Confirming Carter Bk. 02 Daedalus Ch. 02


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She went back to the first list, started with the oldest, and worked her way toward the top. A third of the way through, she started laughing, and by the time she had read all of them, she had tears running down her cheeks.

Looking at the mail she had open in the screen, she clicked on the reply all button. She typed two words, sat back, and looked at the screen. After a moment, she stood up, pressed send, and closed her laptop.


1700 Hours

Tammy climbed onto the bed and slid up behind her, snuggling in close and laying her arm across her waist. She laid her head against her back and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked her.

"Nothing, just tired, and my brain hurts." Tammy said. "They've been wanting to come in here for an hour, but I told them that you were asleep."

"I wasn't, I'm just thinking."

"I know. I can tell when you're asleep. I just wanted them to leave you alone. All the big stuff is being handled, so they don't need you right now."

"How about you?"

"That's why I came in. I was going through withdrawal."

"You wanna make out?" Sam asked, wiggling her butt back against her.

"Maybe later, I just wanted to be with you. Is that okay?"

"Always. It feels nice just having you here."

"There's one thing you need to know." Tammy said, tightening her arm around her waist.

"What's that?"

"There was a riot in the mess hall."

"What?" Carter said, trying to sit up.

Tammy pushed her down, laughing softly.

"Well, not really a riot, more like a celebration that got out of control." Tammy told her.

"What brought that on?" Sam asked her.

"Like you don't know!" Tammy laughed again, pushing the pillow away from her and rolling over on top of her. She straddled her hips and started tickling her, making Sam scream and try to pull away. "What were you thinking? Sending that email out on an open list like that?"

"Stop!" Sam laughed, rolling over under her. "I couldn't help it! Have you read those mails?"

"I've read them." Tammy laughed, rolling off of her. "Andi almost came in her pants when she read yours. I thought she was having a heart attack at first."

"Sam?" Jennifer called from the doorway. "Can I come in?"

"Sure Jenn. What do you need?"

"We heard from Daniel, Teal'c made it to the outpost." Keller said looking at the floor.

"That's good." Carter said, rolling off the bed, and heading for the bathroom. "When are they coming through?"

"O'Neill is with him."

She stopped, then turned slowly, and walked over and sat on the bed. She held out her hand, and Tammy took it, sliding over next to her.

"What do you think? Send him home, or invite him to dinner?" She asked. "And on that note, I want bacon cheeseburgers and fries for dinner. Teal'c loves them."

"It's your call. But it depends on what he wants." Tammy said.

"Yeah, but I shit on him pretty hard last time I talked to him." Sam said.

"Jenn? You got anything?"

"This is Andi's gig. But Sheppard and Caldwell want to see him."

She thought about it for a minute, then nodded. "Tell them I'll be at the gate at seventeen-thirty. Let's see what he has to say."

She turned to Tammy. "Are there any more of those suits in your closet? If there aren't, take Vala and find us some. Same style, both in black. You mind going twinsies?"


1730 Hours

Sam and Tammy were standing at the foot of the stairs when the wormhole opened. They let the vortex die down, then walked toward the gate.

"I'm receiving Dr. Jackson's IDC, colonel."

"Open a channel, Chuck."

"Channel open, colonel."

"Is it safe, Daniel?" she asked.

"Yes, Sam. Just the three of us. The shields are up, so our people are going to be okay here. I'm bringing the depleted ZPM's back with me."

"Good to hear it." She looked over her shoulder. "Lower the shield and tell them, Chuck."

"Yes, ma'am."

"How come he gets to call you ma'am?" Tammy asked lightly.

"He means it, he was brought up well. Now shut up."

Jackson, Teal'c and O'Neill stepped through the gate at the same time, side by side.

"Wow, déjà vu." Carter said as she walked over to them. The wormhole closed behind them a moment later.

She let go of Tammy's hand and threw her arms around Teal'c's neck. "It's so good to see you again Teal'c! I've missed you." She turned her head and looked at Jackson. "Daniel, I was so worried when you took so long dialing back. I was afraid I'd have to negotiate with them to get you back."

She released Teal'c, and stepped back, taking Tammy's hand again.

She looked over at O'Neill, and he gave her a weak smile and a wave. She smiled back.

"Teal'c, Jack, this is my girlfriend, Tammy Ford."

Teal'c nodded, and O'Neill held out his hand. "Nice to meet you." He said.

