of Li's shirt, Kathy let it fall back in place. She removed her fingers from within Li and took hold of her skirt with both hands, pushing it up high enough to totally reveal the small ball of dark hair and the bareness beneath it.

Making sure that the skirt would stay bunched up and out of the way, Kathy dropped to her knees and pressed her darting tongue to where her fingers had just withdrew. The wet softness against Li's clit drew a longer, louder moan of satisfaction from the twenty-one year old.

"That feels so nice," Li moaned afterwards, "Larry never did that to me."

"Typical man," Kathy thought as she used her hands to spread the folds of Li's womanhood and reached even deeper with her tongue. "He made sure she sucked him off but never returned the gesture."

It was an omission the older girl was delighted to correct as her tongue began to fill with Li's sweet nectar, the volume of which quickly grew to match the warm ripples that were spreading across Li's body.

Ripples that turned to waves after a while, bringing with them even more powerful sensations. Still it was but a taste of all that Kathy wanted to bring her love. Giving Li's excited clit once last caress with her tongue, the long-haired beauty stood back up and took hold of Li's hand.

Holding it tightly, she guided it up under her own top to come to rest against the naked flesh beneath it. Li didn't need any guidance to repeat the action with her other hand, cupping the remaining breast as well.

While Li massaged and played with the older girl's large mounds, Kathy reached behind her neck and back and undid the straps found there. The bright red top now fell forward under its own weight, giving Li a full view of what she had only felt moments before.

Overcome with desire, the short haired woman brought her mouth to each nipple just as Kathy had done to her. The excitement and taste of her lover's breasts added to the rush of warmth flowing across her body.

Kathy held Li's head tightly against her mounds, encouraging her to suck them even harder. Instructions the neophyte lover was all too willing to adhere to. Like a babe at her mother's breasts, Li drew strength and sustenance from their bounty.

The warmth that was quickly giving way to fire in her own body finally assured Kathy that this was in no way a dream, giving her the willingness to take their tryst to more comfortable surroundings.

Taking Li in hand as she had done so many times before, Kathy led her into her bedroom where she promised things even more delightful awaited. Once there, Kathy undid the clips of her short skirt and let it fall free as well. Like Li, she wore no panties, an act which found its origin more in comfort than defiance. What was immediately evident to Li was that Kathy lacked even the small spot of hair that rested between her own legs. The area around Kathy's sex was as smooth as a baby's skin.

Still wearing her clothes, Li found herself pressed down on the edge of the bed by the now naked Kathy. She started to protest that she wanted to rid herself of the restrictive clothing as well, but Kathy assured her that they would get to that soon enough.

Kathy shifted her attention to the nightstand beside the bed, blocking what she was doing from Li's view with her body. When she turned around, she was holding a long, anatomically correct representation of a man's sexual organ, right down to the large balls at the base of it. Made of hard rubber, it was ebony black in hue.

"Where did you ever get something like that?" Li asked in her ignorance and innocence.

"Mail order," Kathy simply said as she brought the thick phallus to her mouth and began to slowly suck on it.

Li watched mesmerized as the play cock disappeared in and out of Kathy's mouth. Holding it at the base, the naked woman took as much of it as she could manage down her throat. That turned out to be more than Li would've imagined possible.

Kathy continued to play with her cocktoy, rubbing it against her breasts and then squeezing them around it. Taking the long shaft in hand once more, the shapely girl brought it down between her legs and placed the thick head at the entrance to her pussy.

With almost no effort on her part, it easily slipped deep inside her as she began pumping it in and out. If Li had been impressed at how much of the large cock her friend had managed to fit into her mouth, she was totally blown away as Kathy took its entire length and girth inside of her.

Kathy continued to fuck herself with the substitute manhood, lifting one leg up onto the side of the bed as to give Li a better look at it all. The dark rubber had grown shiny as it moved in and out, covered with the fruits of womanhood.

Kathy removed the hardness from between her legs and lifted it back to her mouth. She held it close to her mouth as f she was going to lick it clean. Then, unexpectedly, she offered it to Li instead.

"Suck it," Kathy told her as she delicately pressed the dark head against Li's lips.

Li inhaled deeply, taking in the sweet fragrance of Kathy's sex on the thick rubber. Then she reached out with her tongue as her mouth opened as wide as it could and Kathy glided the make-believe cock into her.

"Mmmmm" Li moaned as she took, however second hand, her first taste of another woman.

Kathy moved the top of her toy in and out of Li's mouth a few more times, then carefully withdrew it. She leaned forward and kissed Li hard, tasting her own juices still on her lips.

