Conflicted Ch. 01

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Reminders of the past turns a mother to betrayal.
5.3k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/17/2014
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Author's Note: This is a rewrite and expansion of an older story I wrote.

All characters portrayed are 18+.


Chapter 1: She's a Complete Cock-Sucker

Leslie sat at the back of the class, watching as Mark got screamed at by the teacher. She focused on this more intently than any of the other students because, though she hated to admit it, she found his abrasive and often aggressive nature very attractive. They were teenagers, but his muscles were already well developed and his body was solid. Like the plenty of times before when such a scene occurred, she found herself getting aroused watching him argue away.

Just over two and half decades later, Lewis was walking down one of the school's corridor when a firm shove from behind made him slip and nearly fall flat on his face. He stood up from his position on all fours and turned round to face his attacker, already knowing it was Stuart. Bracing for impact, Lewis rolled with the punch to his lower chest, delivered effectively by Stuart. He let the well-built boy walk by not even slightly protesting. Stuart dealt Lewis one more utterly unprovoked punch to the face before leaving. Physically and mentally bruised, Lewis timidly walked to the bus stop and got a bus home.

"Lewis?! What happened?" asked Leslie, seeing the bruise forming on Lewis's right eye.

"Oh, um, nothing Mum, I, uh, just walked into a door."

Leslie didn't believe her son for a second, and his stifled, but very obvious, sob between 'a' and 'door' just reinforced her concern.

"Lewis, tell me what happened. Please."

"It, it was, it was Stuart. Again."

"Again? I'm sorry Lewis, you know I have to talk to his parents this time. This is too far, the school obviously has not handled it, I have to deal with this, you boys are in the last year of high school and this is no way for young adults to behave."

Leslie called around a few of the other parents from school and found Stuart's home address. She intended to speak to Stuart's parents in person, as she was sick of how out of hand this bullying had become. While furious at the boy Stuart, a little part of Leslie was annoyed at Lewis for not being able to sort out his own problems. She really didn't expect at his age to have to talk to his bully's parents and complain to the school.

However, she knew he was his father's son, who was brilliantly clever, but a little bit of a pushover both physically and mentally. Malcolm, Lewis's father, was in fact quite the opposite of all Leslie's teenage crushes. She had always been shy and timid at school so she never managed to get the attention of any of the arrogant jock-types. By the time her confidence caught up with her late-blooming looks she had ended up with Malcolm. She always felt it was for the best though, settling down with him because when she checked up on her old fancies she found most of them hadn't made much of their lives. Mark, the boy she had been obsessed with for three years in school, had turned out to still be living at home until 35, at which time he secured a job at the local supermarket as a clerk. He still had a good body though from what she last remembered.

Leslie buttoned up a long black coat over her slender 44 year old body, pulling her shoulder-length wavy brown hair out from the collar. It was a mild October evening but she still put on a pair of gloves before heading out the front door. Before starting up the Lexus, Leslie checked her face in the rear-view mirror. Her hazel eyes gazed back at her as she turned her face to examine her thin nose and well-shaped lips. She snapped herself out of the subconscious action remembering where she was going and then turned the key in the ignition.

The on-board sat-nav directed Leslie to outside the Warren household, indicating her arrival with a ping, followed by a computer simulated voice. Taking a minute to make sure she was composed, Leslie stepped out the car and clicked up the concrete driveway in black heels. She folded her arms over as a gust of wind briefly chilled her, especially her bare legs.

Leslie rang the doorbell and returned her arms to the folded position, subconsciously sending out an unfriendly signal to whoever opened the door. She waited a few seconds and then realised the driveway was empty meaning there was probably no one in. As she was about to turn away, even angrier than when she arrived, she heard some footsteps from inside.

Leslie heard the jingle of keys and the door unlocked and swung open. Greeting her was a teenage boy dressed in a t-shirt and slightly loose jeans. It struck her straight away how much this boy reminded her of Mark. The muscular build, especially around the pectorals, pleasantly messy dark hair, strong chin, all the traits that attracted her to Mark when they were young and this boy also had the benefit of brown eyes, which she preferred to Mark's blue ones; these eyes were more masculine.

"Hello, can I help you?" The boy questioned when Leslie had been silent for a couple of seconds. His tone was slightly rude and voice a bit rough, again analogous to Mark.