Tammy let go of Sam's hand and went over to stand in front of them. She seemed near tears. Suddenly, she threw an arm around both of them, hugging them tightly. "Thank you for keeping her safe." She whispered, then let them go and stepped back over to Sam. Their hands joined again, and they both smiled.

"Nice outfits." O'Neill said.

Sam grinned, and looked at Teal'c. "No staff?" She said, lifting an eyebrow.

"It did not seem appropriate. Col. Carter."

"It's just Sam, or Samantha now. Family doesn't use ranks." She turned and looked behind her. "You can stand down major." She said to Lorne.

O'Neill looked to either side, then behind him, noticing the fifty marines surrounding the gate. His eyes went wide when he saw a dozen snipers stand up around the balcony overlooking the gate.

"Just being careful." Sam said as she turned and headed for the porter.

"Teal'c, I haven't told Ronin that you were coming. Would you mind if he joined us for dinner?"

"I would be most pleased to see Ronin Dex again, Samantha. I trust he is doing well?"

"I'll let you decide that when you see him." She said as Tammy tapped in the codes for the tower. The porter doors opened a moment later. "We'll have to do dinner over in the conference room. There's not enough room at the table in the kitchen for everyone."

"I don't think I'll ever to get used to that." O'Neill muttered as they stepped out into the living room.

"Muscles!" Vala screamed as she ran across the living room. She leapt the last couple of steps, wrapping her arms and legs around him, almost knocking him over.

"Vala Mal Doran. I have missed your company." He said quietly, holding her easily in his arms.

Vala let him go and turned to Daniel. She put her arms around his waist and hugged him, burying her face in his chest.

"This is new." O'Neill said as he watched them.

Daniel put his arms around her and held her. "I'm okay. Everything came up like it was supposed to, and I came back as fast as I could."

She nodded into his chest, but didn't let him go.

"Daniel, Vala, would you take Teal'c into the kitchen? He should know everyone. Well, maybe not Andi." She turned to O'Neill. "Let's go in my office, Jack." She said.


1730 Hours

Tammy waved O'Neill toward the chair in the corner, and pull another one closer. She sat down, looking over at Sam.

"I'm sorry, Jack. I was pretty rough on you the last time we talked." Sam said as she pushed some papers aside and sat on her desk.

"Nah, you were right. And you said it to my face. In front of a room full of people. On video. Which hundreds of people have watched." He said with a wry smile.

"Yeah. That was bad. But what are you doing here now?" She asked him.

"I retired again. I'm not going to fight my friends." He said. "I was on Chulak when Daniel messaged Teal'c, so I asked if I could tag along."

"What do you want, Jack?"

"Well, as much as I like to fish, I don't want to do it as a career. I was wondering if you might have any use for a beat up old general."

Sam looked over at Tammy. She nodded, grinning broadly.

"We'd be glad to have you, general." Tammy said.

"Thank you." He said, smiling warmly at her. "But I'd like to hear it from her."

He looked back over at Carter and waited.

She looked at him for a moment, then stood up and moved behind her desk. She typed at her keyboard for a moment, made a note on a piece of paper and stood up. She came around and stood in front of O'Neill.

"Access code. You'll need it to get in and out of this part of the building." She said as she handed him the piece of paper. "We'll get you a suite downstairs later. And a job? I'll have to see what the senior staff have to say about that."

"A suite you say. Sweet." He said, grinning at Tammy.


1750 Hours

They had taken O'Neill into the kitchen and introduced him to Andi, then adjourned back to the office with Andi and Sheppard.

"You all saw my mail. I'm in. And I hope to god you're right and this doesn't blow up in our faces." She said, looking at each of them.

"I want a vote on it, tomorrow. We have a meeting in the auditorium, and everyone votes. And there better not be more votes than there are bodies." She said, looking at Samuels. "I'd like the ballots kept simple, yes, no, a space for a write in, and two lines at the bottom for a signature, and printed name. I want to save them for posterity, I want our descendents to know who made the world they're going to live in."

"That's a good idea, Sam." Andi said, making a note. "We do need to start looking at what history is going to say about us."

"We're going to keep the spin to a minimum. We fuck up, we admit it. We get something right, people will know. We won't have to say anything." She paused, and picked up a piece of paper from her desk and handed it to Andi. "We should have the court in place before we hold the vote, and introduce the ones we can immediately after. And I want to change your time line."

