Consequences - Jessica


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The case was heard after three months. All parties were present in the courtroom and Judge O'Hara was presiding. On one side was Jess with a couple of his colleagues, including William, and on the other was Ted with his young attorney. He never turned his head in her direction, but her eyes were only on him. She wanted to run to Ted and hug him, kiss him and tell him that she loved only him.

By the way the case was being handled by the judge, Ted knew that he would not be a single man soon. Finally, the judge proposed twenty counseling sessions and would make decisions after receiving a report from the counselor. Jess and her group were overjoyed.

"Your honor," Derek Wong stood up and addressed to the judge. "Before you hit the gavel and give your rulings, my client has something to say."

Everyone was quiet and all eyes were on Ted.

"We'll hear what you have to say Mr. Wilson, but don't take much time." The judge looked at Ted.

"Thank you, your honor." Ted stood up and fixed the judge in the eyes. "I am making the decision to stay married. I'm no more looking for a divorce."

"This is the best decision you could make." The judge said. "Both of you should sit down and settle any misunderstandings and live happily." He scanned the courtroom. "Case closed." He hit the gavel.

Jess sprang with joy and rushed towards Ted. For the first time he turned his head towards her. He had an angry face. He raised his hand and motioned her to stop.

"Your honor," Ted addressed to the judge. "I have two legal questions."

"Mr. Wilson, there is no divorce case. Take your wife home and see how both of you can build up your future. For any legal matters, please refer to your attorney."

"I just wanted to know if there is any law in this state or country which compels me to stay under the same roof with my cheating wife. And second, if I will be prosecuted if I don't have sex with her."

"Mr. Wilson," the judge was irritated. "Spouses are meant to stay together and sex forms part of their life."

Jess sat down on the nearest chair, shook her head and started to cry. William Sullivan approached her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"You can leave your wife right now and move anywhere in the world, and there is no law which can stop you. You have no kid to worry about. Your wife's salary is more than yours, no need to worry about her either." Derek Wong smiled at Ted.

"I'm thinking about Alaska or the south." Ted almost yelled, turned around and left.

Jess ran after him. In the hallway she stopped him by grabbing his hand. He pushed her away and continued to walk. "Please Ted, don't do this. It was a mistake, a stupid mistake. I'm really sorry. I love you Ted and only you. Please give me another chance. I beg you Ted."

Ted didn't respond and looked straight in front of him. Jess followed him. "We can put everything behind us, I know you love me Ted, or else you won't be that angry with me. It was a moment of weakness. Please forgive me. Let's go home. I'll change careers if need be. I will see that we spend more time together. We'll start our family. I will be the best wife. I promise."

Ted turned around angrily. "Promise! You made one at the altar, remember? And now a second one. Then there will be a third and so on! I don't trust you Jessica!" Ted yelled. "Am I angry? Yes I am, but with myself, because I am the one who made a mistake, not you. I should not have fallen in love with you."

"No, don't say that," Jess pleaded while trying to hold Ted's face with her hands.

He removed her hands with anger. "I should not have proposed to you. Or when you mentioned your plan to become a lawyer, I should have turned around and ran away."

Jess fell to her knees and grabbed his legs and held on. "Please Ted, don't do this. Please."

"You disrespected me. Till now I have been asking myself where did I go wrong for you to seek other men."

"It was nothing to do with you, it was me." Jess cried. "If you really love me, you will forgive me and come home."

"If you really love me," Ted bent down to face Jess. "You will let me go." Ted pulled away from her grasp and walked away, leaving a crying Jess sitting on the floor.

Outside, Ted walked to his van. "Alaska or the south?" He asked himself. "I will need to toss a coin."

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