Connie Exposed

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Connie blackmailed by her husband's randy nephew.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


I am a 34 year old married woman being blackmailed by my husband's shit of a nephew. Can you imagine how it feels to have my most intimate secrets stolen and read by a 19 year old youth? Now, he is threatening to expose me if I don't do as he says. How he got a hold of them I don't know. But, it's my fault, entirely. Who else could I blame?

I shouldn't have put my most intimate sexual confessions into print, shouldn't have kept a diary on my computer. I thought it was impregnable. I was wrong.

I mean, only I know the password. How, in hell, did he gain access? Never, for a moment, did I think anyone would read what was safely locked away in my computer.

What's in my hidden diary, you ask? Well...everything, every sordid detail of what I did and what I thought about. There was, in particular a complete account of the recent escapade up at my step-daughter's college and what I had to do to retrieve her Rose Club bracelet, which a youth had grabbed off my wrist. I would just die of shame if those confessions were read by my husband or anyone else. And, unfortunately for me, there were also intimate details of the one and only affair I have had since I got married.

What am I going to do? I am frantic. He's threatened to expose me and tell my husband, family and friends all my filthy little secrets. And what does my blackmailer want, Money? No. I'll tell you what he wants, ME. Yes, ME and sex, lots and lots of sex with ME. What am I going to do? I am in despair.

It all started at work a long time ago. I had this job as a secretary in the City and my boss was always disappearing to go to meetings or appointments. I was bored for long periods, so to pass the time, I started to keep a diary on the computer. Then I started to add details of all my adventures with various boyfriends, especially the sex stuff. And it grew from there and got to be a habit. When I left the job, I transferred all the stuff to my new laptop which only I ever used, as Tony had his own personal computer.

Tony's brother, Mike, had recently divorced and lives with Gary his son, now my tormentor. Tony felt sorry for his nephew and encouraged him to visit us. He was a shy and reserved young boy, or I thought so then. In fact, he often used to stay with us in our spare bedroom. We got used to him being around. He was never any bother.

And he would sit and play at Tony's computer for hours. Tony said he was quite good at it. I should have headed the warning signs then. When you marry into a family you never know quite what you are going to get.

He knew he wasn't allowed to use my laptop. It was kept in a wardrobe drawer underneath my panties. But, he must have got his hands on it while we were out. Somehow, he found out my password. Sloppy on my part, because, it was too simple and fairly obvious. I should have made it more complicated. I know that now, but way too late to prevent what happened. If I'd known he was trying to access my stuff, I would have had a fit. But, somehow he managed to and once he was in, he had full access to every little secret I had written. I blush now just to think of his greedy little eyes devouring what was there only for my own dark indulgences.

One Saturday morning, when Tony had gone off to a conference for the weekend, I had a surprise visitor. It was Gary. It was still early and I was in a dressing gown after my shower, waiting for Tony to ring me as promised at 10.00 a.m.

It was most unusual for him to visit while Tony was away, but, I was polite and pleasant and offered him a coffee. I could see that he was nervous and had something on his mind. I even wondered if he had come to me for advice about some girl or some personal problem. Eventually, though, he spat out what he had really come for.

"I have a confession to make," he stammered. "I've been messing around with your laptop."

That got me angry. But, even at that stage, I wasn't aware of what the implications were going to be for me.

"Gary, I am really annoyed with you," I told him. "You had no right to interfere with my laptop."

As I said this, I realised something else.

"You've been in my bedroom," I spluttered with anger, "and looking through my drawers." I closed my eyes and shuddered at the thought of his hands rifling through my clothes, feeling and fingering items of intimate underwear.

"How dare you?" I shouted. "I shall report this to Tony and your father."

"I don't think so," he said menacingly and it stopped me in my tracks.

"I'm afraid I read everything you've got on there. Read it a number of times, as a matter of fact. About what you did to retrieve that bracelet and about your affair with your boss, about a lot of things you've done or would like to have done. I know all your dark secrets, Connie."

My eyes must have opened wide with horror at the implications of what he had said. But, what he went on to say chilled me to the very core.

"You've been a very naughty girl, Connie. I'm sure you wouldn't like your sordid little secrets to be made public." He held up a computer disc and waved it in the air. "And, it's all here," he grinned. "I've got a copy of it all."