"Yes, sorry," said Leslie, quite pleasantly, she had even unfolded her arms, "I am looking for either Mr or Mrs Warren, I am Leslie Watkins."

"Oh right, well I'm Stuart, my mum's out just now and Dad doesn't live here. Mum's actually gone to see him. She said something about back in two hours or something, I dunno."

At this revelation that this was Stuart, Leslie stiffened up a little, and looked sternly at Stuart. In her heels she was only 5 ft 9 and Stuart looked to be around 6 ft but, nevertheless, Leslie looked quite intimidating.

"Ah... well. I have actually come to talk to your parents about you. Do you mind if I come in?"

"Uh, sure?"

The pair walked through the hallway and took a right into a living room, both looked a little untidy and the carpets definitely hadn't been vacuumed in a while. Leslie sat down on a two-seater couch while Stuart perched on the arm rest of an arm chair facing her. Leslie crossed her legs and was made aware that quite a lot of her thigh was on show by a darting glace by Stuart's eyes. She pulled on the skirt she wore beneath her coat but as it only came to mid-thigh when she was standing, it didn't help much.

"So, um, what's the problem then, uh, Lisa?"

"It's Leslie, but you can call me Mrs. Watkins."

"Oh wait... Watkins... you aren't Lewis's Mum are you?"

"Yes, in fact I am, and from your reaction I guess you know why I am here. I am aware that you are verbally and physically abusing my son and I really wanted to bring it to your parents' attention but I suppose I'll have to settle for talking to you about this."

"Yeah, well my parents are separated, that's why Mum's out they're discussing divorce or some shit, Mrs Watkins." He made a point of stressing her name before continuing, "As for Lewis, that's a lot of bullcrap, sorry to say it."

"Well, he came home with a bruise today and he says you punched him."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's all just banter, didn't realise he couldn't take it did I? Look, how's about this, I'll lay of your son if you just leave my parents out of this? They've got enough to deal with, yeah. That sound do-able?"

"It's that simple is it?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's cool, it's cool. Do I really look like a bad guy? I didn't realise he was troubled."

"Well I'm glad we've cleared up that misunderstanding," said Leslie, thinking to herself that Stuart could really talk a lot of rubbish but she maintained a polite smile as long as Stuart was being friendly.

Stuart opened the front door for Leslie and held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs Watkins, sorry it was in such bad circumstances," said Stuart as Leslie accepted his handshake; this time his 'Mrs Watkins' had seemed much more genuine. Inexplicably, Leslie lent in and kissed Stuart on the cheek. The smell of aftershave pleasantly lingered in her nose for a second.

Rolling with this, to avoid awkwardness, she very honestly said, "You too and I'm sorry about your mum and dad." She patted his upper arm and felt strong biceps, making herself slightly tingle.

"It's cool, it's cool, see you about."

Getting back into the car Leslie found herself getting very horny. She told herself it was the reminder of Mark that was setting her off but as she drove away she noticed a set of brown eyes gazing at her in her fantasy.

It was Thursday evening and it had been two days since Leslie visited Stuart. Leslie was watching television; she worked a decent paying job at a bank but her hours were quite short, working from nine in the morning until two in the afternoon so that she could be at home when her kids arrived. Katie arrived first, dropped off by the school bus; since she was younger she finished school half an hour before her brother. The mother and daughter watched the telly until the door opened again. Leslie heard her eldest walk into the hallway and she went to greet him.

"Lewis... why are you limping?" she quizzed him immediately noticing his awkward gait.

"Oh, I," Lewis paused, "I, er, got hurt."


"Just fell"

"Lewis, I'm not stupid. Don't lie to me!"

She didn't even wait to get confirmation that Lewis had indeed been physically hurt by his bully rather than, as he said, falling over. Leslie rushed up stairs and then, without questioning her own actions, removed the suit she had worn to work so she could change into a shorter dress.

Believing it to be the right choice, she removed her tights as she vaguely thought they may clash with the tight blue dress she had donned for the occasion. Half thinking, she deemed the dress, which left her upper bosom, arms and everything below her upper thigh bare, suitable to wear for confronting her son's bully once again.

