Confessions of a Threesome Pt. 01


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I struggled for breath. "You can't ask me to do that!"

"No? So it's a hard fucking then?"

"No, no! Please, anything but that!"

"I'm giving you the choice of 'anything', you little bitch. Make a decision, or I make it for you."

I turned my head away, defeated. "Mouth," I mumbled.

"What's that? Couldn't hear you."

"Mouth!" I said louder.

He chuckled. "I thought so."

I felt a brief displacement of air as he took off his clothes and heard the susurration of fabric as he tossed them away. He climbed onto the mattress next to me. The anticipation he was purposefully creating had me trembling, and I hoped it looked convincingly fear-based rather than from desire. The truth was, at that point, I was so into what we were doing that repulsion and attraction were waging a battle within me. The sheer kink had me incredibly turned on, yet the man who inspired it had all but disappeared under this gruesome persona. I found myself falling deeper into the role play even as I craved it more.

A small smack on my cheek pulled me from my thoughts. "Open your mouth, bitch. Show me you're ready for my cock." I hesitantly complied, but rather than pushing into my mouth, he slapped his dick hard against my face. I winced and turned away, but he grabbed me roughly by a braid and did it several more times as a method to humiliate me. He then pressed at my pressure points to unhinge my jaw again, and this time, he shoved his cock abruptly between my lips and started fucking my face.

I couldn't breathe and choked around the size of him. His grip on my hair tightened and tilted my head up to gain him even better access. I gagged as his tip banged against my throat again and again, and thick streams of saliva boiled past my lips and down my cheeks to mingle with my salty tears.

"Yeah, take that, you dirty little slut," he demanded. "Suck my cock in that little virgin mouth. You love it, don't you?" I ignored his words and concentrated on getting air in the brief moments I could. I was somewhat concerned that I couldn't say my safe word even if I wanted to, but I wasn't quite there yet anyway. He was right. Some dark part of me loved how he was using me and reveled in my helplessness under his hands. I don't think the fantasy would have worked for me if it had been anyone but him.

The mouth rape seemed endless, but he finally pulled out with a wet smack once I got his cock throbbing and straining to its limit.

"Very nice," he complimented me as I heaved for oxygen. Pools of my saliva and his pre-cum drenched the pillow underneath my head. "All lubed up now and ready for that pussy."

"No!" I cried, forgetting for a moment that my panic wasn't real. "You promised you wouldn't if I sucked you!"

The Husband leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on my temple. "I lied," he whispered before getting off the bed.

I thrashed in my restraints to convey the mindless terror that came easily to me. I wailed as he moved to the foot of the bed and begged him not to do this, but he just ignored me. I told him I didn't want this, but he relentlessly crawled between my spread legs anyway.

My body quivered as I waited for him, but I was totally unprepared for what he did next. Without warning, he fed the length of his massive dick into me with several quick shoves.

"Stop! It hurts!" I wailed. It really did. We were both lubricated enough, but I needed time to stretch and accommodate him. I felt a cross between an awful burn and a sharp ache at his intrusion. I realized then that the other times he had been with me, he had actually been attuned to my body and more gentle that I gave him credit for. I had never been closer to saying my safe word than I was at that moment.

"You can take it," he gritted out before he began thrusting in earnest. He used the exact same words I had said to his wife the week before! All I could do was choke on my cries of agony as he pounded into me without restraint, tunneling all the way up to the entrance of my cervix while he rained obscene filth into my ears with his words. "So fucking tight! This little virgin pussy is gonna take a good pounding, oh, yeah." He punctuated each word with an aggressive crash into me.

It was then that I felt an awakening within the deepest parts of me, like a leviathan swimming up from the depths of the ocean. Despite his roughness, my inner walls began to accept his invasion, and the accompanying sensations spread warmth through my body and subsumed the pain. Something massive and unstoppable was building within me. So this was what he really meant by *the switch*. However, I felt genuine terror for the first time in this fantasy. The wave that was rising was too big; I couldn't take it.

"I can't -- I can't do it!" I gasped. "It's too much. PLEASE!" I had completely abandoned my victim persona at this point and was being 100% me. I think the Husband recognized that on some level because he ripped the blindfold off my eyes.

I gasped involuntarily at the sight that met me. His face was inches from mine, his eyes bright and wild at the total absence of his self-control as he rutted into me like an animal. His hair hung over his face in sweat-drenched spikes. He had braced himself by holding onto my immobile biceps, and the painful grip let me know bruises were likely already forming.