I noticed he was growing in confidence by the minute, as he gained the upper hand on me. The thought of all the stuff I had written being made available to all and sundry had stunned me into submission.

"Oh no," I said shakily, "you mustn't do that..."

I suppose that's when Tony's evil little nephew knew he had me. I could see the smile of satisfaction spread across his face. It was an expression I was to get to know well.

"Well O.K" he said. "Maybe, we can come to some arrangement, if you try and please me with certain things. I'll keep your secrets safe."

And before I could even think straight he made his first demand.

"Take off that dressing gown. I want to have a look at that beautiful body of yours."

I gasped at his brazen request. Was this the shy nephew speaking?

I knew I was completely naked under my dressing gown. He had caught me just as I had come out of the shower.

"I'm waiting" he said impatiently drumming his fingers on the arm of the chair. I clutched my robe tight and looked down at my high heeled slippers. I was still in a state of shock and didn't know what to do.

"If I let you see me naked, will you give that ...disc to me?"

"Sure," he grinned throwing it down on the sofa next to me.

I guess I wasn't thinking straight with the shock of it all. I realise now that giving in to his first demand was a big mistake. But as I say, I was flustered and confused. All I remember was that I unfastened the belt of my gown and slipped it off my shoulders. The silky material slid down my back and onto the floor.

I closed my eyes with shame, as I stood before this 19 year old youth, completely and utterly, naked. I felt my cheeks burning with the embarrassment of it all. When I opened them I could see him staring at me, fascinated, his mouth open and eyes bulging wide.

"Gosh," he stammered, "I never realised just what a fantastic body you have."

I waited a few seconds longer then snatched up my robe and slipped it back on.

"Right," I said, picking up the disc. "Let that be an end to it. And you must promise me not to interfere with my things again."

Gary took a while to register what I had said to him. I could see that he was still coping with the sight of my naked body.

I walked to the door ready to show him out and that's when he delivered his bombshell.

"Oh, I forget to tell you" he grinned as he got to his feet. "I've got other copies of your stuff. I'm afraid you're not off the hook yet."

His words shattered me just when I thought my nightmare was over.

I stood there half paralysed, trying to cope with what he had said. He was a clever little sod and he had out manoeuvred me easily.

Suddenly, he was tugging at the cord of my robe, trying to get it off me. I tried to stop him, but, the phone rang and it distracted me long enough for him to succeed.

I picked up the phone and heard Tony's voice, "Is everything alright, Darling?" He asked as Gary's hands got inside my gown and fondled my backside. "Yes," I muttered.

Gary got to his knees and started to kiss me on my buttocks and feel around my outer thighs as Tony continued to talk to me. He was telling me about the Conference he was attending, but, all I could think about was fending off his nephew's amorous advances.

The boy had his hands everywhere, as I kept turning away and swotting at his him with my only free hand. I couldn't risk shouting at him while listening to Tony. It was all I could do to shield the mouthpiece for a second or two while I hissed at him "Stop that, stop it at once."

But I might as well have been talking to the wall.

Unfortunately, Tony continued to talk and, occasionally, I had to respond.

Gary took full advantage of my difficulties, as he raided inside my open dressing gown. I felt my knees tremble and go weak as he kept sliding his hand up my inner thigh. Finally, he turned me towards him and started to lick and kiss my pussy. I couldn't concentrate on what Tony was saying. It was almost as if he was conspiring with Gary to keep me occupied with the phone. I couldn't help but gasp out loud as Gary's tongue eagerly licked the length of my slit.

"Are you sure you are alright, Darling, you sound a little tense?"

"I have to go," I said desperately, "I need the toilet."

As I put down the phone, I got swept off my feet and landed on the sofa with Gary on top of me. His hands were still roaming all over me.

"Gary," I shouted, "for goodness sake, let me go" I said, struggling to get out of his grasp.

I could see his eyes were blazing with lust. His wiry frame was surprisingly strong. Things were getting out of hand and I was not in control. I could feel his young hard cock pressing firmly against me and I was in despair wondering how I was going to get out of the situation I found myself in.