Truth was she hadn't actually realised what she was wearing, she was just thinking about what she was going to say to Stuart and whichever of his parents were around. However, it wasn't in the same way as last time she went there, there was almost a tinge of schoolgirl anticipation this time round, rather than just the pure anger of last time. Before leaving, she told her son to look after his little sister then furiously shut the front door.

The bell at the Warren household rung three times in rapid succession as Leslie assaulted it. After a few seconds, Stuart opened the door and looked a little confused.

"Uh, hello Mrs Watkins," greeted Stuart, his eyes darting down to see Leslie's legs, which were once again presented bare and in high heels.

"Where is your mother?"

"She's gone to Bristol, to visit my aunt for the weekend. I'm supposed to stay with my dad, but I told him it's boring at his, so I'm staying here."

"Go, sit, inside."

For second it looked like Stuart was about to argue but then he complied and they found themselves once again in the living room, facing each other.

"You told me you were going to, in your words, 'lay off my son'."

"Hey, Mrs Watkins, he started it."

"I don't believe that for a second. He came home limping."

"Look he got offended when I said you came to visit and that I thought you were fit."

"Fit? Well whatever you mean by that," she retorted, knowing exactly what it meant, "it sounds like you started it."

"Fit. You know hot, sexy. He didn't seem to like the idea of you being attractive. So yeah he started insulting me. I, may, have kicked him."

"You think I'm sexy?" she repeated, trying to sound indignant but realising she sounded flattered, which she refused to admit she was. Quickly, she adopted a more hostile tone and continued, "I mean you kicked him?!" To reinforce her second statement, Leslie stood up and looked aggressive. In response, Stuart rose to his feet but, despite his extra height on her, he looked a little unnerved.

"Yeah, I mean look at those legs, you are a stunner. It's just unfortunate your son can't accept that and had to get a few bruises for it."

Leslie's mind wandered back to one of the only 'cool parties' she had got invited to. Mark's best friend was seeing Olivia, Leslie's friend, and so she tagged along. Olivia had heard Leslie yammer on about Mark for months at this point so, a little drunk, Olivia tried to drop it into conversation with Mark. They were in the kitchen and Leslie had been listening from just outside the door.

"I suppose she's fit," said Mark, unaware how desperately Leslie had wanted him to say something like that about her, "bit quiet though. She's here somewhere isn't she?"

She strode in with the intention of seducing him but realised she had no idea how to seduce someone. She bottled it and pretended she wanted something from the fridge. Mark and Ellie kissed that night and went on to have an eight month relationship. Leslie snapped out of her trip down memory and looked at Stuart. Not too quiet this time. Leslie unbuttoned her coat, strode forward, directly for Stuart. He was completely taken aback and stood like a rabbit in headlights. Leslie's coat tumbled to the floor as she full force shoved Stuart onto the arm chair he was standing in front of.

In what to him must have been the most unexpected action he could have imagined, her lips parted and found home on Stuart's. All the aggression and anger she had towards him had turned into passion, fuelled by desire and lust. Leaning on the seated Stuart, Leslie attacked Stuart's tongue viciously, stroking and sucking it. After a sufficient moment of confusion he reciprocated in equal vigour.

"Where's your bedroom. Take me to your bed. Fuck me. I want to be fucked."

Leslie stressed the word 'fuck' both times she said it, as if the curse word made her desire for sex with her son's bully even more prohibited. Stuart stood up and Leslie grasped his hand. The decades that separated them in age became inconsequential as both lusted after each other; Leslie every much the horny teenager as her lover-to-be. They climbed the stairs to the upper floor and turned right into Stuart's bedroom. Leslie saw the single bed and immediately protested.

"No, I want a double bed," she said with force, shoving Stuart against his door frame to briefly tongue with him again.

"Take me to your Mum's bed." She paused between some words to kiss the boy's lips. She had fantasised and masturbated every night religiously for months after that party, imagining Mark throwing her onto a huge bed, thrusting his cock into her mouth and telling everyone that she was the best cock-sucker in the school, not that bitch Ellie. In her fantasy, Mark and Leslie then fucked all night long, filling Leslie with cum until they passed out.