I had been so naïve. This, THIS was the real Mr. Hyde. I wondered if even the Wife had seen him like this before. In that moment, he wasn't a man. He was a destructive force of nature.

"It's too much," I sobbed as the wave drew back even further to build on itself. "Please don't make me!"

"You'll take it, and you'll love it," he grunted over me. "You're nothing but a little cum whore who lives to serve my cock." By God, in that singular moment, he was right. Pools of sweat had gathered in every dip and crevice of my body. The headboard of that big, heavy bed banged unceremoniously into the wall with the violent hammering of his hips. It was more than I could take, and I loved it.

"Stop!" I begged. "Stop! Don't! Don't... stop! Don't stop!" I was now arching my hips up to meet him, my pussy constricting around him like a wet fist. He threw his head back and unleashed a dark laugh of triumph to the ceiling. A glance up in the mirror showed my smeared makeup and the clear tracks my tears had left, my mouth hanging open as the sounds of my helpless lust spilled from me. I was senseless under his onslaught. "Fuck me! Harder, harder! Fuck me!" I heard myself cry. "I'm your fucking dirty whore! Just don't. Ever. Stop!"

"Tell me you want it. Tell me!" he demanded.

"Yes! I want it! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

The thing within me finally broke free, and I screamed as my pussy clenched down on him. My entire body spasmed, and I bucked wildly beneath him. He continued to grind his pelvis against me and refused to let up. My orgasm seemed to go on incessantly. Dimly, I felt one of the straps snap, and I immediately used my now-free hand to grab his ass and urge him to continue fucking me.

Just as the most massive orgasm of my life began to ebb, he pulled out of me. Holding his dripping cock over me in one hand, the Husband gave a couple tugs, and endless jets of his hot, thick cum splattered all over the exposed skin of my body before he finally collapsed off to my side. I shuddered at the nasty idea of being used so ignominiously, that he was branding me as his possession and his toy with that last act. And I wanted it so badly. I rubbed his essence into my skin with my free hand so it could be absorbed and mark me. As I did, without warning, a second orgasm chased the heels of the first, and my overly sensitized body flailed in submission and defeat. The intensity was more than I could bear, and I passed out.

Now, I'm not trying to be dramatic, here. It was only for a few seconds, but I really did black out. When I came to, I was sagging in the three remaining restraints, and I literally couldn't move. My ass was resting in an actual puddle of our combined sweat and cum. I looked and saw the red marks all over my body from his slaps and ferocious grabs were fading and being replaced by a lurid purple.

"Cameron," the Husband called to me urgently. I rolled my eyes to him, unable to even turn my head yet. His expression was filled with worry and fear. "My God, honey, I'm so sorry! Are you all right?" He tried to pull himself toward me, but he was just as used up as I was. "I went too far. Cam?"

My voice had gone hoarse from my screaming, but I could still rasp out, "I'm O.K. But could we maybe untie me now...?"

The Wife rushed up at that point and undid my restraints. I had nearly forgotten her. When I asked, she told me later that she had been fervently watching the whole thing. She said she was torn between stopping it and letting it go on for the rest of the night. I had even convinced her that my struggles were all real, but she let it continue because I never used my safe word. As for her husband, she seemed shocked and intrigued at what he was truly capable of when the leash was off.

They tenderly catered to me after that. The Wife drew a warm bath, and the Husband carefully lifted me from the bed and placed me in it. Together, they soothed my aches and bruises as they washed me. I remained motionless throughout, my body still weak from its exertion. They kept apologizing, and the Husband in particular had remorse radiating from him.

I lifted my hand from the water and wrapped my pruny fingers around his wrist. "Maybe it did go too far." My voice was better, but it still sounded like I was recovering from a cold and would for the rest of the weekend. "Maybe it did, but I wanted it as much as you did. You didn't do anything I wasn't asking for." When he wouldn't look up at me, I rolled my eyes. "Ugh. Don't be all weird."

They both laughed softly at that, and some invisible tension seemed to finally leave his body. "Ah, the eloquence of the American teenager," he said with a wry grin. He finally met my gaze. "Are you sure I didn't hurt you, honey?"

Some strength had finally returned to me, so I sat up and wrapped an arm around each of them as soapy water dripped onto the tile floor. "You didn't hurt me," I said. "You both gave me more than I could ever ask for. Happy Birthday, by the way."

The Wife drained the water and dried me with a big, fluffy towel while the Husband changed the bedding. After that, he jumped back into the bathroom for a quick shower as the Wife and I settled into bed. We fell asleep soon after he joined us.