Then, I managed to get a knee into his balls and I guess I must have hurt him, because, the next thing was he was rolling onto the floor in agony. Bedraggled and flustered, I scrambled to my feet and managed to get back into my dressing gown and tie it properly.

"You bitch," shouted Gary, in pain. "You'll pay for that."

I was shocked at his disrespect for me. "How dare you treat me like that and call me such names," I complained.

He leapt to his feet and thrust his face into mine. "I'll call you what I want and treat you how I please," he hissed.

"Don't forget I've read your confessions. I know what a whore you are. And I will have you, whether you like it or not, unless you want everyone else to read them as well."

I was stunned beyond belief at this outburst. I could still feel his grubby hands on my body. The situation was insufferable. I was so angry I could hardly speak.

Fortunately, our confrontation came to an end when the front doorbell rang. I quickly ran to the door. It was Norma, my friend from across the street.

"Oh come on in, Norma," I said, almost pulling the poor girl over the threshold.

"I just called to ask if you were going into town and could give me a lift." She asked.

"Oh yes, no problem," I said immediately. "I'll just get dressed and we can go."

Gary appeared behind us. "This is Gary, Tony's nephew," I told her. "He's just leaving."

Gary gave a sly smile. He had pulled himself together very well. "I'll be in touch Connie... see you soon," he added as he swept past.

I felt a cold chill run down my spine as I watched him go. Somehow I felt I hadn't seen the last of him.

I left Norma waiting downstairs as I rushed up to my bedroom. I was shaking as I sat down on the bed, still shocked by the events of the morning and Gary's bitter words. I thought about contacting the police or at least phoning Tony or Mike but what held me back was the knowledge that this horrid young nephew had my bedroom secrets in his possession. In the end, I just hoped that I could call his bluff or make him see sense.

I heard nothing more of Gary that day. I even began to think that he had gone away ashamed of how he had treated me. And, maybe, all he really wanted was to see me naked and get a quick feel. Satisfy his curiosity, so to speak. By the time I went to bed, I had more or less convinced myself that things would be alright. I even managed to sleep well that night.

It was a normal morning up until I heard the postman drop some letters onto our hall carpet. I casually picked them up and flicked through them. There were 3 business letters for Tony and one was for me. I opened it up and got a terrible shock.

I was looking at pages from my personal computer files. Seeing them in print rocked me back on my heels. Then I read the covering letter from Gary. It read.

"Dear Connie,

This is just a sample of what I will be sending out to all the people on the enclosed list. At the very least I should think they will be changing their opinions of you. Don't you think?

The envelopes are ready to send and the people on the list would have got their letters today. Only, I thought, why not give the lady one last chance to take this seriously and be nice to me.

If you don't ring me by 12.00 a.m. today, I will post them all off. After all, I feel it is my duty to do so. Someone has to warn the community about loose women like you."

I felt my legs give way and I slumped onto the sofa. I ran my eyes down the list of names and addresses and gasped with shock. Everyone who mattered to me were there, starting with Tony, my stepdaughter, my mother-in-law, my mother and sister and loads of other friends, relations and important people, anybody who meant anything to me, in fact. The little sod had raided my laptop for all this stuff and It was all going to be used against me. He had me in his power. He could hang me out to dry.

All morning, I struggled with the nightmare scenario he had presented me with. I had nowhere to turn. I was on the brink of total ruin. My 19 year old relation had me between the rock and a hard place.

I sat and stared out of the window while my poor brain tried to cope with the ramifications of it all. Occasionally, I glanced at the clock as the hands crept round towards 12.00 a.m. I wrestled with the idea of seeking help, but, knew it was useless.

At 11.55 a.m. I knew I could leave it no longer. My trembling fingers dialled his number and he answered straight away.

"Hi, Connie, it's nice to hear from you. You are just in time. I was just about to take a sack full of letters to the post office."

"Please Gary" I pleaded, "don't do this to me."

"Alright about us getting together for a nice I'll come over and see you at 2.00 p.m.

Oh and by the way...I want you to wear absolutely nothing but your high heel shoes. Is that understood?"

There was a hushed silence, as I hesitated. I was trying to come to terms with the audacity of his request.

"I said is that understood?" Gary's voice was as hard as steel.

"Yes," I finally said in an acknowledgement of defeat.