"What do you have in mind? It's going to take time to make the arrangements for the coronation, that's not something you can do in a week." Andi said. "I need at least the sixty days I told you, and was going to use alot of the other time to work out details."

"You can have your sixty days. I'm closing the front end of the window." Carter said.

"How soon?" Sheppard asked. "That's based on the last threat being removed, so Andi could still have some time."

Carter nodded. "I want to announce our independence seventy-two hours after we remove the last threat against us. I'm thinking we'll see the Apollo in the next three to five days. I need you and Andi to talk to O'Neill and Caldwell, and find out what else Earth can scrape up to send at us. I want that done tonight."

"Sixty-five days. That's going to be tight." Samuels muttered.

"You can do it. I already know what I'm going to wear, all you have to do is invite people and make some snacks. How hard can that be?" Carter grinned at her.

"What do you have in mind, Sam? For your outfit I mean." Tammy asked.

"The outfit I wore the night we took over. Simple, stately, I don't know about saintly, but it was effective." Carter said. "Will you read the vows? If our people see me answering you, they'll know I mean it. And I want Bra'tac to present the crown, O'Neill the scepter. Or whatever symbols of state you decide on."

"Oh my god! This is gold! Manna from heaven. I mean..." Samuels said, typing furiously on her tablet.

"Like I said," Sam went on, ignoring Andi's outburst. "I want the court in place. John, talk to Caldwell and tell him what I have in mind. Teyla too, she seems to be smitten with him. I didn't expect that." She paused again, smiling to herself. "There's another name I want to add to the court, but I'm going to keep it to myself for now."

"I wish I knew what I did with..."

"I have it." Tammy said. "I figured we were gonna need it, and even if we didn't, it was something we should keep."

"Thank you. It was meant in fun, but when I thought about it later..."

"I know, that's why I kept it." Tammy said, glancing at Sheppard.

Samuels was looking back and forth between them. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't worry about it, doc." Sheppard said as he stood up. "I'll go talk to Caldwell and Teyla. I'll get with the mess too. Dinner at twenty hundred? Or shortly after, we'll need a few minutes before for this."

"Thank you, John." Carter said. "We're finished. You two get with Steven and Jack after dinner, I think if we take out the Apollo, we're golden."

"Take, not take out." Sheppard said as he stepped toward the door. "Caldwell has a plan. We'll talk to you about it later."

Interior-Conference Room

1900 Hours

Everyone stood when Sam and Tammy entered the conference room. Sam was carrying a spoon in her free hand.

Caldwell and Teyla stepped away from the table and met them halfway.

"What's going on?" O'Neill asked Sheppard.

"Shhhh. Just watch."

"Are you ready Steven?" Tammy asked.

Caldwell nodded, then looked over at Teyla. She smiled back at him.

"We are ready, Samantha."

Teyla stepped to the side, and Caldwell dropped to one knee. "My queen," he said, bowing his head, "I offer my ship and my fealty in your service."

Sam reached out with her spoon and touched him lightly with it on either shoulder.

"Rise Sir Steven, Lord of the Admiralty." Tammy said.

Caldwell stood, and Teyla took her place at his side, her hand slipping into his. They bowed together, and stepped back, then returned to their places at the table.

Tammy turned to Ronin. "Ronin Dex, step forward."

Ronin looked surprised, but stepped over in front of them.

"Do you wish to join our service, Ronin Dex?" Tammy asked.

"I don't have a ship, and I don't know what fealty is." He said quietly, his head bowed.

Sam smiled at him, and nodded to Tammy.

"Do you pledge to serve us faithfully and well, as you have in the past?" Tammy asked.

"I do."

"Please kneel."

Ronin dropped to one knee, and Sam touched him lightly on each shoulder with her spoon.

"Rise Sir Ronin, Guardian of the Realm."

Sam handed Tammy her spoon as Ronin stood, and she slipped it into her pocket. Sam stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, laying her head on his chest.

"My life for you and our city." He said softly, putting his arms around her.

"I won't let it come to that, Ronin. I need you. We all need you." She whispered.

She held him a moment longer, then stepped back. Ronin took a step back, then returned to his place at the table.

Tammy led Sam over to the table, pulled out her chair, then took her place beside her.

She smiled as she looked around the table. "Teal'c, how would the Jaffa High Council receive my request for you as ambassador to my court?"