The next morning, my pussy was still far too destroyed for action, so I reclined next to them as they made love, using my hands and tongue where they joined to enhance their pleasure.


And I guess that's pretty much it. We continued our affair well into the summer. I still look back on it as the greatest time in my life. I was in the prime of my youth, my whole future shone brightly before me, and I had two incredible lovers who doted on me. They even took me to prom -- I mean, they drove me. I went with my gay friend. After it was over, they dropped him off and took me to their lake house for the weekend. The Wife had posed as Ilsa's mom again and secured permission from mine. I felt guilty that she had to lie for me, but she said it didn't bother her. I was eighteen and could do damn well what I pleased, and if I had to sneak around because it wasn't worth battling my parents over my decisions, then she wouldn't have a problem preserving the façade.

After graduation, I had another thrilling weekend with *Ilsa's family*, only this time the Husband and Wife treated me to a stay in the state capital at a fancy hotel. That's when they also introduced me to my very first experience at a strip club.

After that weekend in the city, things began to change between us as the date of my orientation weekend loomed ever closer. Their interactions with me became more bittersweet, and I stubbornly resisted the change with the rigid obstinance of my youth, like a child firmly clutching a toy they've begun to outgrow.

"I'll come home holidays and every weekend," I pleaded with them as the distance grew further.

The Wife smiled sadly and stroked my cheek. "It's a three-hour drive each way, Cameron."

"So?" I shot back petulantly. "I have a car now."

The Husband and Wife looked at each other. "You don't see it now, but you have so much ahead of you," he said to me. "You'll be free for the first time. We don't want to rob you of the experience of this part of your life by being a dead weight tying you down."

I sniffed and refused to let my unshed tears fall. I knew what they were doing. They were trying to give us a dignified and elegant ending by not saying what we all knew: this thing was never meant to last.

"Oh, sweetie, we don't like it either." The Wife's eyes were shimmering as well. "We've never met anyone like you. And we'll still be here the times you do come home. We just don't want to hold you back."

I considered their words. I loved them, but I wasn't IN love with them, and I knew the reverse was true too. It was just, well. "I'll miss you," I whispered. They wrapped me in their arms, and we melted into each other one more time.

Despite what they said, I was determined to go back home that first weekend. But just like they predicted, I got so caught up in the whirlwind of college living that I put it off until the next weekend. And the next and the next.

By the time I actually went home, the first month had gone by. Unlike all the times before, I called over there first rather than just barging in unannounced. They were excited to hear from me and told me to come over whenever I wanted. I practically sprinted there.

Absence made us impatient to join together again. It was fun, but we were no longer able to capture the intense magic we'd had before I left. It made me sad, but it was bearable. It wasn't the utter desolation I was afraid I'd feel. They even confirmed my suspicions that they had found another third. She was a one-time client that the Husband had done some freelance tech work for.

We had a few more romps over the next year or so until I started dating someone seriously, and we drifted apart. They ended up selling their suburban house and moving full-time into their lake house so they could both be closer to nature. The Husband found a new career in construction, I believe, and the Wife went back to school to become a veterinary technician. We still keep in touch every once in a while. We're Facebook friends; I'll show you a couple pictures next time I log on.

When I look back on it, I don't regret anything, and I don't feel taken advantage of. They introduced me to things I wouldn't have experienced until much later, if at all. And I'm not just talking sexually.

But most of all, being with and observing them showed me what real-deal love looked like, how it was equal parts passion, respect and acceptance. They taught me to recognize it so that when it finally happened to me after our first date, I knew it for what it was and wasn't afraid to jump because I knew you'd catch me.

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IJS0904IJS0904over 1 year ago

If there were absolutely no sex in this story it would still be wonderful. Your writing is powerful and your characters feel so very real. This story made me feel good and just a tad jealous. Can you imagine having such a wonderful loving couple willing to guide you through the most powerful sexual experience of your young life? The wonder of it, the joy of it, and the lesson it taught her helped mold her into the person she became. This is a wonderfully done story and I am so glad I found it. Thank you very much for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


Reacher57Reacher57almost 2 years ago

Thank you so much it was so well written I was right in the middle of it and experienced every feeling and the excitement of what was coming next was incredible I am so looking forward to reading the rest of your stories.

HuckleBerriedHuckleBerriedabout 2 years ago

Thank you for the wonderful story! I’m excited to read the rest of the her tales! Your writing style is paced well and very easy to read. Placing myself in the space is easy to do.

Please continue this ember of a long ongoing series!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Wow! Amazing story! I look forward to reading the other works in your catalog! Please keep telling this story!

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