Reaching down into the still open drawer, Kathy came up with an equally black leather harness. She quickly slid the appendage through the harness, then tightly strapped it around her waist and between her legs.

Having a good idea of what came next, Li leaned back across the bed, spreading her legs as she did. Kathy leaned over her and again pressed her hand between Li's legs, rubbing it hard against her pussy, her fingers once more working their way inside.

Li grabbed the bottom of her pullover and lifted it over her head, leaving herself topless. Kathy took care of the matching skirt with her free hand, undoing the zipper and pulling it out from beneath Li. In the end, all she was left with were her stockings.

Strap-on in hand, Kathy climbed onto the bed and positioned it at the entrance to Li's pussy. The two smiled at each other as the taller girl pressed forward and deep into Li.

"Oh God, yes!" Li cried out as she felt Kathy enter her.

Kathy pushed half way into Li before she pulled back, sure that the artificial manhood between her legs was larger than the man who had taken her love's virginity. She wanted to give Li the chance to become accustomed to the length and width within her.

Carefully Kathy reentered her, this time going a little further. On the third try, the small girl beneath her managed to just about take it all.

"Fuck me," Li implored. "Please fuck me."

Kathy lifted Li's legs to give her better access, then began to thrust in and out at a faster pace. A pace that brought loud cries from Li as her body quickly responded.

She wrapped her legs around Kathy's waist, pulling her even deeper inside her. Kathy in turn brought her mouth once more into play, bringing Li's small nipples to an excited state.

"Oh baby," Kathy moaned as she sucked on the smaller globes, "I've dreamed about this for so long."

Kathy continued to suck and fuck her lover, each lunge driving Li to the edge of bliss. Each time she pushed deep inside of her, a small protrusion at the base of her toy stimulated her own clit as well. It didn't take long for Kathy to join Li at that proverbial edge.

An edge that Kathy knew exactly how to drive both of them over. She quickly pulled out of Li and turned her over and up onto her knees. Wasting no time, she grabbed the base of her cock and filled Li once more. This time pushing all the way into the small girl until Li's ass cheeks slammed against Kathy's legs.

"Oooooo!" Li cried out as Kathy gave way to all her desires and began to furiously fuck her.

Faster and harder she went, taking Li to a level her only previous lover had never even come close to. Beads of sweat covered both their bodies as they rocked back and forth on the bed, filling the room with the sounds of their lovemaking. Li knew she was about to orgasm. It would be a climax far better than any Larry had given her. She realized now that the older man had really been a lousy lover, interested only in getting himself off.

"I'm going to ..." she tried to warn Kathy, but couldn't finish the words.

Not that the long-haired girl would've heard them if they'd come. She was trying to hold off her own orgasm so that they could finish together.

Experience told Kathy what Li couldn't articulate. Arching back, she grabbed Li's legs and pressed into her one last time, just hard enough to shatter the last barrier to Elysium.

Both their orgasms exploded throughout their bodies, igniting every nerve and sinew. They trembled, quaked and shuddered, their passion taking on a physical manifestation.

Finally, totally drained, they collapsed against each and onto the bed.

Li and Kathy fell asleep in each other's arms without another word between them. Sometime during the night, Li was startled when she woke up not sure where she was. A disorientation that only lasted a heartbeat as she felt the warm body of the woman pressed next to her.

Li didn't know yet how she was going to go about it, but the details could wait until tomorrow or the next day. What she was sure of, was that her mother certainly wasn't going to be able to announce an engagement next weekend. At least not to the person she was planning to.

She kept that thought in mind as she nuzzled her head between Kathy's breasts and drifted back to sleep. It was a comforting sleep, the best one she'd had in a very long time.


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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 2 years ago

Unfortunately still a standard practice in several countries, business wedding and those young girls are just the dolls in a play

ramblin2020ramblin2020almost 4 years ago

I really think there is a great dramatic opportunity for a second and even third chapter to this story. The ostracism of the family and resultant economic hardship, their struggle to make it work, maybe even third party temptation? Anyway, loved the story.

LoquiturLadyLoquiturLadyover 5 years ago
binge reading

I've been binge reading your stories. They're wonderful. So much love mixed in with lust.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
So hot

Not just the story, I'm dripping hot. Oh Ann let me be you li !

Bridget69Bridget69over 6 years ago
Great start

Hopefully we'll find out how the strict mother and unsuspecting fiancé will react.

JoyJoy4MeJoyJoy4Meover 6 years ago
I love your stories.

I kinda wish it was longer so we would know how Li's mother took the news of no engagement to Larry and loving Kathy instead. She would definitely be disowned.

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