"Such a request would be well received. You are known by all Jaffa as a capable and fearsome warrior. But I feel that Master Bra'tac would be a better choice for that position." Teal'c said formally. "Is it your intention to establish a government here on Atlantis?"

"Yes, we will be doing that shortly, and I intend to establish diplomatic relations with the Jaffa. With the Athosians, you will be first among friends. And I had another position in mind for Master Bra'tac. I'd like you to ask him to join us here, in Atlantis, to act as senior advisor, along with Gen. O'Neill. Would he consider such an offer?"

"I believe that Master Bra'tac would be pleased to spend his final days in the company of O'Neill. To offer his wisdom to someone who will listen...yes, he will accept." Teal'c said with a smile.

She turned and looked at O'Neill. "Would you consider such a position, general?"

O'Neill looked at her, then a slow smile spread across his face. "I would be pleased to be put out to pasture with the likes of Master Bra'tac, and share our wisdom with you."

"Don't go grazing yet, Jack. There's still work we need you to do." Carter smiled back.

"We're laying the foundation for something I hope will be great, and endure long into the future." Carter said as she looked at each of them. "The strong backs at this table that have thrown their lot in with me will be that foundation. The people out in the city will be our mortar, binding us together, because we serve them, not the other way around."

"The food will be here shortly, and before it arrives. I'd like to review our progress, and plans." She said.

"Today we secured St. Louis, our gateway into the Milky Way, our trade route. I would hope that we can begin trade with the Jaffa within the year, we will have many goods and services to offer them. We are already exploring the true wonders of Atlantis, and will have all it's production and manufacturing facilities operational shortly. I intend to invite the peoples of worlds ravaged by the Wraith to settle here with us, and those that choose to, may join us in making those goods."

"We will also be taking our second city, Anchorage, in the next few weeks. That's not as ominous as it sounds." She said. "The small group that has been occupying it has oppressed the local population, forcing them into servitude, living under horrible conditions. We're going to change that. Our first act of goodwill. The oppressors will be removed, and the local population brought into the city, and taught how to operate it's systems. We've already begun giving them the gene therapy to make that possible."

"I sent out an email today, to a list that has sprung up, advocating what I have decided to do, and am doing. It was quite short, only two words." She looked down the table at Samuels. "For those of you that haven't seen it..."

Samuels pressed a button on the table beside her, and the email came up on a large screen at the foot of the table.

It read: I accept.


2050 Hours

"Queen." O'Neill said, as he puffed on a cigar. "Not what I was expecting, but she seems to have dropped into the role comfortably enough."

"It's not official, we still have to hold a vote. That's tomorrow, but it's pretty much a done deal. And this wasn't her idea. As a matter of fact, until today, she was dead set against it." Sheppard said. "Especially when she heard about the heir."

"Heir, you say? As in progeny?" O'Neill asked. "She's never shown any interest before."

"She still doesn't, it seems." Caldwell laughed, looking around to see who was in earshot. "I've never seen her at a loss like that. I never understood the expression, having an apoplexy. I think I do now."

Ronin came over, a cigar clenched in his teeth.

O'Neill looked him up and down. "You look neater than the last time I saw you." He said. "Didn't you use to have more hair? And a beard?"

"Yeah." Ronin said. "I cut it." He turned and walked over to join Tammy and Sam.

"Doesn't talk much, does he?" O'Neill said. "Guardian of the Realm?"

"Good choice. I'm Lord of the Admiralty though." Caldwell said.

"First Knight of the Realm, and Commander of the Royal Forces." Sheppard said, tapping his chest. "And your boss."

"Lord of the Admiralty sounds cooler. And I'm dating an ambassador." Caldwell said with a smirk.

"I think I'm going to get another burger." O'Neill said, stepping around Sheppard, and heading inside.

"Going somewhere general?" Samuels asked as she stepped toward the door.

"It's Jack. Just getting another burger. And they're starting to compare the size of their titles. That's gonna get ugly fast." He said. "Care to join me?"

"I'd love to. I was headed that way myself."

"So you're the architect of all this?" He said as they moved along the table, putting their burgers together.

"No, I'll accept fault for putting her the in position where this could happen, but we're where we are because of a series of events that fell into place in the right order. The right people were in place at the right time, and everything just kind of snowballed."

"The fact that the IOA turned down an offer that would have benefitted the people of two galaxies, and decided to kidnap the author of the plan behind it, well, that was just the fuel that fed the fire."