Without responding he led her into the room next door where, with so much pent up lust and sexual desire she knew now was the time to make that fantasy real and she threw Stuart onto his mother's bed with a forceful push. Stuart used his shoulders to shimmy a little further up the bed before his middle-aged mother-of-two lover pounced upon him. Legs placed so that her shins were on either side of his thighs, her bottom slightly in the air, her chest leaning on his, she enthusiastically kissed him. Her body gently slid up and down over his to the rhythm of their tongues in each other's mouths. Her hands moved down from messing with his hair to rest on his waist as she pulled away from the kiss. Sitting up, still looking seductive, she rapidly undid his jeans' button and unzipped the fly.

Leslie slid down off the bed, always facing her much younger lover, pulling his trousers down to his knees. In a desperate flash, she pulled off Stuart's socks and tugged down his boxers, instantly freeing an impressive erection. While not anything special either in length or girth, it made Leslie please to illicit such a response from a boy in his sexual prime. Without removing his garments fully, as she was entranced by Stuart's cock, she dived for the hard-on, mouth first.

The dick entered her lips and Stuart's bell-end touched the very back of Leslie's throat before she slightly gagged and had to retract. She sucked his foreskin back over the pink head of the penis before grasping the moist shaft in her right hand. Feeling her saliva in the palm of her hand excited Leslie as she pumped the dick rapidly a few times. Pulling her lips over her teeth, Leslie firmly bit on the bottom of Stuart's scrotum, and pulled back, stretching out the skin. She seamlessly darted for the left testicle sucking it into her mouth. She licked the skin of his ball bag as the ball resided inside her mouth. As she transitioned to the other testicle Leslie reached behind her back and unzipped her dress, pulling it downwards, exposing her bare chest.

By the time the dress had made its way under the kneeling knees of Leslie, she had taken the other bollock into her mouth. It only then occurred to her that for some reason all she had worn to the Warren household in the way of underwear was a black lacy thong, which was now her only item of clothing she still had on, bar her shoes.

Her body had been well maintained over its four decades, but it inevitably displayed its age in certain places. Her breasts had been enlarged from breastfeeding her children, but were now a slightly sagged flatter shape rather than the perky tear-drops of their youth. However, they still had quite a few years to go before they became unattractive. Her stomach had been perfectly flat in the past, but two child-births and a slowing metabolism had left her with a small curve over belly but this actually served to compliment her curvy hips. The only debatably unattractive features of her body were the stretch marks which crawled along the bottom of her abdomen. Leslie only trimmed her pubic hair, to keep it from becoming unruly, so still much of it was visible beyond the sides of her thong, and a few hairs out of the top; a fifth of it was already grey or in the process of greying.

The only signs of aging visible to Stuart, who was still on the bed, was some over-freckling on Leslie's shoulders and arms, which had been sustained from many holidays to exotic locations, and some wrinkling in her skin around the eyes and mouth. Her 'ugly duckling' childhood had motivated her to go to the gym, watch what she ate and take care with her appearance and right now all that paid off because despite obviously being a woman in her 40s she was still damn hot enough to make a young, virile teenager hard as iron.

Leslie pushed Stuart's cock against his stomach and licked up and down the entirety of the shaft and scrotum twice. She wanted to make sure that every part of his beautiful and rigid member had been duly attended to by her lips and tongue. She pulled off his jeans and pants, leaving him naked from the waist down. Stuart responded by pulling off his t-shirt as Leslie took as much of his shaft into her mouth as she could comfortably accommodate. Still gently holding the immobile shaft in her mouth Leslie reached down with her right hand to pull her thong down to meet her heels and then used both hands to pull off the pants, eventually holding the thin string between her right thumb and index finger.

Leslie brought her small underwear up above the bed, to her head level, and made a show of tossing them into the far right corner of the room. Now naked except her high-heeled blue shoes, which consisted only of a strap above her toes and behind the heel, she bobbed her head up and down the shaft of the teenager.

This was the first blowjob she'd given in weeks. Probably the longest she'd given in a year. Her jaw started to feel the strain when she felt Stuart's hand on the back of her head. Her husband had done that a few times relatively early in their sex life and she had scolded him pretty harshly for it. She didn't like him being gruff and in control when she was doing something as intimate as allowing him to let his sex organ into her mouth. When her husband grabbed the back of her head during a blowjob it felt like he was saying that he was more bothered about getting sucked-off than making sure they both enjoyed the physical intimacy.