I sat at my dressing table applying make-up. It was crazy, I know, but it was a habit I just couldn't break even in those circumstances. I heard the door bell ring and knew it was Gary. It was exactly 2.00 p.m. I walked down the stairs feeling weak and defeated and not wearing a stitch. All I had on were my 4 inch black heels and my make-up. I saw his outline in the glass and opened the door to him.

His grinning face confronted me, as shame and humiliation swept over me. I had never felt so powerless.

"Wow" he leered. "What a fabulous body you have, Connie."

He embraced me and pulled me close, squeezing the breath out of me. Then his hands groped my ass and I could tell as he rocked against me that he already had a firm erection. It wasn't long before he was pulling me up the stairs.

"We have some serious fucking to do," he growled.

My heart sank as my worst fears were confirmed. I just had to accept that Tony's young nephew was going to screw me. I no longer even liked him. And it wasn't as if he was good looking or anything.

I tried to steer him towards the spare bedroom, but, he wasn't having it. "Oh no Connie," he leered. "I want you in the marital bed. You belong to me now." He put his fingers on my jaw and forced my eyes to meet his. "Don't you?"

I bit my lip as the shame of it made me blush red. There was no way out for me.

"Yes," I whispered.

"And you'll do anything and everything I want?"

"Yes," I mumbled again.

"That's right, Connie, because, if you don't, I'll bring your little world crashing down around you. And don't, for one moment, think I wouldn't do it."

I stood submissively before him, my breasts heaving, as I fought to remain calm.

He grinned again as he stripped off quickly, before pulling me in tight and claiming me as his prize.

"I ...don't feel like," I pouted.

"What's that got to do with it," he sneered.

Then he moved his face towards me, lips parted. I turned my face away. "You can't expect me to kiss you," I protested.

"Oh yes, Connie, I do. In fact, I insist on it. I want lots of passionate kissing with tongues. And that's just for starters."

"You disgusting little beast," I spluttered, knowing I had little choice but to give him everything he wanted. "You should be ashamed of yourself having such dirty thoughts about your Uncle's wife."

"Oh should I?" He retorted. "That's rich, coming from a married woman, who gave her body to someone not much older than me in return for a worthless bracelet. Well, if he got to fuck you all night, then you're going to have to open your lovely legs for me, because I've lusted after you since I got my first hard-on."

"Please Gary," I pleaded, desperately, "just think about'll end up regretting it, I promise you."

He laughed out loud. "Nice try Connie, but I'm going to fuck you here and now. Otherwise, I'm going back home to post off those incriminating little packages."

"And don't worry about getting pregnant or catching anything, cos, when we have sex, you can be sure I'll always be wearing a condom."

He was so confident. I felt the fight just drain out of me. And there seemed no way out.

He pushed me onto the bed. Even in my distress, I couldn't help notice how big his cock was. His hands were all over me and I couldn't find the strength to push them away. I was all for getting it over with as quickly as possible, but Gary had other ideas and was in no hurry. His hands roamed freely over my breasts and thighs as I desperately tried to distance myself from his attentions. He spent lots of time on my breasts, as his mouth and tongue greedily gobbled and licked at them. He made me kneel on the bed and let them dangle down while he squeezed and played with them. And, of course, he couldn't resist the opportunity to twist and pull at my nipples. Eventually, he had me crying out in pain.

"Does that hurt, Connie? Oh... What a shame. Well it's not the first time anyone has done that to you is it? Not according to those intimate little confessions of yours...And, despite your pathetic protests, I know you just love it."

My face went scarlet as I remembered writing somewhere that I enjoyed being tormented like that. Now, Gary was going to throw my own secrets back in my face.

His hand moved south over my flat stomach, down and down until his fingers lazily drifted over my pussy. I gasped and jerked as if an electric spark had gone through me. I made a token attempt to stop him, but he firmly pushed my hand away. I knew I had no choice but to surrender to him, as his fingers busily probed and fingered my pussy. He made me spread my legs to give him better access and made the most of it. He fingered me incessantly, and, as time went by, it was inevitable that he got me moist with my juices. He had known what to do, of course, it was all there in my diary notes, just like a guidance manual, "How to get Connie aroused."